The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1552 Blind date girl

Because the party was in the evening, Sun Lingfei took Li Zedao out and went shopping for a long time. Of course, this time it was mainly to help Li Zedao buy clothes.

Someone in the circle of friends spread dog food and said that it is a very happy thing to buy clothes for the man he likes. Of course, Sun Lingfei also wants to try what kind of happiness that is.

Su Meng was tactful and didn't follow, but said that she would go back to the beauty salon to deal with some things first, and also wanted to go back to change clothes and drive the car. Sun Lingfei let her go without much reluctance.

"Honey, how about you come over and see this dress?" In a men's clothing brand store, Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao with a black casual shirt in his hand, "From my perspective, this dress is It suits you very well.”

"I changed my trousers and shoes too. Those who wear shirts and sweatpants are silly." Sun Lingfei said with a smile and picked out a pair of matching casual trousers and a pair of casual leather shoes.

Li Zedao rubbed his nose, and walked towards her dumbfounded. He had already carried five more bags in his hands, all of which were clothes and trousers that Sun Lingfei helped him choose, and they were in the same shopping mall. bought in.

It can be seen that Sun Lingfei enjoys the process of helping her boyfriend choose and buy clothes, so Li Zedao also cooperates and puts on one piece of clothing that she thinks looks good, and does as she pleases.

After taking the clothes, trousers and shoes that Ms. Sun had chosen, he handed her the bag in his hand, and then Li Zedao looked at her a few times and said that Miss Sun really has a good eye, and Sun Lingfei, who is so proud, said that it was nonsense? Where can Miss Ben's liking be so bad? Then he urged Li Zedao to change it quickly.

After changing into his clothes, pants and shoes, Li Zedao was fascinated by the fitting room for a while, and said who is this handsome guy? How could he be so handsome? Then he left the changing room and appeared In front of Sun Lingfei.

Then, not only Sun Lingfei's eyes straightened, but also the eyes of some other female customers in the store, as well as the sales lady.

Such a simple combination of business and leisure makes Li Zedao feel particularly energetic.

"It's so handsome..." Sun Lingfei was decisively infatuated. It is said that the same clothes are worn on different people, and the aesthetic feeling brought by them is different, and there is even a difference between the sky and the bottom. The reason why the photos in the comments were deleted was that a piece of clothing that was originally good was completely discredited as soon as he posted the photos.

Li Zedao is obviously a very standard clothes rack, so such a set of not too expensive clothes is worn on him,

Straight out of the effect of the dress.

At this time, Li Zedao looked so sunny and handsome, especially those deep eyes that seemed to be able to speak, as if they could penetrate the hearts of others.

So, not only Sun Lingfei was a nympho, but even some bolder ones stared directly at Li Zedao with fiery eyes.

There was even a plump and sexy young woman who walked up to him and winked at Li Zedao: "Handsome guy, I just plan to buy a dress for my little brother, my little brother is about the same size as you, you Help me try it."


Before Li Zedao had time to say anything, Sun Lingfei, who had turned pale, had already come over, hugged Li Zedao's arm, looked at the young woman and said coldly, "Sorry, my husband doesn't have time."

"'s a pity." The young woman couldn't help being disappointed, smiled at Li Zedao, turned and left.

"Asshole, you can't hold back seeing someone with big breasts, can you?" Sun Lingfei's tone was sour, but his eyes were full of strange expressions.

Li Zedao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You think too much."

Sun Lingfei reached out to help Li Zedao straighten his neckline, and then whispered, "However, he's really handsome..."

"So, you won't have another nosebleed, right?" Li Zedao pretended to be nervous.

"Go to hell...I want to eat you up." Sun Lingfei grinned deliberately.

"Come on, those who don't eat are idiots." Li Zedao smiled ambiguously, "Why don't you go shopping and go back..."

"Go to hell..." Sun Lingfei was so ashamed that she gave Li Zedao a blank look, and then said jealously: "Hurry up and change it, it's too handsome, so it's too dangerous, and the eyes of those women around you want to put you in your eyes." It's like you've been eaten."

Throughout the morning and noon, Sun Lingfei bought more than a dozen pieces of clothes for Li Zedao, and only then did she have enough fun. She drove back to put the purchased clothes away, and then came out again. This time she didn't drive, but took a taxi.

Then, Sun Lingfei called Su Meng and asked her to come out and have a meal together.

"Wait for me, I'll pick you up." Su Meng said on the phone, she knew Sun Lingfei's temperament, she likes to keep a low profile and not to show off, so among those classmates, no one except her really knew that her conditions were so good, so It would be appropriate for her to drive there together.

