"Learning is endless. Teacher Park's broad mind and learning spirit are worth learning from..."

"The posture of kneeling is so handsome, as expected of my Oppa..." Many girls have begun to become nympho, although they basically know that Park Xulong liked Sun Lingfei before and is now dating Jiang Xue, but it's okay to take a look. Pleasing to the eye is more motivation to practice taekwondo, isn't it?

Besides, even if they date, they can break up, they still have a chance!

Just when these people were shocked and started to excuse Pu Xulong, Li Zedao hurriedly bent over to help him, and said helplessly: "Mr. Park, you want to learn Chinese Kung Fu, let's discuss it together, and I am also very willing to share my knowledge with you." Experience, why do you still plan to worship me as a teacher? This is not popular now... I am really moved by your sincerity!"

Except for Li Zedao and Park Xulong himself, no one else can imagine what kind of torture Park Xulong is suffering now. He almost believes that there is a ghost, so he is extremely horrified in his heart. The pain replaced it, and he was in so much pain that his face was almost twisted into a bun, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he wanted to tear up this damn guy who made him lose face so much!

His right hand was still in the opponent's hand, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't retract it. The palm that was still soft just now seemed to be crushed and deformed with just a little bit of force, but now it was so hot and hard, an irresistible force surged continuously, pressing down on his body. He couldn't move his mouth, couldn't speak, and even breathing became extremely difficult, but unfortunately, it might be because of the pain that his mind was so clear.

So naturally I heard what Li Zedao said next very clearly, and my chest was so angry that the blood was surging, and I almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

But he couldn't do anything, he could only watch helplessly as the other party continued to humiliate him over there.

Li Zedao bowed slightly, still tightly holding Park Xulong's hand with one hand, and holding his left arm with the other hand, as if he really wanted to help him up but Park Xulong was very stubborn, you won't get up if you don't agree Park, really, I am very touched, I am touched by your sincerity and your love for Chinese Kungfu, but I am really just getting started, so I am not qualified to be your master, so let's exchange It’s all about sparring, but I can introduce you to a martial arts gym..."

Pu Xulong's throat started to feel sweet. He felt that all the humiliation he had suffered in his life and the humiliation he had inflicted on others was not as much as this bastard inflicted on himself now!

When he said this, Li Zedao had already loosened his grip on Park Xulong's right hand. He felt sick when he held it down. He was holding a man's hand for such a long time. Damn it, he was still a man from H country. hand, no matter how you think about it, how disgusting it is.

hands freed,

The strength of Pu Xulong's body recovered quickly. When he got up, he felt his hands were numb, and he had almost no other sensations except pain. He tried his best to make his distorted, gloomy and painful face look normal, but he looked at Li Zedao At the time, there was a murderous look in his eyes that couldn't be restrained, and he said with great effort: "You can't be my teacher? That's a pity, I really like Huaxia Kungfu..."

Now, no matter whether there is a real ghost or not, Park Xulong can only continue to "shame face", and he can't point to the other party's nose and say you son of a bitch, you almost cut off my hand, I want to call the police, I want to tell My grandpa...that would only be more embarrassing!

He is a handsome man, he is the oppa of many female students, he is an idol, he is the face of this Taekwondo gym, he cannot be ashamed!

Li Zedao blinked, and his tone was playful: "If Mr. Park really wants me to be your teacher, then I will..."

Pu Xulong was taken aback, and quickly interrupted the other party: "Mr. Li, I have always yearned for Huaxia Kungfu, especially when I watched those martial arts movies in China, I was very yearning for the kind of Kungfu in it, so I thought Use taekwondo to compete with your Chinese Kung Fu, I want to see the real essence of Chinese Kung Fu, and I hope you can agree, please!"

Seemingly a very polite request, he also nodded to Li Zedao, but the murderous look in his eyes was pervasive, and he couldn't hide it no matter what.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly. How could he not know that this guy was planning to regain his place on stage, at least, he wanted half his life, right? But, why continue to humiliate yourself? Sure enough, the people of that ethnic group are more or less vile, and they must be beaten thoroughly before they know how to be afraid!

"This..." Li Zedao sneered in his heart but hesitated, looking not so confident.

"I also ask Mr. Li to agree to my request." Park Xulong nodded again, looking very yearning for Huaxia Kungfu, but his eyes still flashed with a strong murderous look, "Please also Mr. Li, please do your best to use it to your heart's content." Go, show all the essence of Chinese Kungfu, please!"

