The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1602 Unlucky Yang Chao

Watching Li Zedao get on the luxurious Rolls-Royce, and watching the convoy slowly leave, Zheng Waner's heart was inexplicably empty, she looked away, looked at the number displayed on the phone screen, and saved it , then took a deep breath, shook his head, and the figure that was working hard was thrown out of his mind.

"Let's take this as a beautiful joke." She muttered to herself, "Well, find a place to have a big meal to calm down, then go to the self-service sushi restaurant I often go to eat sushi, and then ask Qi Xiaojuan for reimbursement Who told her to play this kind of joke with me, it made me die of embarrassment. "

Not far away, a pair of gorgeous eyes stared at him brightly, and the owner of the eyes continued to lick his scarlet lips, saying in a voice that only he could hear: "Oh, God, it really seems very Delicious, oh my dinner."

Watching Zheng Wan'er get into a taxi, the owner of these eyes also got into a cool Ferrari parked there, following behind the taxi discreetly.


"I'll get used to it." Bei glanced at Li Zedao who got into the car, and said lightly.

"Sister Bei..." Li Zedao had a messy expression on his face, he was trampled by a group of alpacas in his heart, and almost choked to death by Bei's words. Of course he knows what Bei said, and there will definitely be girls like Zheng Wan'er who will be attracted to him in the future, and his handling will be the same as this time, and he will refuse and refuse, so he will get used to it. .

Seeing Li Zedao's helpless expression, the corners of He Xiaoyue's mouth curled up slightly, her eyes were full of ambiguity and doting, mixed with sadness and reluctance.


Watching the convoy leave, Yang Chao and his younger brothers finally came to their senses. Right now, Yang Chao only felt that his back was soaked and his legs were still trembling violently. If he hadn't forced himself to stand Steady, I'm afraid I'm going to sit down on the ground.

His face was pale, and it was full of horror that could not dissipate.

He actually stopped Qingyun's eldest sister, Sister He, and he even planned to stuff her into the car... The only fortunate thing is that he originally planned to spit cigarettes on her face frivolously, but later felt that he did that No, it might make things worse, so I swallowed the smoke.

He also remembered the sentence that Sister He said: If it is true, one hand will be broken, if it is not, two hands will be cut off!

So, although Lord Zhong and the others didn't even bother to look at him, Yang Chao knew that one of his hands was about to say goodbye to him! Even breaking one's hand is the lightest punishment!

For a moment, Yang Chao felt dizzy, his trembling legs couldn't support his body anymore, and he just sat on the ground with his ass on the ground, his face was ashen, as if he had nothing to love of.

He didn't dare to imagine what kind of tragedy he would be in without an arm. After losing his arm, he would have no deterrent power. I'm afraid he would be hacked to death on the street one day?

"Boss, are you okay?"


Seeing this, his younger brothers hurried over to help Yang Chao up. Of course, their condition was not much better. All of them were sweating profusely with pale faces, and their legs were shaking violently.

They knew very clearly how big a basket they had made today, even trying to attack Sister He, Qingyun's big boss. If such a crime was charged, it would be light to punish them according to gang rules and expel Qingyun, even Maybe he will be hacked to death on the street in a while.

"Brother Yang, what should we do? How about... go to Brother Deng? Ask him to intercede for you?" One of the ten-year-old boys with blond hair said with a mournful face, his lips were trembling in fright, and he couldn't speak. It's not easy.

Brother Deng is their boss, and he also lives in the Qingyun Building. He has a lot of weight when speaking in Qingyun. Of course, there is no comparison with the seven masters above. In front of the seven masters, he is just Just like they were in front of Brother Deng.

"Yes, yes, call Brother Deng..." Yang Chao seemed to have grasped at straws, his voice trembled, and he was in a hurry to reach out for his mobile phone to call his boss, asking him to intercede.

But when his frightened hand finally managed to hold the phone firmly, Brother Deng's call came in before he could make a call.

Yang Chao's heart twitched and the phone almost fell to the ground. It seems that Brother Deng came to ask for his crimes after getting the news, so he quickly picked it up, and said cautiously: "Deng... Brother Deng..."

"Damn you, I'll fuck you, I'm not your brother." Brother Deng's roar had already been heard, making Yang Chao's ears buzzing, and his mind was even colder. Brother Deng is not a person who gets angry easily. Once he gets angry, it means that the situation is serious.

"Yang Chao, I'm going to fuck you, you're blind, don't drag me if you fucking want to die, I'm stupid... how dare you 'molest' Sister He? I'm stupid..."

