The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1516 Angry Wei Fengsheng

Fortunately, on the way to Yun Pavilion, such a terrible thing didn't happen... Sun Lingfei didn't do anything extreme.

But Sun Mingji's heart was always hanging, and he didn't dare to be careless at all. After all, the various actions and reactions of his daughter at this time made him feel too abnormal. I think she is planning to seduce some man.

In addition, she even smiled at Wei Fengsheng, and said he was handsome... This made Sun Mingji feel like he was struck by lightning. It was against his own conscience and he had to bear so much disgust to say this. Come on.

And now, she kept looking around with her big eyes open. Every time she passed a box, as long as the door was open, she would crane her neck to look inside. Even when she passed those doors that were closed, she even had The urge to push the door open... What is she looking for?

After passing the Xingyue Pavilion in front, there is the Yunyun Pavilion. The Yunyun Pavilion is the largest and magnificent box in Zhejiang Juli. This is a box used by Sun Mingji to entertain distinguished guests, and it is not normally reserved.

At this time, the antique wooden door of Xingyue Pavilion was not closed. Sun Lingfei took a look inside. When she saw the familiar profile sitting inside, her eyes widened suddenly, and then her cheeks were already pale. Two intoxicating dimples appeared.

"Zhou Yan..." She stood there, her beautiful eyes were full of smiles, and she yelled at Li Zedao, who was burying his head in his face and eating too much.

Even she herself didn't know, her kind of smile, that kind of coercion, that kind of anticipation, was like a girl who fell in love and met her boy.

"Zhou Yan?"

Sun Mingji and Wei Fengsheng who were walking in front stopped and turned their heads when they heard Sun Lingfei's extremely happy voice, and looked at Sun Lingfei who was standing at the door of the box in Xingyue Pavilion.

Especially Sun Mingji, seeing his daughter like this, his heart skipped a beat. He suddenly seemed to understand why his daughter was acting so abnormal today, and also seemed to understand what "trick" her daughter was planning to do.

Sun Jundong in the private room looked back at Sun Lingfei who was standing at the door, he was a little puzzled after being amazed, this beauty must have misunderstood someone, right? There is no one named "Zhou Yan" here.

Li Zedao looked up and saw that it was Sun Lingfei, with a faint smile on his face, and pointed to Sun Jundong beside him: "Would you like to come in and eat together? He treats you."

"Okay, I didn't eat much at noon, and I was starving to death." Sun Lingfei smiled.

Sun Mingji is about to explode,

From Sun Lingfei's tone and expression, he seemed to be acting like a baby with his boyfriend, so now he can be 100% sure of his guess. He is really anxious, trying hard to give his daughter a look, and to tell her Even if you want to find a shield, don't block Wei Shao's face. With Wei Shao's narrow-mindedness and ruthlessness, he will kill you!

Wei Fengsheng's face also turned cold all of a sudden, and an inexplicable fierce light surged in his eyes.

What made Sun Mingji want to fly into a rage was that Sun Lingfei ignored his eyes at all, and walked briskly into the box with such eagerness, as if a bird had returned to its nest.

At this moment, Sun Mingji felt his heart contract suddenly, and his complexion became extremely ugly, as if he had a heart attack.

In the private room, Sun Jundong understood immediately, so Zhou Yan was the pseudonym Li Shao used when picking up his girls! Immediately, he got up in a doggy manner, and helped this beautiful girl pull away the chair in front of Li Zedao, and said with a smiling face, "Sister-in-law, you sit down, I'll call the waiter right away, let's order some dishes..."

"Sister-in-law..." Sun Lingfei's face was burning instantly, but there was an inexplicable sweetness in his heart. His eyes flustered and glanced at Li Zedao, and then quickly moved away, "You...don't yell, I'm not like him What about this relationship..."

Then, an extremely displeased roar came over: "Damn it, boy, what kind of sister-in-law are you calling? Am I your elder brother? I know you as a bum? Do you believe it or not? Your mouth was smashed, and your teeth were pulled out one by one?"

Wei Fengsheng came in, looked at Sun Jundong with extremely unfriendly eyes, and then fell on Li Zedao who was sitting there as if nothing had happened, his eyes were even more unkind, those cold sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, that flushed pockmarked face, matched With such eyes, it looks really scary.

His chest heaved extremely violently, one can imagine how angry he is now, even, he wants to kill someone!

He only felt that there was an extra hat on his head, and that hat was still green!

"Feifei, what are you doing? come here!" The face of Sun Mingji who came in immediately became completely cold, his face was full of rage, he was really overwhelmed by his daughter's such stupid behavior The behavior is so angry, do you think that if you find a shield to show that we are in love with each other or even pregnant or something, Wei Fengsheng will give you up and bless you in a reasonable way?

