At that speed, Sun Lingfei's eyes couldn't keep up at all, it was completely beyond her comprehension! Also, no matter how thin Wei Fengsheng is, after all, his height and frame are there, so he must weigh at least one hundred and twenty catties, right? But Li Zedao, who may not be so strong, grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted it up. The key point was that his face did not blush and his heart beat, as if it was a feather.

And the matter of Park Xulong kneeling just now, after careful consideration, Sun Lingfei also found that something was wrong at all, how could Park Xulong do such a stupid thing?

After that, she secretly asked Li Zedao what was going on, Li Zedao explained in a low voice next to her ear, she almost couldn't hold back her joy, she didn't expect Li Zedao to be so dark, let alone Li Zedao She actually knew the "ventriloquism" that she had only heard but never seen before. What's even more enchanting was that it didn't matter that she could only make sounds from her abdomen, but she could even imitate anyone's voice.

Then she asked Li Zedao in a low voice, how good are you?

Li Zedao expressed both embarrassment and pride that it would not be a problem to clear the customs in one night.

"Ah?" Sun Lingfei was taken aback for a moment, a little unresponsive. When she understood, she blushed and gave Li Zedao a hard look, telling him to die.

Li Zedao laughed, and whispered in her ear with a very humble expression that I had fought with those bodyguards who were secretly protecting the chief, and I was just a little bit stronger than them. Die a hundred.

Sun Lingfei believed it, her face turned red and she had difficulty breathing. She really admired this man so much that she couldn't worship him any more.

At present, Li Zedao came to the stage like a lonely master, and he heard that the surrounding people were cheering up Park Xulong. It's compatriots, you should help me cheer up anyway.

At this moment, a scream of excitement came: "Li Zedao, come on!"

Looking back, I saw Sun Lingfei waving his hands and shouting at the top of his voice, his face full of excitement.

Li Zedao responded with an ambiguous smile, thinking, I am not fighting alone, and our family Feifei is with me.

Sun Lingfei was a little dizzy for a moment, she felt that she was shocked by Li Zedao's smile.

And the others looked at Sun Lingfei with weird eyes. Even if they had a good relationship with Sun Lingfei, they felt that Sun Lingfei's approach was a bit too much. Even though that was your boyfriend, Park Xulong was also your senior brother. So, the best thing you can do now is to not help each other,

But how did you cheer up your boyfriend? Are you trying to cause public outrage? Believe it or not, we beat you up?

At the same time, after hearing Sun Lingfei's voice, Pu Xulong was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood again, his eyes when he looked at Li Zedao became even colder, and his hatred for Li Zedao was almost to the point of unending.

"This son of a bitch stole his goddess, and he made himself so embarrassing that he kneeled down and worshiped him as his master? Damn it, damn him!" Han Xulong growled in his heart.

But even if he hates it to death, the personality of a handsome man cannot be collapsed, so he suppressed the overwhelming anger in his heart, and made a gesture to Li Zedao: "Mr. Li, please.

"Start now?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, let's start." Han Xulong said, looking at Li Zedao with cold eyes, like a cheetah waiting to stare at its prey.

"It's really started? That means I can make a move?" Li Zedao asked again. It's better to ask about this kind of thing, so that this shameless guy won't say that he cheated in a sneak attack or something.

"Yes." Park Xulong was a little impatient.

With a cold look in his eyes, and then "Ada...", he was about to launch an attack. He believed that if he whipped his legs, this damn guy would be knocked down immediately. Of course, for this bastard, this is just The nightmare started, and he will definitely regret what he did later.

But when the voice of "Ada..." was still echoing in everyone's ears, Li Zedao's figure had disappeared from the ground before Pu Xulong had time to jump up.

"Ah..." Many people exclaimed, their faces were dull, as if they had seen a ghost.

Because when their eyes scanned Li Zedao's figure, he had already rushed in front of Park Xulong, and punched Park Xulong's face. It was a simple punch without any fancy, but the speed was extremely fast and fierce. It's like a flash of lightning, so fast that you can't catch his trace, so fast that you can't hear the whistling wind, so fast that Park Xulong doesn't even know that such a fist has appeared in front of him and is about to smash it On his handsome face.

"Bang!" Li Zedao punched Park Xulong in the face, everyone only heard a creepy "click!", and then they saw scarlet blood coming from Han Xulong's handsome and straight nose It sprayed out, and then Park Xulong's body flew out, and the blood was also floating.

