After a short period of shock, these people exploded. In the past, they bullied and humiliated others, but now it is the other way around. Even, the other party is a weak woman, and a group of them were actually bullied by a weak woman... Baga Ah, this is unbearable!

So, another motorcycle roared and ran towards Zheng Wan'er.

At this time, Zheng Wan'er, who was carrying things in both hands, turned sideways casually, and at the same time lightly dodged to the side, she kicked casually again, kicking the rear wheel of the motorcycle from the side.

The motorcycle that was driving ahead in a straight line was kicked by Zheng Waner from the side and fell to the ground. The young man on it, together with the motorcycle that fell to the ground and continued to slide forward, was thrown seven or eight meters away, lying on the ground immediately. There, I can't get up!

Then the rest of the people were dumbfounded again, their eyeballs almost fell to the ground. If the first time was a coincidence and skillful use, then what about the second time? Her dexterous dodging is not something ordinary people can least, they can't do it, even if they escaped by chance, they can only roll on the ground in embarrassment.

"Baga, Baga, everyone, get out of the car and teach this damn woman the worst lesson!" Seeing that this woman kicked a car over in such a strange way, the remaining hooligans who were still riding on the car were a little bit I was timid, and now I didn't dare to hit someone with my car, so I changed my strategy and planned to get out of the car and deal with her severely.

In an instant, after the young men parked the car, they either took out a sharp dagger from their pockets, or pulled out a steel rod tied to the car, and rushed towards the woman like a desperate Saburo.

Soon, a young man with a dagger on his face ran up to Zheng Wan'er with a ferocious face, and the dagger in his hand was about to greet Zheng Wan'er's face. Disfigured.

But Zheng Wan'er didn't hide or dodge, she lifted her long legs lightly and kicked them out.

The second strike came first, and he kicked the man's crotch all at once.

Then, there was a dull, scalp-numbing sound, as if something had burst.

Looking at the man, his feet were off the ground, and his whole body flew straight up for more than a meter, and finally fell heavily on the concrete floor. The whole person was motionless, as if he was dead. His crotch was actually stained red with blood.

The sudden scene made the few people who had rushed over stop in their tracks instantly, and all of them stared at the pretty figure under the streetlight with their eyes widened in amazement.

So, it's not a coincidence that they don't have dazzle, but this woman's methods are really terrifying!

"Oh, do you still want to try? Although I think you guys are dirty, it really affects my mood, but I really don't mind sending you to hell." Zheng Wan'er looked at them, but smiled. Strange and ferocious, even the eyes turned red, and seemed to be still flickering with a strange red light under the illumination of the street lamps.

The rest of the men were glanced at like this, their scalps were numb, their faces were full of horror, and their bodies were still involuntarily retreating.

Zheng Wan'er smiled strangely again, then turned around and left slowly.

In the dark corner in the distance, a pair of eyes quietly looked at the receding figure, with an inexplicable light flickering in the eyes.


In a very distinctive coffee shop, melodious light music is lingering, and the old-fashioned western sofas and chandeliers,

Gives a nostalgic feeling.

Sitting in one of the seats, Bei slightly bowed his head to savor the special and expensive desserts in this coffee shop. He felt that the taste was just the same, far less delicious than Li Zedao's.

There was a slight sound of familiar footsteps next to his ears, Bei looked up at Li Zedao who was walking over, his indifferent eyes suddenly softened, this kind of soft eyes containing infinite love can only be seen when looking at Li Zedao It will only show when she faces other sisters. At most, she tries to restrain the coldness in her eyes as much as possible. As for strangers, she simply rejects them. She simply felt annoyed, and after a few words, she had the urge to do something.

Li Zedao sat down on the seat in front of her, smiled, but opened his mouth: "Ah..."

"Get out!" Bei said, but pierced a piece of pastry with the delicate silver fork in his hand and sent it into Li Zedao's mouth.

Li Zedao giggled, swallowed the pastry contentedly, and then his expression suddenly became serious.

Seeing this expression on Li Zedao, Bei frowned: "Is there really a problem?"

Li Zedao glanced out of the window, pointed to a cool motorcycle sports car parked on the side of the road and said, "What will you do when such a motorcycle sports car hits you quickly?"

Nanji took a look at the motorcycle and felt that the question was a bit inexplicable, but he still said, "Get out of the way."

