The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1575 You Laughed

"Then what kind of complicated calculation was also proposed by Huang Longfeng?" Li Zedao asked very difficultly, even though his endurance was extremely strong, he couldn't accept such a statement at this time.

Guan Le nodded: "It was proposed by Huang Longfeng. As for whether it is true, we are actually not so clear, but when our relevant personnel use the soul bottle to collect souls, there is indeed a capacity limit. For example, Li Shaoyou The soul bottle in his hand, after absorbing five souls, can no longer absorb the sixth soul, so Huang Longfeng said that a ghost occupies 18 milliliters of space, which is quite accurate, so according to that calculation, each We all know how many ghosts there can be in a bottle."

Li Zedao nodded, looked at the soul bottle in his hand again and asked: "After the ghost enters this soul bottle, can't you see it?"

He now wears the magical ring on his hand, but he can't see the ghost inside through the bottle.

Guan Le nodded and said: "Yes, but we can see the process of the soul being absorbed into the soul bottle, just wear a specially treated ring."

As he said that, Guan Le took off a silver ring on his left middle finger and handed it to Li Zedao: "This kind of ring that allows you to see ghosts is also invented by Huang Longfeng. The name of the yin and yang ring is "Yin Yang Jie". As for the method and steps of making this kind of yin and yang ring, only Huang Longfeng knows. It needs to be treated with some kind of long-lost spell to play its role."

Li Zedao took the ring with a frown. It looked different from the ring Master gave him from the outside, but the cold feeling was exactly the same.

I am even more curious about the so-called spell in my heart. It should be some kind of spell that has long been lost, right?

After looking at the Yin-Yang ring in his hand for a few times, Li Zedao threw it back to Guan Le, and asked indifferently: "After having a ghost, how to refine it into a ghost pill?"

"Huang Longfeng combined the ancient method of using alchemy furnaces for alchemy with modern pharmaceutical technology, coupled with the continuous efforts of our scientific researchers, and finally developed those advanced instruments." Guan Le pointed to a place not far away. An instrument that is more than one meter high and looks similar to that kind of printer introduced, "To put it simply, the instrument is equipped with a soul bottle with a stronger adsorption force that can hold a hundred souls. Open the mouth of the bottle and align the mouth with the small opening on the instrument, then the ghost in the ordinary soul bottle will be absorbed into it, and then continue to add black dog blood, cow's tears, cinnabar and a series of Chinese herbal medicines into it, and then start Switch the switch, and the machine will start to operate automatically and start refining ghost pills."

"It's just that because I don't know which kind of Chinese herbal medicine is needed and how much it needs, so there haven't been many breakthroughs in the research on ghost pills over the years."

Li Zedao listened, and he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment. This was too shocking and unbelievable. I can only say that Duanmu Weizhuang is too awesome and too fast It's scary, he can collect people's souls, he can refine people's souls into pills, that's fine, after all, these are his old professions, he knew it more than a thousand years ago, the reason why he didn't develop it now The ghost pill is nothing more than because he lacks a soul and has lost a lot of memory.

What makes people feel appalling is that this thousand-year-old ghost actually knows how to combine modern scientific and technological means, replace the ancient alchemy furnace with modern pharmaceutical equipment, and realize the mechanization and informationization of the ancient alchemy technique... This is simply a monster among monsters. The evildoer ah.

It's not scary to be ambitious, what's scary is that he has the ability to match his ambition!

So if Duanmu Weizhuang has no soul, then with his ambition, means and IQ, let alone Huaxia, I am afraid that the whole world will fall into a state of panic. By then, the existing world structure may be broken, and when the time comes In the end, Duanmu Weizhuang might become the only king in the world, and he will completely conquer and change the world.

Seeing Li Zedao staring blankly at the instrument, not knowing what he was thinking, Guan Le didn't say anything more, but stood there silently gasping for air, with the biting pain on his body. The pain made him want to go crazy, but he had to endure it forcefully. He could only continue to silently greet this bastard's whole family in his heart.

Imagine that scene, hey, the wound doesn't seem to hurt so much, continue to imagine...

Li Zedao turned his eyes away from the instrument and glanced at Guan Le, only to see a very obscene smile appeared on the old man's big face with several shocking scars. There was a trace of transparent liquid at the corner of his mouth. The expression looks so wretched and wretched. Looking at his crotch, it is already slightly raised, so you don't have to think about it, what kind of picture this old man is imagining right now.

