The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1550 Sleepwalking

After a long time, the old man slowly opened his eyes, looking at the fragrance on the incense table, his eyes shone with a sharp light.

"The cultivation base has finally recovered." He took a deep breath and muttered to himself, "But compared with the original cultivation base, it is still too far behind."

After pondering for a while, the old man stretched out his right hand, picked up the gossip on the incense table, put it in his palm, took a deep breath, then closed his eyes, and muttered to himself, while his left hand was still pinching. The act of pointing to calculation seems to be silently chanting some ancient incantation to calculate something.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, and that old face was full of weird smiles: "After waiting for five long years, the teleportation formation in the nameless cave will finally be activated again. The descendants of the gods also appeared, and God helped me, and God helped me too."


Under the hypnosis of "Tianji Tujuan", Li Zedao woke up until dawn, stretched, went into the bathroom to wash up, and then went into the kitchen, planning to help Sun Lingfei and Su Meng prepare breakfast.

There are not many dishes in the refrigerator, but there is a little flour. It is conceivable that Sun Lingfei seldom cooks, and even if he does, it is probably dark cooking.

At that moment, Li Zedao took out some flour and kneaded the noodles. After kneading the noodles, he began to pull the noodles skillfully. After a while, a bundle of thin and strong noodles appeared on the chopping board.

After making the noodles, Li Zedao Kashi adjusted the noodle soup. There is no such thing as thick soup soup, and it is impossible to boil a large pot of soup like a restaurant and keep it there for daily use. Therefore, I made the only two Eggs, cut up the only tomato, and that's it.

But after all, the culinary skills beyond the kitchen god are there, so even the simple tomato and egg soup is full of fragrance.

After cooking the soup, Li Zedao turned off the fire and was not in a hurry to cook the noodles. It would not be too late to wait for Sun Lingfei and Su Meng to get up below. Of course, Li Zedao did not intend to wake them up. On the surface he was sound asleep, but in fact he His perception ability is extremely strong, and he can't hide any troubles from his ears, so he knows very clearly that Sun Lingfei kissed the saliva on his face after he fell asleep yesterday, and also knows that the two women did not go to sleep until midnight after talking Now, I know better that these two people still have so many beautiful actions and topics.

Li Zedao is a very simple person, so he said that he really doesn't understand what they mean.

Leaving the kitchen and sitting back on the sofa, Li Zedao lay down again, then took out the "Tianji Tujuan", and continued to look through it, and then he was so sleepy that his eyelids began to fight again. At this moment, the door of the room was opened, and there was a sudden The sound of a waxy yawn came over.

Li Zedao looked back,

In the next second, his eyes widened.

I saw Su Meng appearing in the door room, yawning with her eyes closed.

This is of course nothing, after all, yawning just after waking up is a normal thing. But what's abnormal is that Jiang Ran's whole body is covered in white flowers, and she can see clearly what she shouldn't see, so Li Zedao was decisively stunned when he saw it.

Li Zedao is a gentleman, so he quickly looked away, thinking that this woman will not be out of her mind because of a broken relationship, right?

Then after Su Meng yawned, she made a very sweet voice as if she was talking in her sleep: "...I can't, I'm going to wet the bed..."

Then he walked out with his feet, in the direction of the sofa where Li Zedao was sitting.

Li Zedao was even more dumbfounded, what the hell is this woman doing? Are you out of your mind and sick? Or... want to seduce yourself?

What are you kidding? Are you the type to be seduced? no!

Seeing that Su Meng had already walked to the sofa, her body naturally bumped into the sofa, and then she rolled directly into the sofa with an exclamation. Li Zedao, who has a white body, is not as good as a beast, and has already avoided it, just like avoiding a snake and a scorpion.

"Ouch..." Su Meng exclaimed, and she suddenly woke up.

She looked around in confusion at first, and finally her eyes met Li Zedao's strange looking eyes, she was slightly stunned, her mind was a little confused.

Why did you open your eyes and see him? dreaming? Dreamed about him?

"Uh... I actually didn't see anything." Li Zedao said with a guilty conscience, and then turned around quickly.

Didn't see anything? Su Meng froze again, suddenly felt a little cold, then lowered her head.

Then, her eyes widened suddenly, as if the eyeballs would roll out at any moment, her mouth opened wider, and in the next second, an extremely shrill scream of "Ah..." came from her Mouth sprayed out.

Then, looking up at Li Zedao's back with a flushed face in horror, he frantically tried to block the spring light that was exposed to the air, and said in a trembling voice, ""

Li Zedao was helpless and wronged, what are you? Your sister, you almost scared me out of a heart attack, okay? And if I were you, I'd run back to my room right now.

