The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1589 Don't Let It Know

Director Yang saw that Sumen looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. He gritted his teeth but felt helpless. Finally, he could only sigh and said, "No matter what, don't let Li Zedao know about this, otherwise, with his temperament, he will be killed." You, I guess, will be turned upside down."

What Director Yang was more worried about was not that Li Zedao would kill Su Men, but that if he quit afterward, who would help fc to expose the conspiracy of foreign forces?

The current Li Zedao is equivalent to a tool in fc's hands that is not so easy to use but is undoubtedly very useful. It is a pity to throw it away like this.

Su Men sneered: "Just because he is a master of returning to basics, he is capable of challenging our fc?"

A person who is powerful, in front of an absolute power organization, the only end is a brittle body, so he really didn't think that Li Zedao dared to come to this place and even killed himself.

"At least he really wants to kill you, and no one can stop him." Director Yang had no choice but to remind Su Men with a serious expression when he underestimated Li Zedao.

Su Men sneered again and said: "As I am, if he really kills me, it will be tantamount to treason, and the gods will not be able to save him then!"

"In short, this matter must be kept secret no matter what, and Li Zedao must not know." Director Yang said after taking a deep breath.

"How could he know? In addition, he never expected that as soon as he left, I would kill that woman!" Sumen rubbed his stomach. Damn, this old man really doesn't care about friendship It's tough.

Director Yang thought the same thing, Li Zedao was overconfident and proud, so he certainly didn't expect that Sumen would kill the woman he was trying to protect. From Director Yang's point of view, Li Zedao would definitely think that fc would enshrine that woman as a god of.

He breathed a sigh of relief and didn't say anything more.


After staying in Yanjing for another day, Li Zedao took them north, and Miss Mitty and Sun Lingfei returned to Phoenix City. As for Jin Suyan, she still stayed in Yanjing to study music.

A few days later, the school also started, and Li Zedao also changed from a freshman to a sophomore. Of course, this year as a college student, especially in the second half of the semester, Li Zedao did not go to class most of the time. The figure rarely appears on campus.

But even so, his popularity in Phoenix University has not diminished. He is still the school grass of Phoenix University, the most popular figure in Phoenix University, which makes many boys envy, envy and hate, but at the same time feel a very strong sense of powerlessness and fear. It made many girls crazy, and even some freshmen who were about to enter school knew that Phoenix University had a very powerful and handsome senior.

After he got such an unfathomable score of 749, he rejected Yenching University's invitation to enter Phoenix University. During his one year at the school, he had many jaw-dropping but screaming highlight moments. In addition, those beauties on the school beauty list are all his girlfriends...

On the second day after school started, Li Zedao appeared in Susan's office. He came to ask Mr. Su to sell his vacation.

Susan looked at Li Zedao with a smile and said teasingly: "Dear classmate Li, do you know how many days off you took last semester?"

Li Zedao lowered his head slightly, with a look of embarrassment: "Dear Teacher Su, I don't know."

Li Zedao really didn't know, but he roughly estimated in his heart that at least three-quarters of the time he was in a state of leave. Of course, his situation was special, so the school also turned a blind eye to avoid it.

If he acquiesced in this, if he were an ordinary student, he would have been expelled long ago.

"Get out!" Susan winked at Li Zedao, exhaled like blue, and when she sat on Li Zedao's lap and hugged his neck, she felt that her direct body began to feel hot for no reason.

This little man has such a charm that you can't help but want to go crazy and do some * things to him when you get close.

"The new students will come to report in two days. Go and welcome the new students. The main purpose is to go to the train station to pick up the students who come to report and lead the new students to pay the fees to familiarize themselves with the campus environment and dormitories." Susan stabilized her mind explain.

"Can you not arrange for me?" Li Zedao looked at Susan eagerly. He might as well hide at home and study "Tianji Tuanjuan" if he has that kind of free time. Of course, he has decided to find a time to go to the nameless cave again to verify Say what the old thief said.

"No, we have few professional people. If you don't go, there will be no one." Susan patted Li Zedao's face provocatively, and said charmingly, "Dear classmate Li, be good. Be obedient, the benefits are indispensable to you."

"Benefits? What benefits?" Li Zedao's eyes lit up instantly.

Susan's expression became even more charming, and she exhaled like blue, and said in his ear: "Dear classmate Li, do you know how cute you are when you pretend to be stupid? Don't think I didn't notice that you sneaked in when you came in just now. Lock the door... I put on your favorite pair of panties today."

