These police officers only heard the stewardess say that a passenger seemed to be drinking too much and tried to make trouble, but they didn't mention anything about hitting someone with a coffee can. It seems that even if this happened, it happened when the stewardess was looking for them, so Looking at the other passengers, he asked, "Did he just hit someone with a coffee can?"

Based on the principle of not wanting to offend people, so when I often ask this question, everyone almost avoids the eyes of these policemen, keeps silent, or shakes their heads slightly to express that they don't know and see nothing.

At this moment, He Xiaoyue looked away from the magazine, looked up at the policeman and said, "I saw that he was drunk, went crazy or had hallucinations or something, so I suggest you take him to Sober up, otherwise it won't be good if you hit someone else instead of yourself."

"I saw it too, he hit himself." Bei, who was sitting next to He Xiaoyue, immediately raised his head and said flatly.

Of course they knew what Li Zedao was thinking, and knew that other people would not talk too much in this situation. Of course, since they had almost no communication with Li Zedao after boarding the plane, almost no one knew that they and Li Zedao were actually in the same group. of.

"Uh, are talking nonsense, comrade policemen, they are lying..." The pockmarked man's face darkened, and he wanted to argue with these two women who were so beautiful that he had been paying attention all the way. So he wants to drink because he thinks that beautiful scenery really needs good wine to match. If you don't have good wine and beer, you can make do with it. As for the beautiful scenery... Aren't these two women beautiful scenery?

But I didn't expect them to give false testimony with such a vicious heart, just because that little boy is a handsome guy? The pockmarked man felt that this society was too impetuous, he was too disappointed in this society, what happened to the people in this society? Why are the eyes always blinded by the surface of things and ignore the real beauty?

There were two people who testified, so the truth of the matter naturally came to light, and the marshal who took the lead at the moment didn't care about the pockmarked man who seemed a little annoyed and explained, and waved: "Take him down to hangover."

The pock-marked man was unwilling, but he had to leave, otherwise he would be disobeying the law, breaking the law, and he would only be more unlucky! Before leaving, he glared at Li Zedao several times with extremely unfriendly eyes.

As for the accomplice of the pock-marked man, similarly, he glanced at Li Zedao with unkind eyes.

Li Zedao directly filtered out these gazes, looked flatteringly at Bei and He Xiaoyue who turned their heads, and said with a smile: "Thank you, two sisters."

He Xiaoyue smiled and said nothing, but Bei said lightly: "Get out!", then turned her head and continued to look at the admirable clouds outside.

Li Zedao smiled, and closed his eyes slightly again. One figure after another appeared in his mind again, and his heart began to pump again in an instant. None of them were willing to let them go. What should I do? But if they are not given a real chance to choose, it seems to be an extremely irresponsible behavior.

"Sir..." The stewardess' voice rang in my ears again, "Sir, here is your coffee."

Li Zedao opened his eyes and glanced at her, then reached out to take it: "Thank you."

"Oh, thank you just now. My name is Zheng Wan'er. If you need anything, you can call me anytime." Zheng Wan'er continued with a slight smile.

Li Zedao nodded slightly, then closed his eyes again, his heart continued to twitch, what should I do, I really can't bear to part with any of's too tangled.

Zheng Wan'er was already somewhat resentful towards Li Zedao's attitude,

She noticed that the handsome guy just looked at the two women in front of him with a flattering expression, why is he so indifferent when he comes to her? Because... I am not as good-looking as them? Temperament is not as good as them?

Although the facts seem to be true, but you are... too much, really too much! And, can I help you too? If I hadn't called the flight attendant in time, you would have been beaten badly by those two ruffians, looking at your skin and tender flesh? You should at least say thank you.

I wanted to say something, but Li Zedao didn't raise his head and didn't open his eyes. Zheng Wan'er felt helpless. At the same time, there was a customer who needed service, so she could only leave resentfully.

Bei Zai, who was looking at the clouds outside, snorted coldly, even if you performed well, I won't throw you off the plane!

Not long after, the man with the pockmarked face also came back. At this time, his face was indeed not so red compared to before. It was obviously because of the hangover. When he came to Li Zedao, he looked down at this Boy, said in a fierce tone: "Boy, you wait, this matter is endless."

Li Zedao didn't even bother to open his eyes, raised his hand slightly, shook the can of coffee in his hand lightly, and said flatly: "You're chattering, next time you hit your head instead of your shoulder. "

"You..." The other party dared to be so arrogant, the pockmarked man's nose was almost crooked, and he almost kicked past an unoccupied one. He returned to his seat bitterly, thinking that he would wait to get off the plane Yes, after arriving in the island country, even if you call me grandpa, I will not let you go!

