The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1587 Angry Sumen

For a moment, Su Men's body trembled suddenly, his face was pale, and even his breathing seemed to be stagnant. He only felt that his back was wet, and even, subconsciously, he seemed to want to avoid danger. , he even took a step back.

This is the body's instinctive evasion action when a person encounters danger.

Then, Su Men felt that he had been extremely insulted, how could he be afraid of such a kid? How could he hide from such a shameless guy? Is this performance too spineless? Is it too embarrassing? Did he also lose FC's face by the way?

Of course, although the behavior just now was insulted by Sumen himself, he wouldn't think so. If it wasn't for this kid, would he have accidentally insulted himself? Won't! So it's all this bastard's fault!

At that moment, his old face was flushed, and he pointed at Li Zedao and shouted angrily: "What? You really dare to do something here? Do you want to treason?"

Put on such a heavy hat first, so that this kid is afraid, otherwise this kid is really going to make a move, so what should I do?

"Stupid!" Li Zedao squinted at the old man, turned his eyes away, his face was full of disdain, he was so upset, damn it, anyway, this handsome guy also did you a big favor, what's your attitude?

"You..." Su Men's old face turned even redder. It was the first time anyone dared to call him an idiot after living for such a long time.

"Zedao, on the premise that the matter has not come to light, you are indeed not qualified and cannot take that woman away. If you insist on doing this, then I can only say, it's a pity." Director Yang hurriedly spoke up when he saw this, as persuasion, Also a threat.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes, and it seemed that the situation was similar to what he had expected, and the strong aura in his body was completely restrained.

Su Men's breathing became smoother now, panting slightly, looking at Li Zedao with hatred in his eyes.

He only felt that his entire back was soaked. At that moment just now, he felt an extremely strong threat, but his heart was full of powerlessness. It gave people the feeling that he was the one on the sea enveloped by the storm. With a small boat, he would be torn to pieces by a wave at any time.

Li Zedao ignored Su Men, but looked at Director Yang and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't be so serious, I was just joking, what should I do to take her away when I have nothing to do? However, I really don't think she has anything to do with this This matter has something to do with it, she was just unlucky enough to get involved."

Seeing that the boy was not insisting, but chose to give in, Director Yang heaved a sigh of relief. If the boy had a tough attitude and wanted to take that woman away, he would really have a headache. It would be impossible not to let her be taken away. Let him step over Old Su's body? Does it really make people surround him and shoot him into a hornet's nest? If things develop to that point, the consequences will be extremely serious. I am afraid that even if they take advantage of the right time and place to trap Li Zedao to death here, or even kill them, there may not be a single person left alive here. Bar?

Such consequences are too serious, and no one can afford it.

Director Yang showed a smile on his face and said: "Don't worry, we won't embarrass her until the truth comes to light, and we will tell you as soon as we find out the results of the investigation. After all, you are also a participant in this matter. If that Xiao Qingfeng is really innocent, it doesn't matter if I let you take him away."

Li Zedao nodded, thought for a while and emphasized again: "The person who is still lurking is probably not small, and must have some connection with Qian Yugang who died ten years ago.

So hurry up and find a way to find it out, otherwise things that you don't want to see will definitely happen later. "

In Li Zedao's view, the lurking person might have wanted to attack Dr. Zhao for some purpose, but what he didn't expect was that Dr. Zhao died. Of course, from the lurking person's point of view, Dr. Zhao should It is right that he got some disease and died suddenly, not being killed.

In this way, it saved him a lot of trouble, and then put the prepared note into Dr. Zhao's pocket...

Of course, this is just Li Zedao's rough guess. Li Zedao doesn't know if this is the case, and he doesn't bother to get involved. If he continues to stay here, he will only attract people's suspicion.

"Don't worry, all the scientific researchers are under our surveillance now, and we will find out that person as soon as possible." Director Yang nodded and said.

Su Men snorted and didn't say anything. In his opinion, this bastard must have some dirty deal with that woman. Even when the two of them were alone, did both of them have already done something messy? Anyway, he decided that the woman was the murderer and the spy, even if there were still people lurking, they were also the accomplices of that woman!

Back to the interrogation room again, of course Director Yang and Su Men followed this time.

Li Zedao looked at Xiao Qingfeng, somewhat apologetic: "You can rest assured to stay here for a while, Director Yang and the others will not embarrass you, you have to trust Director Yang, he will catch the lurking person as soon as possible, Give you a clean one."

