The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1564 Cell Phone

Qian Xuemo is also suffering from insomnia.

After smashing almost all the things that could be smashed in the room, he sat down on the ground, looked at his bloody hands that were cut by the sharp broken glass, and his eyes gradually turned red .

Then as time went by, he calmed down little by little.

He got up and found the mobile phone that escaped the disaster he smashed. He turned on the music player and played the music he always liked. Then he went to the bathroom to wash off the blood from the injury, and found a simple band-aid. After treating the wound, he began to clean the room.

Qian Xuemo has always been a person with strong autonomy, so his room has always been cleaned by himself instead of letting the cleaning staff in the hotel come.

Besides, the room has become a mess now, and it is really impossible to let other people know, otherwise it will damage his image as the vice president of this resort hotel.

As for Deng Sisi who knew about this, Qian Xuemo knew that that woman would not tell it, even if he seemed to call her a bitch and gave her two mouths, he would not.

Although the whole night was like a nightmare for him, he was almost bankrupt, he owed a lot of money, his pride, dignity, and image were severely trampled on the ground, but this confidence, He still has it.

He believed that as long as he hooked his fingers, that woman would come to him obediently.

Putting all the garbage into the garbage bag, Qian Xuemo left the room with the two big bags of garbage, threw it into the big garbage can outside, returned to the room, picked up the mop, and mopped the floor twice, Finally, he took out two bottles of beer from the refrigerator, sat back on the sofa, and drank beer.

At this time, his whole body has completely calmed down, but his eyes are scarlet, with a nervous gleam.

After finishing the two bottles of beer, he picked up the mobile phone that was still playing music on the table, turned off the music, and then found a phone number to call.

It took a long time before the phone was picked up, and a low-pitched voice came over: "A debt collector?"

"Pay off the debt." Qian Xuemo said after taking a deep breath.

"Okay." The other party said simply and neatly.


It was five o'clock in the morning and the sky was still gray.

At this time, Sun Lingfei's classmates appeared in the hotel lobby in twos and threes, yawning, and joined Qian Xuemo, who had been waiting here for a long time, to watch the sunrise together.

Among these people, except for Li Zedao and Sun Lingfei, most of them didn't sleep well due to various reasons.

Some are rare opportunities, so they come a few more times. There is a rhythm of decisive battle until dawn, so now you can see these people are not only yawning again and again, but even look so sluggish and their legs are weak, their energy is already fast. The appearance of being drained.

Deng Sisi didn't sleep well, her face hurt too much, she couldn't sleep, of course the swelling has subsided now, and because of the makeup, it can't be seen at all that she was slapped twice hard last night.

Su Meng stayed up all night, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, finally got up, quietly pulled a chair and sat in front of the window, looking at the dark sky and counting the stars. At this time, she had completely let go of her liking for Li Zedao. She actually hoped that Sun Lingfei could leave Li Zedao and find someone who only liked her, but Su Meng knew that Sun Lingfei was completely hopeless.

So I gave up persuasion.

Qian Xuemo looked extremely normal, as if nothing had happened, with the usual comfortable smile on his face, he said, "Everyone didn't seem to have a good rest last night. .”

Someone sneered, someone's face burned slightly, Li Zedao simply sneered, and had to admire this guy again, his self-control ability is really awesome.

Sun Lingfei snorted coldly, looking at this sanctimonious guy with a full expression of displeasure, she really wanted to go over and beat him up.

"However, when you climb up the mountain and see the beauty of the sunrise, you will be amazed." Qian Xuemo said with a slight smile, "Okay, let's go, otherwise we will miss it."

This is a small mountain that is not so high in the resort. The mountain road has been developed, and it is not too steep. It is extremely easy to climb up. It only takes 20 minutes at most to reach the top of the mountain.

This is also a good place to watch the sunrise. Many people who come to this resort will choose to get up early and climb up the mountain to watch the sunrise. There are even tents on the mountain. You can also sleep on the mountain overnight and watch it when you get up. sunrise.

Sun Lingfei took Li Zedao's hand and wobbled at the end of the crowd.

"I really want to beat that guy up hard!" Sun Lingfei glanced at Qian Xuemo, who was about twenty meters away from him, who was talking to a classmate with a faint smile, and muttered in a very unhappy way.

There is a deep resentment in my heart, if it weren't for this bastard who secretly installed a camera in the room, she wouldn't feel flustered and disgusted, and if she didn't feel flustered and nauseated, she wouldn't let Li Zedao sleep alone... She felt distressed Li Ze said, he spent the long night by himself, and it was so pitiful that he didn't accompany him.