So Li Zedao's heart was already full of violence. There was only one explanation for this old man who still had fantasies when he was beaten so badly.

Therefore, Li Zedao simply slapped his fat face with a slap.

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound.

"I... didn't laugh..." Guan Le woke up with a start, the fat on his body twitched in pain, looked at Li Zedao with panic and aggrieved eyes, and muttered a little guilty.

"Bang!" Li Zedao kicked Guan Le's stomach again, kicked his body flying, and finally smashed heavily on the coffin placed there.

"You laughed." Li Zedao said coldly.

Guan Le clutched his stomach, the pain caused the muscles on his face to twist into a ball, and he couldn't speak. He suddenly found that compared with this foot, the pain caused by being whipped by a belt before was almost nothing. It can't be considered pain.

"You're still drooling, and your bottom is swollen." Li Zedao was furious, asshole, don't think I don't know the dirty thoughts in your heart! Immediately walked towards the old man with big strides.

Next, he blocked Guan Le against the coffin, and kicked him one after another. Guan Le screamed again and again, looking extremely miserable, just like those beggars on the side of the road.

At the same time, the staff who were recording something seemed to have never heard the screams. Everyone raised their heads and looked here, and they were all doing their own things seriously.

They have all received the most rigorous training, and nothing can distract them except the work at hand.

"Okay, your kid is going to kill you if you kick it down." Director Yang walked over and dissuaded helplessly, this kid was the first one who dared to do something so brazenly in this place.

"Then I'll give you a face. I won't beat you. Anyway, it's not fun." Li Zedao smiled, and retracted the foot that was stepping on the old man's stomach.

Li Zedao kicked really badly. He had to work very hard to control the intensity so as not to accidentally kick him to death. He thought he would just wait silently for the Skull Organization to finally develop a perfect kick. Gene Superman, it's time to have a good fight with that kind of Gene Superman, that kind of battle is the real battle.

Of course, it's better not to research it out, Li Zedao prefers the role of the lonely master.

Li Zedao squatted down slightly, patted Guan Le's big face, and motioned him to open his eyes and look at him.

Guan Le's eyes were covered with blood. He opened them just now and then quickly closed them. Because the blood soaked into the eye sockets made people feel very uncomfortable, so he quickly wiped the blood away with his sleeve, and then he felt better.

"Don't laugh any more in the future, any kind of laughter is not acceptable, and don't have any dirty thoughts in your heart, otherwise, not only will you become a eunuch, but I will also use you to verify how the soul bottle absorbs the soul, How does the instrument work to create ghost pills, don't doubt my words." Li Zedao said coldly.

Guan Le had no choice but to silently greet this bastard's whole family in his heart, but he kept saying, "Don't dare, Young Master Li, I don't dare anymore."

"In addition, I need these things, I think this place must have them." As he spoke, Li Zedao took out a piece of paper from his pocket and threw it in front of Guan Le. It was a list, which listed the things he wanted.

In fact, the main reason for Li Zedao to come to this place is to get the things on the list, and it is secondary to visit this base to know how ghost pills are made.

Guan Le hurriedly picked up the list, looked at it for a few moments, was stunned, and then looked up at Director Yang.

"Whatever he needs, as long as there is something here, I will prepare it for him." Director Yang nodded and said. He had seen the list made by Li Zedao in the car coming over, and he really wondered why Li Zedao needed these things. Is this the way to do it? Or catch ghosts or something? Or is there some other ulterior purpose?

But Li Zedao smiled and didn't say much, and Director Yang didn't ask too much.


"Are you shocked? When I first learned that Huang Longfeng invented these things, I was also shocked. This is really incredible." Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and smiled.

At this time, he had brought Li Zedao back to the elevator. At the same time, Li Zedao also had an extra backpack on his back. The backpack was naturally filled with the things he wanted that Guan Le helped him find.

Li Zedao responded lightly: "It's quite shocking, and also quite cruel." Li Zedao knew that there must be a lot of corpses stored in a certain room here. Some of them are indeed not worthy of death, but some are so innocent. They didn't do anything outrageous, they just had bad luck and were reincarnated in the wrong birth or something. They were too weak, so weak that they couldn't even control their own life and death.

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