"You really misunderstood me. The other party is not my accomplice." Jin Bucheng shook his head and said, "And the other party's purpose is different from mine. I just want to beat you hard and make you Turn into a dead dog, and they want your life! But don't worry, the gunman won't shoot again, you and I can fight openly, there is a very beautiful girl waiting for me to go back Accompany her, so I don't have much time to accompany you, let's make a quick decision."

Li Zedao was so angry with this shameless guy that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and fought openly? He just forgot about the sneak attack he just had.

"Be careful, I'm going to attack." Jin Bucheng said with a smile, he clearly felt the confusion of Li Zedao's breath, so his punch just now was very effective and caused heavy damage to the opponent. In this case, to defeat him, It was so easy.

Jin Bucheng suddenly felt very lonely, alas, why am I so powerful? Not even a single opponent.

In a moment of emotion, his two powerful short legs jumped to the ground, and then he rushed towards Li Zedao. With a jump, his body was already in the air, and he punched Li Zedao fiercely. Li Zedao's face.

Li Zedao also moved, let out a muffled growl, and similarly clenched his fists and ran towards Jin Bucheng, and after the muffled growl, a trace of blood seeped from the corner of his mouth again.

In the next second, there was a muffled "bang!", and the fists of the two collided together.

"Deng Deng Deng..." Li Zedao's mouth slipped a trace of blood again, and at the same time, his body backed up again and again, almost falling down.

But Jin Bucheng took two steps back, and then stood firmly, looking at Li Zedao, his face was already full of sarcasm, the disciple of God's Hand, who is rumored to be so powerful, is nothing more than that... ok Well, this extremely shameless guy has completely forgotten, he just sneaked up on that incident.

Take advantage of him to kill him! While Jin Bucheng was disdainful, he immediately rushed towards Li Zedao, his speed seemed to be extremely fast, and he didn't give Li Zedao any chance to breathe. For a while, countless shadows of hands and feet appeared in front of Li Zedao densely, and they kept going. Greet him.

Li Zedao gritted his teeth to dismantle his moves, but he seemed a little flustered.

For a while, the sound of "bang bang bang..." kept ringing, and the two were fighting fiercely there like two afterimages, fist to fist, foot to foot, one step at a time , but the other was retreating steadily, and the two fought hard.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the fists of the two of them slammed together again. In an instant, more blood overflowed from the corner of Li Zedao's mouth, and at the same time, his body flew upside down again.

Then there was another muffled sound of "bang!", and his back had already hit the trunk of a big tree beside him, and then he was lying on the ground with his mouth open, and a mouthful of blood spurted out up.

And the tree was hit by him like this, it seemed to be blown by a strong wind, the tree body trembled, and the leaves fell down one after another.

Like a ghost, Jin Bucheng jumped under the tree, condescendingly looked down at Li Zedao who was vomiting blood, with a mocking and disdainful smile on his face: "You son of a bitch, I see how arrogant you are!"

Then, he lifted his foot and stepped on the head of Li Zedao, who was already so angry that he saw that he was seriously injured, and crushed it, so that a layer of skin on Li Zedao's handsome face was rubbed off. It's bloody, and it looks horrible.

In the next second, Jin Bucheng's throat moved, and a mouthful of thick phlegm appeared in his mouth, and he spit it directly on Li Zedao.

"Damn you son of a bitch, I'm pooh!"

After spitting out the thick phlegm, a feeling of exhilaration arises spontaneously. The spitting of phlegm is really refreshing. It hasn't been so enjoyable in a long time, so I cleared my throat and planned to continue spitting.

Li Zedao, who was stepped on by him, looked so humiliated, trying to struggle hard, and growled at the top of his lungs: "I bought a watch last year, bastard, kill me, if you have the guts, kill me!" I……"

"Bah!" There was no more phlegm, so Jin Bucheng spit out a mouthful of saliva this time, directly on Li Zedao's head, and at the same time he felt refreshed, and said sinisterly: "Kill you? What are you kidding? Killing is illegal."

There were footsteps, and a man came from the dark, with a gun on his shoulder and a cigar in his mouth.

"Oh, good evening, dear Mr. Jin." The man waved his hand to Jin Bucheng with a smile, "Have a nice cooperation."

"Good evening, Mr. God of War, happy cooperation." Jin Bucheng turned around, raised his head to look at this big man who was about a meter taller than him, and nodded with a bit of disdain, but he would not be too rude.

The disdain is naturally because he Jin Bucheng is a master among the masters, and it is really easy and enjoyable to slap the guy in front of him, but the opponent is after all the God of War, one of the three major combat powers of the Rothschild family. I have to show some face.

