The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1568 Completely Destroyed

Qian Xuemo was struck by lightning several times again, only felt that the blood in his body seemed to be completely frozen, and his body was abnormally cold.

It turned out that he was low-key, and he didn't even bother to do anything to you, but he was like a stupid clown hopping around there, looking for trouble without knowing his life, and finally ended up like this.

"Do you know why I am a weak woman who is not afraid of your revenge and dares to ask you for compensation? That's because I know you are dead and you can't turn over." Deng Sisi said with a smile, then got up and bit that a few times. He threw the apple in his mouth on the table, turned and left gracefully, and threw Qian Xuemo there who seemed to have turned into an idiot.

A few minutes later, Deng Sisi walked out of the hospital gate and came to a cool off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road. At this time, Li Zedao was leaning on the car and smoking a cigarette.

Deng Sisi looked at Li Zedao, feeling inexplicably flustered, and she never thought that this guy who everyone agreed was a poor student had such a big background. In fact, when she left Qian Xuemo's room with tears in her face last night, Li Zedao suddenly appeared in front of her and told her that if she felt wronged, she could ask Qian Xuemo to pay some compensation the next day, and Also taught her how to do it.

As for how much to pay, it's up to you.

In other words, at the beginning, Deng Sisi never thought about threatening Qian Xuemo with the phone, she just wanted to keep it as a souvenir, and Li Zedao taught her the subsequent blackmail.

In the end, Deng Sisi gritted her teeth and asked for a million... If it was more, she was afraid that her heart would not be able to bear it.

And now, it was Li Zedao who asked her to tell Qian Xuemo the truth and let him know how he died.

Deng Sisi knew very well that this Li Zedao was planning to completely destroy Qian Xuemo psychologically. It completely became a dark shadow in his heart, tormenting him every moment.

cruel? It's cruel, but if Li Zedao is really an ordinary person, what will happen? If Sun Lingfei was really poured with sulfuric acid, what would happen?

Therefore, Li Zedao really didn't plan to let Qian Xuemo go, he wanted him to never get up.

Li Zedao glanced at the woman, nodded slightly and said, "Go back to the resort hotel and report to Mr. Yang, he will help you arrange a position that suits you...if you happen to need to change jobs."

"Thank you, boss." Deng Sisi was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said with a grateful face. In fact, her work is not going well now, and she really needs to find another job that is more comfortable. What's more, he also made an extra one million deposits in his bank card, so Deng Sisi was very grateful to the other party.

Li Zedao smiled and nodded: "Then I'll go first." After speaking, he got in the car and left.

Deng Sisi looked at the back of the car in a daze, and it took a long time before she praised: "It's so handsome."


There is soft music playing in an elegant coffee shop.

Sun Lingfei and Su Meng were sitting face to face, both of them were full of embarrassment. They really didn't expect this class reunion to end in such a way, let alone Qian Xuemo would do such an excessive thing come out.

"Fortunately, you're fine." Su Meng breathed a sigh of relief, feeling really terrified. After thinking about it, she still didn't want to go to the hospital to visit Qian Xuemo. Although she liked him for a while, it has become a memory now.

What's more, if he did such an exaggerated thing to Sun Lingfei, Su Meng couldn't go there. It's good that he didn't hate him to death.

Sun Lingfei smiled casually and said, "With Li Zedao around, how could something happen?"

Su Meng nodded with a smile and said: "Look at your happy and sweet face, if he is trying to persuade you to leave, I think you will break up with me, right?"

"Almost." Sun Lingfei said with a smile.

Su Meng is so sad, she gave Sun Lingfei a blank look: "You forget your friends when you see sex, you have no conscience, I'm doing it for your own good, do you know? It's thanks to you that you can still feel like this when you share a man with so many women." happiness."

"What about me, who was in a hurry when I said that Yang Ze was not a good guy?" Sun Lingfei snorted, "So, it turns out that my vision is better than yours."

"Yes, yes, your vision is better than mine." Seeing Sun Lingfei's embarrassing look, Su Meng couldn't laugh or cry, and then she pretended to be pitiful and said: "So I said that you will go back to Phoenix City with your family in two days In this way, I won't see you for a long time?"

"You can go to Fenghuang City to find me at any time, and I will reimburse you for the air ticket." Sun Lingfei smiled. Sun Lingfei was still looking forward to returning to Phoenix City with Li Zedao. The only thing that is a little depressing is that when the time comes, Li Zedao will not be able to accompany him all day like now. He will have to soak in the rain and dew, and he will have to level several bowls of water together, otherwise something big will happen.

