Director Yang, who was sitting paralyzed there, also felt his scalp tingle for no reason after hearing the screams, and he gasped several times. Over the years, he has tortured 800 or 1000 people, but he never imagined that the screams of the tortured people would be so terrifying.

So, what exactly did Li Zedao do to him?

"Kill...kill me...please...ah..."

"Why would I kill you? Killing is against the law." Li Zedao looked at Wei Feng and said with a smile, "You are busy first, I will deal with some things first and then we will chat."

"Li Zedao, ah, kill me...kill me..." Wei Fengsheng's screams became even sharper, with madness and indescribable pain.

"What did you do to him?" Director Yang looked at Li Zedao who walked up to him as if nothing had happened, and asked with a little scalp numbness, and even felt pity in his heart, he I feel that Wei Fengsheng is really pitiful.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and took off his clothes and said, "I just made his pain nerves more sensitive dozens of times."

"Uh..." The muscles on Director Yang's face twitched violently. You must know that Wei Fengsheng's two hands and one were cut off abruptly. The pain is no longer something ordinary people can bear. Li Zedao's actions are undoubtedly It was to make his pain magnified dozens of times.

No wonder he reacted like that.

"The effect of the medicine you take will disappear automatically after about two hours, and then you can move." Li Zedao looked at Director Yang and said, "I'll deal with it first... Damn, dare to pee on my head , I will treat him to eat dog shit and drink dog urine later on!"

Li Zedao's eyes fell on Jin Bucheng who was lying there, and there was a palpitating fierceness in his eyes. He really hated this guy, and he had already thought about how to torture this bastard who dared to humiliate him like this, so Li Zedao just now He didn't kill him, but spared his life.

Director Yang listened, that old face was so hard, he really wanted to laugh. Of course, I still admire this shameless kid in my heart. If it were him, when someone tried to pee on his head, he couldn't stand it no matter what. He would definitely castrate the other person first.

Therefore, he felt that this kid was really cruel to him, and of course, he was also very touched.

"This is the strength after entering the realm of returning to nature?" Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and asked, with shock, amazement, and yearning in his eyes.

Li Zedao nodded,

He said very modestly: "Actually, after taking the medicine left by Duanmu Weizhuang, although the strength has increased a bit, there is no sign of any breakthrough at all. I thought that medicine was exaggerated, so that's it. But I didn’t expect that when I woke up the next day... oops, I broke through! You said how can I be excellent, even the heavens favored me so much, and I made a breakthrough after sleeping.”

The muscles on Director Yang's face twitched so much, he simply closed his eyes, he really didn't want to talk to this shameless guy anymore.

Li Zedao chuckled, and casually threw the urine-filled clothes on the ground, and with a flash, he appeared in front of Li Mengyao whose head and body had been separated.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the corpse with one hand, and grabbed the head with the other. Then his figure flashed again, and he quickly came to a small open space in the distance, and threw the body and head there. A powerful weapon, who knows when it will explode? It's better to be cautious.

Then I went back to the car again, found seven or eight bottles of mineral water from the three cars, opened them one by one, simply washed off the urine on my head and body, wiped it with a paper towel, and then left When he got to the fog that had fainted there, he took off his clothes and outer pants in two or three strokes, and put them on.

It's still disgusting, but it's also a lot more comfortable.

After finishing dressing, he walked up to Sun Lingfei, gently hugged her, looked at that face, sighed slightly, and then gently put her into the car.

All kinds of signs showed that Sun Lingfei was actually secretly reporting her every move to the other party, that is to say, she was Wei Fengsheng's person!

Of course, Li Zedao also used her in reverse. For example, he deliberately vomited blood for her at the entrance of the Zhengtu Taekwondo Gym. After returning home, he gave Bei a look, and Bei immediately understood and cooperated.

It's just that the kind of admiration and love she has for herself is true... At least Li Zedao doesn't feel any hypocrisy.

Therefore, now Li Zedao didn't know what kind of mood he should use to face this girl, so he had to knock her out.

At the same time, Wei Fengsheng continued to let out that scream of screams that made the scalp tingle, "Kill... me... Li Zedao... please... ah..."

The face looking at him has been completely distorted into a ball now, and the facial features are almost unrecognizable. The face is extremely pale, and there is a thick layer of sweat on it.

Li Zedao came to him, looked down at this extremely ugly face, and said, "It's okay to want to die, but before you die, tell us everything you know, or you won't die."

"I...I can say anything...I can say anything you want to know...ah..."

