Li Zedao said with a cold smile: "Mr. Qian, what do you think I should do? You told me that you are a poor boy and can't afford to support Feifei, so I should leave Feifei wisely? You threw money on me as if you were pity me Should I obediently take the money and leave? You and your classmates tried to cheat me while playing games, and I should obediently let you cheat? You let someone install a camera in my room, and Feifei and I should Cooperate with the camera for a while so that you can enjoy it?"

Of course, there is something more important that Li Zedao is embarrassed to say, that is, if you, a bastard, had someone secretly install a camera in that room, I would have fallen asleep with Feifei's delicate body full of skinny beauty .

Li Zedao shook his head: "So, don't be so wronged, you provoked me first from the beginning to the end, I was just fighting back against you as a victim, what do you think?"

Qian Xuemo was speechless, and suddenly felt as if he was the one who took the initiative to provoke troubles from the beginning to the end, and the other party just removed the moves after his own moves... No, that's not the case, you are a poor boy, you If you have no power and power, you deserve to be stepped on and bullied. If you don't let me bully you, you are bullying me.

At this moment, Qian Xuemo felt that this bastard was too bullying, and he didn't have the consciousness of a weak person at all.

Of course, anger is meaningless, so Qian Xuemo forced himself to calm down, took a few deep breaths and said, "What do you want?"

Qian Xuemo has no doubts about what the other party said. He must have taken a picture of the scene where he and Deng Sisi were crazily lingering. He might even zoom in on the camera for a few close-ups given how shameless this guy is...

Qian Xuemo knew exactly how crazy he and Deng Sisi were just now! Therefore, the most important thing now is to prevent him from leaking this video no matter what, otherwise his image will completely collapse and his end will be very tragic.

"You can also see that Feifei and I are very affectionate, but you are trying to destroy and hurt our relationship by various means. I am very angry." Li Zedao said.

"I'm sorry." Qian Xuemo said hoarsely, "I bless you all, and I sincerely bless you."

"Thank you for your blessing, but the damage has already been done, don't you want to make some compensation?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

Qian Xuemo's eyes became vigilant all of a sudden, even with a hint of threat. If you really make me feel bad at all, I will not let you succeed even if my reputation collapses. He roared in a low voice: "I have already lost ten million."

"Your annual salary is three million, you have a big house, you have a car worth hundreds of thousands, and even your father has hundreds of millions of assets for you to inherit..." Li Zedao chuckled, "You What is 10 million to you for such a rich person? So let’s have 5 million.”

"Li Zedao, don't bully people too much." Qian Xuemo almost spat out blood. You must know that it was his limit to take out five million for the first time. As for the next five million, he found this Mr. Yang, the person in charge of the hotel, borrowed it. Where does he have money now? You can't go to Lao Tzu who has never liked you and only likes your half-brother? How could he give himself money?

Qian Xuemo worked hard to make himself so good in order to let his father know that without you, I can live a wonderful life and achieve great success.

But now... Qian Xuemo regretted it to death, so why did he have to provoke this psychopath? making myself so passive now,

Almost back to pre-liberation.

Yes, in Qian Xuemo's eyes, Li Zedao is crazy. If he is not crazy, why don't he even want a dime when he is very poor, but donate all the 10 million to that shit Tiandao Foundation? And now, he even threatened himself to donate five million?

Qian Xuemo wanted to yell, donate to Nima, I'm not some shit philanthropist!

"Don't force me, if you make me anxious, I don't care about anything anymore, I don't want anything anymore, I'll kill you, I'll kill Sun Lingfei!" Qian Xuemo's handsome face was full of ferocity, He wanted the other party to know that when he became ruthless, he would even be afraid of himself!

Li Zedao smiled, found a video and clicked it to play.

Then, the scene of Qian Xuemo and Deng Sisi turning up and down just now appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, oh, and there was also the sound of shouting when the two parties fell in love.

Deng Sisi's eyes fell on the video, and such an idea inexplicably appeared in her mind... This guy's shooting skills are quite good, and the viewing effect is quite good.

"I thought about it, five million is really underestimating you, if it doesn't meet your worth, then six million." Li Zedao looked at Qian Xuemo and said with a smile. As for the other party's threat... that can be regarded as Threat?

"You... three million." Qian Xuemo said through gritted teeth. You can earn money, but if this video is leaked, you will definitely be in a lot of trouble, your job will be lost, your father will hate you even more, and you won’t even have the face to come out to meet people afterwards. . Unless I change my career to shoot AV or become a duck... What kind of international joke are you making?

