At the same time, the face of Qian Xuemo who was sitting there became completely gloomy, so, was he fooled by this kid? He blackmailed himself five million like this? It's just that if you blackmail like this, aren't you afraid of being choked to death? Are you not afraid to wear the bottom of the prison?

At this time, the phone in his hand vibrated, and an unfamiliar number came in.

Qian Xuemo looked at Li Zedao's back with cold eyes, then got up and walked aside to answer the phone, a sweet voice came over.

"Hi, I'm a staff member of the Tiandao Foundation. We have received your five million donation here. Thank you again for your loving donation..."

Qian Xuemo's eyes widened in an instant, and the muscles on his face twitched violently. So, the account that bastard gave him just now is not his, but some Tiandao Foundation's donation account?

"Wait, you said you are, what Tiandao Foundation?" Qian Xuemo asked quickly.

"Yes, sir, hurry up again for your loving donation. Please give us your address later, and we will send you commemorative products..."

"Damn it!" For a moment, Qian Xuemo felt dizzy and almost fainted. It was originally said that even if this kid takes the money and does nothing to plan to renege on it, there is still a transfer record, so I am not afraid that he will not be killed if he plays with it. But now, my five million yuan didn't go into that kid's account at all, but was directly donated to the Tiandao Foundation...

Qian Xuemo only felt that his chest was heaving extremely violently, and his heart was bleeding. He didn't mean that he was reluctant to part with the five million, or that he couldn't live without the five million, but that he actually started all over again. In the end, he was regarded as an idiot, that is to say, the kid dug a hole at the beginning, and then he jumped into it stupidly.

"Li Zedao..." He looked back at Li Zedao's back, roaring in his heart, if he hadn't bothered to use force to solve anything, of course, he wouldn't, he would have wanted to pounce on this kid for 300 rounds.

"Sir, can you hear me? Sir..." The sweet voice of the staff continued to be heard next to my ears.

Qian Xuemo came back to his senses, endured the monstrous anger in his heart, said a few perfunctory words, and then hung up the phone.

Li Zedao clearly felt that such a pair of sharp eyes were staring at his back, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, mother? Fight with me? fuck you!

After drinking and eating, many people already drank a little too much, and they walked a little swaying, but everyone was still in high spirits. Naturally, they continued to participate in the next program arranged by Qian Xuemo. Under the leadership of

A group of people came to the disco in the resort.

As a resort with complete entertainment facilities, there is naturally a disco, a movie theater, a warm and atmospheric cafe, a gym, and even an artificial lake with a lot of fish. You can also go fishing there. , everything you need.

At this time, the sound of electronic music in the disco was deafening. Many tourists who came to this resort for vacation gathered here, or twisted their bodies desperately on the stage to vent their emotions, or drank with friends. Drinking wine and enjoying the exciting nightlife.

Many students took advantage of Jiu Jin to go directly to the stage and began to writhe, and the remaining seven or eight, including Qian Xuemo, Sun Lingfei, Li Zedao and Su Meng, who didn't want to dance on stage, found a place to sit down, and then Qian Xuemo let The waiter brought the beer, and everyone continued to drink and chat.

"Mr. Li, here." With a faint smile on his face, Qian Xuemo handed a bottle of beer that had already been opened to Li Zedao. He looked very concerned about Li Zedao, an "outsider", so as not to make him feel uncomfortable. Adapting as well as embarrassing.

"Thank you." Li Zedao smiled and reached out to take it. Naturally, he wouldn't foolishly think that after being cheated by him for five million dollars, he could still pretend that nothing had happened, but Li Zedao didn't care at all. It's not me who is unlucky.

"Don't drink too much." Sun Lingfei asked with a little worry.

"What? Are you afraid that I will do something beastly to you if I drink too much? Or are you afraid that I will be worse than a beast if I drink too much?" Li Zedao whispered in Sun Lingfei's ear with an ambiguous expression.

Sun Lingfei's pretty face blushed, she was extremely shy, and punched Li Zedao's chest twice with her powder fist: "Go to hell, I hate it." Of course, I was worried that you would be worse than a beast if you drank too much, so what's the point? Everyone has already left...

"Don't worry, my drinking capacity is even stronger than my driving skills, so I must be a beast at night."

"Ah, go to hell, you hate it." Sun Lingfei was even more ashamed.

Seeing these two people flirting and cursing like no one else, Qian Xuemo's eyes became even more gloomy, and he almost couldn't help but grabbed the bottle of beer in front of him and sternly greeted the damn guy's head.

