The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1571 Who is he?

Li Zedao rubbed the paper towel, and then stuffed it into the chest pocket of Huang Han's high-end suit. Huang Han nodded and bowed to accompany the smiling face, and suddenly felt that this scene was very familiar. Stuff tissues into other people's pockets like Li Shao did.

It seems that like Li Shao, he is a good citizen who does not litter, so Huang Han feels that he and Li Shao have such a commonality, which makes him feel flattered.

Li Zedao shook his head with a slight sigh: "Why do you always like to force others to do what you want? My girlfriend is not interested in your shit role and rejected you, and you are upset and feel left behind." You have lost face, and you even want to do it?"

His hearing is amazing, so before he came over just now, he heard that idiot chattering at Sun Lingfei over there.

Huang Han carefully apologized and wanted to say, it's not us, but Liang Zhicheng, and it has nothing to do with me. Besides, isn't this society like this? The weak eat the strong, weak people are used to bully, just like Li Shao, don’t you also like to bully us little shrimps? You see, I was almost beaten to death by your bodyguards before, and now Liang Zhicheng has been beaten into a pig's face by you. After that, we have to be terrified, afraid that you will continue to retaliate.

Li Zedao glanced at Huang Han, and he probably understood what this guy was thinking. Therefore, in their view, it is too normal for the strong to oppress the weak. This kind of concept has been integrated into their blood. In the middle, so now they are being slapped in the face by themselves in turn, they will only think that they are unlucky and have offended someone who shouldn't be offended, instead of confessing whether they really did something wrong.

Li Zedao smiled coldly and said, "Do me a favor."

Huang Han's body was clever, and he felt extremely honored. His expression was that he would go through fire and water, and said quickly: "Young Master Li, tell me, tell me, no matter what, I will definitely help you."

"Let me beat you up." Li Zedao said seriously.

"..." Rao Huang Han felt that he had never seen such a big storm, so he was dumbfounded at this moment, not knowing how to answer the other party's words. Hurry up and put your face close to let the other party give you a hard slap, wouldn't it be too cheap? Not allowed to smoke... Do you have the right to choose?

"Don't talk? Then I'll take it as your agreement." Li Zedao nodded and said, just as he finished speaking, he grabbed Huang Han's neck, and then hit his lower abdomen with a knee.

Very crisp, Huang Han's body bent like a shrimp, and his face turned black and purple, as if he had suffered from severe food poisoning.

His mouth was wide open, and he couldn't speak from the pain, but a large amount of food and liquid mixture kept coming out of his mouth.

Li Zedao was worried that his vomit would get on his hands, so he threw Huang Han on the ground very early, and kicked him one after another.

Every time Li Zedao kicked down, Huang Han would let out a shrill scream. His body curled up there, his hands instinctively hugged his head tightly, and his whole person looked better than the one who fell into the smelly The stray dogs in the ditch are pitiful.

At the same time, the surrounding guests who went to drink coffee in this coffee shop, the waiters in the coffee shop, and the great director Jin Libo, their bodies also trembled once with Li Zedao's kick.

Those who don't know the situation, just feel that this young man who looks sunny is too ruthless, this is simply kicking people to death.

Knowing the situation, Jin Libo was even more terrified. He couldn't be more clear about the identities of Huang Han and Liang Zhicheng, but one of them was covered in blood, and the other was being kicked like a dog... This is very suitable to play the leading actor Qin What kind of pervert is Feng's boy?

Su Meng's body was also trembling. She really didn't expect that Li Zedao was much more violent than she imagined.

As for Sun Lingfei, she clenched her fists with small hands, her expression was excited, her eyes sparkled, and she felt an urge to rush over and hug Li Zedao tightly. Why is this guy so handsome?

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Li Zedao kicked more than a dozen feet until Huang Han lay motionless on the ground. Then he turned to look at Jin Libo, who was sitting there with his face constantly changing. The master couldn't help but whitened, and his body trembled... Is it my turn?

"Send your friend to the hospital." Li Zedao looked at Jin Libo and said with a grin.

Jin Libo swallowed his saliva, nodded subconsciously, and felt that this young man was too suitable for the image of the hero in his mind. Of course, he didn't have the guts to tell the other party.

Li Zedao ignored Jin Libo, and left the coffee shop with Sun Lingfei and Su Meng under the astonished eyes of other people in the coffee shop.

