The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1555 Sour Classmates Reunion

Qian Xuemo, who has an enviable handsome appearance and a good job, is naturally favored by many girls, but he has been single all these years and has not accepted any girls, because he has always lived in his heart. A girl, the girl he fell in love with as soon as he met back then.

It's just that Wei Fengsheng, who is in the same class, is too domineering, and Qian Xuemo really can't afford to provoke him, so he can only keep this love in his heart silently.

But now, if Sun Lingfei's boyfriend is Wei Fengsheng, then forget it, what Qian Xuemo can do is to continue to bury that love deeply in his heart.

But it wasn't Wei Fengsheng, but a kid who came out of nowhere, and judging from his clothes, this kid's life was naturally pretty bad.

How could such a person bring happiness to Feifei?

The most important point is that this poor boy is in a relationship with Sun Lingfei, but he is still alive and well. He has no missing arms or legs, and his face that is still good has not been trampled, so the only explanation is that Wei The wind is no longer bothering Sun Lingfei, and he no longer treats it as his own private property domineeringly, so Qian Xuemo's mind is completely active, and he firmly believes that the best opportunity for him to express his love to Sun Lingfei has come.

Therefore, Qian Xuemo took this opportunity to quietly express his heart in the poor boy's ear, more precisely, he was sending a war letter to the poor boy.

As for the poor boy's reaction, Qian Xuemo was quite looking forward to it, and when his expression changed, he yelled and even did it directly? Or do you just smile and act like you didn't hear it, but you are seriously hurt and stimulated in your heart? Or do you just change your face but dare not say a word of nonsense while trembling, and then quickly find a reason to take Sun Lingfei away?

Of course, no matter how this kid reacts, Qian Xuemo is looking forward to it, but he doesn't really care that much. Anyway, his goal has been achieved. He just wants to use this kid's mouth to express himself to Sun Lingfei for more than five years. A love that never changes.

Even, it would be even better if this kid was too suspicious, questioned Sun Lingfei what he thought Sun Lingfei had with him, and then had a big fight. This is what Qian Xuemo wanted to see most.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly, it's okay to judge people by their appearance, why should they judge people by their clothes? Could it be that those who dress poorly are unaffordable and not low-key? Rather than wearing it like this is actually for comfort? Should he be ridiculed, looked down upon and kicked hard? Being told you can't afford your woman so I'll help you?

Li Zedao felt that this sanctimonious guy was so stupid that he even said in front of the boss that the boss was too poor to support a woman, so I should take care of him... Li Zedao was looking forward to it, when he learned that he was When the behind-the-scenes boss of this resort hotel,

How would this guy react.

But no matter how he reacted in the end, Li Zedao felt that it was better to fire him. This guy is really good, and it is really inferior to let him stay here.

At this moment, Qian Xuemo, who was sneering in his heart, didn't know that his enviable and satisfying job was gradually moving away from him.

"Thank you for your invitation." Li Zedao nodded with a smile and said politely.

Choose to act as if you didn't hear anything? Qian Xuemo smiled, with an inexplicable glint in his eyes. He felt that there must be an extremely hideous mask hidden under this mask as if nothing had happened.

In this case, however, this is indeed the most reasonable course of action.

"Have fun for a while, don't be too reserved, we are all friends." Qian Xuemo said pointedly, with an inexplicable smile in his eyes.

"Yes." Li Zedao responded with a smile and nodded, his eyes met his, so he could clearly capture the provocation and disdain in his eyes, and he sneered in his heart at the moment, don't provoke me, otherwise you will cry when.

Li Zedao probably guessed that this guy already had plans to make himself as ugly as possible.

Qian Xuemo smiled, and then symbolically called the names. He has contacted all the people in the past few days, including Li Zedao, who is not so popular as an "uninvited guest", there are a total of eighteen people, exactly nine men and nine women.

At the moment Qian Xuemo led the way, the group got on the elevator and came to a large box in the beautiful banquet living room on the second floor. At this time, on the big round table, there were already exquisite and delicious dishes. There are delicious food, and there are also a variety of alcoholic beverages.

The table is huge, so it doesn't feel cramped at all for eighteen people to sit on it.

As if to take special care of Li Zedao, the only "outsider", Qian Xuemo warmly greeted Li Zedao to sit next to him.

Li Zedao was polite and did not take Qian Xuemo's "good intentions", and sat down on the seat next to him. Sun Lingfei naturally sat next to Li Zedao, while Su Meng sat next to Sun Lingfei, and the others also found their own seats.

