The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1609 Scary Woman

"Good morning, Mr. Wade." Elena responded lightly, and she didn't turn her head to look at the man who walked in, obviously she didn't welcome the man's arrival at all.

The other party was so cold, Wade didn't care, Xiaoxiao took out a thumb-thick medicine bottle from his pocket, bent down and put the medicine bottle on the ground gently, stood up and smiled: "Then I'll go first, Do not disturb Miss Elena, you are resting."

This time Elena didn't bother to respond.

Wade rubbed his nose and smiled, turned and left. When he got to the door, he stopped, looked back at the figure hidden in the darkness, tapped his head lightly, and said, "Oh, look at me. My memory... Dear Miss Elena, General Skull asked me to bring you a sentence. He hopes that Miss Elena, you can bring that Li Zedao back to us within the next two weeks. His body is urgently needed to conduct research on genetic superman, and I think that if successful, he can become the most perfect genetic superman of our skull."

"Are you doubting my ability?" Elena's tone became a little cold, and in an instant, the temperature of the room seemed to drop a few degrees, and it became cold all of a sudden.

"Oh, no, dear Miss Elena, you misunderstood, how could we doubt your ability?" Wade said with a smile.

"I think you are just suspicious, otherwise why would you give me two weeks? Please tell General Skull, one week is enough!" Elena said coldly.

Wade shrugged his shoulders: "Oh, yes, I will immediately convey your message to General Skull for you. I think he will be very happy when he hears it."

"Also, don't forget what you promised me, otherwise... Wade, sir, I think your blood is quite delicious." Elena's scarlet eyes glanced back slightly, her tongue He stretched it out and licked his lips.

In an instant, Wade's body trembled violently, and his spine felt chills, as if he had been glanced at by a ghost.

It's just that he is a strong man after all, so Wade quickly calmed down, and said with a smile: "Miss Elena, don't worry, we will never forget what we promised you, as long as you hand over Li Zedao to us, when the time comes , we will honor our promise to you."

"Hmph, it's better that way." Elena said coldly.

Wade smiled, nodded slightly like a gentleman, said nothing, pushed open the door and left the room, and then gently closed the door from the outside, so the room fell into darkness again.

In the darkness, Elena's eyes gradually became more scarlet, and there was a palpitating light in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

It took her a while to get up, her scarlet eyes fell on the medicine bottle on the ground, she walked up to her, bent slightly to pick up the medicine bottle, opened it, and poured a strangely red pill inside into her palm.

"Oh, damn it." She stuck out her tongue and licked her scarlet lips while saying in a voice that only she could hear, her eyes showed an undisguised murderous look, and then threw the pill into the Swallowed it into his own mouth.


The sun was already shining brightly outside the house, and the windows in the house were dark because they were blocked by thick dark curtains.

Li Zedao's eyes fell on the exquisite lamps on the ceiling, and all he could think about was the scene he saw in the dark last night. The terrifying power of that woman seriously stimulated his nerves.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't want to believe that the woman was Zheng Wan'er, the flight attendant he met before. Although the appearance, words and deeds, and even the eyes looked exactly the same, Li Zedao still felt different from the two encounters.

Li Zedao just thought it was weird before, but he didn't know where the strange thing was. After thinking about it all night, he suddenly realized that it was because the smells on their bodies were different!

The Zheng Wan'er on the plane and the Zheng Wan'er outside the airport had a faint scent of jasmine, which should be from a certain type of jasmine-scented perfume.

But the Zheng Waner I met in less than three hours was wearing the same clothes as the one I saw outside the airport, but the smell on her body had changed. It was not the scent of jasmine, but a scent that could Said that Li Zedao had never smelled it.

Of course, if it wasn't for Li Zedao's amazing sense of smell, he wouldn't be able to smell it at all.

After adding the terrifying skill she displayed, the two of them are not the same person, so the real Zheng Wan'er may be in danger! She was killed in just over two hours!

Thinking that Zheng Wan'er might be killed, Li Zedao's heart couldn't help but twitch. He is in his prime, and has an enviable appearance and job. A wonderful life is just beginning. Losing his life like this is inevitable. It's a pity, not to mention that it is because of him in all likelihood that he was unlucky enough to be involved.

What Li Zedao couldn't understand was how the other party did it. After pretending to be Zheng Wan'er, there was almost no flaws, even the eyes, body shape and height were the same? Face change? With the current face-changing technology, it is impossible to reach such a perfect level. First of all, the eyes are different, let alone the body shape and height.

