Before that, Li Zedao had basically learned the inside story of fx and fc from Bei.

fx is a powerful and secretive organization with an extremely strong official color. Its members are located in various fields in China. It is indispensable.

It can also be said that fx is actually an extremely important but extremely mysterious department of China's officialdom, which is also extremely complicated and powerful.

As for fc, it is one of the departments of fx, which means creation. Before Huang Wen died, this department was led by Huang Wen, and now it is temporarily taken over by Director Yang.

The main task of fc is to secretly deal with some evil forces abroad, looking for opportunities to give them a fatal blow, and is also responsible for researching various high-tech military products, including the study of mutants, that is, genetic superhumans. Including ghost pills.

There are many small departments under the fc department. The division of labor is very clear and does not interfere with each other. The Yan Luodian established by Li Zedao's father, Shangguan Haoyu, can also be regarded as a small department under the jurisdiction of fc. Some of the resources are provided by fc, including most of the important members of Yan Luodian, such as the bull head and horse face, such as the old man Guan Yue who lied to Li Zedao on the overpass, are actually fc's R \u0026 D personnel.

It's just that Shangguan Haoyu didn't know about all of this, he was like a puppet being led by the nose by Huang Wen in the dark.

Of course, Huang Wen is just a puppet of Huang Longfeng, Duanmu Weizhuang, being led by the nose.

And only Li Zedao and Bei knew about this matter, but they didn't plan to say it out. On the one hand, it's meaningless to say it out, and on the other hand, no one believes it at all... At least those above will choose not to believe it. , Undoubtedly, they were slapping themselves in the face severely. They would not do such a thing of slapping themselves in the face.

"We decided some time ago that we will suspend the research on Onimaru after exhausting the resources on hand." In the car heading to the base, Director Yang said, "It's not just because there have been no breakthroughs in the past 20 years. The progress is also because this kind of thing is too cruel after all, and it is against the peace of heaven. In addition, the No. 1 chief also came forward and contacted Minister Sun who is in charge of the entire fx organization."

Li Zedao nodded, and didn't bother to say a few words of ridicule, but asked, "Very far away?" At this time, the car had been driving on the road for more than half an hour and came to the suburbs, but it still hadn't arrived at the destination.

"It's quite far away, at Tianshou Mountain." Director Yang nodded.

"Tianshou Mountain?" Li Zedao felt that this place was familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

Soon, I remembered that the Ming Tombs, a famous scenic spot, are located at the foot of Tianshou Mountain? Unexpectedly, fc, the base responsible for the research of Onimaru, is actually located at the foot of Tianshou Mountain. Is this because of the good feng shui there?

Of course, although Director Yang said that the base was built on Tianshou Mountain, some distance away from any of the thirteen tombs, it was located in a small-scale military base behind Tianshou Mountain.

According to Director Yang, this small base is actually a place for fc related personnel to learn various skills.

It may be because there are many graves in the surrounding geomantic treasures, or because this is the base for researching Onimaru, and there are a lot of ghosts in itself, so even in the daytime, the feeling here is gloomy. The croaking of the crow that came, added a lot of desolation.

Of course, the security here is extremely strict. Even people like Director Yang came over and got out of the car to register. Even the car they drove was carefully inspected to ensure that there was no problem before being allowed. Drive into the base.

After entering the base, An An, who was in charge of driving, drove directly to a small white building under Director Yang's instruction. Li Zedao found that there are several similar small buildings in this base.

"The Onimaru Research Base is located in this building." After getting out of the car, Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and briefly introduced, "The previous research on Onimaru and Shenwan was all in charge of Huang Wen. Of course, Huang Wen was only the general manager. As long as he only wants the result, he does not participate in the process, so the related research is still led by Huang Longfeng, who has died in the forest of the Devil's Cave. Under his leadership, Shenwan was finally successfully refined. There was some progress, but unfortunately, he died."

Li Zedao sneered in his heart, thinking what a pity, if he hadn't died, you, the old man, would have gone to see Yan Luo Wang and his old man by now, maybe even Hades didn't even see him, and you would have become an old man It's a ghost ball.

Director Yang is still feeling emotional: "Otherwise, we can definitely create a Shenwan, and sooner or later there will definitely be a breakthrough in the Ghost Pill."

Li Zedao continued to sneer, too lazy to respond.

