The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1566 Retribution

Qian Xuemo nodded and said, "Then wait for them."

Most people are actually not very willing, not to mention that they are quite tired, so they want to go down the mountain and go back to the hotel to rest. In addition, they are really upset about Sun Lingfei, especially his boyfriend, but Qian Xuemo said so , Naturally, it is not easy to understand his meaning.

So they all stopped, waiting for Sun Lingfei and Li Zedao to come over.

"I'll go to the bathroom too." Qian Xuemo said, everyone noticed that there was a hint of pleasure in his eyes, as if he had passed out.

Qian Xuemo only felt that the air in the morning was so fresh, the sun was so mild, and the fragrance of birds and flowers everywhere...Of course, if he hadn't been disgusted by that bitch Deng Sisi, he would be in a better mood now.

Of course, Qian Xuemo didn't want to let Deng Sisi go, and he was teaching her a lesson later!

"I'll go too." Several boys agreed.

"I suddenly want to go too." Deng Sisi smiled slightly and winked at Qian Xuemo. For the sake of a million dollars, she has now forgotten that Qian Xuemo slapped her twice and scolded her. up.

At that moment, Qian Xuemo followed the students who planned to go to the bathroom together and walked back towards the path. As for the rest of them, they waited in place.


"Honey, you've come out...Look, this photo taken by Miss Ben is so beautiful, it completely captures Miss Ben's soft and lovely temperament." Sun Lingfei looked up at Li Zedao who came out with a smile and said , Nose wrinkled, "What smell? Why is it so pungent?"

The smell seemed to come from behind, so Sun Lingfei turned her head subconsciously, and then her eyes widened slightly. Even if she was very courageous, she was startled, and subconsciously took a big step back.

Less than two meters away from behind, a man wearing sunglasses and a duck tongue was standing there with a forward movement. He was still holding a bottle in his hand. Thick fog was coming out of the bottle mouth. The pungent smell comes from the thick fog.

"What are you doing?" Sun Lingfei's heart skipped a beat, feeling so upset, dare to scare herself? Don't you know that Miss Ben is a master of Taekwondo red and black belt? It's time to whip a leg over there now, and kick this bastard to death.

Li Zedao had black lines on his face, this girl is really big enough, everyone approached her and planned to pour the concentrated sulfuric acid on her, but she didn't realize it.

He quickly grabbed Sun Lingfei's little hand and said helplessly, "You can beat him, but you have to take down the bottle in his hand first. It's concentrated sulfuric acid."

"Concentrated sulfuric acid?" Sun Lingfei's complexion changed drastically, and her limited knowledge of chemistry told her that Li Zedao was not joking with her, so she pointed at herself and said with difficulty, "So...he wants to pour sulfuric acid on me? "

Li Zedao nodded: "I'm afraid that's the case, I have already found out that this guy is looking at you sneakily and with malicious intentions, as expected."

There was more cold sweat on the man's face, and it even flowed down his cheeks and finally dripped on the ground. The sunglasses were also full of fog, and he had been discovered long ago.

Sun Lingfei's eyes widened, and she was filled with anger when she saw the man's small face. Now she knew that this bastard who she had never seen before must be Li Zedao What did he do to him? If Li Zedao was not so vigilant, then this concentrated sulfuric acid might be poured on him... Sun Lingfei gritted her teeth,

I'm so angry that I'm going crazy, no, Miss Ben wants to beat someone right now.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand, took the concentrated sulfuric acid from the opponent's hand, and said to Sun Lingfei, "Honey, you can do it now."

Sun Lingfei, who was full of anger, jumped up on the spot when he heard the words, and then kicked the man's face with a beautiful and powerful forward kick.

The man's eyes under the sunglasses were full of horror, but he couldn't move, let alone avoid, so he could only close his eyes tightly.

In the next second, there was a muffled "bang!"

Sun Lingfei kicked the man's face, and instantly kicked him to the ground. The sunglasses on his face were even more shattered, and the lens even scratched the man's face, making his face dripping with blood. Yes, it looks horrible.

At the same time, the abducted Qian Xuemo and his group suddenly stopped walking, and looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment. They saw Sun Lingfei jumping up, and they also saw Sun Lingfei kicking someone in the face. The commander kicked him to the ground, and they also saw the blood on the face of the man who was kicked down.

They were all numb. It turned out that Sun Lingfei's beating was more terrifying than they imagined!

Especially Qian Xuemo, whose face was already pale, and the muscles on his face were twitching wildly. Looking at the person lying there, he just felt that his whole body was not well, and his mind was in a trance... Why is it so difficult?

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Deng Sisi exclaimed.

"Oh, it's okay, I just encountered a psychopath and wanted to attack me, which scared me." Sun Lingfei looked at the students who came over with a look of lingering fear.

