While Li Zedao thought it was funny, he didn't bother to talk to him anymore. He closed his eyes and asked Sun Lingfei to order a steak for him, and then listened with interest to Sun Lingfei and Su Meng talking about all the interesting things that happened when they were in school. .

What Li Zedao didn't know was that, a few meters away, the old thief with his back turned to him accepted the woman's ambiguous eyes and words of admiration with a faint smile, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth curled up in an inexplicable way, His eyes became hotter little by little.

Of course, the old thief didn't look back at Li Zedao, but looked at the blind date girl with a faint smile on his face and said: "This is my basic situation, it's not very good, and I'm much older than you, look ..."

"I think...it's pretty good. I like older ones. It's like that old wine. It's mellow and delicious, making people intoxicated! Older people have rich social experience and know how to love others. Besides, , you look very young." The face of the blind date girl had just the right amount of embarrassment.

The full-time cadre at the department level has retired, and the monthly pension is not cheap. His wife and children died in a car accident a few years ago, and now he is the only one left in the family. The most important thing is that he has a courtyard house in Yanjing. You know, Now the value of a random courtyard house in that area is calculated in hundreds of millions.

How many years will this old man live? Then it's all yours.

Therefore, the blind date girl is so satisfied with this old man that she can't be more satisfied, and she even plans her future life in her mind instantly. If the old man can satisfy herself, it will be even better. It's okay, just go out and find the little boy.

The old thief smiled and nodded, "How old did you say you were?"

"I'm thirty-four this year, and my birthday is in mid-February." The woman said with a charming smile. She is still very confident about her appearance, and she actually looks like twenty-seven or eighty at most, so she doesn't believe that she won't be able to fall in love with this old man.

The old man nodded, his eyes fell on the cup in front of him, and he muttered a few words, but he didn't know what he was muttering, and then his eyes fell on the woman again, with regret on his face: "I think We are not so suitable, because our zodiac recoils, our horoscopes are not compatible, if we are forced to be together, each other will be greatly hurt, so I'm sorry."

The smile on the woman's face froze instantly, the corners of her mouth twitched violently a few times, and she couldn't help asking, "You... know fortune-telling?"

The old thief smiled awkwardly and nodded: "I know a little bit, so I'm sorry, but if you are forced to be together, you will be in disaster."

"I'm sick, I've spent so much time wasting my old lady's time with the immoral ink stains.

The woman was furious, glared at the old man fiercely, picked up the bag beside her, got up and left.

Li Zedao, who was eating the steak with his head down, felt an overly fragrant aroma, subconsciously looked up, and his eyes met the angry woman.

When the woman saw that it was Li Zedao, her eyes widened, and she instantly remembered the previous scene, she quickly looked away, pretending that she didn't see Li Zedao, and left in a hurry.

Li Zedao smiled, and took another look at the old thief who was sitting there drinking water from a cup. It seemed that this blind date had broken down again.

In the middle of the meal, Sun Lingfei and Su Meng got up and went to the bathroom together. At the same time, the old thief stood up and planned to leave as if he had finished his meal.

When he saw Li Zedao sitting there, his face changed slightly, and then he walked towards him as if he was thinking about something.

As footsteps approached, Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the old man walking towards him. The latter smiled awkwardly but friendly, expressing that he had no malice.

"Thanks to my subordinates for showing mercy yesterday, otherwise I would probably have to stay in the hospital for a few days." Coming to the front, the old thief looked at Li Zedao's face and nodded slightly, and said.

Then the more he looked at the other person's face, the old man's heart trembled a few times, something was wrong, this young man's body was very wrong.

Li Zedao nodded teasingly: "The blind date is here? Or... plan to do a vote?"

The old man smiled awkwardly and said: "I am actually the descendant of the legendary Kongkongmen, which has already been torn apart and ceased to exist. The purpose of our school is to steal the rich and help the poor, so we are very particular about finding the target. I have never done it, but I have done a lot of things to give charcoal in a timely manner."

"Uh... So, you are a so-called grand thief?" Li Zedao was stunned, it was the first time he had heard a thief being so confident, as if not stealing other people's property is just sorry to God, sorry to thousands of thousands Like the people of the motherland.

The old man nodded: "It can be understood in this way."

Li Zedao didn't know what to say.

"Young man, thanks to your mercy, I owe you a favor, so... I think it is necessary to remind you." The old man's face became a little serious.

"Oh, remind me?" Li Zedao asked curiously, of course he didn't take it seriously.

