The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1567 The reason for the failure

So, while they sighed endlessly, they understood two things. First, you must not have the intention of harming others, it is really not allowed, otherwise it is not that you will not report but that the time has not come. Qian Xuemo is a living example.

Second, you must learn Taekwondo. You see, after Sun Lingfei learned Taekwondo, even concentrated sulfuric acid couldn't do anything to her, and she escaped a fatal catastrophe.

So Sun Lingfei's classmates all signed up to learn Taekwondo one after another.


In the hospital, Qian Xuemo, who had already woken up, looked out the window with numb eyes, as if he had no soul.

Mr. Yang, the person in charge of Brilliant Resort Hotel, is here.

Except for Mr. Yang, the colleagues who had a good relationship with Qian Xuemo before, the female staff who flattered his subordinates, and the female staff who winked at him, none of these people came to visit him after they got the news. Even his classmates who watched the sunrise together yesterday and this morning all left after sending him to the hospital, and no one said they would stay and take care of him.

Qian Xuemo knew that it was too late for them to escape, so how could they stay?

As for the family... I'm afraid that my good half brother will choose to set off firecrackers to celebrate the new year early after learning of his end? As for the father, I'm afraid he will sever the father-son relationship with him, right?

Mr. Yang has three purposes for coming here. First, to visit this subordinate who he thought had a promising future and had a pretty good relationship...Of course, for Mr. Yang, this is the most important thing.

The second is to inform him tactfully that after the decision of the group, you were fired because you violated the relevant regulations of the group; third, the five million you borrowed from me last don't have to rush to pay it back , Just pay it back slowly, as for the IOU... we are so familiar with each other so we don’t need it, right? Of course, it would be better if you write it down.

From the beginning to the end, Qian Xuemo didn't look at Mr. Yang, didn't say a word, and just regarded him as air.

Mr. Yang was a little puzzled in his heart, as expected, that sentence was the truth, and those who owe money these days are all uncles. Of course, being kind-hearted, he can somewhat understand why Qian Xuemo has such an attitude. After all, from a rich and handsome man to a prisoner overnight, not everyone can bear such a huge change.

But all of this is what he deserves, and he can't blame others. Everyone must be responsible for what they do.

Immediately, he comforted me a little more, said a few words of encouragement that were not nutritious, and then left.

As he left, Qian Xuemo turned his numb eyes, which were full of grief and indignation.

It's not supposed to be like this, is it?

Sun Lingfei found a boyfriend, but her boyfriend did not die in Wei Fengsheng's hands and is still alive and well. This proves that Wei Fengsheng doesn't like Sun Lingfei anymore, and he no longer regards her as his personal belongings, so his The opportunity has come.

He couldn't provoke Wei Fengsheng, could he not provoke such a poor boy?

So when Sun Lingfei and her boyfriend who looked like a child from a poor family appeared, was it wrong for her to say that? I just don't want to see Sun Lingfei live a poor life with such a poor boy, wear that cheap clothes, use that cheap cosmetics, go out and squeeze the bus and subway... Is there something wrong with that?

That's right! There is nothing wrong with it! Who made you poor? Who made your fist soft? He deserved to be humiliated like this!

That bastard is obviously a poor student,

And he is tall, rich and handsome, so once he makes a move, his only end is to leave Sun Lingfei in despair, but why did he end up in such a miserable situation?

The wounds on his body were burning, his enviable job was gone, he still owed a lot of debts, and even, nine times out of ten, he would have to spend a period of time in prison... Qian Xuemo's heart grew more and more grief and anger, scarlet Staring fixedly at the sky outside the window, it was really hard to accept the facts in front of him.

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and the sound of high heels hitting the ground came.

Qian Xuemo turned his eyeballs to look, his pupils narrowed slightly, his scarlet eyes were already full of ferocity, he gritted his teeth, and roared in a hoarse voice: "Deng Sisi, how dare you appear in front of me? Bitch , just wait, I will definitely destroy you..."

His hatred for this woman is second only to Sun Lingfei and Li Zedao, ranking third!

This excitement directly involved the wound, so Qian Xuemo's face that was originally distorted by anger became even more distorted, and he couldn't help screaming out, gasping for breath.

Deng Sisi, who was carrying a bag of fruit, came to the front, looked at the face that once fascinated her but now became so hideous and ugly, sighed slightly, sat down on the chair in front of the hospital bed, and took out a fruit from the bag. Apples and a fruit knife, let's peel the apples.

