The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1573 see the old man again

As he said, Director Yang stared at a small area on the door, and a small screen hidden on the door was instantly lit up, and then the instrument on the door scanned Director Yang's retina, and the scan passed quickly. The doors automatically moved to the sides, but an elevator appeared.

Li Zedao looked at it, secretly marveling, it was the first time he had seen such a high-tech design, which gave him a feeling of opening his eyes.

"Come in." Director Yang said.

Li Zedao nodded, followed him into the elevator, took a brief look, and found that it was not much different from the elevators he usually saw.

However, judging from the appearance of the small building, this small building only has three floors, so Li Zedao knew that the elevator should not be going up, but going down.

In addition, there are numbers "-1" to "-5" on the number board, so Li Zedao guessed that if it goes down, there are at least five floors.

However, Li Zedao found that Director Yang did not press the numbers, but squatted down and reached into the corner of the elevator. Only then did Li Zedao notice that there was an extremely inconspicuous button in the corner.

After he pressed the button that would be ignored if he didn't look carefully, the bookcase closed automatically, the iron door closed towards the middle, and the elevator began to slowly descend.

Standing up and seeing Li Zedao's puzzled eyes, Director Yang smiled and explained: "Those Arabic numerals are traps. No matter which button is pressed, the alarm will be activated instantly. Only the inconspicuous button in the corner can reach the place we are going to. The research base. And there is a fingerprint reader on the button, only people with correct fingerprints will respond when they press it. Similarly, there must be blood circulating in the fingers, not the ones that have been cut off. "

"Uh..." Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and he didn't know what to say. Faced with such layers of high-tech protection, those who try to sneak in will probably feel extremely powerless in their hearts, right?

"In addition, the most advanced odor detector is installed in this elevator." Director Yang looked at Li Zedao's stunned expression with a smile and then said.

"Odor detector?" Li Zedao looked puzzled, "What is that?"

"Studies have shown that everyone's body emits a unique smell. This smell seems to emanate from your soul. You can't imitate and decipher it at all. Not only that, the ingredients of this smell It's quite strange, when you are happy and when you are sad or nervous, the smell is different."

"So." Li Zedao nodded, probably understanding the function of this smell detector.

Director Yang's next words confirmed Li Zedao's conjecture: "Simply speaking, the computer records the smell that we emit when we are calm. If one of us is accidentally hijacked and enters this elevator , then we will definitely feel nervous or panic or something, at that time, the smell from our bodies will also be different, and then the elevator will send you to a death row instead of the base you want to go to."

Li Zedao couldn't help but admire it. This is really high-tech. It seems that his idea is right. This place is far more than just a base for researching Onimaru. There must be some confidential research. Possibly so forbidding.

After all, the headquarters of Yan Luodian hidden in the hotel before, although secretive, but compared with the present one, there is a difference between the security of the sky and the earth.

Therefore, it is definitely not just because of Onimaru that this place is so strict.

Just when Li Zedao was completely shocked, the elevator sent them to the mysterious underground. As for which underground floor, Li Zedao didn't quite know.

Director Yang squatted down and pressed the inconspicuous button in the corner, and the elevator door slowly moved to both sides.

Immediately, Director Yang stepped out first to lead the way, walking in the corridor full of technological sense, and walked towards a silver gate.

Coming to the front, Director Yang swept his eyes in front of the electronic lock of the silver door, and the silver door immediately separated into two crescent buds and opened to both sides.

Until now, the base specializing in Onimaru that Li Zedao wanted to see appeared in front of Li Zedao.

Standing at the door, Li Zedao glanced inside and was stunned. He found that the situation inside was completely different from what he had imagined. He had been to the baiting hotel used by Yan Luodian to study Guimaru before. Of course, now that hotel has been transformed into a public welfare hospital under the Tiandao Foundation, so he felt that the situation of the base should be the same as that of the Tiandao Foundation. The hotel is similar, unexpected, completely different.

I saw that although the lights inside were dazzling, it was threatening, as if you were in an ice cellar. In short, this place gave people a gloomy feeling.

