The little face of the cold storage in Antarctica already appeared in his mind, and then his heart twitched slightly. Now, Li Zedao doesn't know what kind of thoughts he has for that woman, maybe it's because he was cheated , so you can't let go of it in your heart?

"Okay, sir." The stewardess smiled sweetly, helped Li Zedao pick up a can of coffee and handed it to Li Zedao.

"Thank you." Li Zedao took it, said something lightly, looked down at the coffee in his hand, his heart continued to twitch, wondering if that woman still drinks coffee now? The last time I talked to Yanhuang on the phone, he said that Antarctica has the idea of ​​becoming a nun...Nuns should not quit coffee, right?

I imagined the scene in my mind, a handsome little nun knelt in front of the biggest Buddha statue, looked at the Buddha devoutly and drank a cup of fragrant cat poop coffee...

"Cough cough..." Li Zedao couldn't help coughing, and cut off the weird scene no matter how you look at it. It seems that after Antarctica converts to my Buddha, he should give up coffee.

Zheng Wan'er looked at the sunny and handsome man in front of her who seemed to have an irresistible attraction but seemed to be full of thoughts. She felt curious, and she was always confident in her appearance. Normal men would I couldn't help but look at myself more, but the man in front of me didn't mean to take another look at me.

But although it was basically ignored, Zheng Wan'er would not be annoyed because of this matter, she wasn't bored to that extent.

Besides, you can see that his brows are slightly frowned, and you can tell that he is in a bad mood, so it is normal for him not to pay attention to the beauties around him.

In addition to this handsome guy, Zheng Waner also noticed the two women sitting in front of this handsome guy. Their beauty and temperament made Zheng Waner even feel ashamed of being a beautiful woman, especially sitting inside. The girl in the seat was looking at the girl outside with earphones plugged into her ears, which made Zheng Wan'er amazed over there. How could there be such a girl with such a good temperament in this world?

Just when Zheng Wan'er's mind was a little distracted, a very uncomfortable voice came from behind: "I said, Miss Stewardess, are you going too far? Before I asked you for beer and you didn't give it, but now you are so stupid He asked the little boy if he wanted any drinks, just because he was handsome and I was ugly? It’s not good for you to look at people like this.”

For a moment, most of the first-class passengers looked sideways at Zheng Waner. Bei and He Xiaoyue didn't look back, but their attention was also focused on the back for a moment. After all, this stewardess was standing in front of Li Zedao at this time. Li Zedao's kind of fraternity, why don't you come forward to help solve it?

He Xiaoyue actually didn't have much thought. Even if Li Zedao really took down the stewardess, she wouldn't have any extra thoughts, let alone being jealous. Among Li Zedao's many women, she was the least jealous that one.

On the one hand, because they are much older than them, they are naturally calmer. On the other hand, it is also the most important point, that is, the previous experience made this woman bravely pursue her love, and she is very grateful for the kindness of God for her. To put it bluntly, she knows very clearly that she is absolutely How can someone who is not worthy of Li Zedao be jealous with such a mind?

Occasionally, He Xiaoyue would look in the mirror and find crow's feet in the corners of her eyes. No matter how well she took care of her eyes, she was still old because of her age.

To be with Li Zedao for a lifetime, to be his lifelong lover, and to grow old together, He Xiaoyue didn't even dare to think about it, that was an extravagant wish! Because in ten or twenty years,

Li Zedao is still young, but she will definitely become an old woman! So, is it time to leave? Shouldn't it be time to leave now with fond memories?

As for Bei's thoughts, he was completely different from He Xiaoyue's, thinking that if this guy was playing around with his so-called fraternity... Humph! Just throw him off the plane!

Zheng Wan'er frowned, but her good professionalism instantly restored her calm, she turned around, with a signature smile on her face, looked at the whining man with pockmarks all over her face and said : "Hi sir, it is like this, because you have already drank three cans of beer, according to the regulations of our flight, you can no longer drink any more, if you want other drinks, I will help you get them."

I thought this passenger was quite self-aware, and knew that he was ugly.

"Why can't I drink anymore? I'm a customer, and the customer is God, don't you know? Besides, what kind of rules are there on your flight? You can't drink after three bottles? I'm afraid I'll be drunk? Tell you, don't drink too much." It is said that there are three cans of beer, and it is three cans of white wine. To me, it is like drinking water. If you say you can’t drink it, you are insulting me, do you know that?” The man decisively felt that the stewardess was questioning himself Drinking, this is insulting yourself!

