"Let's talk now, I'm a weak woman." Deng Sisi smiled charmingly, but her tone was a little cold, "Bastard, dare to hit my mother in the face? Dare to call my mother a bus? Your mother, you go to my mother's Why don't you call yourself cheap?"

"... Miss Deng, don't go too far." Qian Xuemo's tone turned cold, and he imagined that he was slapping this bitch twice like last night.

Deng Sisi smiled even brighter: "I will send you my account number right now, of course, you can also reveal all your affairs right now, and say how you lost face in front of that Li Zedao, anyway, I It's a bus, I don't want to show any shame."

"..." Qian Xuemo's face was distorted. Fortunately, he and Deng Sisi walked in front, so everyone only noticed that they were chatting sweetly, and didn't think much about it.

Deng Sisi smiled coldly, and regardless of whether Qian Xuemo was so angry that he was about to spurt blood, he took out his mobile phone and sent his account number directly to Qian Xuemo.

"Give me the phone first." Qian Xuemo said after taking a deep breath.

"The phone is in my underwear. Call the money first, and I'll take it out and return it to you. Of course, you can also pick me up in front of so many people." Deng Sisi giggled and said, her face It was full of charm, "Just like last night."

"..." Qian Xuemo was so angry that his body was shaking, but he had no choice but to curse the bitch in his heart, wait, there will be times when you feel better.

After taking a few deep breaths, he took out his mobile phone and said, "You know something about me. There are only more than 600,000 yuan left in my account."

"Then go borrow it." Deng Sisi licked her lips and said with a charming smile, "I believe it should be a very simple matter to borrow 400,000 yuan with your life as the squad leader Qian?"

Qian Xuemo's eyes were already a little red, and he said in a low voice, "Congratulations, you completely pissed me off, you will regret it."

"Fuck you!" Deng Sisi responded with a charming smile.


In terms of Qian Xuemo's network, it is not that difficult to find someone to borrow 400,000, even though he already owes more than 10 million.

Five minutes later, 400,000 yuan arrived in the account. Together with the original 600,000 yuan in his account, Qian Xuemo pooled up one million yuan and credited it into the account sent by this woman who seemed to him to be dying. .

After Deng Sisi received the money, she winked at Qian Xuemo, then took out the broken mobile phone from her bag and handed it back to Qian Xuemo.

The muscles on Qian Xuemo's face twitched again. Didn't this bitch say that she put her phone in her underwear?

A few minutes later, a group of people came to the mountain, and were blown by the cool mountain wind on the mountain, the spirits of these people who were originally listless and dragged their tired and heavy steps to climb the mountain were slightly shocked. That tiredness has been eliminated quite a bit.

At the same time, many people gathered on the mountain to watch the sunrise, and the hotel staff reminded them not to get too close to the edge, so as to avoid unnecessary accidents.

"Look over there, everyone, mobile phones and cameras are all ready, students who want to pose with scissors hands and pouting mouths are all ready, the sun is about to rise, and when you post it to Moments, you will definitely be envious Many people will die." Qian Xuemo pointed to the front and laughed.

Everyone looked in the direction of Qian Xuemo, but saw a thick layer of clouds in the distance,

In the clouds, you can faintly see a trace of fish-belly white.

"It's so beautiful..." Sun Lingfei marveled slightly, then quickly took out her phone and turned on the camera function, pulled Li Zedao to continue pouting cutely, and took a selfie with the sunrise as the background.

After taking a selfie with Li Zedao, Sun Lingfei went to find Su Meng again, and then the two girls continued to show off their cute pouts, asking Li Zedao to take some photos for them.

Gradually, the white fish belly in the east began to take on a trace of gold, and then in the anticipation of the group of people who got up early in the morning to watch the sunrise, the sun, like a shy woman, first quietly revealed a little The face, although it was only a little bit, covered the sky in the distance with a layer of luxurious gold.

Then soon, the sun exposed his whole body little by little, getting brighter and brighter, and then everyone felt that his face was instantly hit by a wave of heat, and there was a very comfortable feeling I felt it, and the coolness I felt just now disappeared without a trace, making people feel warm all of a sudden.

"Ah, the hibiscus is one foot high at sunrise, and everything in the world is as fine as a hair..." Someone who didn't know who was singing a poem to the rising red sun.

"The sun is shining brightly at the beginning, and thousands of mountains and mountains are like fire. A round is carved into the sky, chasing away the stars and the waning moon..." Another person said affectionately, not to be outdone.