"Six million."

"three million."

Li Zedao stood up abruptly, grabbed the chair he was sitting on and threw it at the LCD TV hanging on the wall.

"Bang!" The LCD TV shattered directly.

Li Zedao was furious, and cursed: "Damn it, I said six million is six million, do you believe that I added seven million and smashed that chair on your handsome face? Then immediately Go around the rooms and share this video with them?"

"Six million..." Qian Xuemo shouted anxiously, clutching his head.

Borrowing from east to west, piecing things together, finally, Qian Xuemo finally raised 6 million yuan, and then remitted money to the love account of Tiandao Foundation in front of Li Zedao.

His heart was bleeding... no, it was bleeding, he knew that the next thing he needed to do was to sell the house to repay the loan, and then he would have to live in extreme poverty for a long time to come.

Li Zedao already had an extremely embarrassed smile on his face again, and said embarrassingly: "Then you go on, I won't bother... Oh, by the way, I just picked up this phone on the floor of this room, it should be Mr. Qian, yours? Then I’ll put it here, let’s go first, you guys continue.”

"..." Qian Xuemo suddenly realized that the phone was his spare phone on the table, no wonder it looked so familiar.

Seeing Li Zedao leave the room with a smirk on his face and help close the door, Qian Xuemo couldn't hold back what he said, his throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Damn it, damn it, Li Zedao, I'm going to kill you, kill you..." Qian Xuemo fell into a state of madness, and in the next half an hour, he smashed everything in the room Everything they owned was completely smashed, including the mobile phone that Li Zedao used to secretly take pictures of them.

It also includes Deng Sisi's face... Qian Xuemo was really mad, and also angered Deng Sisi, if it weren't for you bitch who stayed up late at night and went into heat to seduce me, I would have lost another six million?

So, he directly slapped Deng Sisi twice, calling her a whore, calling her a bus, and telling her to get out!

Deng Sisi covered her face and left with tears in her eyes. Before leaving, she didn't forget to take one thing with her, the mobile phone that had been cracked by Qian Xuemo.


In the dark room, Li Zedao was lying on the bed, staring at the dark ceiling with slightly squinted eyes, and the "Hypnosis Cheats" was placed in front of the pillow.

His mind was full of the words that the old thief man said in the afternoon.

He could actually see that his physical strength had an extremely vicious and violent aura, and he even said accurately that he still had a year left! In addition, like Qing Xuzi, he also mentioned the Taoist treasure "Tianji Picture Volume" and the legendary nameless cave.

The difference is that Qing Xuzi said that he must either comprehend the "Tianji Tujuan", or enter the Wuming Cave and pass the so-called trial of the Wuming Cave.

But the old man said that if you want to comprehend the scroll of heavenly secrets, you have to go to the Wuming Cave first.

Who is right? What is the real identity of that old thief? How did he know so much? Also, he appeared in that restaurant, wouldn't it be intentional, right? Just like Qing Xuzi before?

Li Zedao rubbed his swollen temples, forget it, don't think about it, let's go to bed first.

Immediately, I stretched out my hand, picked up the scroll of heavenly secrets, and began to read word by word silently, and then my eyelids began to fight, I was so sleepy.

With his hands down, he fell asleep soundly.

In the next room, Sun Lingfei and Su Meng were lying side by side, their eyes wide open on the ceiling.

"So, it was love at first sight?" Su Meng asked. Just now Sun Lingfei told her about her acquaintance with Li Zedao.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to say that I would be dazzled by a boy, and I even squeezed hard to show him because my breasts are too small. I guessed it." In the dark, Sun Lingfei's His face was full of sweet smirks, "What made me very depressed was that he didn't notice it at all. It was a waste of time. Later, he rejected me, and I was so angry that I cried. I asked him if it was because I have small breasts and you don't want to talk to me? That bastard actually said yes, I was so angry that I wanted to beat someone, and I cried even more sadly, crying and crying, and fell asleep in his car for no reason gone."

"Uh..." Su Meng couldn't laugh or cry, she was completely defeated by Sun Lingfei's heartlessness, she didn't even think about it, how dangerous it was.

But thinking of the spring on Sun Lingfei's face, Su Meng already knew how much Sun Lingfei wanted that "danger" to happen quickly.

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