Hearing the movement, Sun Lingfei yawned and walked out of the room, rubbing his eyes: "It's early in the morning, what are you shouting for, let me sleep..."

Then, her eyes widened suddenly, as if she had seen a ghost.


In the room, Su Meng's face was flushed, that grievance, even tears rolled in the eye sockets, while Sun Lingfei smiled heartlessly.

"Feifei, you're still laughing, it's all your fault...if you hadn't stripped me of my clothes like a beast last night? I...still laughing...I hate you to death..." Su Meng was so angry at Sun Lingfei His nostrils were smoking, and his big tearful eyes were fixed on Sun Lingfei.

She has a problem with sleepwalking occasionally.

Usually, she usually lives alone in the small apartment she rented, and the bathroom in that small apartment is outside, so occasionally she sleepwalks out to go to the bathroom.

And this morning, she had that kind of problem, she thought she was still in the small apartment she rented, so she got out of bed in a daze and opened the door to go to the bathroom.

Then, the scene in the morning that made her feel so ashamed that she couldn't be more ashamed happened.

She actually sleepwalked onto the sofa, and more importantly, Li Zedao was sleeping on that sofa, and more importantly, she didn't have any hair on her body.

So, I was seen off!

"Okay, okay, stop smiling." Seeing that Su Meng was really anxious, Sun Lingfei tried her best to restrain her smile.

"What do you think? I'm so ashamed." Su Meng cried.

"It's okay, didn't Ze Dao just say that? He didn't see anything." Sun Lingfei quickly comforted him.

"You believe it." Su Meng was furious.

"I believe it." Sun Lingfei was so guilty that he couldn't believe it when he said something like this, "You don't know, that guy is not as good as a beast, and he won't take a second look even if there are good-looking ones." Yes, so you can rest assured... Otherwise, you can just let the dog look at it."

"..." Su Meng wanted to cry, with a comforting mother like you?

"It's really not possible, let him be responsible for you, just like this, let him be responsible for you, he must be responsible, how can it be for nothing?" Sun Lingfei said, "Or, let him let you look after him, so that you don't lose money gone?"

"...Go to hell." Su Meng burst into tears. She felt that Sun Lingfei was talking ironically, how could he be held responsible? Looking at his's even more nonsense. So, I can only admit that I am unlucky.

From outside came Li Zedao's very peaceful voice as if nothing happened: "The noodles are ready, come out and eat."

"Okay, go out to eat, if you still can't swallow this breath after you're full, I'll let him lie down and let you beat him up hard, don't you think it's okay?" Sun Lingfei smiled and comforted him again.

"Forget it, it's not his fault, I'm unlucky." Su Meng cried and could only admit that she was unlucky.

A few minutes later, the two walked out of the room. Among them, Su Meng naturally lowered her head, her face was blushing, and she didn't even dare to look at Li Zedao.

"What are you doing? It smells so good!" Sun Lingfei looked at the steaming bowls of noodles on the table, her eyes were already bright.

Seeing her greedy face, Li Zedao smiled proudly and said, "Li Zedao made it specially, that...forget it, anyway, all you need to know is that this is the teacher of the legendary chef god, that is, I made it." gone."

Li Zedao originally wanted to imitate Xiaodangjia and say Xiaodangjia's special XXX, but he couldn't think of a name.

"Damn it, isn't it just a bowl of delicious noodles? Even God of Cooking has come out. If you are really the teacher of God of Cooking, then I am the wife of God of Cooking." Sun Lingfei directly threw Li Zedao a hygienic eye, but Smelling the fragrance, he couldn't help but twitch his index finger. It seems that this guy is quite skilled.

Aggrieved, shy, embarrassed, and with an inexplicable emotion in her heart, Su Meng felt her stomach growling inexplicably after smelling this fragrance. She originally thought that she would not be able to eat this morning or even the whole day of.

Immediately the two sat down on the chairs, Sun Lingfei picked up the chopsticks, picked up some noodles, put them in his mouth, chewed a couple of mouthfuls, then looked up at Li Zedao, with a dumb expression on his face: "It's really you made?"

"Nonsense, what do you think?" Li Zedao said dumbfounded, "It's pretty good, right?"

"Hmph, it's still far behind me." Sun Lingfei curled her lips, although it was indeed delicious, but she couldn't show him too much face, otherwise the beast would not be able to find it.

Then, I didn't care about talking anymore, and started eating with my head buried.

Seeing Sun Lingfei's exaggeration, Su Meng picked up a noodle and put it into her mouth curiously. Then, her eyes widened and she couldn't help but look up at Li Zedao.

She never thought that this boy could make noodles so delicious.

Seeing Li Zedao smiling at herself, Su Meng panicked, her face turned red all of a sudden, she quickly lowered her head, and began to eat noodles in small bites.

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