But remembering that those women who became Li Zedao earlier than her were treated the same as herself, Sun Lingfei's heart instantly regained its balance.

"That's what you said." Su Meng said with a slight smile.

"Xiao Su, after I leave, I won't be able to protect you at any time. If there is anything that can't be solved, call your father and he will help you settle it, or call me, and I will kill you right away. Yes, and want to fall in love, first bring it to Miss Ben to see, and you can talk about it after Miss Ben makes a decision, this time you can't fall in love with scum." Sun Lingfei confessed.

"Don't worry, if there is another boy you like, I will bring him to you for you to make a decision." Su Meng said with a smile, still very touched by Sun Lingfei's concern.

Of course, she also knows that she won't be in a relationship in a short time, not only because she was severely hurt by Yang Ze, but also because she didn't even have the courage to like Li Zedao. The enchanting boy she met in a short period of time, she would involuntarily compare with Li Zedao, and then that boy would be eclipsed in an instant, completely numb.

Su Meng knew that Sun Lingfei told herself about Li Zedao, just to let herself know that even if she really had any thoughts about Li Zedao, not only would she not be angry or anything, but she would also support her vigorously. After all, Li Zedao was in that situation. .

But Su Meng didn't dare to like it, because the concept was completely different, she hoped that the one she liked would only pretend to be herself.

Also because of her personality, because of her lack of confidence in herself, even Sun Lingfei felt that her appearance was reduced to scum by those women in Li Zedao, let alone her.

Just then, a man walked towards them. The man was in his forties, with a big beard and a peaked cap, revealing half of his curly long hair. He was dressed like an artist.

Under the suspicious eyes of Su Meng and Sun Lingfei, he said with a faint smile: "Hello girls, please allow me to introduce myself, I am the director of Chuanshi Entertainment Co., Ltd., and my name is Jin Libo ..."

"Jin Libo... Are you Director Jin? Director Jin of "Legend of the Snow Girl"?" Su Meng's small mouth was already in an O shape, and she stared at the famous director in front of her with wide eyes, her face full of disbelief. Of course, Su Meng didn't think the man in front of her was a liar, because she had seen the photo of this golden director more than once.

It's just that she didn't expect one of her favorite directors to appear in front of her, so this made Su Meng feel like she was dreaming, and her little face was already full of excitement.

"It's me." Jin Libo smiled and nodded, then handed over his business card, "This is my business card."

Su Meng was a little excited and quickly got up to take the business card, as if she had found a treasure. Sun Lingfei frowned, and whispered, Jin Libo? Who? Why never heard of it? Looking at him like that, no matter how you look at him, he looks like an old pervert, Xiao Su is stupid, don't be cheated of money and sex.

"Can I chat with you for a few words?" Jin Libo asked.

"Of course, Director Jin, please sit down." A little excited, Su Meng hurriedly opened a chair and invited Jin Libo to sit down, "Can you sign your autograph for me? You are one of my favorite directors."

"Of course, thank you for your liking." Jin Libo said with a slight smile after sitting down.

Su Meng was so excited that she quickly opened the small bag, took out a pen and a delicate notebook, opened the title page, and handed it to Director Jin. Director Jin took it, signed her name on it, and handed it back to Su Meng , the latter took it away as if he had found a treasure.

Jin Libo smiled, glanced at Sun Lingfei a few more times, then fell on Su Meng, and said with a smile, "Can I ask the names of the two beautiful girls?"

"Oh, my name is Su Meng, and she is Sun Lingfei." Su Meng hurriedly gave a brief introduction.

Sun Lingfei looked at Jin Libo, nodded slightly, as a greeting, and wondered what this director, who seemed to be quite famous from Xiaosu's reaction, wanted to seek them out, didn't he really want to cheat money and sex? At the moment, I became even more vigilant, after all, Xiao Su is a fool, and judging by her insane appearance, I am afraid that this old pervert will not refuse even more exaggerated demands.

Jin Libo smiled and nodded: "Since you know me, you should know that I plan to direct a movie now, right?"

"It's "The Fate of the Sword", right?" Su Mengxiao said excitedly. As soon as she heard that this super big IP was about to be made into a movie, and the director was her favorite golden director, she was naturally looking forward to what the movie would be like, and she was also concerned about who would play the heroine Meng Qian in the future. Bone, but there is no official news yet.

"It's "The Fate of the Immortal Sword." Jin Libo smiled, his eyes fell on Sun Lingfei, and he felt more and more in his heart that his feeling was right, this girl was really too suitable for her.

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