The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1603 Women's Desire

"Brother-in-law..." Zhu Xiaoguang's scalp felt numb from such a terrifying stare, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he felt wronged psychologically. It's really not my fault. What's the matter, besides, I didn't know that their background would be so big. If I knew, I would have been a grandson a long time ago, okay?

"Zhu Xiaoguang, I'm Cao Nima!" Yang Chao roared, spitting on Zhu Xiaoguang's face.

Zhu Xiaoguang was wronged and terrified. It was the first time he saw his brother-in-law get so angry. He thought, don't let my sister hear what you said, otherwise you will be very miserable, even if you let me Mom knows, be careful she will chat with you at night.

In the next second, Yang Chao raised his cattail-leaf fan-sized hand fiercely, and slammed it towards Zhu Xiaoguang's face.

Zhu Xiaoguang didn't think about it at all, saying that his brother-in-law, who was always afraid of his sister to death, dared to attack his brother-in-law. After he reacted, it was too late to escape.

"Slap!" With a clear and muffled sound, Zhu Xiaoguang had already been slapped heavily by Yang Chao's angry slap, and he turned around twice in place, and then fell to the ground in a daze, with his mouth parted and one mouthful. The blood was already spat out, and there were even two teeth mixed in the blood.

Looking at that face, it was swollen like a steamed bun, and there was a bloody crack at the corner of the mouth, it looked abnormal.

Li dreamed that Yang Chao hit his brother-in-law so hard, he was so frightened that he almost had a heart attack, even his brother-in-law hit him so hard, let alone him.

Instinctively, he turned around and wanted to run, but it was too late, and Yang Chao kicked him hard on the waist.


Li Meng wailed, and the whole person fell there heavily in a way like a dog eating shit. At this time, his pockmarked face was twisted into a ball in pain, and he felt that his waist had been broken by a kick, otherwise Why do I feel nothing at all.

"Damn it, beat him up..." Yang Chao roared angrily.

"Don't, don't fight, Brother Yang, Grandpa Yang, I am willing to lose money, no matter how much money I want, I am willing to accompany you in all losses..." Li Meng screamed repeatedly with her head in her hands.

Yang Chao's younger brothers really hated the guy who pushed them into the fire pit. If it wasn't for him, would they be able to stop Sister He? If they didn't stop Sister He, they would have to accept punishment after amputating their own arm! When the crowd rushes forward, it is time to do it.

"Wait..." Yang Chao stopped them, then squatted down slightly, grabbed Li Meng's hair, lifted his head, and said as if he was looking at a dead person: "Okay, Lao Tzu I won’t blackmail you, seven million Huaxia coins, otherwise you won’t have to go back to Huaxia, I will throw you into a vat and pour it into cement, and then let you sink into the sea!”

The money undoubtedly extinguished the anger in Yang Chao's heart a little bit. With this money, the life of the brothers will be easier in the future.

"No, I'll give it, I'll give it..." Li Meng begged pitifully for mercy. Seven million is undoubtedly a cut of flesh for Li Meng, but compared with his life, it is really nothing.

At that moment, Yang Chao gave his younger brothers a look, and the latter quickly found a pen and paper, and wrote an IOU of seven million Huaxia coins, asked Li Meng to sign it, and asked him to stick it on Zhu Xiaoguang's face. The blood covered the fingerprints.

At that moment, Yang Chao put away the IOU, stood up and looked at his younger brothers and said, "You can do it now... If you want to talk about credit when you come out, they will give you money, so take it easy, don't kill him."

"Brother Yang..." Li Meng was so frightened that she almost lost her soul.

He thought that if he gave the money, he would be spared the beating.

Yang Chao's younger brothers couldn't wait a long time ago, and immediately started beating Li Meng together. For a while, screams, bones breaking, and all kinds of insults resounded.

Many people around were watching and pointing, and they felt that they couldn't bear to watch it any longer, but no one came forward to stop them. They were afraid of getting into trouble, and they would be worried by these gangsters who could tell they were gangsters at a glance If it does, it will be sad.

Even with two policemen standing there in the distance, they didn't rush over to stop the bloody beating.

Before, those big guys from Qingyun appeared there, they didn't even dare to get close, you know, Qingyun is very arrogant in the island country, and the police have nothing to do with them.

But now, they simply held the attitude of watching the excitement, and didn't intend to go to drink to stop.

"Senior Koizumi, do you really want to stop it?" The younger policeman asked, always feeling that it was not good to look at him from a distance.

"Baga, the Chinese pig is beating the Chinese pig, what can I do to stop it? Just kill it." Another older policeman curled his lips and sneered, "Remember, Aso, I will see Huaxia people beating Huaxia in the future People, don't pay attention to it, if you see us islanders beating Chinese people, you don't even pay attention to it, as for seeing Chinese pigs bullying our islanders, Baga, you have to quickly pull out your baton at this time, and teach that damned man a lesson China pig!"