Li Zedao stretched out his hand, and pulled out the silver needles stuck in his body one by one.

As Li Zedao pulled out these silver needles, the pain that made Wei Fengsheng feel like dying disappeared instantly, and he couldn't even feel the pain in the wound. At this moment, he looked at Li Zedao in horror, panting and weak Incomparable.

Li Zedao sat down in front of him, but he didn't even look at Wei Fengsheng, but looked at the silver needle in his hand, and said flatly: "You can talk."

Wei Fengsheng looked at the silver needle in Li Zedao's hand that seemed to exude a terrifying and cold aura, and said in a weak voice, "What do you want to know?"

"Are you really Wei Fengsheng? The organization behind you is the Skull?" Li Zedao was really curious about how Wei Fengsheng joined the Skull organization, and judging by his appearance, his status in the organization does not seem to be low.

"I'm really Wei Fengsheng, and the organization behind me is indeed a skull..." Wei Fengsheng was so weak that he couldn't even open his eyes, his voice was sharp but hoarse, and when he spoke, blood was still flowing down the corner of his mouth come out.

Then, Wei Fengsheng not only closed his eyes, he also shut up, and stopped talking.

"And then?" Li Zedao became a little impatient, dissatisfied with Wei Fengsheng's cooperation, and wanted to prick the silver needle in his body again.

Wei Fengsheng opened his eyes, blood red eyes, and then his eyes changed, he stared at Tang Zhong like a ghost, and smiled triumphantly.

Yes, he is smiling. Moreover, his expression was very smug, a kind of twisted pride.

Li Zedao frowned, and already had a bad feeling in his heart: "What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing at you will end up worse than me, and none of the women who laugh at you can escape the fate of dying without a whole body! You will definitely die worse than me... Haha...haha..."

The ferocious laughter like a ghost crying makes the scalp tingle.

Until this time, he still had the guts to threaten Li Zedao, and the smile on his face seemed to be a proof. To prove that what he said is credible, he has no doubts about it.

Li Zedao frowned even more: "It seems that you have forgotten the pain just now."

Wei Fengsheng's eyes were filled with strange madness and ferocity: "Come on, Li Zedao, hurry up and pierce me with the silver needle in your hand... Hurry up...haha..."

Li Zedao didn't pierce him with the silver needle in his hand, he suddenly kicked over and kicked Wei Fengsheng directly in the stomach.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Wei Fengsheng was kicked into the air.

Then "Boom!" There was a dull muffled sound, and Wei Fengsheng's body exploded in mid-air like a balloon that was inflated, turning into a rain of blood, and red and white things splashed everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, another explosion sounded from a distance, and then, the surroundings soon fell into a strange dead silence, as if nothing had happened.

Li Zedao smelled the strong smell of blood in the air, and his face suddenly became gloomy. He thought that he had cut off Wei Fengsheng's hands and feet, and cut off his teeth. He couldn't die either, but unexpectedly, Wei Fengsheng's body exploded, and even before his body exploded, he had the idea of ​​dragging himself to die with him!

If Li Zedao hadn't been so vigilant, if Li Zedao had been irritated and pierced the silver needles in his body one by one, then he would definitely be affected by this violent explosion.

As for the sound of the explosion that followed, no one had to think about it to know that the genetic superman had already exploded.

Therefore, the reason Li Zedao can think of is that Wei Fengsheng, an elite from the skull, is like a genetic superman. His body is implanted with some kind of high-tech gun, and the device that detonates the gun is in the hands of the skull. The head can remotely monitor people like Jinyin Superman and Wei Fengsheng, and can detonate the guns in their bodies at any time!

This high-tech method is undoubtedly terrible!

Director Yang, who was limp there, had a gloomy expression on his face. Originally, he wanted to pry Wei Fengsheng's mouth open to get more information about the Skull Organization, but he didn't expect Wei Fengsheng to explode.

Of course, it can't be said that there is no gain at all. Although we don't know what conspiracy Wei Fengsheng and the skull organization behind him are planning, but now the conspiracy has been shattered.

"Those three people on the ground are not going to explode, right?" Director Yang asked after letting out a sullen breath. Unknowingly, he, the dignified leader of the secret team, actually centered on Li Zedao, and he didn't even realize it.

Li Zedao frowned and shook his head: "If it was going to explode, it would have exploded long ago, so it won't happen, but you probably won't get any useful information from them, otherwise the Skull Organization will not let the They live an extra second."

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