Su Meng managed the time almost perfectly. When she drove Sun Lingfei and Li Zedao to the resort at the foot of a certain mountain in the suburbs, the time came to 5:40 pm, not far from the agreed time of 6:00 up.

After parking the car in the parking lot in front of the hotel, Su Meng walked in first, and Sun Lingfei followed behind, holding Li Zedao's hand.

"Do you have the feeling of a big boss patrolling in disguise?" Sun Lingfei looked up at Li Zedao with a smile, and whispered.

"Do you have the feeling of a lady boss patrolling in disguise?" Li Zedao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In fact, although he is the behind-the-scenes owner of this resort, he does not participate in any operation management at all. All the decisions and high-level appointments are still made by his mother Xiao Qiangwei, so even if the person in charge of the resort is a man or a woman, it is Old or young, he doesn't know.

"Die..." Sun Lingfei smiled like a flower, her heart was very sweet. Of course, what she cares about is not how much the resort hotel is worth, but what she cares about is the relationship with Li Zedao.

Although there are many women around Li Zedao, they are treated equally, and there is no distinction between big and small or first-come-first-served. Sun Lingfei is still very satisfied with this.

At this time, in the hotel lobby of the resort, there were already many people waiting there, chatting in groups of three or four, no matter whether they were men or women, they were obviously well-dressed. All of them looked like successful people, while the women looked like famous ladies, like Li Zedao and Sun Lingfei who came here in sportswear, really none.

So standing with these people, Sun Lingfei and Li Zedao seemed so out of place.

After seeing Su Meng and Sun Lingfei coming in, those people greeted one after another. It is conceivable that Sun Lingfei and Su Meng are still very popular, especially Su Meng, who used to be a life committee member, often organizes classes with the monitor activities, so she is more popular than Sun Lingfei.

Sun Lingfei generously introduced her boyfriend Li Zedao to them. Li Zedao greeted them with a faint smile on his face, and at the same time could clearly feel that the other party was either hypocritical or simply contemptuous. Eyes, I don’t care so much at the moment, I just come here for a meal anyway... No, at least three meals, according to Su Meng, there are programs scheduled for tonight and tomorrow during the day, and the party will end tomorrow night, that is to say , I have to stay here for one night tonight.

Of course, all these expenses were paid by Qian Xuemo, the organizer of the party.

After a simple greeting, Su Meng chatted with a few classmates who had a good relationship. Sun Lingfei, who was always carefree but often alone, took Li Zedao to a seat beside her and sat down, then she was a little puzzled. He muttered: "It seems that they are all familiar faces."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"it means,

Those present seemed to be former classmates. "Sun Lingfei muttered.

"Uh... no strange faces?"

Sun Lingfei thought about it seriously, looked at those people a few more times, and then shook her head: "It doesn't seem to be. Although I can't name them basically, I have some impressions."

"So, you brought your family here? So, I'm the only 'outsider'?" The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched, and he, who had always been shy and introverted, was still somewhat embarrassed and uncomfortable at this time.

In fact, there are not too many people who bring their families during class reunions. After all, the main purpose of class reunions is to reminisce about the old days... Of course, now it is more about bragging and showing off, which has changed. If you bring your family members here, you have to take care of their emotions and introduce each other. If you are exhausted, how can you brag unscrupulously?

Even, sometimes, the classmate reunion is still a pretense of dating, let alone family members know about it.

In short, if you really bring your family members, then the classmates will basically not be able to play with each other.

So although Qian Xuemo said that he could bring his family members, but that was just a polite remark, and these people defaulted to filtering out his words, only treating them as a joke, so in the end, no one brought his family members.

Of course, except for Sun Lingfei.

She didn't want to be separated from Li Zedao for a second now, so she brought him here directly.

"It seems to be." Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao's extremely helpless face, and couldn't hold back his joy. Two deep dimples appeared on his face, and he comforted him with a smile, "Anyway, even if Qian Xuemo said he couldn't bring his family, I I have to take you with me, otherwise I won’t participate. How pitiful I am to leave you alone at home... No, how pitiful it is you, anyway, you can just treat it as an inspection, or stay for one night and five for free The star hotel is not bad, the most important thing is, you are so thick-skinned, you won't feel embarrassed, right?"

"..." Li Zedao was so helpless, why did no one believe that he was actually very shy and thin-skinned?

Not long after, the classmates who were chatting in groups of three or four were commotioned, and they all moved towards the entrance of the hall to greet them.