I have communicated in the office several times before, and that kind of strange excitement made Susan, who was already crazy and rebellious, obsessed and looked forward to it. Now she wants to throw Li Zedao down or let Li Zedao fall down.

Li Zedao called out the evildoer in his heart, but at the same time, he felt his nasal cavity was hot, his nosebleeds were about to spurt out, and his hands began to be dishonest, which made Susan gasp again and again, making her even more charming.

At this moment, the door of the office suddenly rang softly, "Bumping...", Susan jumped up from Li Zedao's lap like a frightened rabbit, and quickly tidied up her clothes. Here comes the clothes... Fortunately, this guy just reached into the clothes and scratched a few times, so the clothes are not messed up.

He even hurriedly rubbed his hot little face to make himself look normal, then went back to his desk, picked up a pen, and wrote and drew on the paper.

"Damn!" Li Zedao felt so upset, why is it always like this? A good thing was interrupted as soon as it was about to start. Li Zedao just wanted to simply subdue this evildoer.

"Bang bang..." There were several more knocks on the door, and it was locked from the inside, so of course people from outside couldn't get in, and the key didn't work well either.

Susan gave Li Zedao a hard look, and said classmate Li, you bastard, why don't you open the door quickly?

Li Zedao smiled, touched his nose helplessly, got up and went over, opened the door, and saw Sun Li, a civil engineering counselor, standing there.

"Hello, Teacher Sun." Li Zedao turned into a polite and good student with perfect words, and then stepped aside to let Teacher Sun come in.

"Hello." Sun Li nodded, her face was a bit weird. She has experienced this situation several times before and after. As long as this student is here, the lock of the office must be locked from the inside, and sometimes it is even broken. , and although Susan's expression is too normal, as if nothing happened, but the blush on her face has not faded, so if she doesn't think of Pian Pian, then her EQ is really low It's outrageous.

Sun Li thinks that Susan and this Li Zedao are too courageous. The teacher-student relationship is easy to cause criticism, and now they are having an affair in the office. If it gets out, it will definitely cause a storm on this campus. Yes, it will have very bad effects.

Of course, Sun Li didn't see it with her own eyes. All of this was her guess, so of course she wouldn't foolishly tell Susan that it's better not to be like this in the office, pay attention to the influence, etc. She doesn't have so much trouble.

"Okay, classmate Li, you will be responsible for picking up freshmen at the train station during the orientation. That's it, let's go back to class first." Susan waved her hand and said, throwing a very subtle wink.

"Okay, Teacher Su." Li Zedao looked at this evildoer, his heart was really hot, and then he left under the gaze of Sun Li's strange eyes.

"Ms. Su, don't forget to be at Harlem KTV at six o'clock tonight." Sun Li looked away, sat back on her office chair, took a sip from the thermos in front of her, and looked at Susan laughed.

Today is Sun Li's birthday. As early as two days ago, Sun Li invited Susan to her birthday party. Sun Li plans to invite a few close colleagues and friends to the KTV, and everyone will have a good time.

They are in the same office, and they usually have a good relationship, so Susan naturally agreed, and she even gave Sun Li a birthday present she prepared this morning.

The gift is an exquisite bracelet, the price is not expensive, it is just right to give to colleagues, if it is too expensive, Susan is afraid to scare Sun Li, after all, Susan is low-key in school, there is not much difference from Sun Li and the others , but that is of course intentional. In fact, there is a considerable gap in consumption views between each other. After all, there is a gap in wealth.

Speaking of which, the monthly salary of a counselor here is really not enough for Susan to buy casual clothes.

"Of course I won't forget." Susan nodded with a smile.


University life is completely different from high school life. In high school life, as long as the bell rings, the whole campus will become lively or quiet in an instant.

But the university is different. No matter what time it is, the whole campus is always in a noisy state. You can see someone on the playground who is playing football very handsomely, but it’s really empty. Someone is secretly looking around at the basketball court. After confirming that no one was there, he poured mineral water on his head and said that he just face-shot a few balls on someone

You can also see someone holding a large bouquet of roses and then stopping the girl to confess in public, and there are a large group of onlookers watching the excitement and shouting together.

For example, now, there is a handsome man blocking Susan's way. Of course, he is not holding any red roses in his hand, and there are no people around to watch.

Recommend the new book of urban master Lao Shi:

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