The latter nodded with a dignified expression, as if he was facing a formidable enemy, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

At the moment, the two moved slowly while paying attention to the movement around them while moving forward.

After walking less than 20 meters, the two stopped at the same time. They already felt a vague murderous aura coming from behind, especially Director Yang, because his perception ability was far stronger than that of the fog, so that This feeling is more obvious.

At that moment, the two looked at each other, turned around abruptly, and saw a girl in a long white dress standing there.

They are all familiar with this girl, it is Sun Lingfei!

Under the shroud of night, Sun Lingfei's face looked a little pale, his eyes stared blankly at the front, and there was a gloomy aura emanating from his body, which made people feel that this was a soulless Like the walking dead.

Director Yang's heart skipped a beat, because at such a close distance, he couldn't feel Sun Lingfei's breathing at all, so Li Zedao's judgment was right, she really is a genetic superman!

Director Yang took a deep breath, his fists were slightly clenched, and a terrifying aura of a strong man suddenly burst out from his body, and he was ready to do it. You know, even Teacher Pete was easily interrupted by Gene Superman He hurt his legs, so he didn't dare to be careless at all.

"Just let me feel how powerful the legendary Gene Superman is!" Director Yang's fists clenched even tighter, and he was about to pounce on him.

But at this moment, his heart thumped suddenly, there was already a huge wave, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Because he was astonished to find that his fingers that were clenched into fists suddenly went numb, as if his strength had been pulled out instantly, and then his legs also began to weaken and tremble, and he was about to be unable to support his body. up.

He gritted his teeth, and turned his head with great difficulty, but what he saw was Wu's face with an inexplicable smile on it.

Then, Director Yang's heart felt like a heavy blow, his body trembled even more, his eyes were terribly cold, he stared at Wu, and growled, "It's you?"

"It's me." Fog smiled a little embarrassedly and nodded.

"Why...betrayal?" Director Yang's voice was full of anger, and even more heartbroken.

Then, Director Yang gasped for breath. He only felt that the strength of his body was being sucked away quickly, and he almost lost the strength to even speak.

Misty smiles,

Instead of answering Director Yang's question, he bypassed Director Yang and took a few steps forward, stopped, then nodded slightly, and said in a respectful tone: "Minister."

minister? Director Yang worked hard to support his body, turned his head with great difficulty, and when he saw the black shadow in front of the fog, his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe what he saw. of.

"It's you? It's you?" Director Yang felt that his brain was not enough. He knew that there might be something wrong with the fog, and he also knew that there must be someone behind the scenes secretly controlling Li Mengyao, a genetic superman, but he never thought of it. That person will be him! This person they have been directly ignoring all this time.

"Surprised?" Heiying said with a smile, his voice was sharp and hoarse, like the voice of a crow, "Okay, you can fall down, otherwise I'm too sorry for the Rothschild family's special kind that can make people cry." The poison in which the strength of the body disappears in an instant."

Director Yang fell down, no matter how unwilling he was, no matter how sad he was, he had to fall down. At this time, he was like an old man who was on the verge of death, without the strength to support his body and his body. That proud head.

However, no one noticed that he was full of anger, shock and pain... In short, deep in the extremely complicated eyes, there was still a taste of a successful plot.

"The big fish has caught the net." He said in his heart.

The black shadow didn't look at Director Yang more, as if this was an ant that could be crushed to death at any time, but looked up at the crescent moon hanging in the sky, and said sinisterly: "Let's go, Meet that mighty Young Master Li."


In the process of taking pictures of the God of War, Jin Bucheng suddenly felt that he was in a hurry to urinate, so he pulled down his pants chain and poured water on Li Zedao's head, when a few beams of strong headlights swept over, and then, the motor of the car roared The sound came, and soon a Lamborghini and a black off-road vehicle drove over one after the other, and finally stopped behind the parked Ferrari.

Seeing the car approaching, Jin Bucheng tried harder to drain the rest of the water, then pulled up his pants chain, walked towards the Lamborghini with a faint smile on his face, watched as he opened the door and got out of the car The man smiled and said, "Hello, Minister Wei."

"Hello, Mr. Jin." The man smiled politely, "Thank you, Mr. Jin."

"It should." Jin Bucheng nodded.

At the same time, the door of the off-road vehicle was pushed open, Wu jumped out of the car, opened the rear door, and lifted Director Yang, who was sitting there paralyzed, as if he was carrying a chicken.