How naive! How stupid! Extremely reckless!

Sun Jundong, who didn't understand the situation so well, stepped aside after receiving Li Zedao's stare. Without any instructions from Li Zedao, even if the other party spat at him, he couldn't react.

"Dad... are you yelling at me?" Sun Lingfei was a little dumbfounded looking at the furious father, feeling very wronged. In his impression, his father had never spoken to him in such a harsh tone, and he always spoke softly, as if he was afraid of scaring him. , but now... he actually yelled?

"Come here, do you hear me?" Sun Mingji's voice became louder and harsher, his face was flushed, his blood pressure soared, and he stared at Li Zedao with extremely unfriendly eyes, which contained the kind of The threat is clearly undisguised.

"No! Not at all!" Sun Lingfei covered her ears with red eyes, responded angrily and loudly, and then sat down heavily on the chair that Sun Jundong had pushed aside.

"You..." Sun Mingji was so angry that his body trembled, and he was about to spurt blood, "You are trying to piss me off, aren't you?"

However, Li Zedao acted as if nothing had happened, with a calm face all the time. He even reached out to fetch a pair of unused chopsticks and handed them to Sun Lingfei whose chest was heaving badly. He touched Sun Lingfei's back a few times, and said softly: "Feifei, eat something first, and I'll take care of the rest. I promise, I will make my uncle like me, and you can leave you to me without worry... ..."

Sun Lingfei looked at the other party's affectionate face, and was just... dumbfounded! Completely dumbfounded! Fang's heart was even more violent, and the other party's sudden tenderness and ambiguity caught her by surprise, so, was her meticulous dressing in vain?

Naturally, Wei Fengsheng and Sun Mingji were caught off guard.

Wei Fengsheng is a very small-minded person, and he always reports his flaws, so he doesn't think about whether this is because Sun Lingfei found a shield to perform a play with him. He believes 100% that what he saw was his What she thinks is the truth, so Sun Lingfei is betraying herself. She has found a jerk for wearing a cuckold, and she even dares to flirt with the jerk in front of her face.

What can be tolerated and what cannot be tolerated! Wei Fengsheng, who has always liked to put a cuckold on other men's heads, the thing he dislikes the most is that he also has a cuckold on his head, so he is angry, and the pockmarks on his face are even more red. Eyes wide open, he stared at Li Zedao viciously, and shouted heart-piercingly: "Boy, do you dare to touch her? I will definitely chop off your hand, I will definitely make you die ugly of……"

Sun Mingji's face turned pale, his body was trembling, he turned his head and shouted at the people in the box: "Xiao Cheng, call the security guard over here."

The boss roared, and Manager Cheng of Zheju quickly appeared with a few security guards.

"Give him to me...please get out!" Sun Mingji pointed at Li Zedao and said loudly, although he was angry, he still did not lose his mind.

Looking at Li Zedao, his tone was stiff and cold: "Zheju doesn't welcome you, please leave, this meal is my treat!"

"Wait." Wei Fengsheng lost his mind, pointing at Li Zedao and yelling, "You cut off his left hand first!"

He really hated the bastard's left hand in front of him, how dare he touch his woman's back? He hasn't even touched it! It had to be chopped off and chopped up to be fed to the dogs!

Sun Mingji gritted his teeth, knowing that if he didn't follow Wei Fengsheng's words, he might offend Wei Fengsheng completely, so his face was full of anger: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you follow Wei Shao's words? Break his hand!"

The only thing he can do now is to stand 100% on the same line with Wei Fengsheng, let him know that he doesn't know about this matter, and let him know that they are just acting, not real... He knows that with Wei Fengsheng's IQ In all likelihood, it is impossible to tell that Sun Lingfei is looking for someone to cooperate with her in acting.

"Dad..." Sun Lingfei was in a hurry, got up suddenly, and stopped Li Zedao behind her. Although she had seen Zhou Yan's driving skills, and Zhou Yan claimed to be a swordsman, it didn't mean how good he was in fighting. If these security guards really let them do it, he might suffer a lot.

"Shut up, I don't have a daughter like you, you pull her away..." Sun Mingji roared.

"Quick, cut off his hand for me, hey..."

Before Wei Fengsheng could say the last word "dog", his voice stopped abruptly.

Then, everyone stopped moving, and each stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded.

I saw that Li Zedao appeared in front of Wei Fengsheng at some point... This is of course terrifying, after all, the distance between Li Zedao and Wei Fengsheng is at least five meters away, and more importantly, there is a big table between them, but no one can I didn't see Li Zedao appearing in front of Wei Fengsheng like this.

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