The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1537 Instant Kill

"At least, I won't strip her naked in front of you." Wei Fengsheng already had an extremely obscene smile on his face, "You know, I've been thinking about her body for a long time , I can't wait to eat her. Although her breasts are not developed, they look like eggs... I'm talking about fried eggs, but her skinny beauty is extremely rare."

"Wei Fengsheng..." Li Zedao growled, coughed violently a few times, and a trace of blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth. He put his hands on the ground and sat up with great difficulty, and then his trembling hands eased. Slowly reached for the dagger.

"Yes, that's it, pick up that dagger, stab the old man's heart with a knife, and then Sun Lingfei can gain temporary safety." Wei Feng said with a smile.

Li Zedao's trembling hand finally grabbed the dagger, then clenched it slightly, looked up at Wei Fengsheng, panting but gritted his teeth: "Which faction do you belong to? Skull head? What's the purpose?"

Wei Fengsheng looked at Li Zedao in the same way as he looked at an idiot: "Young Master Li thinks I will answer your questions? But after you meet King Yan, maybe he will answer your questions for you."

Li Zedao gasped for breath again, and his eyes kept changing, as if he was making an extremely painful struggle to make a choice. He looked up at Wei Fengsheng, and then at Jin Bucheng, God of War, Fog and others standing around him. The lifeless Sun Lingfei, who was standing quietly in front of the car, was suspected to be the genetic superman. Finally, his eyes fell on Director Yang, and he said, "Are you really poisoned? You can't move?"

Director Yang opened his eyes, looked at Li Zedao and smiled wryly: "What do you think?"

But he was aggrieved for a while, he thought he would have a fierce battle with Gene Superman, but he didn't expect to be knocked down by Wu with some kind of medicine.

I have long suspected that there is a problem with Wu, so I don't trust Wu so much, but Director Yang's skills are there after all, even ten Wu, and then use a sneak attack, it is not his opponent.

But who would have thought that Wu did sneak attack, but not with fists, but with some extremely powerful medicine, which made Director Yang very aggrieved and wanted to vomit blood.

"I thought you were acting." Li Zedao said, and then, his face was no longer the shock and unwillingness before, but a smile, an inexplicable smile.

Wei Fengsheng caught the smile very clearly, and then his heart suddenly thumped, and a very bad feeling was already welling up.

In the next second, in a flash, Li Zedao, who was lying there like a dead dog, disappeared in front of him.


Wei Fengsheng suddenly thought of something, and at the same time he was terrified, he opened his mouth wide and tried to say something, but Wei Fengsheng was horrified to find that although his mouth was wide open, he couldn't make a single sound. It was as if there was a hand strangling his neck invisibly.

Then, he felt his foot was hit by something, subconsciously looked down, and then, his eyeballs suddenly widened.

There were two hands at his feet! And because the meridian is not dead, the two hands are still twitching slightly!

The next second, his eyeballs widened even further, because he was horrified to find that the wrists of his left and right hands were cut off abruptly, so the two hands on the ground were his left and right hands!

Then, his body swayed, and he fell to the ground. Looking at his right foot, it was cut off directly from the calf! At this time, blood was continuously spraying from his body, like beautiful fountains.

Looking at the god of war standing over there, there was a thin bloodshot in his throat, and then the bloodshot became bigger and bigger, and finally the blood spurted out like a beautiful mountain spring, and then his body fell to the ground with a twitch. After a few times, it stopped forever, but the eyeballs were still wide open, filled with horror and nostalgia for this world!

As for Jin Bucheng and Wu, they flew upside down like kites with broken strings. The last one hit a car hard, and the other hit a big rock hard. He didn't even hum, and he passed out because of his injuries.

Li Mengyao, who was standing in front of the Lamborghini, had her head separated from her body. Her head was like a ball, rolling a few times on the ground, while her body fell straight to the ground, even making a muffled sound. .

Moreover, the strange thing is that her wound did not spurt any blood at all, and the wound was not red, but green, very strange green!

So, she is indeed a genetic superhero!

All of this is slow to say, but in fact it only happened in a few seconds. That is to say, Wei Fengsheng, Jin Bucheng, Wu, God of War and Li Mengyao were attacked or suffered heavy injuries almost at the same instant. Or go directly to God and die so badly that they don't even have time to react, let alone resist.