And looking at the entire base, you can see at a glance that the entire base is divided into two completely different halves, the left side looks advanced and busy, with many computers and various advanced instruments that Li Zedao doesn't know what it is At the same time, more than a dozen researchers in white coats were either studying and recording in front of the equipment, or sitting in front of the computer and clattering on the keyboard, and some researchers were holding thick Folders are walking around. They were in a hurry and looked very busy.

As for the right side, there are a lot of creepy things lying all over the place, there are soul-calling banners, ancient swords, ancient copper vessels, weird-looking puppets, and even coffins and tombstones. The bucket was black and red viscous liquid with a bloody and pungent smell. Li Zedao felt that if he guessed correctly, it should be dog blood.

There is also a huge Chinese herbal medicine cabinet, which is densely packed with drawers, and each drawer is marked with the name of the medicinal herbs contained in it.

There is another cabinet next to the Chinese herbal medicine cabinet. There are various bottles and jars densely packed on it. It is unknown what is in the bottle.

In short, even those who are less timid will be shocked when they see these things under such bright lights.

While Li Zedao stared at the scene with wide eyes, he subconsciously stroked the ring that his master left him, which could see ghosts when he put it on. Li Zedao didn't know where the master got this ring, but Li Zedao knew that there must be a similar ring here that can let you see ghosts once you put it on.

He also now knows that after a person dies, his ghost can only stay for five seconds at most, and then it will disappear. To be precise, it will go to the place where he should go.

But if there is some carrier, it can stay for a long time. The most common carrier is the body, a living and healthy body. The body has life because of the ghost. If the body is damaged or old, then Losing the attraction to the ghost, the ghost will leave the body, and the person will die.

There are other carriers that can also keep ghosts, such as the soul-calling streamers, ancient swords, coffins, tombstones and other very dark things.

In addition, if one can peep into the law of the heaven and earth and cultivate the breath of the heaven and earth, to put it bluntly, it is to strengthen one's own soul, then after death, his soul can not be controlled by the power of the heaven and earth, and go to the place where he should go, but can be regenerated. Just have a body.

Chen Tuan and Duanmu Weizhuang are living examples of what Li Zedao encountered!

Li Zedao had to wonder if that old thief, like Chen Tuan and Duanmu Weizhuang, was an old ghost who had lived for hundreds or even thousands of years and was well-informed. Is there such a violent and cold breath in his body? He even asserted that he could only live for a year at most.

At that moment, Director Yang walked in with Li Zedao who was shocked by what he saw in front of him. He didn't say hello to any staff along the way, and no staff looked up at Director Yang and Li Zedao. It was as if the two of them were like air.

Finally, Director Yang brought Li Zedao to a room, and he stretched out his hand and knocked lightly on the door.

Soon, the door was opened, and then an old man in a suit and leather shoes, who looked extremely rich and wore a black gentleman's hat, appeared there. After seeing Director Yang, His fat face was instantly filled with a smile, but when he saw Li Zedao standing next to Director Yang, the smile on his face froze instantly, his eyes widened, and the muscles on his face twitched visible to the naked eye , as if seeing a ghost.

Of course, seeing a ghost here refers to the emotional fluctuations he showed when he saw a ghost for the first time. Now, for this old man, he has seen a lot of ghosts, so now he can't feel any emotion when he sees a ghost. Mood swings are normal.

But after all, people who have seen ghosts have extremely strong inner qualities, so it was only a momentary shock. Soon, the old man was full of smiles, and he was a living Maitreya Buddha.

Li Zedao looked at him, but his brows were slightly squinted, his fists were clenched even more, and he almost couldn't hold back, so he punched hard on this big face that he hated so much.

He would recognize this old man even if he turned into ashes. When he was on the flyover that day, he was the one who lied to himself saying that filial piety is the first thing to do. In this age of impetuous morality, there are not many people like you. What boy, you moved me very much. It is really unreasonable for me not to help you...

Then I foolishly left with him... Li Zedao couldn't understand, why was he so stupid back then? To believe a stranger so casually.

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