Yang Chao was heartbroken but extremely wronged, he just stopped him, he didn't say anything too extreme, he didn't make any excessive actions, that doesn't seem to be enough for molesting, right?

"I'm stupid! I'm stupid..."

Brother Deng greeted Yang Chao's family for more than a minute, and finally he was out of breath, so he eased his tone and said: "Fuck you, if it weren't for the fact that you once helped me block the knife Come on, I am too lazy to care about your life and death. Don't worry, I have pleaded with Lord Zhong for you. Lord Zhong asked Sister He's meaning. Sister He has a big belly and said that she will not let you die on the street. Look at it In the past, you have done a lot of things for the gang, and you will not be expelled from the gang."

When Yang Chao heard it, his heart suddenly relaxed, and tears welled up in his eyes. He just felt that Sister He was too kind, and Brother Deng was too righteous: "Thank you Sister He, thank you Lord Zhong, thank you Brother Deng, thank you... "

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me. Capital crimes can be avoided and life crimes cannot be escaped. You know what crimes and punishments you will receive if you commit crimes under the gang?" Brother Deng said with a cold snort. "

Yang Chao's heart trembled: "I know... I know..."

According to Qingyun gang rules, the following offenders will be sentenced to one hundred punishments! And that kind of whip is still special, almost as thick as a child's arm, and it was even soaked in sea water before the punishment! Although the executioners usually choose non-fatal places to smoke, but the painful torture is really not something ordinary people can bear, and some members even died of pain during the execution process.

"As long as you know it! You and your younger brothers, cut off a hand, and then go back to receive the punishment." Brother Deng said coldly, "Also, your brother-in-law and that pockmark Face, both hands are broken, that's it!"

After speaking, Brother Deng hung up the phone directly.

Yang Chao silently put the phone back into his pocket with a dead face, and then looked at the younger brothers who were staring at him eagerly. He was always self-blaming at this time, feeling sorry for these brothers. This time it really pushed them down the fire pit.

"Brother" One of the younger brothers was about to cry, and asked in a low voice. Brother Deng was roaring too loudly, so they heard a little bit of it. Brother Deng was so angry that they might really be in trouble.

"Brother Deng said, cut off one hand, and then go back to receive the sentence." Yang Chao said with a very ugly face, "After receiving the sentence, we are still Qingyun's people."

When these six or seven younger brothers heard this, their faces changed wildly, and there was extremely strong horror in their eyes. Two of them even cried in fright. He is proficient in everything, but after all, he is only fifteen or sixteen years old, so he simply cried in fright at this time.

Not to mention the pain caused by breaking an arm, it is unbearable at all, not to mention that you have to be tortured later, but someone was directly beaten to death before.

Their faces turned pale, and they were almost desperate. The only consolation is that they will not be expelled from Qingyun. Those who have been bullied do not dare to take revenge easily.

Of course, this is a bit far-fetched, their biggest difficulty at present is to survive the severed arm and the punishment.

", are you okay?" A weak voice came.

Yang Chao seemed to have thought of something, he suddenly raised his head, looked back, and saw his brother-in-law Zhu Xiaoguang and Li Meng standing there, Zhu Xiaoguang was looking at him eagerly, as for Li Meng, there was just the right amount of embarrassment and apology on his face , and there was a panic in his eyes that couldn't subside.

The scene where the convoy of luxury cars picked up the little boy and the two women really scared them, and now their hands and feet are still shaking.

They never expected that the background of the person they were trying to bully would be so strong. He was obviously a Chinese, but there was still such a convoy in the island country to pick him up.

In addition, they also noticed Yang Chao's reaction, as if someone died in the family, so it is conceivable that Yang Chao knew their origins and knew that they would never be able to provoke them, otherwise there would be no such thing as that. kind of expression.

Li Meng was also secretly thankful that the other party seemed to be superior and disdain to deal with small people like them, so he just left without causing trouble for them.

But just because they don't make trouble doesn't mean Yang Chao doesn't make trouble! This is what Li Meng is most worried about now. If Yang Chao was angry with him, I'm afraid he would have to peel off his skin even if he didn't die? Even if the body is healthy, I'm afraid he will get a lot of blood, right? Sending a large amount of banknotes to ask for his forgiveness, otherwise, my business in the island country will be useless, and even whether I can leave the island country safely in the end is still one thing.

Yang Chao's complexion was ugly, his eyes were scarlet and scary, and he stared at his brother-in-law, as if he was looking at an enemy who had the hatred of killing his father and taking his wife.

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