Then, Qian Xuemo, the organizer of this party, got up, said a few words that were not nutritious, poured wine and toasted everyone, and then everyone began to chat while eating and drinking, toasting each other, and Qian Xuemo wandered around every day. Around the individual, the one who chatted with this one, and the one who chatted with that one, also controlled the atmosphere of the scene very well, so as not to be cold.

At the beginning, I was talking about the good things in the past, but as I got to the end, my mind seemed to be controlled by alcohol more and more. My tongue grew bigger, and the topics of conversation changed. I also made some pornographic jokes. The girl smiled prettily and patted him on the shoulder a few times to tell him to die, or she was entangled in changing cars, she fell in love with a Mercedes-Benz and a BMW and didn’t know which one to buy, or her boyfriend was right She is so kind, I even gave her an LV bag the day before yesterday...

In short, those present were fairly normal, only Li Zedao, Sun Lingfei, Su Meng, and Qian Xuemo who was in charge of controlling the atmosphere of the scene were left.

The classmates were bragging over there, he agreed with a smile, and the girl gave him winks, but he accepted it calmly with a smile, and it could be seen that his alcohol capacity was very good, he drank a lot of wine, and his complexion was still normal, There is no more meaning.

Sun Lingfei, who was sitting next to Li Zedao, whispered emotion in Li Zedao's ear, she knew it would be like this, the once innocent people were no longer innocent, and the once pure people were no longer pure.

"Look at that girl, what does she seem to be called...forget it, forget it, anyway, she is very quiet in my impression, but now..."

Li Zedao glanced at the girl Sun Lingfei mentioned, and he recognized her. She was the girl who revealed to everyone that Qian Xuemo was the deputy manager of this five-star resort hotel with an annual salary of several million. His face was flushed, he had a coquettish smile, and he threw all kinds of winks, especially at Qian Xuemo. Qian Xuemo was still calm, but the other few who were winked by her were directly fascinated. upside down.

"And that boy, what's his name... I still forgot..."

"..." Li Zedao was really worried. If these people knew that Sun Lingfei had forgotten their names, would they just roll up their sleeves and beat them up?

"Anyway, in my impression, he is very upright, and he despises Wei Fengsheng's rich and powerful family, but now, alas..."

At this time, when Qian Xuemo had a drink with that boy, the boy's smile was so flattering, he nodded and looked at what Qian Xuemo said eagerly, and he didn't need to think about it. This is the hope of Qian Xuemo's help Introduce a better job. After Qian Xuemo nodded with a slight smile, the boy blushed so excitedly that he let Qian Xuemo do whatever he wanted, and then he toasted three glasses of wine.

Of course, some people came over during this period and planned to have a drink with Sun Lingfei. Sun Lingfei smiled politely and said that she had a stomachache and was not suitable for drinking, so she substituted fruit juice.

Because she is a beautiful woman and the former president of the school's Taekwondo Association, and the impression they gave them in the past was that Sun Lingfei had a bad temper and would really beat people, so no one made a fuss about changing drinks or something .

As for Su Meng, she was looking for the same reason as Sun Lingfei. She was not feeling well and was not suitable for drinking. With Sun Lingfei's testimony, no one made things difficult for her.

As for Li Zedao, an "outsider", except for Qian Xuemo's enthusiastic chatting with him from time to time, which Li Zedao thought was not very nutritious, and toasting a glass of wine, most of the time he was buried in eating all kinds of food that Sun Lingfei helped him. Delicious food, and then Sun Lingfei took a tissue to help him wipe off the greasy corner of his mouth with a happy face.

Li Zedao was burying his head and eating over there like a starved ghost reincarnated. This scene fell into the eyes of these people, and naturally they were contemptuous and disdainful. Where did the country bumpkin come from, and he was ashamed of being here.

And when they saw Sun Lingfei wipe the mouth of this country bumpkin so happily, several boys including Qian Xuemo felt so upset, they all felt that a good flower was stuck in cow dung.

Su Meng spends more time lamenting, envious, thinking wildly, secretly turning her eyes around Sun Lingfei and falling on Li Zedao, knowing that it is impossible and there will be no results, but... a lot of times, people just want to control I can't help myself, and I always want to do things that I know are wrong and will hurt myself and others.

Halfway through the banquet, in order to sublimate the atmosphere, Qian Xuemo turned on the ktv song ordering system in the box, ready to start karaoke.

"I'll take the initiative. I will play one song first, and the other class leaders will follow. Then whoever wants to sing, come and order a song." Qian Xuemo said with a faint smile on his face.

"Papa..." Everyone started applauding and cheering.

"Then let's play a song..."Just Love You." Qian Xuemo said with a smile, but his deep eyes seemed to be instinctive, and they fell on Sun Lingfei.

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