Li Zedao chuckled, but he still didn't tell Sun Lingfei what he secretly did last night, otherwise Sun Lingfei's temperament would make him laugh out loud and even make a scene known to the passers-by. I'm afraid Qian Xuemo would just vomit blood and faint?

"I'll carry you up." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Okay." Sun Lingfei smiled sweetly, and hugged Li Zedao's neck from behind, and her two long-sleeved legs jumped slightly, directly clamping Li Zedao's waist.

Li Zedao gently supported her hips with both hands, and then strode forward with big strides.

"Wait a minute...take a photo...come on, pout to be cute...eggplant..."


Those who walked in front saw that the two guys who followed the two guys were blatantly sprinkled with dog food and showed affection. Each expression was a little weird. Even because Li Ze Dao was too arrogant, he did not give money to learn ink, so he wanted to beat him. paused.

But I have to admire Li Zedao's physical strength. Although Sun Lingfei doesn't look fat, he still weighs a hundred pounds. More importantly, he is still walking up, but he just carries her on his back like that. It still looks so easy.

Su Meng glanced behind her, vaguely saw Sun Lingfei's happy and sweet little face in the dark, heard her laugh like a silver bell, and sighed slightly in her heart, you just feel happy, so , do not advise you.

Of course, she didn't dare to have any thoughts about what Li Zedao said. She didn't understand his world at all, and she didn't understand what those women thought. More importantly, she didn't have any confidence at all. Even Sun Lingfei felt that She was turned into scum in seconds, let alone her.

As for Qian Xuemo, he didn't look back, but there was a cold light flickering deep in his eyes.

Looking back at Deng Sisi, who had no special expression on her face, she stretched out her hand and said, "Beauty Deng, can I help you?"

Deng Sisi looked at him and smiled, stretched out her generous hand and grabbed his big hand: "Okay."

So the students around were full of ambiguous expressions and started to boo again: "Together, together..."

"Last night...I'm sorry." Qian Xuemo said in a low voice, with just the right amount of embarrassment and apology on his expression, and also a bit of distress, "Is there nothing wrong with your face?"

"It's okay, I know it too, you are in a bad mood." Deng Sisi said very understandingly.

Qian Xuemo smiled, as he had expected, he was already convinced of this woman, even if he slapped her twice and called her a bitch or a bus, she still loved him and accommodated him.

Deng Sisi was also happy and laughed: "It's good that you are fine, oh, by the way, when I returned to the room, I found that there was an extra broken mobile phone in my bag..."

"Broken phone?" The smile on Qian Xuemo's face froze suddenly.

"It's the one you smashed, I guess you accidentally threw it into my bag when you threw it." Deng Sisi smiled charmingly, but there was a taste of conspiracy in her eyes, "It's yours, I I can't bear to throw it away, so I'm going to take it to repair it, I'll use...Squad leader Qian shouldn't feel sorry for a broken phone, right?"

When Qian Xuemo thought of something, his face became ugly, and the hand holding the opponent's little hand suddenly exerted force.

"Oh, I hate it, you're hurting me by scratching." Deng Sisi snapped her hand away from Qian Xuemo's big hand while scolding.

So the men and women who followed behind them, with ambiguous or obscene expressions, felt that Qian Xuemo was a little impatient, and also felt that Deng Sisi was so awesome that he was able to hook up with Qian Xuemo.

Qian Xuemo's expression had returned to normal, but he lowered his voice and said, "What do you want?" The phone was broken, but that doesn't mean the memory card inside was also broken, that is to say, the video It hasn't been destroyed yet, if this bitch Deng Sisi shamelessly leaks it out, then things will be a big deal.

"Be your girlfriend." Deng Sisi said with a charming smile.

A cold light flashed in Qian Xuemo's eyes, and then he smiled gently: "Beauty Deng, please give me a chance to pursue you."

Deng Sisi glanced at Qian Xuemo sideways, and giggled: "Squad leader Qian, I am really flattered by you, but unfortunately, my life is cheap, but I don't have that kind of luck to be your girlfriend, so... ...One million, I will return the phone to you, and I will not bother you in the future, as for the job you introduced to me, let it go, I thought about it, and I was reluctant to leave my current position. "

A cold light flashed in Qian Xuemo's eyes, and he nodded with a smile: "Then it's settled, let's have a good chat later."

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