At this moment, Li Zedao's figure appeared in front of Park Xulong who was flying upside down again, and then lightly kicked out again, directly kicking Park Xulong in the stomach.

As a result, Park Xulong's body flew out of the air at a faster speed, and more blood was floating, as if it was raining blood.

A few seconds later, "Boom!" There was a muffled sound, and a large piece of meat fell heavily on the floor, making a scalp-numbing muffled sound!

Looking at Li Zedao standing on the stage, he put one hand on his back and shook his head slightly, looking like a master who is really lonely.

At this moment, the audience has fallen into a very strange dead silence, no one discusses, no one jokes, and no one goes to make them scream, make them have difficulty breathing, and make them want to dedicate themselves to Teacher Park, who has the temperament of an Obama idol. Helping them up, they all opened their eyes wide and opened their mouths wide, with terrified and dull expressions on their faces, and even forgot to breathe.

They really couldn't believe that Park Xulong, the gold medal coach of Zhengtu Taekwondo Gym, the largest taekwondo gym in Yanjing, has the strength of a third-degree black belt! Such an absolute master is so vulnerable in front of this man!

two strokes? Oh, it was just one move, the fist in front was enough to make Park Xulong get down on the ground, and the kick after that was just to kick him off the stage faster and make his defeat even worse.

And from the shot to Park Xulongfei stepping down, the whole process took less than ten seconds! Not even ten seconds! This is a spike! This is absolutely crushing, it's no different from a kid strangling an ant.

The way everyone looked at Li Zedao changed. It was no longer the contempt and disdain before, but shock, incredible shock!

It turned out that the Huaxia Kungfu they didn't like could be so powerful that it knocked out a master with a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo with one punch.

Sun Lingfei's eyes were also rounded, she believed what Li Zedao said, so Li Zedao was very powerful, but she couldn't imagine how powerful he was, but now she saw it with her own eyes, her body trembled, as if Like a slight electric shock, she had an uncontrollable sense of pleasure. She wanted to roar, shout, and tell people all over the world loudly...

Then, she laughed, jumping up and down with excitement, and shouted nervously: "Li Zedao, I love you, I love you..."

Then, she jumped onto the stage with an excited face, and threw herself directly into Li Zedao's arms. She hugged his neck tightly with both hands, and her two long-sleeved legs tightly clamped his waist. He blocked Li Zedao's mouth fiercely.

If we were to say that before, it was curiosity, love at first sight, palpitation, liking, and anger... you actually dislike me? I just want to like you! But now, she fell in love with this man thoroughly! Crazy in love with this man! She has been completely conquered by this man's toughness!

Following Sun Lingfei's scream, those stupid people also came to their senses, especially Jiang Xue, whose dull and horrified eyes were full of viciousness, seeing the bastard who was shamelessly kissing on the stage With a glance at Dan, he rushed towards Park Xulong who was lying there: "Senior Brother, Senior Brother..."

At the same time, more people rushed towards Park Xulong, trying to help him up to check his injuries. Of course, most of them were female students.

Their hearts were broken, that punch, that kick, falling from such a high place, that horrible blood... How much does Ouba hurt? They really hated Li Zedao to death, how could they be so cruel and vicious? How could they put such a heavy hand on their Ouba?

When they saw Park Xulong's bloody face, the collapsed nose, the crooked mouth, and even the missing front teeth, their broken hearts were broken again, and many people felt distressed. His eyes were red and tears came to his eyes.


"Ms. Park..."

"Revenge for Teacher Park..."


At this moment, Park Xulong has already fainted... He was actually about to faint, but he hadn't fainted yet, but he found very sadly that there was no other way for him to go other than fainting. He was at a loss in his heart. It was panic, he felt that he had really seen a ghost, otherwise how could he explain that voice? How can I explain the fact that I was beaten to the ground in a few seconds?

Anyway, he didn't want to face his humiliation so much that it was failure, so he pretended to be dizzy.

A small number of them looked at Li Zedao and Sun Lingfei who were kissing passionately on the stage with unfriendly eyes. Li Zedao killed Park Xulong in seconds, which undoubtedly slapped them in the face, and the series of actions of their favorite senior sister Sun Lingfei made them even more angry. That already hot face became even hotter.

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