Li Zedao's eyes were weird, and he even felt that this guy is a big idiot, you need me to go all out for a thing like you? Do you think you are a master of returning to basics? Are you the perfect genetic superhero? Damn, I, Li Zedao, can beat you to the ground with a snap of my fingers, okay?

"Then... let's have a match." Li Zedao gritted his teeth on purpose, as if he was biting the bullet and feeling guilty.

This scene fell into Han Xulong's eyes, so he naturally felt that this guy had a guilty conscience and forced himself to face it. As for the hand that was almost cut off when he shook hands just now... this kid must be stronger, right? But so what? Park Xulong is 100% convinced that after a while on stage, he will be able to beat this bastard into a dead dog in an instant.

"I'll go to the bathroom, and then we'll start." Han Xulong said, his eyes fell on Sun Lingfei, without the usual heat, "Please ask Feifei to take Mr. Li to change a set of clothes."

For this woman who doesn't know what to do, he also hated him decisively at this moment. He wanted to make her regret her choice, and make her see how stupid the man she fell in love with!

"No need, I'll just wear these clothes." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Han Xulong nodded. He didn't say anything else. It would be better if he didn't wear it. In his opinion, Taekwondo uniforms are sacred. Wearing them on this damn son of a bitch is an insult to Taekwondo uniforms, a kind of blasphemy!

A few minutes later, everyone in the Taekwondo gym knew that the gold medal coach Park Xulong was going to compete with Senior Sister Sun Lingfei's boyfriend, who was said to be a guy who had practiced Chinese Kung Fu for a few days, so they all ran over to watch, after all Park Xulong has at least the strength of the third-degree black belt, but usually he is more teaching and rarely makes real moves. Now he can learn a lot from watching him. Not to mention that Park Xulong is handsome. Those female students are basically his fans.

In addition, these people who learn Taekwondo are basically all Chinese people, but they all look down on the Chinese Kung Fu handed down from generation to generation by their ancestors. In their opinion, Chinese Kung Fu is not as offensive or ornamental as it is. Taekwondo, the most important thing is, do girls look good in taekwondo uniforms, like a beautiful scenery? How seductive!

But Huaxia Kungfu...wear Tai Chi clothes? robe? Tang suit? Oh mygod, corny, out of date.

Of course, Park Xulong is also very willing for these people to come and watch. The more people, the better. Beating this guy into a dead dog in front of so many people and embarrassing Sun Lingfei, a damned woman, makes people excited no matter how they think about it.

At that moment, Park Xulong took the lead on the stage, and then waved his hands in all directions with a faint smile on his face. Just now, he took advantage of going to the bathroom to soak his right hand in ice water. Looking at his already purple hand, he hated Li Zedao to death.

The girls in the audience began to cheer: "Brother Pu, come on, come on..."

"Mr. Park, I love you, I love you, I love you..."

"Oh, Oppa, he is my Oppa, he is my Oppa... Oh, my Oppa smiled at me, no, someone help me, I'm going to faint..."

"A bunch of rascals! Senior Brother Pu belongs to me, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Xue was very dissatisfied and glanced at the excited female students around, feeling so upset, and then glanced at Sun Lingfei and Li Zedao who were opposite, I was even more upset.

Naturally, the more I think about it now, the more wrong it becomes. How could Park Xulong do such a thing? So this damn bastard must be doing something in the dark! When she thought of her man kneeling down in front of Sun Lingfei's man to worship as a teacher, Jiang Xue had an inexplicable urge to go crazy, and even hated Sun Lingfei to death.

Compared to Park Xulong, who is being sought after and cheered by everyone, Li Zedao's side is really deserted. His heart is full of sorrow, and they are all Chinese, so why do they all support that surnamed Pu? Can you stop being so obsessive?

"Be careful, strike softly." Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao with bright eyes, his eyes were full of ambiguity and admiration, "Don't strike too hard and beat Senior Brother Park to disability or even to death...Beat him like a pig's head The face is fine, I hate his hypocritical handsome face the most."

Even if Park Xulong has the strength of a third-degree black belt, so what? Sun Lingfei didn't think that Park Xulong would be Li Zedao's opponent at all. Even if Mr. Pu, a ninth-dan black belt, made the move himself, he might not be Li Zedao's opponent!

No matter what she said, she could never forget that scene. Li Zedao appeared in front of Wei Fengsheng like a ghost, and then grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted him up.

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