Li Zedao looked up, and saw a heroic man walking in. The man looked about twenty-five or sixteen years old, but he gave off a rather mature and sophisticated feeling. His cheeks are very handsome, his hair is combed meticulously, and he wears a pair of rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose, giving him a strong aura of refinement and refinement.

Wearing a tailored black suit and black shirt. There is no tie, and the top two buttons are undone, giving people a casual and natural feeling.

He greeted the classmates who gathered towards him with a smile like he was bathing in the spring breeze, giving people a feeling of being very close to nature.

It gives people the feeling that this is a person who has great taste and knows how to get along with others. You will feel very comfortable getting along with him.

"He is Qian Xuemo." Sun Lingfei glanced at the other party, then looked back at Li Zedao and said.

"It's pretty handsome." Li Zedao nodded with a slight smile. Just based on the scene he saw now, Li Zedao knew that this guy is not so simple, at least he has a good way of dealing with people.

Of course, if you just throw tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to invite your classmates to come to such a luxurious resort hotel to have a big meal and stay for one night, you will be very popular with your classmates.

"Really? I think it's far worse than you." Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao with a nympho again, "I'm not as handsome as you."

Li Zedao is so happy, and feels that he has found a bosom friend: "I think so too."

"It's really shameless." Sun Lingfei said with a smile, and gave Li Zedao a white look, but his big eyes seemed to be filled with water.

"I'm sorry, as the class monitor and the initiator of this party, I should have arrived early, but there is something I need to deal with in the hotel temporarily, so I will delay a little time..." Qian Xuemo explained in a gentle manner, using the corner of his eyes From the corner of the eye, he glanced at Sun Lingfei and the strange man who were sitting there, and a strange coldness swept away from his eyes, and he quickly returned to normal.

"Haha, who doesn't know that your squad leader Qian is now the deputy manager of this five-star resort hotel, with an annual salary of several million, so you should be busy." One of the girls said with a smile at Qian Xuemo Yingying, as if interested Yes, and the volume was raised, as if to show off.

As a result, many students began to admire. They only knew that Qian Xuemo, the proud man of heaven, had been hired by a large group because of his excellence before graduation. It was said that the salary was still very high. Don't be envious and jealous of students who are full of confusion and fear about the future.

Unexpectedly, in just over a year, he became the deputy manager of this five-star resort hotel, with an annual salary of several million.

Because the voice was not low, Sun Lingfei also heard it, so she looked at Li Zedao with a strange expression, and whispered: "So, you are Qian Xuemo's boss."

"Ahem, you are still the proprietress, keep a low profile." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"I hate it." Sun Lingfei smiled like a flower, stretched out her hand and pinched Li Zedao's waist.

Qian Xuemo glanced at Sun Lingfei secretly, and then said with a smile: "Then let's gather together and see if everyone is here."

Su Meng took a look at this boy who had been silently liking for a while, but now that kind of thoughts are gone, and then she turned her head and shouted to Sun Lingfei: "Feifei, we're assembled."

Unable to bear it, he looked at Li Zedao one more time, and couldn't help cursing himself inwardly, Su Meng, don't think about anything else.

Sun Lingfei waved at Su Meng, expressing that she knew, then took Li Zedao's hand and moved over.

"Feifei, long time no see." When he came to the front, Qian Xuemo looked at Sun Lingfei and said with a smile, his eyes became more and more hot. After seeing her for more than a year, she was still the same, and she hadn't changed at all.

"Hello, Squad Leader Qian." Sun Lingfei nodded, neither enthusiastic nor rude, and dragged Li Zedao to him to introduce herself, "My boyfriend, Li Zedao."

"Hello, welcome." Qian Xuemo's eyes fell on Li Zedao, he greeted with a smile, and then warmly extended his hand to Li Zedao. He took advantage of the opportunity to take a step forward, as if two people's bodies were going to stick together, and then whispered something in Li Zedao's ear: "Look at your clothes... I don't think you can give Feifei happiness, so, for For Feifei's happiness, I decided to compete with you."

Qian Xuemo had a smile on his face as if bathing in the spring breeze, and he enthusiastically held the hand of the only "outsider" brought by Sun Lingfei, as if seeing a close friend he hadn't seen for a long time, and his voice It was very small, and his lips basically didn't move, so no one thought about it, he actually said such words to Li Zedao

So everyone just felt that the owner Qian Xuemo knew how to treat guests and was very enthusiastic.

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