"She didn't dodge. She kicked the headlights of the motorcycle that hit her head-on, and then the forward motorcycle was kicked away by her. I even seriously suspect that she didn't use all her strength at all." Li Zedao's expression became even more solemn.

Bei's eyeballs were already rounded, and his small face had an extremely rare expression of emotion: "How is that possible?"

"I can also do head-to-head at that level, but it's not necessarily easier than her, so her strength is not inferior to mine." Li Zedao said.

Bei's eyes widened, and her expression was even more horrified. She never thought that the stewardess who was a weak woman in her eyes would hide such terrifying skills, and she was not under the back-to-basics Li Zedao. She was also a back-to-basics Realm master?

"Isn't she really Zheng Wan'er? Or... she was transformed into the most perfect genetic superman by the skull organization in less than a few hours? So, before she was bullied by those three gangsters, it was intentional." Did you let us see it on purpose?" Bei said with difficulty.

Before Li Zedao said that he felt that Zheng Wan'er seemed a little strange, and Bei was jealous, and directly stepped on Li Zedao's instep fiercely. Now it seems that Li Zedao's feeling is right, even if it is not for Li Zedao's original intention The principle of being more cautious is lurking in the dark, to see if I can meet Zheng Wan'er again and follow up quietly, and only then can I get a glimpse of her true strength in the dark, otherwise I will face her in the future without any precautions. It's going to be a big loss.

"Breathing is completely different from the feeling of a genetic superman, so it is not a genetic superman." Li Zedao denied this, "As for whether she is really Zheng Wan'er, to be honest, I don't know too much. I think, just from the appearance and feeling, she is no different from the stewardess Zheng Wan'er I met on the plane, but I always feel that there is something weird, but I can't explain that kind of weirdness."

Li Zedao said with a solemn expression: "As for whether she is a member of the Skull Organization, I don't know. I hope she is not, otherwise her head will be big."


In a room of a traditional homestay in a certain island country, the big golden horn on an old vinyl gramophone in the corner played a certain piano piece that seemed agitated and somewhat gloomy, making the ordinary room There was a cold and desolate smell. The wooden doors and windows in the room were closed tightly, and there was no light in the room. Only the sunlight projected from the gaps in the wooden window lattice let people know that it was daytime.

And the light keeps the room from being invisible.

Therefore, you can vaguely see a coffin placed in the middle of this ordinary room!

The whole body of the coffin is dark and hexagonal in shape. This is a typical European-style coffin, which is different from the traditional four-corner coffin in China. From the appearance, you can clearly feel the age of this coffin extremely long ago.

Various lines and symbols with unknown meanings are engraved on the coffin lid, which looks mysterious and weird.

At this moment, the coffin board that covered the coffin shook first, and then was quickly lifted from the inside to the side, and then a pair of long-sleeved hands that looked somewhat pale stretched out the coffin, Then a thin figure sat up from the coffin, then stood up silently, stepped out of the coffin, and walked towards the record player in the corner.

The faint light projected in shines on this figure, so that you can vaguely see that this is a woman, a woman who is completely naked!

Then, the woman stretched out her hand and turned off the phonograph. The cold music disappeared instantly, and the whole room fell into an inexplicable silence.

Immediately afterwards, there was a knock on the door of "Bump!"

The woman glanced back at the wooden door, then walked slowly to the coffin, put her hand into the coffin, took out a black bath towel from inside, and barely covered her big spring, and then the upturned body that was barely wrapped by the bath towel Gently sat down on the edge of the coffin, with his back facing the door, two white jade legs with straight sleeves exposed to the air side by side, and then said: "Oh, please come in."

He speaks English with a strong London accent. Anyone who hears it will feel that this is a native Londoner, and his tone is flat, obviously he doesn't like to be disturbed.

As soon as the words were finished, the wooden door was moved away, and more sunlight shot in instantly, making the sunlight brighter all of a sudden, but the woman obviously didn't like the sunlight, and her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

At the same time, a blond man in a black suit walked in. The man was very handsome, and he was somewhat familiar with the popular star Beckham when he smiled.

At this time, his smiling eyes calmly fell on the sexy back of the woman sitting on the edge of the coffin, without any obscenity in his eyes, and said: "Good morning, Erin Miss Na."

He closed the door again while saying hello, making the room once again plunged into darkness.

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