The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1515 Scared out of a heart attack

Sun Mingji couldn't help but asked: "Feifei, you craned your neck to look around... Are you anxious to say why Wei Shao hasn't come yet? Or is there something left here?"

Sun Lingfei twitched her mouth and snorted coldly: "Who cares if that idiot comes or not? I just think... oh, there are so many cars here."


Eyes inadvertently swept across a domineering off-road vehicle, Sun Lingfei's eyes brightened instantly, and she hugged her father's hand tightly with one hand, pointing at the off-road vehicle with the other, "Dad, look, especially Isn’t that domineering one?”

Sun Mingji looked at the off-road vehicle with the military region license plate on it, and the muscles on his face twitched. It was not because the owner of a car with such a license plate must have a strong background. After all, Zheju is well-known throughout Yanjing. Many people with status came here to eat.

It’s because her daughter’s reaction is really wrong. She’s not being perfunctory, but she really likes this car, but her daughter only likes sports cars. When did she like this kind of Big Mac?

How could Sun Mingji guess that the moment he saw the off-road vehicle, Sun Lingfei immediately recognized that this was the vehicle that Zhou Yan got on in the morning. This kind of car is not too common in Yanjing, besides, Sun Lingfei also took note of the distinctive license plate, so he came, he did not break his promise, he really came.

For a while, Sun Lingfei only felt very happy and excited. She only felt that there were many smiling faces in the sky, and that the air was so sweet that she wanted to hum the song "Today is a good day".

Seeing the inexplicable smile on his daughter's face, Sun Mingji's face twitched even more, and even, his heart was really creepy. He once again decided that his daughter was planning to go to some extreme, or, before that, she Too depressed, depressed and depressed, and then...split personality?

"Feifei, you..." He hesitated to speak, carefully controlling his tone, for fear of irritating his daughter all of a sudden, "Are you okay?"

"Huh? I'm fine, I'm fine, Dad, can't you tell that I'm happy now?" Sun Lingfei smiled like a flower, and two deep dimples appeared on her cheeks.

Sun Mingji's expression was stiff, and he really wanted to say, it's because he saw that you were happy, so Dad didn't have any confidence at all, and he was about to have a heart attack from being frightened by you.

Sun Lingfei was smart, so she understood her father's thoughts immediately, and said with a sweet smile: "Dad, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm really fine, our family will be fine, and your hard work for most of your life will be safe , in the future, no one will dare to play tricks on our family."

Sun Mingji was even more worried.

No matter how you listen, my daughter is planning to go to extremes.

Looking at his daughter with complicated and worried eyes, just as he was about to say something, an arrogant white Lamborghini roared up and came to him in an instant.

The car door was quickly pushed open, first a pair of shiny white leather shoes appeared in front of everyone, then long legs as thin as chopsticks, followed by a slender man in white who even wore a white gentleman hat on his head. The thin figure got out of the car.

Wei Fengsheng! Wei Fengsheng, who is pulling the tiger skin of the Wei family and pretending to be a calf outside!

Although people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, don't look too primitive, otherwise, even the best clothes are useless! Just like this Wei Fengsheng, his whole body is covered with brand-name products, but wearing these brand-name products on his body, on the contrary, his ugliness is vividly reflected, and there is nowhere to hide.

At this time, a gust of wind blew past, and Sun Mingji was worried that the wind would blow this bastard away, but at the same time, a smile appeared on his face, like an elder looking at a junior: "The sound of the wind."

"Uncle, I'm really sorry, it's a crime to let you wait here." Wei Fengsheng said sorry, but the arrogance and condescension on his face were clearly revealed.

Then his eyes fell on the goddess Sun Lingfei. In an instant, his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and his eyes stared directly, as if they were about to fall off at any time.

Is she really... Sun Lingfei?

From bottom to top, first is a pair of simple but sexy high heels, revealing her sexy toes painted with red nail polish, and then simple pencil pants, which fully outline her long sleeved thighs and curled up legs. Her buttocks are straight, her upper body is wearing a pink shirt, the top two buttons are not buttoned, and the shirt is slightly open, revealing the snow-white chest and the ditch... Although the ditch is not deep, it is still no problem to drown a child of.

A platinum lucky ball hangs right between the two lumps of weakness, shining with dazzling silver light, almost blinding other people's eyes.

Wei Fengsheng looked at Sun Lingfei obsessively, even the corners of his mouth were already dripping with transparent liquid. He knew very clearly that Sun Lingfei was good-looking, otherwise he wouldn't have tried to get her like this, especially when he laughed. That dimple, he wanted to jump down and die drunk in it.