As for Li Zedao, he was so embarrassed that he couldn't be more embarrassed at this time, his mouth was tightly closed, naturally he was afraid that urine would jump into his mouth, his eyes were so scarlet and terrifying, with a fierce light of choosing someone to devour. inside.

To be honest, Jin Bucheng's trouser chain released water completely beyond Li Zedao's expectations, which caught him off guard. He thought it would be the greatest humiliation for Jin Bucheng to spit at him, but he didn't expect to release water later.

This is not as simple as humiliation, it is the enemy of life and death.

Li Zedao originally wanted to castrate this guy in a fit of rage, but if that was the case, the big fish caught in the net would probably slip away, and even Director Yang's life would be in danger.

Li Zedao didn't like that old man, but if he died, the country would undoubtedly suffer a heavy loss, so bear with it!

While Li Zedao was full of murderous intent, he was also deeply moved by his spirit of enduring humiliation, this spirit of acting with his life, soul, and dignity.

At that moment, God of War said to Li Zedao, "Crack!" After taking a photo, he raised his foot over Li Zedao's head, faced the man who was walking, and said with a smile: "Oh, good evening, dear Minister, Nice to meet you."

"Good evening, Mr. God of War." The minister looked at God of War with a smile on his face.

God of War is smiling, but he feels a little hairy in his heart, oh, God, how can there be such an ugly person in this world? Oh, he wouldn't be the result of a woman's love with a male monkey, would he? Or is it the crystallization of love between a female monkey and a man?

God of War is a very strict person, so now he is very entangled in which possibility is the correct one. Of course, he dare not ask, not only because of the skill of this man with an ugly face and a figure like a bamboo pole. How scary it is, because this man's background is too great, and the other party killed himself when he offended the other party, and Patriarch Meyer would not speak for him.

Just when the God of War was extremely tangled, Li Zedao's terrified voice sounded like he had seen a ghost: ""

Looking back, I saw Li Zedao's face full of blood and urine twitching violently, looking at the minister with dull eyes, as if seeing a ghost.

"Wei Fengsheng..." Li Zedao then squeezed out these three words in a voice that was unfamiliar to him, and his mind was already turned upside down.

He knew that after all this hard work and preparation, he would definitely be able to catch a big fish, but he never thought that this big fish would be that Wei Fengsheng who was scared to pee by him!

It seems that this guy's acting skills are not inferior to his own at all, at least Li Zedao really didn't see that he was acting.

Wei Fengsheng smiled sinisterly, and looked down at Li Zedao, his eyes were full of disdain, as if he could kill him with a snap of his fingers: "What? Li Shao, my appearance makes you very upset Accident?"

Li Zedao's body trembled, and he was speechless. Of course, Wei Fengsheng didn't need Li Zedao's answer, because he could get the answer he wanted from the expression on the other party's face.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Director Yang, whose strength had been drained by the fog, was thrown directly in front of Li Zedao.

Li Zedao looked at Director Yang, his eyes widened again, with an expression of disbelief.

Director Yang who slowly opened his eyes widened his eyes when he saw Li Zedao, as if he had seen a ghost.

Of course, Li Zedao was displaying his acting skills perfectly, as if he was shocked to see Director Yang also fell into the other party's hands.

As for Director Yang, he originally needed to act, but after seeing Li Zedao in such a miserable state, he didn't need to act anymore, he was shocked, his eyeballs almost fell off, it was blood and urine... too much Dedicated, really dedicated! At this moment, Director Yang was very moved by Li Zedao's spirit.

At the same time, Wei Fengsheng already took out a shining dagger, "Bang Dang!" and threw it in front of Li Zedao, then said sharply: "Li Shao, I will give you two choices, either pick up the dagger and kill this dagger. Kill the damn old man, or I will strip off Sun Lingfei's clothes in front of you, and then strip off my own clothes, and then..."

The smile on Wei Fengsheng's face was as wretched as it was, so even a fool would know what he wanted to do.

Li Zedao's eyes were scarlet, he was out of breath, and looked extremely angry. He looked at the dagger thrown in front of him, and then at the man who had closed his eyes and resigned himself to his fate, but it was very tragic. Director Yang, who looked at death like home, looked up with great difficulty, looked at Wei Fengsheng who was looking down at him, and said in a hoarse voice: "If I kill him, can you let Feifei go?"

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