Then she glanced at Qian Xuemo with an unkind look. Miss Sun had reason to suspect that this psychopath was sent by Qian Xuemo, right?

So, everyone felt that they were all bad. It seemed that you were attacking others, right? It seems that there are other people who should be afraid, right?

"Mr. Qian, I think we should call the police. This psychopath who came out of nowhere actually tried to attack Feifei, and his methods were extremely bad. He even held a bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid." Li's concentrated sulfuric acid, which was still smoking, was handed to Qian Xuemo.

Then, when those students smelled the pungent smell and looked at the concentrated sulfuric acid in Li Zedao's hand, their faces changed. They thought that the guy lying on the ground wanted to eat tofu just because of his lust. Throw sulfuric acid! How much hate is this? Or is it really crazy, committing crimes without purpose? Who is caught?

For a moment, they all felt lucky that they didn't encounter this psychopath, and they didn't have the violence of Sun Lingfei.

While Qian Xuemo's heart was beating wildly, he had an angry look on his face: "Damn it, why did this happen? I'll just let the hotel's security personnel come over and take him away, and I will explain to you and Feifei , luckily Feifei is fine."

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Then trouble Mr. Qian, this is evidence, you take it."

Qian Xuemo nodded angrily, and carefully took the concentrated sulfuric acid from Li Zedao's hand.

"Be careful, concentrated sulfuric acid is extremely corrosive, once it touches the skin, it will be terrible." Li Zedao kindly reminded.

"I know." Qian Xuemo held the bottle tightly in his hand, looked at Li Zedao and nodded. At this moment, he had a certain impulse in his heart, that is, to desperately smash the bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid in his hand. He slammed it on the face of this bastard, but after all, he didn't have that much courage.

"I'll call the hotel's security personnel right now." Qian Xuemo said again, planning to step aside, put down the concentrated sulfuric acid in his hand, and make a phone call.

However, he didn't take two steps to the side. He seemed to have kicked the protruding stone on the ground or something. In short, his steps staggered suddenly, and the bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid in his hand was lost in the bumpy process. His hand slipped, and the liquid inside splashed out directly.

"Ah, be careful..." Someone exclaimed.

Then, they watched Qian Xuemo sit down on the ground, and even saw the liquid fall and sprinkle directly on his thighs. In an instant, thick fog spread over Qian Xuemo's body, as if His body seemed to be on fire, and there was a burning smell in the air.

"Ah..." An extremely shrill scream sounded, completely breaking the tranquility on the mountain and even frightening countless birds.

Qian Xuemo rolled desperately on the ground as if he was facing Ling Chi who was being hacked by thousands of knives and thousands of knives. At the same time, white smoke rose from his body.


"Hurry up, call an ambulance..." Deng Sisi was dumbfounded for a few seconds, then screamed anxiously, and the others were also in a mess.


When Qian Xuemo was sent to the hospital, he had already fainted from the pain. It is said that the doctor who operated on him was shocked when he saw his injury. His left thigh was severely corroded. Before sending it to the hospital, someone wisely poured a lot of water on the wound, and it is estimated that the leg is gone. Even if it is a little higher, his thing will probably be corroded and gone, which is a blessing in misfortune.

The person who poured a lot of water into his wound was Li Zedao. It was so miserable to see him howling and rolling over there. Although he deserved it, the kind-hearted Li Zedao couldn't bear it, so he helped him deal with it. The silver needles were inserted into several acupuncture points of his body to relieve his pain.

The astonishing thing is still to come. The psychopath who was taken away by the police and tried to attack Sun Lingfei with concentrated sulfuric acid finally confessed that it was Qian Xuemo who asked him to do this, because Qian Xuemo had done him a big favor before. It saved his life, so he was willing to help Qian Xuemo kill someone.

However, Qian Xuemo did not order him to kill, but asked him to use concentrated sulfuric acid to ruin the girl's appearance. After that, the man also handed over the recording and video of his conversation with Qian Xuemo.

Therefore, what Qian Xuemo faced next was not only the torture caused by the wound, but also legal sanctions.

As for the loss of the enviable job, it is almost a certainty.

When the incident reached the ears of these students, they were all stunned and sighed abnormally. They never thought that Qian Xuemo would buy evil and plan to destroy Sun Lingfei... They basically knew that Qian Xuemo liked Sun Lingfei, but Sun Lingfei had a boyfriend, and he seemed so affectionate, so Qian Xuemo was accepted. No more, planning to ruin Sun Lingfei?

But unexpectedly, Sun Lingfei's skill was too strong, not only escaped, but even kicked the man away.

After that, Qian Xuemo, who was holding the concentrated sulfuric acid in his hand, fell down and splashed himself all over... Is this retribution?

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