The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1527 Apprenticeship

Of course, Sun Lingfei is also full of anticipation at this time, but Li Zedao said that acupuncture and moxibustion several times in a row, combined with a special massage technique, can achieve initial results in a week at most, at least one cup is no problem of.

At that moment, Sun Lingfei hugged Li Zedao's arm, with a happy and sweet smile on his face, not to mention the dimples, which looked so deep and charming.

And her intimate behavior also made Han Xulong and Jiang Xue stunned for a while, especially Han Xulong, not only frowned, but his handsome face became gloomy.

"Senior Brother Park, Senior Sister Jiang, let me introduce to you my boyfriend, Li Zedao." Sun Lingfei said, her little head still resting on Li Zedao's shoulder, and the sweet smile on her face couldn't be restrained no matter what.

Han Xulong listened, and his face became gloomy again. In fact, although he is with Jiang Xue now, he has never stopped thinking about Sun Lingfei and has always held illusions.

But now Sun Lingfei brought a man over and said that this was her boyfriend. Han Xulong, who was originally narrow-minded, couldn't accept anything. He was kicked flying, and Sun Lingfei took his place in his arms.

However, he was somewhat scheming, so his complexion quickly returned to normal. He forced a smile on his face and stretched out his hand towards Li Zedao, with an imperceptible coldness in his eyes. : "Hello, I'm Park Xulong, nice to meet you."

"Hello, Li Zedao." Li Zedao said with a faint smile on his face. He doesn't have a good impression of the people of this country, so he is not too enthusiastic, and of course he is not rude.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and shook it with him. Then, he frowned inaudibly, and he clearly felt that the hand that Pu Xulong was holding his hand suddenly exerted force, and continued to increase the force. .

"Damn it, you actually plan to use Yin? You will die!" Li Zedao murmured in his heart.

At the same time, Park Xulong acted as if nothing had happened, and even had more smiles on his face, as if bathed in spring breeze.

When girls see this kind of handsome and sunny expression, they are basically nympho. For example, Jiang Xue, who is standing next to Park Xulong, is not as good as many female students who do not train well but focus on Park Xulong. They all looked crazy.

"Teacher Park is so handsome..." Many female students held their hearts with their hands, their eyes became two hearts, and even their saliva flowed down.

We only knew each other for less than a minute,

Because of Sun Lingfei, Park Xulong directly put this Li Zedao in the list of people he hates the most, so he wanted to use the handshake to give the other party a blow first before talking.

He wants to make him stand up in pain, he wants him to roll on the ground, he wants him to lose face in front of Sun Lingfei, as for Sun Lingfei's anger and accusations afterwards, he just needs to shrug his shoulders and apologize to me and Mr. Li It feels like old friends at first sight, the strength of the hand accidentally became a little stronger, I'm really sorry.

But soon, Park Xulong felt that something was wrong. After all, when a person is exposed to an external force attack, the body will naturally make a defensive posture, that is to say, when he suddenly clenched the hand of the Huaxia monkey , the opponent should also contribute accordingly to avoid being hurt.

But the other party didn't do that, even though he kept pinching hard, he didn't make any resistance.

Han Xulong felt that if his hands were made of iron, then the Huaxia monkey's hands would be a ball of cotton. This feeling of holding the cotton tightly made him feel aggrieved when he had all the strength but couldn't use it at all. Looking at the other person's face with a faint smile, but also have to admire this guy's endurance, then... continue to work harder.

Knowing the strength of his hands, Park Xulong was also afraid of breaking the bones of the opponent's hand, so he still had some spare strength, but now that this damn Huaxia monkey is so tolerant, Park Xulong is not polite.

Therefore, Pu Xulong continued to increase his strength, and even finally exhausted all his strength, and the veins on the back of his hands burst out.

Of course, because the expressions of the two of them didn't change much, and they both looked at the handsome guy with nympho, neither Sun Lingfei nor Jiang Xue thought that Park Xulong had already made a cruel move in secret.

"Mr. Park is a black belt, so he must be very black?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

Looking at the other party's face with a faint smile, Han Xulong couldn't help but want to curse, damn it, it's obviously in pain, why did he pretend like this?

Before he could answer, Jiang Xue on the side said proudly: "Of course, our Xulong is now at the third-degree black belt level, and he is also the gold medal coach of the Zhengtu Taekwondo Hall. If you want to learn Taekwondo , for the sake of your Princess Taiping, our Xulong can teach you personally, lest you will be beaten if you make your Princess Taiping angry in the future."