"Thank you, thank you Director Yang." Xiao Qingfeng nodded, looked at Director Yang again and said gratefully. Although Li Zedao couldn't take her away, it was considered to save her life, at least Director Yang and the others wouldn't torture her anymore.

Director Yang nodded and smiled wryly in his heart. He knew that this kid was digging a hole for him to jump, but he had no choice but to jump down. In this way, no matter whether this Xiao Qingfeng was the murderer or not, all he could do was to kill him. Locked up, you can't embarrass her at all, try to dig something out of her mouth, otherwise you will not only slap yourself in the face, but also completely turn against Li Zedao.

Su Men on the side felt so aggrieved that he wanted to vomit blood. The dignified fc actually wanted to compromise with such a kid. It's really unbearable, it's extremely embarrassing!

A few minutes later, Director Yang personally escorted Li Zedao out of the base, and walked out of the small western-style building that he had come over before.

"When such a nasty problem happened, I have to deal with the follow-up problems and report the situation to my superiors quickly, so I won't be with you anymore, and I will send you away secretly." Director Yang looked at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao nodded: "Buy yourself."

Director Yang smiled and nodded, turned around and returned to the small western-style building, while Li Zedao got into the car parked there, and was secretly sitting in the co-pilot seat waiting boredly.

"Where are you going?" He secretly looked back at Li Zedao and asked. For this guy, An's feelings are very complicated, both asking for it and having to look up to him.

"Please take me to Dingling." Li Zedao looked secretly and said.

Ming Ding Mausoleum is the mausoleum of Zhu Yijun, the thirteenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and his two empresses are also buried here. This is the only mausoleum that has been excavated among the Ming Tombs.

It’s just that in the turmoil that broke the Fourth-Old decades ago, Dingling was treated as a ghost and snake god, which led to the destruction of a large number of unearthed precious cultural relics, and even the bones and coffins of Emperor Wanli and the two empresses were destroyed. The fire was burned, so the excavation of Dingling is also considered a great tragedy in the history of archaeology.

About the introduction of Dingling, Li Zedao, a student of archeology, has already learned about it in relevant materials, and this time he has come to the front, so Li Zedao wants to visit and see what the underground palace looks like, and how shocking it is .

When Li Zedao left the small military base for Dingling in a dark car, Su Men sat there in the interrogation room at the base, staring coldly at the chair that was still tied up with iron chains. Xiao Qingfeng looked at it as if he was looking at a dead person, even Xiao Qingfeng's scalp became numb, and a bad feeling was already welling up in his heart.

This old man doesn't want to do something to himself, does he? Although they promised Li Zedao that they would not embarrass themselves, with FC's pride and shamelessness, they can do one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes, so they won't really do anything?

"I'm asking you one last time, did you kill Dr. Zhao? What's your relationship with Qian Yugang? Do you have any accomplices?" Su Men asked, his eyes staring at carrion like vultures. Looking at Xiao Qingfeng, "If you don't say anything, I guarantee you will regret it."

Xiao Qingfeng's heart trembled slightly, thinking that this old man really wanted to do something behind Li Zedao's back, but how could she admit that Dr. Zhao was killed by her? Not to mention that there may still be a glimmer of hope of survival, but if he confesses, even Li Zedao cannot save himself.

So he shook his head and said, "I really wasn't the murderer who killed Dr. Zhao. I wouldn't even have known if Li Zedao hadn't told me that Dr. Zhao was dead. As for Qian Yugang... my boyfriend in college was called Qian Yugang." , and later he died in a car accident, you can investigate this kind of thing and you will know..."

Before finishing a sentence, Xiao Qingfeng only felt that the old man had appeared in front of him in a flash.

"Crack! Crack!" With two crisp sounds, Su Men directly slapped Xiao Qingfeng's face with two crisp slaps. In an instant, her left and right cheeks became red and swollen, and the corners of her mouth were cracked. , blood flowing.

Su Men shot this out of anger, so how could Xiao Qingfeng bear it? The pain made her almost cry, and she even felt that there was a foreign object in her sweet mouth, which was a tooth, a tooth that was forcibly knocked out.

This old bastard!

"Bah!" She opened her mouth to spit out the blood and the knocked-out teeth, raised her head, looked at Sumen with ferocious eyes, and growled, "I'm so innocent, you don't believe me Solution! I also suggest that you don’t let Li Zedao know, otherwise he will definitely make you look good.”

"Li Zedao?" Su Men made a sharp voice, and his face became even more ferocious, like an evil ghost.

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