At this moment, the woman who was quiet in school and now very coquettish stood up, glanced at everyone, and said with a smile: "It's no fun just drinking like this, how about we play a game? "

At this time, under Su Meng's reminder, Sun Lingfei finally remembered the girl's name, her name was Deng Sisi.

"What game?" Qian Xuemo asked with interest.

The rest of the boys also looked at this woman who teased them with charming eyes from time to time, with slightly bright eyes, as if they knew exactly what kind of game this coquettish woman was talking about.

"It's similar to truth or dare, but with some changes." Deng Sisi said with a smile, "Simply speaking, put an empty bottle on the table and turn it around. When the bottle stops, whoever faces the bottle mouth will perform. A show, of course, the show is produced by the person who turned the bottle, and when the mouth of the bottle is pointed at the person who turned it, it is turned once."

Except for Li Zedao, Sun Lingfei, and Su Meng, everyone responded in a loud voice. Although this game is not new, it is very exciting to play.

"Since everyone agrees to play, let's talk about it first. If you want to bet, you have to admit defeat. If anyone loses and doesn't perform according to the conditions offered by the person who turned the bottle, I won't let..." Qian Xuemo smiled slightly Said, but his eyes fell on Li Zedao, and there was an inexplicable fierce light flickering in his eyes.

"If you don't want to perform, then I'm sorry. Don't blame me, Qian Xuemo, for turning your back on you as a friend." Qian Xuemo glanced at Li Zedao and said, "So those who don't want to play, quit now."

Qian Xuemo has now probably figured out Li Zedao's temperament. What looks harmless to humans and animals is actually full of bad water, so he doesn't think Li Zedao will refuse to participate, because he will definitely seize this opportunity and work hard Turn the spout of the bottle towards you and make a fool of yourself.

But... A sneer appeared on the corner of Qian Xuemo's mouth, and whoever played to death didn't know.

Others echoed and said it's okay, that's how it should be, what they want is the kind of effect that they don't want to perform but they have to. If everyone cheats, then it's meaningless.

"It's okay, it's very interesting, let's play together." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, "Feifei, Xiaosu, let's go together."

Sun Lingfei and Su Meng originally didn't want to participate, but now seeing that Li Zedao participated and looked full of interest, they both nodded: "Then play together."

Sun Lingfei is already thinking in her mind that when it's her turn, she must try her best to align the mouth of the bottle with Li Zedao, and then... hum, let him run naked... no, let others see it, and it's her own fault, then... ...Let him shout Sun Lingfei three times I love you.

Sun Lingfei embarrassedly covered her face with a silly smile.

Soon, everything on the smooth marble table was cleaned up, and then Deng Sisi put an empty beer bottle in the middle of the table, and said with a charming smile: "Let me come first, let's see who will be the first!" Lucky guy."

Then he turned the bottle slightly, and the wine bottle began to turn on the smooth marble table. As time went by, the bottle turned slower and slower, and then stopped slowly, but the bottle mouth was aligned With... Qian Xuemo.

Everyone started booing, Qian Xuemo felt pity in his heart and at the same time looked at Deng Sisi who was smiling and looking at him with a bitter face and said: "Ms. Deng, please let me go."

In fact, the reason why Deng Sisi proposed to play this game was that Qian Xuemo told her before she came to Diba, and also explained to several other students. The only purpose of the game is naturally to try to transfer the bottle to Li Zedao. Then he proposed all kinds of weird games to make him make a fool of himself.

Everyone just watched Li Zedao, who knew he was reincarnated like a starved ghost, was very upset, so when Qian Xuemo brought it up, they naturally all agreed that they must play with that kid to death.

"Of course I let you go, who made you our dear monitor?" Deng Sisi looked at Qian Xuemo provocatively, "Then look at Miss Ben affectionately and say, Deng Sisi, you are such a beautiful woman, I love you to death..."

The others laughed and started booing.

Qian Xuemo couldn't laugh or cry, and then he had to look at Deng Sisi affectionately and said: "Deng Sisi, you are such a beautiful woman, I love you to death..."

Deng Sisi smiled charmingly, and made a kissing motion: "I love you too."

Everyone booed even more enthusiastically: "Together, together, together..."

Qian Xuemo laughed, and generously hugged the extremely charming Deng Sisi.

The game continued, and it was Qian Xuemo's turn. He first prayed secretly in his heart, and then turned the bottle. What made him a little depressed was that the bottle was aimed at one of his buddies. For Li Zedao, it's okay to target Sun Lingfei. It's not bad to embarrass her like Deng Sisi did.

Now let that buddy imitate frogs, and let him go.

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