Then the game continued, but as if under a curse, when the next three boys whom Li Zedao didn't know turned the bottle, the mouth of the bottle was aimed at Qian Xuemo.

Of course, they didn't make too much demands on Qian Xuemo, and let him go easily.

Qian Xuemo's heart at this time was naturally nothing but depression. He was so depressed that he almost vomited blood and wanted to yell. Why every time the damn bottle was aimed at himself instead of that damn bastard?

When it was Su Meng's turn, the bottle was aimed at Sun Lingfei. Sun Lingfei looked at Su Meng pitifully and begged to let her go. Su Meng laughed and asked Sun Lingfei to kiss her.

Then there was Sun Lingfei, under her prayer, the mouth of the bottle was finally aimed at Li Zedao.

Qian Xuemo felt like scolding his mother when he looked at it, why there were five people on his side, and no one could turn the bottle to Li Zedao, but when it was Sun Lingfei's turn, he turned to it.

At that moment, Sun Lingfei looked at Li Zedao with a smirk on his face, and began to hum: "Hmph, you are dead."

"Beauty, please let me go." Li Zedao said pitifully.

Sun Lingfei smiled even more proudly, and patted Li Zedao on the shoulder: "Then... look at me seriously and say to me, Miss Sun, I am your slave..."


So Li Zedao looked at Sun Lingfei seriously, and said in a nasty way, Miss Sun, I am your slave, and said a lot of love words in a nasty way, so that Sun Lingfei was too embarrassed to rush over to stop her Li Zedao's mouth was closed.

As for the others, they all had goosebumps all over their bodies, and they were disgusted by Li Zedao's love words.

The game continued, and it was Li Zedao's turn.

Li Zedao put his hand on the bottle, but he raised his head and glanced at Qian Xuemo with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Inexplicably, Qian Xuemo had a bad feeling in his heart. In fact, in the first five times, no matter who turned the bottle except himself, the bottle mouth pointed at him at the end. This is very strange, like It's like being cursed.

So, this time the bottle will not point at yourself, right? If that's the case, with this bastard's rotten stomach, can't he play himself to death?

Li Zedao chuckled, and gently moved the bottle with his hand, and then the bottle began to rotate quickly on the table.

Qian Xuemo's eyes were fixed on the spinning bottle. He never believed in ghosts and gods, and now he began to pray, hoping that the bottle would not point at him in the end.

The speed of the bottle mouth was getting slower and slower. When it was about to turn Qian Xuemo and point to Deng Sisi next to Qian Xuemo, as if using too much force, the bottle mouth went back and pointed straight at the eyelids. Qian Xuemo is jumping straight.

The other people also looked at Qian Xuemo with extremely strange expressions, mainly because it was too scary, weird and unbelievable. Except for himself, five of the remaining seven turned their bottles towards him. How many wicked things have to be done in the previous life to be so unlucky in this life?

"Mr. Li, what do you want me to perform?" Qian Xuemo tried very hard to keep the muscles on his face from twitching, but after working hard for a while, he found that he couldn't do it. He was already burning with anger, he wanted to curse, and he wanted to hit someone! He never knew that there would be a day when he was about to lose control of his emotions.

Then, all eyes fell on Li Zedao, wondering what program he would ask Qian Xuemo to perform.

Even except Sun Lingfei and Su Meng who didn't know it, the others are really embarrassed. They originally wanted to join forces to play this kid to death, but they didn't expect the final result to be that Qian Xuemo fell into his hands. It seems that it is a wicked thing We still can’t do it, otherwise it’s not that we don’t report but that the time hasn’t come yet.

Li Zedao grinned, revealing a mouthful of neat and white teeth. It looks so sunny, but it also gives people a very dangerous feeling, so everyone has a very bad feeling in their hearts, especially the money. Learning Mo, I just feel that my heart is about to jump out.

Li Zedao smiled, looked at Qian Xuemo, licked his lips and said, "Then please trouble Mr. Qian to do a striptease on stage... Oh, in order not to affect the appearance of the city, you are allowed to keep a pair of underwear."

"..." The eyes of several other people including Sun Lingfei and Su Meng widened. They never thought that Li Zedao would play so hard. This is simply asking Qian Xuemo to embarrass him. All the dignity is stepped on the ground, which is equivalent to saying that he intends to completely offend Qian Xuemo!

Sun Lingfei glanced at the smiling Li Zedao, and remembered that when she was singing on stage, she seemed to see Li Zedao and Qian Xuemo whispering something there.