The two praised each other a few words without saying a word, and God of War personally helped Jin Bucheng light a cigar, and then his eyes fell on lying there, his body was trembling, his face was covered with blood, and his scarlet eyes were full of excitement. It was Li Zedao who was resentful and unwilling like a dead dog, and then screamed exaggeratedly: "Oh, God, this is not the invincible apprentice of the Hand of God, the son-in-law of that old guy Moss Li Zedao?"

"Kill me...Kill me..." Li Zedao tried his best to raise his head and screamed, looking at God of War with scarlet eyes, like a wounded beast.

But he was muttering in his heart: "The god of war of the Rothschild family? Another small fish has entered the net, and there haven't been any big fish in a while? Just think about it and look forward to it."

"Oh, God, how can you kill people?" The God of War smiled sinisterly, then kicked over and kicked Li Zedao directly on the stomach. Li Zedao simply turned over and lay there weakly, mouth still He was vomiting blood non-stop, but the scarlet eyes were still cold, looking at the God of War, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Damn it, I didn't eat last night, so I have so much strength? It's like scratching an itch." Li Zedao murmured in his heart. Of course, he is a stingy person, so now he has started to think about how to deal with these two damn guys after the show, especially Jin Bucheng, who dared to spit on his body, causing himself to be I was so disgusted, if I wasn't a dedicated actor, I would have vomited already... Li Zedao decided to treat him to shit later!

"Mr. God of War, don't let him die, he is still useful to Minister Wei." Jin Bucheng said with a smile, "If you kill him, be careful that Minister Wei will trouble you."

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, Minister Wei? Wei Fengsheng... This is of course impossible! So Wei Yaoming? Or someone from the Wei family?

"Oh, Mr. Jin, don't worry, I'll act appropriately." God of War said with a smile, not to mention that he can't afford to provoke Minister Wei, and besides, Patriarch Meier plans to torture this guy to death little by little. , a hundred times or even a thousand times to retaliate against this guy, so God of War didn't dare to kick him to death.

"However, you can spit on his face, and the feeling after spitting is very refreshing." Jin Bucheng suggested with a smile.

"Oh, God, let me try." God of War's eyes lit up, and then he spit several mouthfuls of saliva on Li Zedao's face. Sure enough, the already good mood became even better. Twist your body to impromptu dance.

After spitting, he squatted down slightly, looking at this horrible face, his smile was full of enthusiasm: "Oh, I think Patriarch Meyer will be very happy to see you in such a miserable state."

Then, God of War took out his mobile phone and helped Li Zedao take photos with a very professional look.


On the dark road, an off-road vehicle raced wildly on the road.

Director Yang in the car squinted slightly and stared at the roaring Lamborghini in front of him. He knew that the fog was inside that Lamborghini at this time, and a few hundred meters in front of this Lamborghini, there was a blue car. The Porsche in front of her was running crazily forward, and the driver of this car was naturally the suspected genetic superman Li Mengyao.

At this moment, the voice of fog came from the headset plugged in Director Yang's ears: "Director, the Porsche in front has turned into a small road, follow it?"

Director Yang's eyes narrowed. He understood the meaning of the fog. The other party suddenly turned the car into such a small road. He probably found out that he was being followed and planned to do something. He pondered for a while and said, "Follow up, Pay attention to the movement around you."

A minute later, Wu drove the car into the alley, and then his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly reported: "Director, I can't find the trace of the car, and I can't hear the sound of the engine."

"Stop the car, I'll be there later." Director Yang said with a frown, a bad feeling already welling up in his heart.

In less than two minutes, the off-road vehicle driven by Director Yang also turned into this trail, and then stopped steadily in front of the Lamborghini parked there.

Having got off the car ahead of time, he was wary of the surrounding fog and hurried over to help Director Yang open the car door: "Director."

Director Yang glanced at him and nodded, then glanced around with a slightly solemn expression, but he couldn't see the trace of the car, nor could he catch any breath.

As soon as the fog turned in and lost the trace of the car, there is only one explanation, that is, the car hid somewhere as soon as it turned in and turned off the engine immediately. Of course, judging from the time, the car naturally did not run away. Far away, it is hidden in a place around them that they cannot see from their position.

Therefore, the genetic superman is naturally hiding in a place where they can't find it, and is even preparing to give them a fatal blow, so Director Yang dare not be careless at all, after all, the other party is not weaker than his own existence.

"Look ahead, be careful." Director Yang gestured.

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