"Director Yang, Young Master Li..." Guan Le hurriedly greeted him with a nod and bow. My heart is really a little hairy. The main reason is that Li Zedao looked at him with such cold and malicious eyes, which made Guan Le's heart chill. He had no doubt that this kid seemed to know the cause and effect now. In this case, he will beat himself up hard, right? Would he even kill himself and use his soul as the raw material for ghost pills?

With the kind of hatred the other party has towards him, he is very likely to do such a thing.

"He wants to visit this place and learn about Onimaru. Take him around and talk to him." Director Yang looked at Guan Le and pointed at Li Zedao and ordered.

"Okay, Director Yang." Guan Le nodded quickly, and then looked at Li Zedao with a flattering smile, "Li Shao, it's my honor to serve you that way, please."

Thousands of clothes, ten thousand clothes, flattery but not clothes! So Guan Le resolutely flattered him first.

Li Zedao looked at the old man indifferently, and said coldly: "It seems that you have forgotten what I told you back then."

"Uh..." The smile on Guan Le's face froze slightly, mainly because Li Zedao's tone was too cold, which made Guan Le's heart even more horrified.

"At that time, in that hotel, I told you that I had already been fooled by your smile once, so don't show me such a smile, it's too fake, so fake that I want to slap you hard The punch was thrown... Now, you are showing this kind of smile again." Li Zedao said coldly.

laugh? what's so funny? If it weren't for you, who looks like Maitreya Buddha, this handsome guy could have been fooled by you foolishly?

Li Zedao felt a little sad, because the answer he gave in his heart was that even if this guy hadn't put on that kind face at the beginning, he would have gone with him, because he is a drowning person, and all he can do is desperately Grab at any straw.

After the muscles on Guan Le's face twitched invisibly, he forcibly suppressed the smile on his face, and tried hard to keep a straight face, regretful in his heart, how could he forget about that matter?

"It's too late." Li Zedao said gloomyly, rubbing his fists, and twisted his neck, "Have you washed your face? If not, I'll give you some time to wash it off."

"Young Master Li..." Guan Le was startled, his face turned pale, and he quickly looked at Director Yang for help, hoping that the old man would stop the tragedy that was about to happen.

Director Yang coughed with a strange expression, raised his head and looked at the ceiling very seriously, as if there was something particularly interesting there.

Regarding the matter of Yan Luodian, Director Yang is naturally very clear. It was established by Huang Wen secretly. suspicion of fate.

So at this time Li Zedao wanted to beat Guan Le up. He really couldn't help Guan Le to intercede. Say he has a bad memory or something.

The call for help was ignored, Guan Le was crying, knowing that the beating was inevitable, he gritted his teeth, fell down and curled up on the ground, holding his head.

When Li Zedao saw him like this, the muscles on his face twitched. Isn't this guy too cheap?

Looking at this shameless old man coldly, he said lightly, "Get up."

"Ah?" Guan Le heard,

He froze for a moment, and after making sure he had heard it right, he quickly got up from the ground as if he had been granted an amnesty, not daring to show any smile and looked at Li Zedao. Of course, his eyes were full of gratitude, and he was about to burst into tears. I thought that Young Master Li was still very kind.

Director Yang on the side also looked a little surprised, he really didn't expect this kid to let Guan Le go just like that, this is not in line with his behavior style at all.

"Your belt is not bad." Li Zedai pointed to the belt on Guan Le's chubby waistband.

"Uh... this is a French brand. If you like it, Li Shao, I'll buy one and send it to you, Li Shao." Guan Le said quickly. Of course, he didn't quite understand how this kid got onto the belt. Now, does he have a hobby of collecting belts? Whatever it is, as long as you don't beat yourself up.

"Untie it, let me see." Li Zedao said again.

Guan Le quickly took off his belt and handed it over. Of course, the other hand had to grab the bottom of his trousers.

Li Zedao took it, pulled his hands, nodded, looked at Guan Le with a weird smile and said, "That's right, it should hurt to use this to whip people, right?"

"Ah?" The muscles on Guan Le's face twitched violently a few times, and a big cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the gratitude he felt for the other party in his heart just now fed the dog instantly.

Director Yang on the side also twitched, and continued to look at the ceiling, silently mourning for Guan Le in his heart.

