The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1601 She Seems Delicious

Finally, a middle-aged man with a gloomy expression and a bloody smell all over his body got out of the car. Yang Chao looked at him, his eyes widened again, it turned out to be Master Zhong!

In Qingyun, there are only seven people who are called "Master" by the people under his command, and that is the seven brothers of "loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness". Only the former gang advocated Hailong, of course, Qingyun's gang leader has changed, and the current gang leader is He Xiaoyang.

There is another person whose status is higher than these seven brothers, and even the leader of the gang, He Xiaoyang, will faint after seeing her, that is the former wife of the leader of the gang, Qingyun's eldest sister, Sister He!

Therefore, it can also be said that this sister He is the real helm of Qingyun, and her position in Qingyun is also the most detached!

Yang Chao never thought that Lord Zhong, who had a supernatural status, would appear here. It seemed that he was really about to welcome an important guest.

Hurry up and bow your head to pay respects. That's a must. As for the boy and the two women, we can only wait for Master Zhong and the others to leave. Of course, if they leave now, Yang Chao knows that he can only Let them slip away helplessly, nothing can be done.

So, Yang Chao took a few deep breaths, tried his best to squeeze out a very respectful smile on his face, and hurried over to pay a visit to this big brother of Qingyun.

But at this moment, he was very surprised to find that the big brother of Qingyun was walking towards him with a group of uniformly dressed men in black. Every cell in my body was throbbing violently, my heart was trembling violently, the blood flow in my whole body increased, and my expression was uncontrollably ecstatic. Planning to come over and say hello to me?

This scene also made the people around look sideways, not understanding what happened.

Even the two policemen who showed up there after receiving the call shrank their heads when they saw the men in black. They were members of Qingyun, and the commotion seemed to be quite big, so they couldn't control it.

However, even though Lord Zhong valued him so much, the most basic courtesy was still required, so Yang Chao hurried forward a few steps to meet him.

"Master Zhong..." Yang Chao was about to speak, but before he could finish speaking, Master Zhong didn't even look at him, and strode past him, just like the men in black behind him. In this way, they bypassed Yang Chao directly, and no one looked at Yang Chao more, and each expression was cold with a lot of respect.

Yang Chao's body suddenly froze. When he stayed there, he turned his head with great difficulty, and then he was very surprised to see Master Zhong leading the group of people to the woman. The leaders bowed in unison and shouted in unison: "Sister He!"

Sister He? Yang Chao's mind instantly "hummed!", and his whole body seemed to be petrified, turning into an idiot directly.

She turned out to be Qing Yun's eldest sister, the legendary... Sister He?

Seeing this scene, Li Meng and Zhu Xiaoguang's eyes widened, they both had shortness of breath, and their minds were roaring to the sky.

They don't know what the word "Sister He" means, but if the large group of murderous-looking men who got out of the luxury car came to greet them in such a formation, her identity could Ordinary where to go? Moreover, Yang Chao was almost turning into an idiot at this time, and there was still horror in his eyes, as if he had experienced something terrible, so this time, he might offend someone who could not afford to offend at all.

This scene also surprised many people. After all, they thought that the underworld was coming to seek revenge, and this was about to cause bloodshed, but they didn't expect that there would be a 180-degree reversal.

Zheng Wan'er was a little bit relieved when she was astonished. Although the police didn't come, the boy should be fine.

At this moment, He Xiaoyue's demeanor of a big sister was undoubtedly revealed, she nodded slightly and said, "Go back."

"Yes, Sister He!" Ah Zhong nodded again, and the men in black behind him quickly backed away and stood in two rows, making way for the middle of the road. One of the men in black felt that Yang Chao, who was standing there stupidly, was too much of a hindrance She glanced at him coldly, and waved her hand to signal him to go away.

Yang Chao was so frightened that he almost lost his mind, he hurriedly moved his two trembling legs to step back.

At the same time, Ah Zhong quickly took the luggage that Li Zedao was pushing, and respectfully said that I would come.

After seeing this scene, Li Meng and Zhu Xiaoguang's hearts twitched decisively again. They quickly lowered their heads and quietly stepped back to weaken their own existence. They actually planned to trouble such a person. Isn't it lighting lanterns in the toilet to seek death?

In the end, the two of them backed away step by step to a far away place. Only then were they gasping for breath, and they could both see the other's frightened, pale face covered with cold sweat. It feels like walking around.

