The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1551 The Skull Organization's Conspiracy

Although the noodles are delicious and delicious, in Su Meng's opinion, this is the best noodles she has ever eaten, but her heart is still not at peace, she is very depressed, seeing him like that, neither embarrassed nor guilty , as if nothing happened, how could he do this?

At least... an apology is okay.

After thinking about it, Su Meng thinks it's better not to apologize. Apologizing is equivalent to bringing up this matter again, and it will only make herself more embarrassed. It seems that she can only do what Feifei said, as if she was looked at by a dog.

Just when Su Meng felt aggrieved, Li Zedao's cell phone rang in his pocket. He looked at the second daughter and said, "You guys eat, I'll answer the call."

As he said that, he got up and walked to the side, took out his mobile phone, and then picked it up with some reluctance, and said, "A catty of tea and 90 million are you ready?"

On the other end of the phone, Director Yang's heart was full of helplessness, it would hurt your feelings if you didn't say this right away. And as soon as tea was mentioned, Director Yang's face started to twitch, and his heart started to bleed. In the past two days, he begged his grandpa to sue his grandma, and in the end, he even gave up his old face and even threatened him directly. Thanks to favors, I finally got together a catty of tea leaves.

"The tea leaves are all ready, I will send them to you later, and the other 90 million has also been credited to the account you left before." Director Yang said very depressed. I feel that I am really cheap, why should I bet with him? Made myself so embarrassed and passive now.

Li Zedao chuckled: "Don't just give me other tea leaves as second-hand tea, otherwise my memory, that..."

"Fuck off, who am I? Will you rely on your tea?" Director Yang blew his beard and stared, wanting to say domineeringly that ten catties, let alone a catty of tea, would be fine, but he knew that he wanted to save face The boy will definitely climb up the pole, and if it really costs ten catties, then there will be no tears for crying.

"In addition, I spent the whole night with Wu, and he finally explained everything he knew." Director Yang's tone was serious, "Fog said, Wei Fengsheng is the head of the Skull's Huaxia branch, as for when he will join Fog is not too sure about the strength of the skull-headed one."

"In addition, this time the skull sent the genetic superman to the Chinese people. It is true that there is a plan. As for what the plan is, it is not very clear."

Li Zedao was helpless: "It's the same as not saying anything."

Director Yang smiled wryly: "Wei Fengsheng caught some of Wu's handles, so he had to listen to him, so he can't be regarded as a real skull-headed person. Naturally, he doesn't know much. In addition, the bug in the car is indeed He installed it for the purpose of monitoring you... Oh, by the way, there is a piece of information that I think is very important,

It was Wei Fengsheng who asked him to do the matter of Fog spreading that kind of glowing powder in the Mogul Forest. "

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly: "So, Wei Fengsheng and the skull organization behind him want to enter the Demon Cave Forest?"

Gene Superman is a soulless corpse, so they are lifeless. Therefore, the poisonous gas in the magic cave forest should have no effect on Gene Superman.

So Skull sent the genetic superman to China just to enter the magic cave forest? If so, what is their purpose?

Because Huang Wen hyped before saying that there is a prescription for treating cancer in it, so they want to get it? Or is there some other ulterior purpose?

For a moment, Li Zedao's thoughts surged.

"I think so too. As for the real purpose of the other party, I can't figure it out." Director Yang said, "Perhaps, you know the reason? After all, you have entered several times and know what's inside."

Li Zedao quickly said: "I don't know, there is nothing special inside, I don't want you to ask your subordinates, they have also gone in, and they know the situation inside as well as I do."

Director Yang said jokingly: "So anxious to deny it, why do I feel that you seem to be hiding something?"

"I thought about it, and I don't want 90 million. I want nine catties of tea." Li Zedao said with a rich look, "I really don't miss the 90 million."

Director Yang listened, his old face twitched slightly, and he said quickly, "Uh... what are you talking about? Oh, don't worry, I'll let you send that pound of tea to you..."

After speaking, Director Yang quickly hung up the phone.

Li Zedao curled his lips, with such a disdainful expression, are you taunting me? Frighten you shameless old man to death!

Back at the dining table, Li Zedao was slightly taken aback, and saw that the bowl of noodles he had only eaten a few mouthfuls before was gone, and he was looking at Sun Lingfei, who was sitting there patting his belly with a satisfied expression on his face. In front of her, there were two empty bowls, and the bowl in front of Su Meng was also empty.

"Have you eaten it all? The soup is gone?" Li Zedao was full of pride, and couldn't help but like one after another for himself. The main reason was that he called in less than two minutes. The two women actually ate all the noodles... God, how delicious the noodles I make, why is my cooking so good? How can I be so good?