This woman didn't forget to emphasize her current relationship with Park Xulong, and she didn't forget to remind Park Xulong that Sun Lingfei was already someone else's girlfriend, and she didn't forget to continue to mock Sun Lingfei.

Sun Lingfei looked at Jiang Xue as if she was looking at an idiot, and was very upset, what happened to being beaten? Our family, Zedao, likes to be beaten by me, doesn't he? How do you look like you? With Senior Brother Park's deep-rooted male chauvinism in H country, I'm afraid you will become Brother Park's sandbag in the future, right?

Sun Lingfei felt that Jiang Xue was so pitiful that she didn't even know that the sheep had fallen into the wolf's mouth.

"Third-degree black belt, really amazing." Li Zedao complimented with admiration, and then his expression was a little embarrassed, "But I will not learn Taekwondo, because I just started to learn Chinese Kung Fu some time ago, and now I have already started , you can’t give up halfway, can you? As for our Weiwei’s plan to beat me up..."

Li Zedao turned his head and looked at Sun Lingfei affectionately: "Be gentle when beating me, if your hand hurts, I will feel so bad."

"I hate it." Sun Lingfei smiled like a flower, and pinched the flesh on Li Zedao's back. What he said was really nasty but extremely sweet.


Park Xulong was so angry that he was going crazy, his hands continued to increase, and then he continued to feel aggrieved to find that he was holding a ball of cotton, and even his hands hurt from excessive force, which made him even more aggrieved I want to spurt blood.

This bastard is too much, really too much, too pretending, too tolerant, and too disrespectful of other people's "fruits of labor"!

"Oh, Huaxia Kungfu?" Park Xulong's tone was full of contempt, and at the same time, he planned to withdraw his hand. The two big men stopped playing with their hands. It's not the same thing, is it?

"Yes, Chinese Kungfu, Mr. Park, do you want to learn? We can learn from each other." Li Zedao laughed.

"Really? I want to learn." Park Xulong's voice sounded extremely surprised.

Jiang Xue and Sun Lingfei were dumbfounded when they heard what Pu Xulong said, because Pu Xulong's answer was completely beyond their expectations, especially the tone, which was so pleasantly surprised and so impatient.

But they didn't pay attention to Park Xulong's face, that handsome face was so dull at this moment! Pu Xulong only felt that there was an abnormal roar in his ears, and he felt that his brain was blank! Because he was 200% sure that he didn't say this sentence, but he was 200% sure that it was his voice... So, what the hell?

For a moment, Pu Xulong's back was inexplicably cold, as if there was a female ghost with disheveled hair sticking out her tongue at him.

And just when Park Xulong wondered in horror whether he had seen a ghost, Li Zedao's cotton-like palm suddenly turned into hot steel, and a wave of ferocious and incomparable force crazily rushed towards Park Xulong's palm.


Pu Xulong's expression suddenly changed, and his knees went limp uncontrollably in the next second, and he knelt down in front of Li Zedao.

"Mr. Li, I want to worship you as my teacher." The tone was so sincere and excited.

Pu Xulong couldn't care about the pain anymore, this time he was so frightened that his body became stiff... He didn't speak at all, or he felt that his hands were about to be crushed, and he couldn't speak because of the pain, but But unfortunately, his sincere and excited voice lingered in his ears.

Seeing Pu Xulong like this, Sun Lingfei and Jiang Xue felt numb again. They just felt that they were not well. Especially Jiang Xue, whose eyes are at least three times bigger than usual!

You know, because of national and ethnic reasons, Park Xulong, who is a black belt master, has always disdained Huaxia Kungfu the most. The taekwondo of the big h nation is incomparable.

But now why do I hear the other party say that I am very excited after practicing Huaxia Kung Fu for a few days, saying that I want to learn it, or even... knelt down and said that I want to learn Kung Fu?

The students around were also stupefied, watching the scene of Pu Xulong kneeling down to worship the teacher for Huaxia Kung Fu, and some of them were even pinching themselves hard, wondering if they were dreaming.

How could they possibly know that what Park Xulong said, "Really? I want to learn!" was said by Li Zedao imitating Park Xulong's voice with ventriloquist. He couldn't even stand still.

Then, Sun Lingfei's eyes began to light up. She felt that Li Zedao was so good and handsome that he conquered Park Xulong the moment they met! Also, how could the man I like be an idiot?

Jiang Xue and many followers of Pu Xulong's brainless fans started to excuse Park Xulong.

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