Arriving in front of the Rolls-Royce in the middle, Ah Zhong bent slightly to help open the rear door, and then made an invitation gesture to He Xiaoyue: "Sister He, please."

He Xiaoyue got on first, followed by Bei. Before getting on the car, she glanced back at Li Zedao and said calmly, "I'll give you three minutes to explain, don't let the girls wait stupidly."

Then, he turned around and got into the car.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, looked at Ah Zhong who was like the most loyal housekeeper and said, "Wait for me."

"Yes, Young Master Li." Ah Zhong nodded respectfully.


Zheng Wan'er saw that Li Zedao was about to get into the luxury car with those two beautiful women, and she already realized that things were a little different from what she imagined. He knew those two women, and even one of them was His girlfriend?

In this way, when he was on the plane, his flattering attitude towards the two women in front of him was well explained, so he was not interested in himself at all, and even said that he would treat him to dinner after getting off the plane...

"Qi Xiaojuan..." Zheng Wan'er was both angry and helpless, she already understood that her colleague Qi Xiaojuan had most likely kicked her out, and she was very likely to do such a thing based on her temperament of a mother-in-law.

Fortunately, he didn't show up in front of him and say shyly where to eat or something, otherwise he would be embarrassed and ashamed?

Just when Zheng Wan'er was thinking about turning around to find Qi Xiaojuan to settle the score, she suddenly found that the boy was walking towards her, and his eyes fell on her. It's not about looking for other people, but really looking for yourself?

So, the thought I just had was wrong? Even if he knew those two women, it wasn't a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend? Does he really want to treat himself to dinner? Now that the matter has been dealt with, so he discovered his existence and came to find himself?

For a moment, Zheng Wan'er lowered her head slightly to avoid Li Zedao's gaze, and she began to twitch slightly, and even inexplicably had an emotion similar to lost and found.

When she was nervous, she clearly felt a strong masculine breath approaching her.

"Hello, we meet again." Li Zedao felt helpless looking at this awkward girl. It seems that this misunderstanding is not simple. With a big heart.

"En." Zheng Wan'er nodded lightly, her eyes were not too daring to meet Li Zedao.

"Thank you for calling the police." Li Zedao said again.

"Ah?" Zheng Wan'er was taken aback, she looked up at Li Zedao, how did he know to call the police? Even she had forgotten about it, and the police never came.

"Well... your colleague told me that she already told you to treat you to dinner after getting off the plane, and told me not to thank her, just treat her to a big meal..."

Looking at the expression on the other party's face, Zheng Wan'er already understood that it was indeed Qi Xiaojuan who was messing around there, she suddenly lost her mind, and said with a forced smile: "Well, she has that kind of personality, she always likes to joke, you Ignore her... I was resting in the island country for a day, and I just flew the day after tomorrow, so I wanted to go shopping, but I didn't expect to see someone surrounding you, so I called the police... By the way, how did you know that I called the police ? Also, your girlfriend is so beautiful."

Li Zedao smiled: "It's quite beautiful."

So, it was really a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. At this moment, Zheng Waner's heart was even more depressed. She didn't understand why this happened. It was just a few words between one passenger and eight or nine hours on the plane. It was just to help myself out of the siege, but it was just a joke made by my colleagues over there... Why do you feel that you are in such a deep trap? This is the legendary love at first sight?

"Then, goodbye." Li Zedao nodded, turned and left.

"You... I don't know your name and contact information yet... Oh, take your girlfriend out for dinner when I have time. I like to make friends very much." Zheng Wan'er looked back at the Li Zedao gave such a set of arguments.

She didn't know why she was like this, she just felt that if she didn't know anything, she seemed to have lost something.

Li Zedao nodded: "Lend me your mobile phone."

Zheng Wan'er quickly took out her mobile phone, unlocked it and handed it over.

Li Zedao took it, entered his number on it, handed it back and said, "My name is Li Zedao, from Fenghuang City."

"Well, Zheng Wan'er is also from Fenghuang City... or a fellow townsman, hello, nice to meet you." Zheng Wan'er mentally recited the name and stretched out her hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Li Zedao smiled, stretched out his hand to shake her lightly, and then pulled it back without any intention of taking advantage, "Then I'll go first, goodbye."


Not far away, a gorgeous blond woman watched the scene of the two shaking hands, licked her bright red lips, and said in a voice that only she could hear: "Oh, God, she seems delicious."

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