The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1563 The Situation of Li Zedao

"What about after that?" Su Meng asked with a gossipy look.

"Afterwards, he took me back to where he lived, and I didn't know that he said he likes big breasts. That's all a lie. He likes me." Sun Lingfei said with a smile.

"He gave you to that?" Su Meng blinked.

"Go to hell, where are you thinking? He is a guy who is worse than a beast. After throwing me on the bed, he only took off my shoes and didn't even touch my clothes." Sun Lingfei muttered about this discomfort, and wanted to It's too bullying to beat up Li Zedao now.

Su Meng nodded approvingly, agreeing with Sun Lingfei's evaluation of Li Zedao. He is indeed a guy who is not as good as a beast. Otherwise, after seeing his body, why is it like avoiding snakes and scorpions? My body is not uglier than Feifei's, at least my chest is much bigger than Feifei's.

With a soft sigh in my heart, let's bury that love deeply in my heart.

Sun Lingfei didn't speak, she was silent for a while, and then said: "Xiao Su, are we good sisters?"

"Huh? Of course." Su Meng responded. Sun Lingfei’s kindness to her, the kind of care and care I really didn’t say. When she was in college, she was homesick. It was Sun Lingfei who accompanied her to comfort her. When she was molested by a boy, Sun Lingfei rolled up her sleeves and beat people. After graduation, yes Sun Lingfei took her to set up the beauty club together... In fact, Sun Lingfei basically paid for the money, but she owns 10% of the shares.

At first, Sun Lingfei wanted to give her half of it, but Su Meng didn't ask for anything. If she asked for 10%, she was already very satisfied and grateful.

This 10% share is enough for her to live well in Yanjing, a metropolis with ridiculously high consumption. She has the ability to rent a clean and comfortable place, and she doesn't need to live in that kind of basement. After a while, I can send a lot of money back to my parents in another city, so that they can live a better life.

Sun Lingfei often took her to eat all kinds of delicious food and buy all kinds of beautiful clothes. She always said, Xiao Su, you are my younger sister, and I am your older sister. If anyone dares to bully you, I will beat him up. Don't even recognize the fuck.

In the darkness, Su Meng's eyes were inexplicably red, with a guilty conscience and more guilt. She knew very well that Sun Lingfei didn't just ask this question casually. Asking questions is also giving yourself a chance to admit your mistakes.

I can't help but look at Li Zedao with strange eyes, she must have discovered something.

Su Meng took a deep breath, and when she was about to apologize sincerely, Sun Lingfei said again: "Yes, we are good sisters, very good sisters, so there is something I want to tell you..."

"Huh?" Su Meng was slightly taken aback, "What is it?"

"Actually... I'm with Li Zedao... Strictly speaking, I'm a mistress..." Sun Lingfei faltered, and then thought, no, this statement is not rigorous, this is more than just a mistress? Are you in your twenties? That beast was very proud and embarrassed to say that he was surrounded by more than 20 women.

"Ah?" Su Meng exclaimed, and sat up all of a sudden, the muscles on her small face twitching violently, "Feifei, you... what did you say?"

"Hush...Xiao Su, keep your voice down a little bit." Sun Lingfei was also taken aback by Su Meng's extreme reaction, mainly because her voice was too loud in such a quiet environment.

Su Meng also realized that her voice was too loud, so she quickly rubbed her stiff face, lay down on her side and looked at Sun Lingfei's side face, her lowered voice was full of mess: "Wait... ...What did you just say? Are you a mistress? Li Zedao already has another woman?"

"Yeah." Sun Lingfei snorted, also a little embarrassed, thinking you shouldn't be so excited, I haven't said that there are not only other women, but also several other women. And this kind of should I put it? Xiao San's reputation is very bad, and she will be torn up, but she is not a real mistress.

"Feifei, you...don't be like this, tell me quickly, you are joking." Su Meng was even more messy.

So, a woman like Sun Lingfei who is so proud and arrogant is actually a mistress? So, Li Zedao provoked Sun Lingfei even though he had a woman? So, Li Zedao is just a scumbag?

Su Meng only felt that a very tall, handsome and sunny figure in her heart burst directly and turned into fragments all over the place. It turned out that he was that kind of person.

Sun Lingfei smiled wryly: "Xiao Su, I'm serious. He already has other women, and there are more than one. He has provoked many, but even so, I am still dazzled."

Su Meng was in a mess again, only feeling that her brain was completely useless, her voice seemed so excited: "Feifei, do you know what you are doing? How could you... like this? And Li Zedao, I thought He's fine, he turned out to be a bastard in human skin... No, you have to leave him quickly, or you will be hurt even more in the future..."