But he didn't expect that Sun Lingfei could be so... sexy, yes, that's the word, sexy! Wei Fengsheng never put the label "sexy" on Sun Lingfei, but now, Sun Lingfei's distinctive sexiness made his nose feel hot, and he was about to bleed.

It turned out that Sun Lingfei had such a thing on her chest? Usually that is really hidden!

"The sound of the wind, the sound of the wind..." Seeing this bastard staring at his daughter in a lascivious manner, Sun Mingji had no choice but to clear his throat.

He was worried, if his daughter couldn't hold back and beat someone up, it would be terrible. At this moment, Sun Mingji regretted it. When Sun Lingfei was young, she was sent to practice taekwondo, which made her so violent now.

At the same time, he was depressed, and felt extremely guilty, feeling that he was really sorry for his daughter, but if there was any way, how could he let his daughter marry such a thing? Saying that a toad ate swan meat is insulting that toad! This is no less than pushing your daughter to hell... Is there any difference between facing this face every day and seeing ghosts all the time?

Wei Fengsheng came to his senses, quickly wiped off the trace of transparent liquid at the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and stared at Feifei Sun with his eyes still full of obscenity: "Feifei, look so good today, so sexy..."

"Thank you, you look handsome in white today." Sun Lingfei said with a slight smile. Because of the good mood, Wei Fengsheng, who has always been more disgusting than a piece of shit in her eyes, doesn't seem to be so annoying anymore. He is ugly and cute, just like a monkey among animals, which is very good .

As soon as these words came out, Sun Mingji's face twitched wildly. He was really terrified. His eyes widened and he stared at his daughter. Is this really his daughter? If so... how could she say such a thing?

Wei Fengsheng's face was twisted into a bun because he was so happy. He didn't expect Sun Lingfei to appear in front of him in such a dress, let alone Sun Lingfei would praise him for being handsome, so... he was invisible The domineering spirit released in the air conquered her? She now willingly wants to be her own woman? Yes, it must be so!

So, Wei Fengsheng was so excited: "Haha, is it? I think so too..."

While speaking, his body was still forward and his hand was still stretched out, and he was about to hug Sun Lingfei's slender body with an affectionate look.

Sun Lingfei took a step back, dodging his salty hands in an instant, and the original smile on his face was also restrained, and the original expression of undisguised disgust was restored. A few seconds ago, it was not easy for this guy. The resulting so insignificant not disgusting instant feeds the dog.

Glancing at that face, my stomach began to twist and feel like vomiting again, until another face appeared in my mind, and the feeling of vomiting was suppressed bit by bit.

The hand was lost all of a sudden, and the smile on Wei Fengsheng's face also froze. He thought that his hand had been stretched out, but Sun Lingfei couldn't help leaning into his arms shyly? But how did she escape? In addition, how did the expression on her face return to the original one?

Sun Mingji hurriedly smoothed things over and grabbed Wei Fengsheng's hand to save him from embarrassment: "Haha, Young Master Wei, please come inside, today I prepared for you. A few favorite dishes, and a bottle of French Bordeaux red wine, I believe Wei Shao, you will like it."

"Haha, okay, please, Uncle Sun." Wei Fengsheng was polite, although he wondered whether Sun Lingfei was mentally ill or what, why he was hot and cold, but he didn't care that much, anyway, this woman couldn't escape him palm of the hand. From Wei Fengsheng's point of view, women are meant to be conquered, as long as one day he presses her under him and gives him a good whip, she will naturally submit.

Wei Fengsheng knew that that day was not far away.

Of course, that day is today, and there is nothing wrong with it at this moment, but Wei Fengsheng has always disliked coercion, which is why he has not attacked Sun Lingfei for a long time.

At present, Sun Mingji is leading the way, Wei Fengsheng follows, and Sun Lingfei follows at the back. At the same time, Sun Mingji is also secretly thinking about Sun Lingfei. In fact, he is about to have a heart attack. He is afraid that someone who is not paying attention will do it. Something irreparable happened.

No matter what harm she caused to herself, or what harm she caused to Wei Fengsheng, this was not what Sun Mingji wanted to see.

The result he hopes to see is that his daughter can bear the humiliation and marry into the Wei family, marry Wei Fengsheng, even if Wei Fengsheng spends his time outside after marriage, so what? Sun Mingji even prayed that Wei Fengsheng would die in some woman's belly quickly. Anyway, as long as his daughter becomes a member of the Wei family, he will be on board the big ship of the Wei family, and the life of their father and daughter will definitely be much better than now.

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