"So, Qian Xuemo, the damn guy, bullied our darling? Otherwise, how kind and friendly is our darling? How could we embarrass him so much?" So Sun Lingfei looked at Qian Xuemo with unfriendly eyes. up.

Su Meng had another idea in her mind, that is, Qian Xuemo looked at Sun Lingfei with fiery eyes from time to time, so Li Zedao couldn't stand being jealous, so now he seized the opportunity and took direct revenge.

It’s no exaggeration to say that once Qian Xuemo actually does striptease on stage, it goes without saying that the disco will be boiling. If he is still recorded and posted on the Internet, he is likely to become an Internet celebrity. , even if the hotel's leaders saw it, would they think that although Qian Xuemo's actions were personal freedom and power, they would ultimately damage the hotel's image, so they would be fired directly?

In short, Qian Xuemo's personality as a male god and a successful businessman will completely collapse, and his face will be completely lost.

The muscles on Qian Xuemo's face were so twitched that he almost couldn't feel it, and he tried hard to discuss in a tone of voice: "That...can you change it?"

"But, I really want to see you striptease. Mr. Qian, you must be very sexy to striptease with such a good figure." Li Zedao said with a smile, but his tone was very hard, and there was no room for discussion.

"..." Some people already have goosebumps, this guy doesn't have any special hobbies, does he?

Qian Xuemo's heart twitched violently, as if a knife had stabbed him fiercely, and there was really an mmp saying that he didn't know whether to say it or not.

He found himself in an embarrassing situation.

Playing tricks or even getting angry and furious, that is, he is slapping his face fiercely. After all, he emphasized it before playing, and he must admit defeat if he is willing to bet. It was himself who didn't want to act.

Going on stage to striptease...that's even more impossible, he is a successful person, he is a super white-collar worker, he is a god, he has pride and self-esteem, how could he go on stage and striptease in front of so many people?

Qian Xuemo looked at Sun Lingfei and tried to send out a distress signal. If Sun Lingfei could persuade that damned guy to change his mind for the sake of his classmates, then he would not have to lose face.

But what gave Qian Xuemo the feeling of being stabbed in the chest again was that Sun Lingfei looked at him with such displeasure, as if there was some hatred.

He could only look at Su Meng, and continued to send out distress signals. Su Meng shook her head in embarrassment and apology, expressing that there was nothing she could do to help, and Su Meng didn't want to make Li Zedao unhappy because of Qian Xuemo.

After all, Li Zedao had helped her, and because of Sun Lingfei, she had to stand on the same line with them. More importantly, she had a very special feeling for Li Zedao in her heart.

Qian Xuemo only felt that his body had turned into a crater, and something was about to spew out at any moment. At that moment, he silently greeted the eighteen generations of ancestors of these two bitches, and at the same time returned his eyes to Li Zedao, trying his best to They made their expressions look like they were joking with each other: "Well...if you don't change to another one, I will... be in a hurry with you..."

Li Zedao smiled: "Why are you in a hurry with me? Scold me? Roll up your sleeves and beat me up?"

Then he looked at Sun Lingfei pitifully and said, "Honey, he wants to hit me?"

"He dares?" Sun Lingfei snorted coldly, looking at Qian Xuemo's eyes became even colder, and even clenched his fists, ready to punch him at any time.

The others looked weird, thinking that Li Zedao was too shameless, and as for Qian Xuemo, he wanted to grab the damn bottle on the table and greet this bastard's head.

Li Zedao smiled, stretched out five fingers towards Qian Xuemo and said, "Forget it, because you and our Feifei used to be classmates, if you transfer once, then I can change it."

"You..." Qian Xuemo was so angry that his body trembled, and his face became very ugly. He understood what Li Zedao meant, this bastard asked him to donate five million to that Tiandao Foundation, did he really think he was a money printing machine?

He is rich, his annual salary is more than three million, but he doesn't have enough money to spend ten million casually. In other words, the previous five million is already his limit. He almost wiped out all his deposits. He doesn't have that much cash on hand now!

As for the others, they didn't understand what Li Zedao meant by stretching out five fingers and what he said, but seeing Qian Xuemo's face turned so ugly, they already knew it was not a good thing.

Deng Sisi and a few other students looked at Li Zedao with unfriendly eyes. They felt that this guy was too deceitful, but it was not easy to blame the other party. Before playing, there was no rule that the other party should not be allowed to striptease.

In addition, they had also thought in their minds before that when it was their turn to turn the bottle, the bottle was aimed at Li Zedao, and he was asked to perform a striptease on stage, run around naked, shout that I was gay... Anyway, all kinds of deadly things They had thought about the show, but they didn't expect that it was Qian Xuemo who was recruited in the end.

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