Besides, it was only more than two hours before and after, which was not enough time at all!

Like Sister Bei, regaining a body, that is to say, a ghost has taken over Zheng Waner's body? But what about that look? Although Bei's ghost took over the body of the senior, her eyes were different, but when she saw Zheng Wan'er again, the eyes she showed were exactly the same as before, at least Li Zedao didn't feel anything unusual.

Thinking about it, Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly felt that he was like a broom star now, and those women seemed to have become unlucky after meeting him. If she is found out, she will not die tragically in Sumen's hands.

And that stewardess, Zheng Wan'er, must have encountered such an unfortunate thing because of her own reasons, right? In addition, there is He Xiaoyang...Of course he is not a woman, but if it is not because of himself, he will not be kidnapped by the skull at all.

Thinking about it, Li Zedao looked down at He Xiaoyue with apology in his eyes.

In Li Zedao's arms, He Xiaoyue's even breathing sounded rhythmically in Li Zedao's ears, her straight and beautiful legs were unceremoniously pressed on Li Zedao's lap, and her naked body was curled up in Li Zedao's arms like a well-behaved kitten I slept soundly.

Last night, after Li Zedao and Bei returned to Qingyun Building, Bei left behind "I'm tired" and then went straight into the room that He Xiaoyue had prepared for her, and locked the door from the inside as if to guard against thieves.

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry. Although He Xiaoyue was worried about He Xiaoyang's safety, she was also amused by Bei's actions, and her heart was even warmer.

Although this woman is usually indifferent, as if everyone owes her money, and she is the most jealous of all women, she is actually very understanding, so at this time, her behavior is nothing more than Just let Li Zedao spend more time with him.

After the two returned to the room, they first had an in-depth exchange, and then hugged each other and talked for most of the night, and He Xiaoyue fell asleep in a daze.

Suddenly, He Xiaoyue frowned, her body moved, and then she reached out her hand dishonestly to Li Zedao's crotch. In the next second, under Li Zedao's astonished expression, He Xiaoyue grabbed it fiercely. up.

"Hiss..." Li Zedao gasped, it hurts! Is this woman planning to have a mild sexual intercourse early in the morning? Li Zedao really doesn't mind playing with her.

Then, he heard He Xiaoyue's cold voice: "Bastard? How dare you touch my brother? I'll kill you!"

The cold sweat on Li Zedao's forehead suddenly came down, is she... sleepwalking?

In the next second, He Xiaoyue, the eldest sister of the big gang, seemed to be about to draw a gun, and pulled it violently...


He Xiaoyue was simply awakened by a strange cry that could be described as extremely suppressed. When she opened her eyes, what came into view was a twisted, sweaty face, and a pair of grievances. tear-filled eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" He Xiaoyue quickly asked with a concerned face seeing Li Zedao like this.

"Your hand... your hand..." Li Zedao's face collapsed, and he was almost speechless.

"My hand?" He Xiaoyue hadn't woken up yet, she was a little confused, and then she felt that her right hand was indeed holding something hard, and subconsciously pulled it out like pulling a carrot Yes, she wanted to see what she was catching.

"Hiss..." Li Zedao gasped, his face turned green all of a sudden.

When she finished washing and sat there simply putting on makeup in front of the mirror, He Xiaoyue still looked embarrassed, but wanted to laugh inexplicably. She finally understood why Li Zedao's face was distorted. Thinking about it, He Xiaoyue It hurts, let alone the person involved.

She had a dream. In the dream, some damned islanders chased and killed He Xiaoyang with knives. He Xiaoyue got angry and drew his gun directly. Who knew...

Fortunately, it's okay, it's still so easy to use.

Thinking about it, He Xiaoyue's body softened inexplicably, and she clearly saw her flushed face in the mirror.

Then he approached the mirror slightly, looked at the faint crow's feet in the corner of his eyes, his eyes had already dimmed, and sighed softly: "I'm really old."

With He Xiaoyue, the eldest sister, guarding Qingyun, the impatience in Qingyun's interior for the past two days has disappeared without a trace.

He Xiaoyue has also explained to the Seventh Brother Zhongyi that she will take care of the matter concerning He Xiaoyang, you don't need to intervene, and you don't need to worry, just do your own job well.

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