A few minutes later, Guan Lexia, who had a few shocking scars on his big fat face, followed Li Zedao carefully, and while taking him to visit the base specialized in researching Onimaru, he helped him explain in detail about Onimaru. Manufacturing process.

"More than 20 years ago, we don't know how Chen Yibing, who first created the ghost pill, collected ghosts, and how he finally made the ghost pill. All we did was in accordance with Huang Longfeng's request. To do it, and Huang Longfeng also said that Chen Yibing is not the real inventor of Guiwan at all. The real inventor of Guiwan should be Duanmu Weizhuang, a generation of ghost doctor thousands of years ago. Some of the mysterious ancient books that came down made Guiwan again." Guan Le said cautiously, and took a few deep breaths, there was no way, it really hurt too much.

While curling up there to accept the "whipping punishment", Guan Le wailed and counted how many times this bastard whipped him... It hurts too much, counting it can distract you a little bit, right? In the end, he counted, and this bastard slapped him a total of a hundred times, no more, no less, exactly a hundred times!

Therefore, he has at least a hundred scorching scars like the one on his face!

Too cruel, this bastard is too cruel, too inhuman! What he can do now is to silently greet this bastard's whole family women in his heart, especially Miffy. He has greeted him several times, who made that chick always argue with him because she was the judge's apprentice before!

Li Zedao frowned and nodded: "How do you usually collect ghosts?"

"Use the soul bottle." Guan Le came back to his senses and quickly replied.

"Soul bottle?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

"Oh, it's just an ordinary bottle. After being processed by Huang Longfeng in a special way, it has the miraculous ability to collect souls. Huang Longfeng also took the name." Guan Le explained and brought Li Zedao to the huge cabinet. Going forward, he pointed to the huge number of bottles and jars on the cabinet and said, "These are soul bottles with the ability to collect souls that have been processed by Huang Longfeng in a special way."

Li Zedao's eyeballs widened slightly, and while he was shocked, he reached out and picked up one of the dark bottles, and began to size it up. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary glass bottle for pills, but when you hold it in your hand, you can feel the coldness of the bottle, which is colder than holding an ice cube. There is a creepy feeling.

In addition, the cork that blocked the mouth of the bottle was red, and there was a strong bloody smell on it. This bloody smell was consistent with the bucket after bucket of liquid that resembled dog blood, so it is certain that this cork soaked in that liquid.

"Only Huang Fenglong knows how to make the soul bottle. I only know that the bottle and the cork made of mahogany are soaked in black dog blood for seven to forty-nine days, and then some spells are required to take it out. What about processing, only Huang Longfeng knows those seemingly mysterious procedures, and we can't even learn it if we want to." Guan Le said again.

Li Zedao frowned and nodded. Judging from the current point of view, this approach is undoubtedly extremely superstitious. After seeing it, normal people will only say that you are crazy.

"How to use this bottle to collect ghosts?" Li Zedao asked again.

"After a person dies, his soul will immediately leave his body, stay for about five seconds, and then disappear without a trace. During these five seconds, as long as you put this soul bottle Open the mouth of the bottle, within three meters of the soul, the soul will be absorbed into the bottle automatically."

Guan Le pointed to those coffins, dolls and ancient swords and continued: "Besides, there is another way to collect them. Those are extremely dark things that can become the carrier of ghosts. At this time, as long as the soul bottle is close to those things, as long as the soul is attached to it, it can also be absorbed."

Li Zedao nodded, no wonder there are so many creepy things here.

Guan Le continued to introduce: "Of course, the number of ghosts in this kind of bottle is limited. The larger ones can be filled more, and the smaller ones can be filled less. Research shows that after a person dies, he weighs 25 grams less, so ghosts The weight of the bottle is 25 grams, and after a series of complicated calculations, it can be concluded that the space occupied by a ghost is about 18 milliliters. Li Shao, the capacity of the soul bottle in your hand is 100 milliliters, so you can hold at least five at most. ghost……"

Li Zedao was dumbfounded when he heard it. He never expected that this could be calculated and such accurate data could be obtained. This is really unimaginable and unbelievable. combine? If this kind of theory is heard by other people, can't it be said to be crazy?

The ghost weighs 25 grams and has a volume of 18 milliliters? What an international joke!

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