At that moment, Su Men's eyes flashed with a fierce look: "Do you think I'm afraid of that kid? Believe it or not, even if I kill you, that kid won't even dare to fart one more time." It's revenge for you! Just relying on him, dare to challenge fc? Dare to instruct fc to follow his ideas? It's just courting death!"

"Really?" Xiao Qingfeng sneered, and went straight up, "I don't know who just looked at him with gritted teeth, like a shrinking turtle."

Su Men's expression became even more ferocious, and he said grimly, "I heard that you are a master of hidden weapons?"

Xiao Qingfeng sneered: "I'm not just a master of hidden weapons. If it wasn't for Li Zedao, do you think your fc can catch me? Old turtle, if you have the guts to let me go, I'll let you get down in minutes and become a real turtle!"

"You have no chance to launch such a hidden weapon anymore." Sumen growled with a ferocious expression, and then the eagle-claw-like old hand grabbed Xiao Qingfeng's shoulder suddenly, and exerted force with five fingers.

In the next second, there was only a tingling sound of "Crack!", and the bones on Xiao Qingfeng's shoulders were crushed abruptly by Su Men, and the blood on Xiao Qingfeng's shirt was instantly stained red. that white dress.

"Ah..." Xiao Qingfeng screamed, his face was twisted into a ball in pain, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"I said, I will make you regret being alive." Sumen said grimly, and licked his dry lips. At this moment, the old man looked like a ghost from the Nine Nether Hell, with a ferocious expression horrible.

He just wants to vent now, and vent all the humiliation that Li Zedao and this damned woman brought him before on this damned woman.

At the same time, at the door, a man in black stood there like a javelin, listening to the screams coming from the crack of the open door, with an inexplicable glimmer of light deep in his eyes.

Inside, Sumen's old face is full of neurotic smiles: "Really, I will make you regret why you are still alive... Don't worry, the torture has just begun, and there will be more powerful .”

As he said that, Su Men shook his hand, and a gleaming dagger appeared in his hand: "You were so arrogant just now, how dare you not hear what I said, and how dare you ignore my existence!"

"... Li Zedao will definitely avenge me..." Xiao Qingfeng panted heavily, staring at this old man who he thought was a pervert with extremely vicious eyes.

"Li Zedao? Haha, stop dreaming..." Su Men let out a very sharp laugh, and then flicked his wrist.

In an instant, a bloody ear fell off and rolled to the ground.

Looking at Xiao Qingfeng, her widened eyes were dull for a moment, and in the next second, an extremely shrill scream came out of her mouth, and her face was completely twisted into a ball in pain. She even trembled even more, she never thought that this perverted old man would cut off her ears!

"Since you can't hear what I'm saying, your ears are useless to you, what do you think? Since you can't see me, your eyes..." Su Men had a hideous expression on his face, and then he slashed down again.

"No..." Xiao Qingfeng saw the blood-red knife light slashing towards his eyes, and while he closed his eyes tightly, he let out an extremely shrill and desperate scream.

The knife flashed!

Then, the entire interrogation room fell into an extremely strange dead silence, Xiao Qingfeng tilted his head to one side,

Life and death are unknown, looking at her face, the right eye has been replaced by a blood hole that makes the scalp tingle at the sight of it.

Ten minutes later, when Director Yang approached the interrogation room again, he could already smell the smell of blood floating in the air. Suddenly thinking of something, that old face suddenly changed color, and his figure flashed. When I approached the door of the interrogation room, I felt that the smell of blood became stronger, but there was no movement inside.

"Lao Su has been here?" He looked at the man in black standing there like a door god and asked.

"Yes, Director Yang." The man responded blankly, "He just left."

The feeling in Director Yang's heart was even worse. He knew that Su Men had always been arrogant and hot-tempered. This time, he was humiliated by Li Zedao and ignored by Xiao Qingfeng. In a nonchalant manner, maybe he will directly settle accounts with that woman.

He even has a tendency to be violent and bloody, that is to say, once he sees blood, it will make him more excited, and he doesn't know how many enemies were tortured to death by him.

Therefore, before sending Li Zedao away, he secretly ordered the guard to keep an eye on this woman and not let anyone in.

"Didn't I say don't let people in?" Director Yang growled.

"I can't stop it." The man nodded.

Director Yang didn't criticize anything more, it's the truth, if Su Men really wanted to go in, this subordinate really couldn't stop him, and if he insisted on stopping him, he might have turned into a corpse by now. Immediately, he hurriedly opened the door and went in, a stronger smell of blood came to his nostrils, and when he saw clearly Xiao Qingfeng who was still tied to the chair, his mind trembled a few times. Xiao Qingfeng? Or, is this a person?