At the same time, Director Yang, who was sitting there paralyzed, was about to stop breathing. Even though he knew that Li Zedao was probably a master of returning to the basics, and also knew that the master of returning to the basics was very strong, he did not expect that he would be so powerful To such an unbelievable level!

"How can you be so strong?" Director Yang inexplicably felt his heart tremble, and couldn't believe what he saw.

It took less than ten seconds from Li Zedao's attack until those people fell down! You know, among these people are genetic supermen, and Jin Bucheng is a master who is almost at the same level as himself, and Wu and God of War are equally good. Or what kind of minister, how weak can it be?

However, in less than ten seconds, these people were all defeated by Li Zedao without even reacting at all.

At the same time, Wei Fengsheng's pockmarked face was also twitching violently as he lay there straight, his body twitching violently. His eyes were wide open, full of disbelief.

He didn't know what was going on, he only knew that what was happening must be terrible!

Then, a familiar figure appeared in his already somewhat slack eyes, making his slack eyes focus all of a sudden.

Li Zedao! Li Zedao, with blood and urine all over his face but sparkling eyes and an inexplicable smile.

His appearance is so embarrassing, like a homeless and pitiful stray dog, but the aura emanating from him is so terrifying, as if he is in charge of everything , Whoever he wants to live can live, and whoever he wants to die has to die, there is no room for negotiation.

Wei Fengsheng was so wide-eyed that he almost popped out, his throat was wriggling hard, and he said in a voice that he felt extremely strange: "Li...Zedao..."

"Surprised?" Li Zedao smiled and returned the three words to him.

"You...are not injured? Your strength..." Wei Fengsheng's voice was weak and sharp, and his chest heaved violently. It is conceivable how much his heart fluctuated: " still put all my hands and feet Cut off..."

Originally he was the hunter and Li Zedao was the prey, but now it's the other way around. This huge gap and the physical changes and mental torture made Wei Fengsheng really want to bite off his tongue and commit suicide.

But... His body hurts so much that he doesn't even have the strength to bite off his tongue, or the instinct of survival makes him not have the courage to bite off his tongue at all.

Li Zedao said lightly: "Not completely cut off, your left leg is still fine, but you don't have to worry, I won't let you die so easily."

Li Zedao was also afraid that this guy might do something bad secretly, so he simply took a heavy hand and took off his two hands and one foot.

"I get it, I get it, you're acting, you're obviously strong but you're deliberately showing weakness, all of this is your plan, right? Just to lure me out?" Wei Fengsheng's mouth was already spurting blood His body trembled extremely violently, and his pockmarked face turned gray-white, as if he was about to die at any moment.

"I'm just playing tricks." Li Zedao said with a sneer, and then, still a little worried, he put the dagger into Wei Fengsheng's mouth and stirred it up, and heard a click that made goosebumps all over his body. Crackling sound.

Then, he punched him in the chest.

So Wei Fengsheng began to vomit bloody water and dirty objects, as well as bloody teeth. All his teeth were chipped off by Li Zedao, and now he couldn't commit suicide by biting his tongue.

"Oh, thank you for your dagger, it's very smooth and sharp." Li Zedao said gratefully.

Wei Fengsheng spit out a mouthful of blood, rolled his eyes, turned his head to the side, and passed out.

Li Zedao smiled grimly, and muttered to himself: "How can you faint? If you faint, wouldn't you not feel the pain? This is not allowed..."

While speaking, Li Zedao already took out a box of silver needles, took out a few, and threw them towards Wei Fengsheng's body.

In the next second, these silver needles pierced certain acupoints on Wei Fengsheng's body accurately.

Then, Wei Fengsheng's eyes that were originally closed suddenly widened, his body trembled violently, his face twisted violently and turned into a bun, with extremely thick cold sweat seeping out of it. .

Then, screams spewed out from his big mouth full of blood, instantly piercing the silence in the wilderness. The screams were hysterical, revealing endless pain and madness! That scream was earth-shattering, it seemed to contain unimaginable torture, and the pain penetrated to the marrow!

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