At the moment, when he was walking into the small building behind Director Yang, Li Zedao already felt a dangerous aura coming towards him, that is to say, there were many dangerous people hiding in the dark of this small building. If you act abnormally, those people will immediately show up and give you a fatal blow.

In addition, there are countless cameras in the open and in the dark. It is conceivable that the above attaches great importance to this place.

So Li Zedao is guessing that this place should be far more than just studying ghost pills, it should have other uses, otherwise the security would not be so strict, but Director Yang didn't introduce much, and Li Zedao didn't bother to ask.

Director Yang led Li Zedao straight inside, and finally came to a room with a sign on the door, which said "Room No. 3".

There was a man in black standing on both sides. After seeing Director Yang and Li Zedao coming over, they all saluted Director Yang. After Director Yang nodded, one of the men pushed the door of the room open.

"Let's go." Director Yang looked back at Li Zedao and said with a smile, and then walked into the room first.

Li Zedao nodded, felt the movement around him, and followed Director Yang into the room. He clearly felt that there was no breath in the room. After entering, he found that the room was empty. one person.

As they entered, the man closed the door again.

Li Zedao looked at the room. There was a desk with a laptop, a globe, and some documents. On the wall behind the desk was a bookcase with many books in it. There is also a coffee table. On the coffee table is a set of purple sand tea sets that are obviously expensive at first glance. There are also several calligraphy and paintings of unknown authenticity hanging on the walls around. Therefore, this room looks like an office no matter how you look at it.

Of course, Li Zedao knew very well that this was just a disguise, and there must be something wrong in this office.

Sure enough, Li Zedao saw that Director Yang walked up to the desk, stretched out his hand, and put his whole palm on the globe. In an instant, the globe that looked ordinary at first shone brightly. Immediately afterwards, the bookcases behind the desk immediately moved to both sides. Separated, an iron gate appeared there.

Director Yang looked back at Li Zedao and introduced: "This globe is actually a handprint identification instrument. Only the handprints are correct and must be alive, which means that the blood in the palm is circulating, not cut off. Only when the nerves that come down are dead, it will respond, and the bookcase will move to the sides."

Li Zedao nodded. In this way, those people with ulterior motives will not be able to take advantage of the loopholes.

"If you try to forcibly open the bookcase, the alarm will be triggered immediately. At that time, there will be tens of thousands of bullets waiting for the enemy. Even if it is me, the only end can only be to become a hornet's nest. Even you, it may not be possible. I can escape." Director Yang pointed to the bookcase and said.

Li Zedao shook his head with a wry smile and said: "If tens of thousands of bullets are fired in an instant, I really have no possibility of escaping. My speed is faster than bullets, but I am not invulnerable. If a few bullets accidentally hit Shot in my head and heart, and I'm dead."

Director Yang also smiled wryly: "That's why we have such a strong sense of crisis after learning that the American side is researching genetic superhumans. You know the hardness of their bodies. Bullets can't penetrate them. If They sneaked in here to destroy, and the consequences would be unimaginable."

Before, the body of Li Mengyao, who had become a genetic superman, was detonated, and a few pieces of green flesh were left on the scene. Its hardness was almost as strong as that of steel, and the bullet could not penetrate it at all.

I don't know what kind of weapon the skull organization has placed in their bodies, and it can be exploded. Director Yang also expressed his shock at that kind of weapon.

In addition, the green liquid in the needle that Li Zedao brought back from Las Vegas, although fc worked hard to study the ingredients, did not have any breakthrough results, after all, the liquid in the needle was pitifully small.

The only fortunate thing is that Gene Superman has a Achilles’ heel, that is, although their bodies are so hard that bullets can’t pierce them, their necks are their Achilles’ heel, and Li Zedao easily split their heads with a knife. After their heads were separated from their bodies, the genetic superman completely turned into a dead body, unable to move.

However, the question arises again, after all, it is an imperfect genetic superman. If it is a perfect genetic superman, will such defects disappear? Their necks are as hard as steel?

Li Zedao smiled, but didn't answer.

Director Yang saw Li Zedao's expression of having nothing to do with himself, and his heart was full of helplessness. This kid is too devoid of dedication! He didn't continue this topic at the moment, but walked up to the iron door and said: "If you want to open this iron door, you need to pass the retinal recognition to open it. If you try to open it forcibly, the result will be the same. There will be tens of thousands of bullets. waiting for you."

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