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't question your drinking capacity, but you really can't drink any more." Zheng Wan'er explained patiently, but her attitude was extremely tough, "This is really a flight rule, it has nothing to do with your drinking capacity, I hope you Comply, or we have the right to remove you from the plane."

"Please get off the plane? Hey, miss, how do you invite me down in the sky? It's okay if you can land just for me!" The man disapproved and sneered.

Li Zedao raised his head and looked impatiently at the bluffing man, who looked like a telephone pole, with pockmarks all over his face, and even those pockmarks were still glowing red, his eyes were a little wandering, and he opened his mouth with a disgusting yellow mouth. Tooth's tongue is still curling, obviously the amount of alcohol is actually not good enough to drink too much.

Looking at this man, Li Zedao thought of Wei Fengsheng inexplicably in his mind, thinking that this guy seems to be similar to Wei Fengsheng in terms of body shape, pock marks on his face, and even that wretched smile. I'm even more upset, you look as bad as anyone else, why do you want to look like that guy?

Moreover, Li Zedao is in a hurry to go to the island country now. If this man is really drinking and making troubles, and even makes things worse in the end, and does something dangerous, the flight may really have to be forced to land somewhere. will only waste time.

"Little white face, what are you looking at? Are you distressed? Are you going to be a hero to save the beauty?" The pockmarked man squinted at Li Zedao, who was staring at him, and smiled disdainfully, his tone full of provocation!

He wasn't afraid to fight, let alone stare at his eyes, so his slanted eyes were already full of unkindness and stared at the little boy.

Li Zedao's expression was very calm, and his tone was very flat but unquestionable: "If you are talking about it, I don't need to wait for the plane to land, I will throw you off the top!"

Zheng Wan'er's eyes lit up when she looked at Li Zedao. This is the legendary hero saving the beauty. She never thought that this kind of thing would happen to her, but she was also worried that a fight would really happen. What should I do if the hero suffers? So the body backed up and went to find the flight attendant.

The corners of He Xiaoyue's mouth curled up slightly. Sure enough, Li Zedao made a move. If he didn't make a move, it would be him, but there was a soft sigh deep in his heart, young, so good.

Bei's brows were raised in a subtle way. Is this guy nosy when he sees the stewardess looks good? She wanted to turn around right now and throw Li Zedao off the plane.

"Oh, boy, are you really planning to be a hero to save the beauty?" The pockmarked man gave Li Zedao a hard look, and said with a groan, "You are still young, if you are sensible, please be honest with me, otherwise I will be rude to you! "

Just as the man with the pockmarked face finished speaking, the other man sitting next to him sneered and started to rub his fists. He squinted at Li Zedao, with a strong sense of threat, obviously he was in the same group as the man with the pockmarked face.

Li Zedao didn't say anything anymore, the can of coffee in his hand was already out of his hand, and he threw it heavily at the pockmarked man. Of course, he had already controlled his strength well, otherwise there would be a murder case on the plane , then we will really have to make an emergency landing.

In the next second, there was a muffled sound of "bang!", and the coffee hit the shoulder of the pockmarked man who was defenseless at all, and the pain caused him to scream out in pain.

Those who watched the excitement were also stunned. They really didn't expect that this young man would dare to do something on the plane, and some even became inexplicably excited. Now there is excitement.

Some looked worried. If there was a fight, would the flight be forced to land? Damn it, what's the trouble?

"You're fucking courting death!" The pockmarked man screamed at Li Zedao while screaming. The man next to him even unbuttoned his seat belt and stood up. Besides.

At this moment, Zheng Wan'er had rushed over with several flight attendants, and one of the flight attendants pushed the man who stood up and wanted to hit him back on the seat with his big hand and shouted: "What are you doing, sit down! "

Seeing the police appeared, the pock-marked man and his friend didn't dare to be arrogant anymore, but the pock-marked man pointed at Li Zedao with a grin and said, "That little fair-faced man is crazy, and even hit me with coffee...Look, this It's the coffee he threw over."

As he spoke, he bent down to pick up the can of coffee that fell by his feet, and he was so angry that if the police weren't there, he would definitely throw it back!

"Is that so?" The policeman looked at Li Zedao.

"I only saw that he got drunk and went crazy and hit himself with a can." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders with an innocent expression, "As for why he framed me... Maybe he is still crazy? Or because he is jealous of me Looks more handsome than him?"

"Uh..." The policeman didn't know what to say, and looked at Zheng Wan'er, who glanced at Li Zedao and shook her head, expressing that she didn't know too well.

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