"Stomach... Are you hungry? And it's not all I ate, Xiao Su also ate." Sun Lingfei looked a little embarrassed, feeling that he didn't have the slightest image of a lady at all? While giving him a blank look, he decisively sold Su Meng as well.

The latter lowered his head, his little face was flushed, he didn't even have the courage to look at Li Zedao, and hummed: " me to put it in the bowl."

"Yeah, but you ate it too, faster than me."

Su Meng's head was lowered, and her little face was even redder.

Li Zedao made a bitter face on purpose: "I haven't eaten yet?"

"I remember there are still a few slices of bread in the refrigerator, you can eat them." Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao with a guilty conscience and said, "I think bread is better than noodles, right, Xiao Su?"

"Ah, um, the bread is delicious..." The latter lowered his head and nodded slightly.


"The monitor of our university organized a small class reunion. You can bring your family members. Would you like to come with me tonight?" Sun Lingfei said with a smile, looking at Li Zedao who was gnawing on bread.

She actually doesn't like that kind of occasion very much. She attended a high school class reunion before, and Sun Lingfei was annoyed by all the bragging and comparisons at the class reunion. This said that her boyfriend was too disappointing, and his annual salary was only a few million; The one said that I am worried recently, should I buy a BMW or a Mercedes-Benz? The one said that I really don't like lv, it's too rustic, and it's still high-end Chanel, look at what I bought... Sun Lingfei looked at it with sharp eyes, your sister, it's a high imitation.

What made Sun Lingfei want to vomit blood even more was that several boys wanted to show their love to her. past.

Sun Lingfei has always been very low-key, so those students in the class really don't know that her father is a tycoon in the catering industry, and she is even better at investing, earning close to eight figures a year, and she also has a red limited edition Ferrari.

It can be said that among those classmates, only Su Meng, a buddy, knew the real situation of Sun Lingfei. Of course, she kept her mouth shut and did not spread the word on Sun Lingfei's behalf.

Therefore, if Li Zedao was brought to the party at night, no one would foolishly come up to him and secretly propose the idea of ​​nurturing him.

Li Zedao nodded, since he has nothing to do anyway, he can just join in the fun, and immediately asked, "Where is the location?"

Sun Lingfei blinked: "*Resort."

"Uh..." Li Zedao smiled and nodded. In fact, Xiao Qiangwei has now transferred the entire company to Li Zedao's name, so now Li Zedao is naturally the behind-the-scenes owner of the resort hotel under this company, and Sun Lingfei naturally knows this, so she winked at Li Zedao.

"Then see if there is a bus stop or subway station nearby, and if not, call a taxi." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Well, that's what I thought too." Sun Lingfei looked at the man who knew her thoughts with a smile like a flower, stretched out her hand, and picked off the crumbs from Li Zedao's chin, like a gentle little wife, "With a little Like a child, they ate up to their chins."

Seeing this scene, Su Meng's eyes flashed with envy. Why didn't she meet such a man? Oh, yes, but she and him are destined to be two parallel lines, there is no possibility of intersecting.

Leaving aside that he is Sun Lingfei's boyfriend, she must not have any special thoughts. In addition, Su Meng can also tell from Li Zedao's reaction that he has no extra thoughts about herself.

"I've been to that place once, and there may be no taxis when I come back, so I'll drive." Su Meng said.

When Su Meng went to the bathroom, Sun Lingfei nudged Li Zedao with her elbow, and asked in a low voice, "I'm going to ask you something, answer me honestly."

"Well, you can ask." Li Zedao probably knew what this chick was going to ask.

"You looked at Xiao Su's body in the morning, so you didn't intend to take responsibility?" Sun Lingfei asked.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "She came out suddenly like this, and I was taken aback too, okay? Besides, how can I be responsible? You know my situation, and it may not be good for her."

Sun Lingfeilou wrapped Li Zedao's arm, leaned his head on his shoulder, and said with a sad little face: "Yes."

"She is the kind of rational person, so in less than a day, she has already come out of the broken relationship, and she has no intention of nostalgia. Although part of the reason for this is because that Yang Ze is really scumbag, but it is also possible. You can see a person's character, so if she knows that I already have many women and may die at any time, she will persuade you to break up with me in all likelihood." Li Zedao expressed his opinion.

"I don't want to break up with you." Sun Lingfei said, "I will be in a hurry with anyone who dares to let me separate from you!"

Li Zedao smiled: "I won't separate from you just now, I believe that I will be cured if I get sick."

Sun Lingfei was dissatisfied, and her jealousy increased greatly: "Go to hell, I will blame you at this time, not you."


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