The woman who was tied to the chair was covered in blood, the most feared thing was her face, her mouth was wide open, it was obvious that she had been completely crushed, her big eyes were gone, Two bloody blood holes replaced her, her ears were gone, her cheeks were no longer cheeky, they were all turned upside down, very scary! And her shoulders were also bloody and bloody, and she couldn't see her original appearance at all. If it wasn't for the clothes on her body, Director Yang wouldn't even be able to recognize that the woman in front of him was the not-so-good-looking Xiao Qing a few minutes ago. wind.

Moreover, she was no longer breathing, that is to say, this woman was dead, tortured to death alive.

"Damn it..." Director Yang's eyes turned cold all of a sudden, his heart was already filled with extremely fierce murderous aura, followed by an extremely strong sense of powerlessness.

He knew that with Lao Su's character, he couldn't swallow this sulking breath, but he never expected that his reaction and actions would be so extreme that he tortured Xiao Qingfeng to death in the blink of an eye.

you do not say? Well, then crush your mouth! How dare you ignore me? Well, then pluck out your eyeballs! Do you dare not hear what I say? Well, then cut off your ears! I heard that you are a master of hidden weapons? Well, waste your hands!

Director Yang knows Su Men too well, so he knows Su Men's inner activities very clearly.

But the problem is, if Li Zedao didn't get involved, didn't excuse Xiao Qingfeng, and even offered to take her away, if he didn't guarantee that Xiao Qingfeng would not be hurt before the truth came to light, even if he finally found out If there is a problem with this woman, Li Zedao will be notified in time.

Then this woman died, and even after she died, Sumen even did such things as rape-corpse, Director Yang just smiled, and didn't say much at all, and even made fun of you I'm not afraid of breaking my waist when I'm a lot older.

But now... what to do? If Li Zedao finds out, with that kid's temperament, why not blow it up? At that time, if you still need to ask that kid to help you, I'm afraid you can only push Su Men out to appease his anger, right?

At this moment, Director Yang even had the urge to tear up this old Sumen guy.

Turning around angrily, he strode out of the bloody interrogation room, then looked at the man in black standing there like a javelin with an extremely ugly face and said, "Dispose of the corpse."

"Yes, Director Yang." The man nodded.

Director Yang didn't say anything more, and strode away with a gloomy face.

After the man watched Director Yang leave, he turned around and entered the bloody room, and closed the door behind him. Looking at the corpse tied to the chair, he took a short breath, and there was an inexplicable look in his originally indifferent eyes, and then his eyes moved away slightly, as if he couldn't bear to look directly.

Immediately afterwards, he strode forward and approached the horrific corpse, but he took out a mobile phone from his pocket, and then "clicked" to take a picture of the corpse.


Director Yang came to Sumen's office with a murderous look, raised his foot suddenly, and kicked the door panel.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Director Yang kicked the entire door away, and then he strode in.

At this time, Su Men was sitting there drinking tea leisurely, as if he didn't see the door panel that flew in and smashed heavily on the desk, nor did he see Director Yang who walked in with murderous strides. of.

At that moment, Director Yang strode up to Sumen, looked down at him, and then kicked him suddenly, directly on Sumen's stomach.

Su Men let out a low growl, and his whole body looked like a shrimp, and he fell down there with his body bent, his face was pale, and blood was seeping from the corner of his mouth.

Looking up at the murderous Director Yang, whose old face was extremely dark, he smiled, as if he was insane: "Is it enough? Not enough, let's kick it."

"Old Su..." Director Yang roared.

"Old Yang..." Su Men roared, standing up suddenly, staring at Director Yang with ferocious eyes, "That damned woman is the murderer who killed Dr. Zhao, you know this better than anyone else, she insulted me, What happened to me killing her? Just because of that bastard, so I can lose my face? So the majestic fc should be humiliated?"

Director Yang shouted: "We still have to rely on him..."

"Reliance?" Sumen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and sneered, "I like to use this word more! What's wrong with him being a master of returning to basics? We fc want him to die in the third watch, he will definitely not live to five Even!"

"What about my face? I have already promised him to ensure that the woman is safe and sound, but now I am tortured to death by you old bastard. Didn't I break my promise?" Director Yang roared, wanting to beat someone up again.

"So, I kicked you because I didn't move. If you can't get angry, how many times will you do it?" Su Men's face was full of nervous smiles that made people jealous.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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