"I have learned the art of distorting yellow, and I know a little bit about seeing, hearing, and hearing. I look at your face, young man, and it seems that your body is in a lot of trouble... I don't know if I am right? Or not, please forgive me " said the old man.

Li Zedao's face changed slightly, he stood up, looked at the old man and said, "Sir, please sit down."

He could tell from his face that something was wrong with his body, so Li Zedao knew very clearly that this old man was not as simple as he had seen on the surface, so he became polite now.

Of course, there is still a sense of vigilance, after all, I don't know the real origin of this old man.

"Thank you." The old man nodded, sat down in the empty seat next to Li Zedao, and said with a sincere expression, "Can I help you feel your pulse?"

"Mr. Trouble." Li Zedao quickly stretched out his hand.

The old man nodded, put his fingers on Li Zedao's pulse, narrowed his eyes and focused on the pulse, then opened his eyes slightly, looked at Li Zedao in amazement, and then let go of his pulse.

"Young man, judging from your aura, you are already a legendary master of returning to basics... But, you can't be regarded as a master of returning to basics in the true sense...Of course, young people, you probably have your own So it’s nothing, the key is that there is a cold and poisonous aura in your body, although it is temporarily suppressed, but there are signs of loosening, if it erupts completely, then..."

The old man shook his head, his expression was full of emotion, as if God was jealous of a talent.

Li Zedao's heart was already filled with huge waves. What the old thief said was almost exactly the same as what the master Qing Xuzi said before his death. Therefore, this old thief with unknown origins was really not simple.

"Sir, is there a way to save it?" Li Zedao asked after taking a deep breath.

The old man frowned as if thinking about something, and finally said: "I know of only one way to dispel this extremely vicious hostility."

"Sir, please tell me." Li Zedao said quickly, feeling his heartbeat speed up inexplicably.

"To comprehend the legendary Taoist treasure "Tianji Picture Scroll"..."

"Uh..." Li Zedao pulled the muscles on his face slightly.

"Once you comprehend it, then the violence in your body may be resolved." The old man shook his head and said, "However, there are two major problems in this. The first "Tianji Tujuan" has been lost for a long time, and no one knows its specifics. The whereabouts, maybe, there is no such a wonderful book in this world; the second problem is that even if you have the scroll of heavenly secrets, if you want to comprehend it thoroughly, you have to go to a special place. Otherwise, when flipping through the "Tianji Tujuan", it will make people feel like flipping through a heavenly book, drowsy and irresistible."

"Uh..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched even more, his heartbeat accelerated, and he asked, "I don't know where that place is."

Of course, he wouldn't foolishly tell this old thief with unknown origins that the legendary Taoist treasure "Tianji Tujuan" is in my hands, and I still use it to treat insomnia, and the effect is very good.

"The legendary Immortal Cave, the Nameless Cave." The old man shook his head and said, "As for the exact location of the Nameless Cave, I'm not quite sure."

"..." Li Zedao's heart was already filled with huge waves.

So, the two methods mentioned by Master can only be counted as one? That is, you have to go to a special place, that is, the Wuming Cave, to comprehend the scroll of heavenly secrets?

"Heaven is jealous of talents, but don't be too stressed. Maybe you have been favored by God, allowing you to get the scroll of heavenly secrets and find the nameless cave. However, if my diagnosis is correct, young man, you still have a little more time." years."

Li Zedao's face changed slightly.

The old man shook his head, looked at Li Zedao and said with emotion: "Please take care, I'll go back first."

"Thank you sir." Li Zedao took a deep breath and stood up to see him off.

Sun Lingfei and Su Meng came out of the bathroom and saw Li Zedao chatting with an old man from a distance, vaguely felt that the old man seemed familiar, but didn't think much about it.

When they returned to their seats, the old man also got up and left. Before leaving, he smiled kindly at Sun Lingfei and Su Meng.

"Who is it?" Sun Lingfei sat down and asked curiously, "You look familiar."

"It seems to be... the old thief who showed his knife yesterday, right?" Su Meng looked back from the old man's back and looked at Li Zedao and asked.

Li Zedao smiled and nodded: "That's him."

"Ah? Came out to steal again?" Sun Lingfei, full of sense of justice, was furious, and wanted Li Zedao to beat him up again.

Li Zedao shook his head, dumbfounded, and said, "I didn't come out to steal, but a blind date."

"Blind date?" Su Meng and Sun Lingfei looked at each other.

Li Zedao's heart was still churning with huge waves, and in the depths of his eyes, there was an inexplicable light flickering.

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