"Bitch, get out...get out..." Qian Xuemo roared with a ferocious expression. In his opinion, this greedy bitch came here to humiliate him.

Deng Sisi glanced at Qian Xuemo, continued to peel the apple slowly, and then said: "I used to really like you, so much that as long as you look at me more, I will be excited for a long time. I like you so much You don’t need to accept me, you just need to think about me occasionally... like last night, you need to vent, then I can help you vent, I’m really happy..."

Deng Sisi looked at Qian Xuemo, and said word by word: "But, thank you for your humiliation, thank you for your two slaps, which woke me up completely, and made me really know you. Xuemo is not the pride of heaven, but a self-righteous idiot, a bastard who has done something wrong but puts all his sins on other people's heads, and an extremely hypocritical person who is not worthy of others' liking at all. bastard."

"Bitch, bitch, get out, get out..." Qian Xuemo yelled, his face was gray and ferocious, and he looked terrified. If it wasn't for the extremely severe trauma to his thigh, which was so painful that he couldn't even move, he would have died a long time ago. He jumped at the damned woman and strangled her.

Deng Sisi sneered: "You don't need to hurry, I will leave naturally after I finish speaking, do you really think I am willing to stay in such a ghostly place and face your ugly face?"

Then, "Crack!", he took a bite of the apple he had peeled, chewed it a few times, and continued: "I didn't want to come, but for the sake of the one million, I think you should Understand."

"Get out, bitch, get on the bus, get out of here..." Qian Xuemo's chest was extremely tight, his throat was already sweet, and a mouthful of blood was about to spurt out at any moment.

"You must be wondering why you are tall, rich and handsome, you want money, you want means, you want scheming, why can't you play with that poor boy, right? It's even more strange why I, Deng Sisi, are so courageous, Dare to blackmail you for one million... Oh, it can't be called blackmail, how can this be blackmail? You put me to sleep, and you foolishly let someone take a sneak shot, so the one million is considered a blow to my body and my body. honour's compensation."

Qian Xuemo was panting heavily, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans appeared on his forehead. He looked at Deng Sisi with such terrifying eyes, how much he wanted to immediately rush to this damned woman and strangle her to death.

However, he was very desperate to find that he couldn't do it, and he is now a useless person.

"That's because you are too proud, you are too self-righteous, your self-righteousness has blinded your eyes and your heart." Deng Sisi sneered, "The first time that Li Zedao didn't blink, let When you donated five million to that foundation, you should have realized that his background was not that simple, but you didn’t, and it was ridiculous to think that he was a lunatic and a psychopath. The second time, another five hundred Wan, but you still don't realize it, you still think he is a poor boy, after that, six million..."

Deng Sisi shook her head: "My squad leader Qian, why don't you think about it? If he is really a poor boy, when faced with 16 million, he will not bat an eyelid, and let him donate directly The Tiandao Foundation? That's because people don't care about that little money at all, and 16 million is nothing more than pocket money to him."

"..." Qian Xuemo's eyes widened suddenly.

Then, as if thinking of something funny, Deng Sisi burst out laughing so loudly that she couldn't straighten up holding her stomach. His eyes were red, and tears were about to flow out.

In the end, she tried her best to stop her laughter, and said embarrassedly with a blushing face, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I just think that you are really stupid and stupid, so I couldn't help laughing. I didn't mean it."


"He is not a poor boy. His mother's name is Xiao Qiangwei. Do you think this name is familiar? *Resort Hotel is an industry of their family, and he is the behind-the-scenes owner of *Resort Hotel!" Deng Sisi clapped her hands and laughed again. "You actually boasted in front of your boss how rich you are and how high your salary is... You actually told your boss that you can't afford to support your woman, and I will help you... Haha, it's so ridiculous, haha !"

Deng Sisi laughed out loud again, tears came out.

Qian Xuemo's expression was extremely sluggish, and Deng Sisi's words struck him mercilessly like lightning bolts.

"Also, do you think Sun Lingfei is poor? He is low-key, okay? Do you know who his father is? Sun Mingji, a tycoon in the catering industry! He has opened several high-end restaurants in Yanjing and all over the country, and his assets are conservatively estimated There are two billion, besides, Sun Lingfei also has her own business now, earning about ten million yuan every actually talk about money in front of them? Haha, it's really ridiculous..." Deng Sisi laughed and shed tears.

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