Sun Lingfei was a little helpless, just as Li Zedao expected, after telling her part of the truth, she was really in a hurry and told herself to break up quickly.

"Feifei, did you hear what I said?" Seeing that Sun Lingfei didn't respond, Su Meng became even more anxious. She turned over and pressed directly on Sun Lingfei, looking down at her.

"I heard." Sun Lingfei said a little funny.

"I heard you still laughing? You can still laugh?" Su Meng was almost fainted by Sun Lingfei's reaction.

"Little Su, listen to me, I won't leave him no matter what." Sun Lingfei said, his tone was beyond doubt.


"Xiao Su, listen to me first." Sun Lingfei said with a smile.

"You... I'm going to be mad at you." Su Meng said out of breath, rolled off Sun Lingfei, turned around angrily, and didn't want to talk to Sun Lingfei anymore.

Sun Lingfei smiled, of course she wasn't angry, because if Su Meng didn't really care about her and worried about her, she wouldn't have reacted like this, so she said softly, "Xiao Su, do you know? Apart from me, Li Zedao is surrounded by More than 20 women... Don't be surprised, and don't say if what I said is too exaggerated. There are really more than 20 women. They all love Li Zedao and dote on Li Zedao. In turn, Li Zedao is the same Love them, pamper them."

"..." Su Meng was stunned.

"Besides, these twenty or so women are still living together." Sun Lingfei said in an unastonishing manner, which made Su Meng's face even more idiotic.

"Besides, each of these twenty or so women is very beautiful and outstanding. I've seen two of them. Compared with them, I'm like tofu..." Sun Lingfei said softly, "So, Xiao Su, Do you understand what I mean? Li Zedao actually didn't want to provoke me, but I tried my best to provoke him. I told him, you can accept other women, why can't you accept me...Stupid? It's quite stupid, Sharing a man with more than 20 women is like an ancient emperor, but I'm bewildered and love him to death, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"The most important thing is that he is different from the ancient emperors. He favors everyone, and we are also different from the emperor's concubines. We are jealous, but we don't fight each other. We sincerely accept other women, and we will be happy. She sees her as her best sister, just like the two of us."

"Xiao Su, can you understand?" Sun Lingfei asked.

Su Meng turned over, rubbed her face which was so stiff that she could hardly feel it, and said with great difficulty: "I don't understand." This is so unbelievable, incredible, and unimaginable How can I understand it myself? If her boyfriend was flirting with other women outside, she would have been so angry that she would have broken up with him and even let Feifei help him beat that bitch to death, how could she understand?

She admitted that he was excellent, and there seemed to be a kind of magical power in him, which made her also moved. However, would it be too exaggerated? More than twenty... Can he satisfy all of them? When I was with Yang Ze before, I came here three times a day, and Yang Ze's body couldn't bear it... Su Meng quickly cut off the extremely unhealthy thoughts in her mind, but she couldn't help being curious, so she was very talented. ? After all, if they are not satisfied, it is certainly impossible to be so harmonious.

"I can understand." Sun Lingfei's voice was full of sweetness, and that face was already infatuated.

"I only know that he is a big carrot." Su Meng said.

Sun Lingfei grinned: "If he doesn't put his heart into it, I won't have a chance, and the other twenty or so girls won't have a chance either. I think we'll all be lovesick."


"I can see it." Sun Lingfei said again.

"What do you see?" Su Meng asked after exhaling.

"Your heart is moved."

"Ah?" Su Meng's face changed drastically, "Feifei..."

"Xiao Su, listen to me, it's hard not to be moved by such an excellent boy in front of a woman like you who has just been hurt, so it's not your fault. Because my heart is moved, I always act strangely from time to time You are not so wronged and angry because your heart is moved, so sleepwalking body is seen, and you are not so wronged or angry; because your heart is moved, you deliberately dressed up today, just for him to see, right?"

"Feifei, I..." Su Meng was even more flustered.

Sun Lingfei stretched out her hand, hugged Su Meng and said with a smile: "Xiao Su, the purpose of telling you the truth about Li Zedao is to let you know that even if you really like Li Zedao, I won't think too much about it, because He is in such a situation. He belongs to many women. Of course, I will not support you, because you are different from me, and you may not be able to accept his situation. Besides, he... Forget it, go to sleep ,so sleepy."


Sun Lingfei still didn't intend to tell Su Meng that Li Zedao had a hidden disease, because it wasn't that suitable.

Sun Lingfei yawned: "Good night." Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep soundly.

That night, Su Meng tossed and turned, suffering from insomnia.

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