In less than half an hour, Su Meng drove her low-key white Volkswagen Polo and appeared beside Sun Lingfei and Li Zedao who were waiting there. Fashionable clothes for the figure, and a little makeup on the face, which looks decent.

Sun Lingfei and Li Zedao did not change into the newly purchased clothes, but wore simple sportswear. It was a bit out of place to go to such a high-end place to attend a party in such a dress, but Sun Lingfei didn't care, and Li Zedao I don't care anymore.

"Let's go, I know a place where the steak is delicious, I'll take you there." Su Meng said with a slight smile.

After Sun Lingfei got into the car, she looked at Su Meng with a half-smile and teased, "Xiao Su, tell me the truth, you are so beautifully dressed, don't you want to take down someone from your classmates? Oh, I remembered, no Could it be Qian Xuemo? I remember you looked at Qian Xuemo strangely when you were in college."

"Go to hell, Qian Xuemo looks at you strangely." Su Meng couldn't laugh or cry. I thought to myself, I still want to win your boyfriend, but unfortunately that is basically impossible, broke up, and I have a chance to chase after you.

Just now she paid attention to Li Zedao's eyes, with a smile, so peaceful, she didn't mean to surprise her attire, so... Su Meng had to sigh, this boy didn't see her in front of her eyes, even if she dressed herself She looks so good-looking, even... naked.

How did Su Meng know that Li Zedao was surrounded by all kinds of beauties, so even though she was well-dressed, in Li Zedao's eyes, that was all.

The two girlfriends were teasing each other over there, talking about some interesting things in college, Li Zedao also listened with great interest, and then probably knew that when he was in college, Su Meng liked Qian Xuemo, but Qian Xuemo liked Sun Lingfei, Sun Lingfei was treated as private property by Wei Fengsheng.

This actually has an advantage, that is, during the whole university period, no one dared to tease or even provoke Sun Lingfei, let alone confess their love. They were all afraid of being wiped out by the arrogant Wei Fengsheng.

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of a stylish restaurant.

"It's here." Su Meng looked back at Sun Lingfei and Li Zedao and said with a smile.

Li Zedao looked at the restaurant with a slightly weird expression on his face. He felt that he was so destined to this restaurant. He came here three times and met the same blind date girl. Then he also met Qing Xuzi in this restaurant.

Afraid that there would be no seats, Su Meng had already reserved a seat online on the way here, so after entering, a waiter came over and led them to the reserved seat immediately.

After sitting down, Li Zedao's eyes unintentionally looked to the left, and his expression became weird again.

Blind date girl! He actually met that blind date girl again! Li Zedao felt that he and that woman were so destined. The Buddha said that only five hundred times of looking back in the previous life can be exchanged for passing by in this life, so how many times did he have to look back at this woman in his previous life? I'm afraid they all have to stare wide-eyed, right?

At the same time, I also feel that this woman's spirit of not giving up is really moving. This is really a repeated defeat. The spirit of getting up from where you fall is really worth learning...Why do you choose What about this restaurant?

Same as the previous three times, this woman was dressed in a very fancy dress, and the perfume on her body was very strong, so although the table where Li Zedao was sitting was quite far from where the woman was sitting, Li Zedao still smelled that smell , and even a little pungent.

"It can't be that there is body odor, so you need to spray a lot of perfume to cover it up." After sitting down, Li Zedao secretly slandered.

At the same time, the blind date man who was on a blind date with the blind date girl turned his head inadvertently. Li Zedao saw his side face clearly. Then, his eyes widened slightly, and the muscles on his face twitched decisively a few times. It's even more weird, this is the old thief who was kicked away by himself yesterday and was so stimulated by Sun Lingfei that he showed his knife to hurt someone.

At this time, the old man was dressed as a successful person, with an extremely calm and confident smile on his face, so he not only looked a few years younger, but also really looked like a successful person.

But even if he is a few years younger, he is still in his early fifties no matter how you look at it. Being the father of this blind date woman is enough.

It seems that this blind date woman has failed too many times before, so the age requirement for a man has been so low that it is ridiculous... I guess as long as you have money, you can do it?

Looking at the blind date girl, smiling like a flower, looking at the old man's eyes as if he was looking at Song Yu and Pan An, it is conceivable that this old thief must have made a tailor-made one for himself. The background is not small.

Of course, Li Zedao is still willing to believe that if they are really together in the end, then it must be true love, and it has nothing to do with money.

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