After sending Su Meng back, Li Zedao and Sun Lingfei went back to the small apartment where Sun Lingfei lived. Just after closing the door, Sun Lingfei pressed Li Zedao against the door panel.

Li Zedao smiled with narrowed eyes, and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, when I saw you beating people so handsomely in the coffee shop, I wanted to eat you at that time." Sun Lingfeiyin said hoarsely and charmingly, with a springy face and watery eyes.

Then, he bit Li Zedao's neck with one bite, and soon, the most primitive sounds of men and women resounded in the room.

After the calm, Sun Lingfei fell asleep sweetly. Li Zedao kissed the dimple on her face, got up quietly, put on her clothes, left the room and went to the living room, stood by the window, and lit a cigarette while watching the night outside.

The old thief and what he said were all thinking over and over again in his mind.

Who is he? Is he really like what he said, the descendant of the legendary Kongkongmen that has long been torn apart and ceased to exist? He has learned the art of distorting yellow, and he knows a little bit about seeing, hearing, listening, and hearing?

Li Zedao knew that if he really believed what he said, he would be a big fool.

You must know that the violence of his internal force can be said to exist in the invisible, that is to say, with the current medical methods, you can't detect the reason at all, but it happens to be real.

And those old Chinese doctors who are called national champions couldn't detect such an extremely cold aura in his body by looking at his face and taking his pulse.

However, the old thief saw it, and even compared the method he proposed to eliminate the Yin Qi with Qingxuzi's, it was even worse... The old thief combined the two methods into one up! The only way to get rid of the violent aura in the body is to comprehend the legendary Taoist treasure "Tianji Tujuan", and to comprehend the Tianshu scroll, you need to go to a special place, which is what Chen Tuan said The nameless cave, otherwise when reading the "Tianji Tujuan", it would make people feel drowsy and irresistible, just like reading a heavenly book.

What's more, he also said that he still has a year left!

Therefore, if what he said is true, then his ability is naturally above that of Qingxuzi, a thousand-year-old demon, and his ability is even more terrifying than Qingxuzi. Then, who is he?

Li Zedao exhaled a puff of smoke slowly, scratched his hair a little irritably, thought for a while, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, made a call, and after a while, the call was connected.

"You actually took the initiative to call me?" Director Yang's unbelievable and vigilant voice came over, "But I'm powerless even if you can't do it, what do you think?"

Li Zedao was speechless, feeling that this old man is really inhuman, a typical farmer and a snake, I have helped him so many times, and even, during the bet, the old man cheated on the ten catties of tea that he had agreed to give in the end. Jin, I didn't care too much about him.

But now, as soon as the call was connected, he pushed it all away before he had time to say anything. It's really... Li Zedao can only secretly scold this old man in his heart for being so inhuman.

"I also feel, oh, I also feel that my memory is not very good." Li Zedao said depressingly.

Director Yang's laughter came over and said: "Tell me, what needs me to do, as long as I can do it within the scope of my duties, I will help you."

Li Zedao murmured in his heart that this seemed like something a person could say, and he said immediately: "I'm going back to Phoenix City in the next two days. Before I leave, I want to visit the base where you research and manufacture ghost pills."

"You don't want to blow up that place to the ground, do you?" Director Yang's voice was full of vigilance. Can do it.

"I was discovered by you." Li Zedao said embarrassedly.

"Get out!" Director Yang smiled angrily, but he already knew that Li Zedao didn't want to blow up the base, otherwise he wouldn't have said such things, so he said immediately, "Find me in the courtyard tomorrow morning, and I'll take you go."

Early the next morning, Li Zedao first sent Sun Lingfei to the Shengli Garden Community to find Bei and the others, and he was about to become a member of this big family, so Sun Lingfei naturally had to get acquainted with Bei and the others first.

As for Li Zedao, he came to the heavily guarded courtyard. At this moment, Director Yang was sitting in the courtyard making tea. Of course, what he was making was not the top-notch Dahongpao. It was clean, so he put a cup of tea soup in front of Li Zedao, teasingly said: "Although this tea is expensive, it is still not as good as the top-quality Dahongpao. If you don't like it, take out the tea and let's drink it again." Bubble."

Li Zedao chuckled, picked up the tea soup and drank it down in one gulp, saying, "Good tea, good tea."

Director Yang smiled helplessly: "You boy, do I have to be so straightforward? Forget it, don't worry about your tea, let's go, I will take you to the place you want to go."

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