Then he glanced at the two women again, thinking, these two nonsense whores can't let go... Of course, if they give up and sacrifice something, the pock-marked man thinks that they should give them a reformation of new opportunities.

Zheng Wan'er returned to the work area with some puzzlement, and several stewardesses who were with her laughed and laughed: "Beautiful Zheng, who has always regarded men as dung, is actually moved?"

"What nonsense are you guys talking about? How can I be moved?" Zheng Waner retorted with a slightly red face, startled.

"Hee hee, who knows?" One of the flight attendants said with a smile, these girls all fly the same plane, so they are very familiar with each other, and they usually make fun of each other directly , without too many worries, "My name is Zheng Wan'er, if you need anything, you can call me anytime..."

The stewardess repeated what Zheng Wan'er had said to Li Zedao before, but her tone was coquettish, as if she was acting coquettishly.

"Ah?" Zheng Wan'er's face became even hotter. She never thought that what she said would be heard verbatim by these eight women, and she stammered at the moment, "That... I also Is that right, our job is to serve these passengers?"

"Yes, yes, but the point is, you actually told the other party your name in a crazy manner. Have you ever seen any flight attendant who took the initiative to tell the other party her name before providing service?" Another flight attendant joked, "I clearly remember that you didn't give it at all, only the number..."

"I... I'm that..." Zheng Wan'er was already dumber than them, but she was in a hurry at this time, so she really didn't know how to refute.

"Miss Zheng, do you have any needs that also include...physiological needs?" Another stewardess said with a smile, but the content was even more bold and explicit, making Zheng Wan'er feel so ashamed that she wanted to find a gap on the ground and quickly slip in. Fortunately, these people have things to do, so they didn't attack Zheng Wan'er for too long.

The plane landed at Xiangtan International Airport halfway, and after some delay, it took off again, and when it landed again, it was the island country dj.

Along the way, Li Zedao's thoughts were always on the sidelines. As for the pockmarked man and his accomplice, they stared at the little boy with extremely unfriendly eyes from time to time, and discussed in a low voice how to make him look good after arriving in the island country.

What they muttered in a low voice was somewhat overheard by Li Zedao, who has amazing ears. Of course, Li Zedao didn't care about this kind of thing at all. If he wanted to, he could slap dozens of guys like this to death. of.

Not long after the plane took off again, the stewardess began to hand out lunch. At this time, it was not Zheng Wan'er who was pushing the dining car, but two other stewardesses. However, Li Zedao didn't have much thought about where the stewardess went just now.

When passing by Li Zedao, one of the flight attendants looked at Li Zedao with a signature smile and asked what kind of lunch he wanted, including pork and chicken.

Li Zedao responded casually: "Whatever...forget it, chicken...or pork."

Seeing the flight attendant's expression, Li Zedao was a little embarrassed, and changed his words, saying that it was too embarrassing for her to say casually.

He suddenly remembered that before Antarctica rejected chicken, Li Zedao asked her why she didn't like chicken, her answer made Li Zedao a little helpless, she said that the reason why she didn't want to eat chicken was because she didn't want to get bird flu!

Nanji also said that when she went out to perform missions, she passed through a village, and the birds in that village died of bird flu. In the end, many people were also infected and died.

So Li Zedao thought about it and decided to eat pork, so he wouldn't have to be afraid of bird flu! As for whether he would get swine flu... Li Zedao didn't even think about it.

The stewardess smiled wickedly, but she also took a box and put it on Li Zedao's desk and said with a smile: "For Wan'er's sake, I'll give you another box, so you won't be entangled."

She thought that the really handsome man in front of her was a conflicted person with a choice phobia, and it seemed that she should tell Wan'er about her discovery later.

Waner? Zheng Wan'er? Li Zedao remembered that the stewardess seemed to introduce herself as Zheng Wan'er just now. Of course he didn't know that the stewardess was deliberately joking, and thought that the stewardess was really interested in him, so he ran to tell her colleagues that she saw a handsome guy and fell in love hopelessly... …

Li Zedao couldn't help feeling emotionally, it's really not my fault for being handsome. It's a pity, beauty, it's impossible for us, not to mention that I'm already heartbroken because of a woman, and now I'm with Sister Bei, if she gets angry, it will kill someone!

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