It made the people around laugh secretly.

However, the two modern poets didn't take it seriously, and continued to sing poems that made people laugh when they heard the sun, even poems like "The day of hoeing at noon" came out.

After the sun had fully risen, the people who came up to watch the sunrise also began to walk down the mountain in twos and threes.

Qian Xuemo also invited everyone to gather and go down the mountain to have breakfast together. After breakfast, he naturally had other arrangements. He planned to take them to the artificial lake in the resort for a boat trip, and also planned to play golf and enjoy Take a look at the leisure life of the rich.

Just when everyone started to walk down the mountain, Li Zedao's eyes fell on a man wearing a duck tongue and sunglasses, a camera hanging on his chest, and a small bag on his back. magnitude.

On the surface, this man, like everyone else, is a tourist who came to a resort hotel for vacation, and then went up the mountain early in the morning to watch the sunrise.

But Li Zedao's perception is so keen that he has already caught a trace of something wrong.

From the moment this man appeared out of nowhere, Li Zedao felt his eyes hidden in the sunglasses fall on Sun Lingfei from time to time, and then Li Zedao directly focused on this guy .

Afterwards, Li Zedao also noticed that the man was still looking at Qian Xuemo during this period. The two seemed to be making eye contact. Li Zedao even caught the flash of coldness in Qian Xuemo's eyes.

So Li Zedao understood that this sneaky-looking guy was most likely sent by Qian Xuemorang.

"I've already spent 16 million, why can't I still get a lesson? Are you still so cheap? Why are you so blind that you can't see your awesomeness? This is the so-called being blinded by hatred?" Li Ze said. Feeling helpless in my heart, he is a kind person, so seeing how miserable Qian Xuemo was, I finally thought about it, why don't I just fire him? After all, the ability to work is still very good, but now...

At that moment, Li Zedao took his gaze away from the man and ignored him. Instead, he took Sun Lingfei's little hand and followed the crowd down the mountain.

At the same time, the man wearing sunglasses glanced at the backs of Li Zedao and Sun Lingfei, the corners of his mouth curled up in an extremely cruel way, and he quietly followed.

A few minutes later, Li Zedao pointed to a sign standing on a small fork road not far away and said, "There is a bathroom there, I'll go there."

"I'll go with you." Sun Lingfei greeted Su Meng, then followed Li Zedao and turned into the fork in the road to the bathroom located there.

At that moment, Li Zedao entered the bathroom by himself, and Sun Lingfei, who was waiting outside, took out his mobile phone and looked through the photos he had taken before.

She vaguely heard footsteps coming from behind her, but Sun Lingfei didn't bother to look back. In her opinion, it was just someone coming to the bathroom.

So Sun Lingfei, who was admiring the photos on her mobile phone, didn't notice at all. Behind her was a pair of gloomy eyes staring at her. The owner of the eyes was still holding a glass bottle, and the glass bottle was not covered. , At the same time, thick fog kept coming out from the mouth of the bottle.

As the man approached Sun Lingfei step by step, his eyes hidden under the sunglasses became more and more sharp. Seeing that he was only two meters away from Sun Lingfei, he only needed to take a big step forward, and he could accurately Unmistakably, he poured the half bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid on the girl's head. At that time, the girl will be torn apart, and the body and psychology will forever leave ugly marks that cannot be erased until she dies.

"Don't blame me, if you want to blame it, blame yourself for offending someone who shouldn't be offended." The man took another big step forward while thinking in his heart that the next second, the hand holding the half bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid to move forward.

At this moment, the man suddenly found that his hands were suddenly stiff, as if frozen in ice, and he couldn't move. Not only that, but his body was also the same, and only his eyes were left on his whole body. Apart from being able to move the child, there is no feeling in other parts of the body.

For a moment, the man's face was full of horror, and then, a figure appeared in his eyes as if he had seen a ghost, it was the boy who was with the character, He came out of the bathroom.

For a moment, cold sweat broke out on the man's forehead inexplicably. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he could feel that his end seemed to be very tragic, because he could clearly see that the touch on the boy's face made him feel sad. A chilling sneer, so that kid actually knows everything? Is it because he is playing tricks that I can't move now for no reason?

There was more cold sweat on the man's forehead, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore.


Qian Xuemo turned his head and saw Li Zedao and Sun Lifei, so he asked Su Meng, "Where are Feifei and Mr. Li?"

"Oh, turn into that small road over there and go to the bathroom." Su Meng turned her head and pointed to the small fork road not far away.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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