"Understood, Senior Koizumi." The younger policeman hastily bowed slightly, expressing that he has been educated.

"China pigs are China pigs, they always like to fight in the nest." The older policeman continued to sneer, "They always like to do this kind of thing, for example, they will quarrel with each other about their favorite stars, and greet each other's father Mom, what's even more ironic is that those celebrities are still foreigners... They always think that the air of foreign countries is sweet, and foreign products are fashionable, and using foreign products is to improve their own taste and value, and to sell Traveling to the country seems to be very powerful, enough for them to brag for a lifetime... Oh, Aso, why do you think they have such stupid ideas?"

"Senior Koizumi, please advise." The young policeman nodded again.

"Baga, I don't know why, you just need to know that they are stupid."


While the two policemen were singing and cynicizing over there, those angry gangsters stopped beating Li Meng, pressed him to the ground, and turned into an extremely standard The word "big", and under the gaze of Li Meng's blurred but terrified eyes, Yang Chao raised his foot suddenly, and then aimed at Li Meng's left arm and stomped hard on it. go down.

"Crack!" A scalp-numbing sound sounded, and Li Meng's entire arm was simply shattered, bloody and bloody. Looking at Li Meng, he opened his mouth wide and let out a scream that made his scalp tingle, then rolled his eyes, and passed out directly.

Of course, this bloody torture was not over yet, Yang Chao raised his foot again, this time aiming at Li Meng's right arm, and stepped on it again.

The scalp-numbing sound of bone breaking sounded again, and then Li Meng woke up with a living pain.


After a forty-minute drive, the convoy finally returned to Qingyun Building. At this time, the remaining six loyal brothers who did not follow Ah Zhong to the airport to meet Sister He had already brought the other seniors from Qingyun. The guy was waiting at the door, looked at Sister He who got out of the car, bowed in unison and shouted: "Sister He!"

The momentum was magnificent and the shouts shook the sky.

The return of Sister He made these people seem to have found their backbone in an instant. The worry and anxiety before had disappeared without a trace, replaced by calmness, incomparable calmness, giving people the feeling that with Sister He, They are not afraid of any enemy, not afraid of anything happening, not afraid of death!

Li Zedao, who hadn't gotten out of the car, looked at He Xiaoyue who was standing there like a different person, and thought to himself that she really deserved to be Qingyun's eldest sister, just because of the slightly gangster-like aura emanating from her body, It's enough to shock people.

"These days, I've worked hard for you." After He Xiaoyue waved her hand, she also bowed deeply to these people. If these big guys hadn't stabilized their positions, Qingyun might have been taken away at the moment He Xiaoyang was taken away. , it was completely messed up.

But Qingyun didn't have the slightest confusion, and was still running in the best state, so these big guys contributed a lot.

"Sister He, Sister He! Qingyun, Qingyun, Qingyun!" The voice was so neat and shocking!

"She is very suitable to be the boss of the gang." Bei said, looking at He Xiaoyue's back.

"She was." Li Zedao responded with a smile.

"She will be the first to leave." Bei looked at He Xiaoyue's back and said, "If my feeling is right."

Li Zedao raised his brows, his mind suddenly blanked out, and he was extremely uncomfortable: "What do you mean?"

"You know what it means." Bei took a look at Li Zedao, without giving Li Zedao any face, and directly tore off his disguise.

"I don't know." Li Zedao refused to admit it, wishing he could go over and slap this woman's buttocks a few times, so that she could clearly realize what would happen if she didn't show her face.

Seeing Li Zedao's negation over there, Bei didn't bother to argue with him, and said lightly: "Among all the women, the age gap between you and Miss Xiaoyue is the biggest. She is well maintained now, and her appearance is smaller than hers. Your real age, so you are not so abrupt together, at most it is a normal sibling relationship. But ten years later? You are still young, but what about Sister Xiaoyue? I noticed a detail before, Sister Xiaoyue faced me Touching the corners of my eyes, I saw that she already had crow's feet that couldn't be concealed, and I also noticed the bitterness and reluctance in her eyes."


"Women long to grow old together with you, and are willing to acquiesce in the existence of other women because they love you, and even live with them absurdly, but women absolutely do not allow themselves to go out with the man they love and be said to be Mom took her son out for shopping. So, I probably know that she will choose to leave you at the most beautiful time, that is, now. She will leave you with her most beautiful side now, and she does not want to let you face her in ten years. To her old face that can't be concealed." Bei looked at He Xiaoyue's back not far away and said, his tone could not help but sigh.

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