The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1610 Zheng Waner's Invitation

The Seven Loyalty Brothers understood He Xiaoyue's meaning. The matter of He Xiaoyang's kidnapping had reached a level where they could not get involved.

Indeed, the terrifying strength displayed by the man in black who sneaked into the Qingyun Building that night really made the hearts of the Seven Loyalty brothers feel powerless. They even shot, but the speed of the opponent was faster than bullets. Quickly, he escaped with ease.

So they knew very well that if the man in black wanted to wash Qingyun Building with blood, it would not be too difficult.

But it is obvious that his fundamental purpose is not to wash Qingyun with blood, nor is it to kidnap He Xiaoyang. man came to island dj.

Of course, even though He Xiaoyue confessed in this way, she knew very clearly that she couldn't do anything except worry and pray.

She was worried not only about He Xiaoyang, but also about Li Zedao. Judging from Li Zedao's expression, she knew that the enemy Li Zedao was going to face this time was not as easy as he said, and maybe something else would happen. The danger of redemption was something she didn't want to see at all.

Therefore, she had an inexplicable urge to want Li Zedao to return to China, but another voice in her heart suppressed her impulse. If Li Zedao returned to China like this, it is hard to imagine what He Xiaoyang will encounter Danger.

Breakfast was prepared by Zhang's mother. It was a traditional Chinese breakfast. The milky white soy milk and crispy fritters made people feel very appetizing when they saw it.

It's just that when facing the breakfast that she has always liked very much, He Xiaoyue's spirit was a little dazed and she didn't have much appetite. The contradiction in her heart made her suffer a lot. Her own brother, and the other is the little man she loves. These two are the most important people in the world to her, so she doesn't want to see any of them in any danger.

But now, He Xiaoyang is in danger, his life and death are unknown, and Li Zedao is going on this road.

"Sister Xiaoyue, don't worry, Xiaoyang will be fine." Li Zedao stretched out his hand and patted her on the shoulder, comforting her softly.

Although his mouth said so, Li Zedao actually felt a little guilty, more guilt and powerlessness. In fact, based on his knowledge of the Skull Organization, he doesn't think He Xiaoyang's condition is so good at this time, and he might even become their experimental subject.

These people have always done things unscrupulously, and they also have the absolute strength to crush everything. In their eyes, Qingyun's boss is just a fart, and they will not have any scruples.

"Yeah." He Xiaoyue came back from the trance, looked at Li Zedao and forced a smile, and helped him pick up a fried stick, "Are you eating a deep-fried stick?"

"Then eat it." Li Zedao took it and took a bite. He couldn't help but feel emotional. Sure enough, the masters are all among the people. It is estimated that his chef apprentice will be moved to cry when he eats Zhang Ma's deep-fried dough sticks, right?

Then he brought the fried dough stick with a bite to He Xiaoyue's mouth, and said softly, "Eat more, take care of your body."

"Okay." He Xiaoyue smiled even more on her face, her eyes revealed sweetness, and she took a bite with her small mouth slightly opened.

Li Zedao sent the fried dough sticks to Sister Bei who was drinking soy milk sitting on the other side of him.

Said: "Sister Bei, you should eat more."

"Get out!" Bei glanced at him and said very shamelessly. It's fine with your saliva, but it's Miss Xiaoyue's saliva... Bei Xiao opened his mouth slightly and took a bite too.

At this moment, Li Zedao's mobile phone on the table suddenly rang, and the three of them frowned, and their eyes fell on the mobile phone.

A call from the skull? Li Zedao quickly put down the headlines in his hand, did not wipe off the oil on his hands, but directly picked up the phone to answer it.

Then, a shy and hesitant voice came: "It's... Li Zedao, right?"

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed for a moment, but he smiled calmly, "You are... Zheng Wan'er?"

Zheng Wan'er? He Xiaoyue's originally hopeful eyes dimmed, and then she looked back at the bowl of soy milk in front of her. She originally thought that the callers were those who kidnapped He Xiaoyang, and she called Li Zedao to negotiate terms. It turned out that it was the stewardess who knew at a glance that she had already developed feelings for Li Zedao.

Bei's brows were raised, and his ears were pricked up. That woman with unknown background but such terrifying skills is ready to make a move?

Zheng Wan'er's hesitant and expectant but somewhat shy voice continued to pass: "It's me, I didn't expect you to remember my voice."

Li Zedao smiled: "My memory has always been good... Are you looking for something from me?"

"It's nothing, just..." Zheng Wan'er's hesitant voice came, but no matter who heard it, they would think that she was shy or something.

"I just want to thank you and your girlfriend for your help yesterday. If it weren't for you, I would have suffered a lot last night. I heard that the hooligans in the island country have nothing to fear when they do things." Zheng Wan'er seemed terrified, full of Full of gratitude, "So, I would like to invite you to have a meal with your girlfriend. I wonder if you have time."

"This..." Li Zedao hesitated.

"It won't take too much of your time. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have time. Let's make an appointment next time." Zheng Wan'er said with a smile.

"I have nothing to do today, so I can go, but my girlfriend may not be able to go, she has something to do." Li Zedao said.

"Then... can you come?" Zheng Wan'er's voice was a little excited. So Li Zedao had to sigh psychologically, the acting skills of this fake Zheng Wan'er may have reached the point of perfection.

"Of course, you can tell me a place, I'll go there." Li Zedao said with a smile, but there was a palpitating coldness in his eyes.

"Then... is it convenient for you to come and pick me up?" Zheng Wan'er's voice was full of anticipation and excitement, like a girl facing a male god who made her heart flutter, nervous, shy, and looking forward to more , Li Zedao had to sigh again, this fake Zheng Wan'er has really perfected her emotional interpretation without any flaws.

Psychology is even more terrifying. If he hadn't been too cautious to follow up quietly and saw the terrifying scene, he would only treat her as another little woman who was conquered by his domineering spirit. Under the premise of being on guard, I'm afraid he doesn't know how he died, right?

"Of course it's convenient." Li Zedao said with a smile, and then took the initiative to pull up the routine.

He Xiaoyue, who looked down at the bowl of milky white soy milk in front of her, heard that Li Zedao chatted happily with him, and sighed secretly. There was something wrong with it. Looking at it like this, Li Zedao probably didn't like it. Wanting to get back to his old job, he would bring that stewardess into his harem.

Of course He Xiaoyue doesn't mind if he does that, but after all, he is in an island country now, and Xiaoyang still has such a thing, but you are...

"I'll go out later." Five minutes later, Li Zedao hung up the phone and stuffed half a deep-fried dough stick into his mouth.

"Yeah." He Xiaoyue nodded with a soft smile, and suppressed the trace of something wrong in her heart very well.

And what surprised her was that Bei, who always liked to be jealous, didn't express his displeasure with a few cold words this time, but looked at Li Zedao and said, "I don't mind if you conquer her."

According to Li Zedao, that woman's skills are no longer inferior to hers, so she also has the ability to return to basics. If Li Zedao can really conquer her, it means that there will be an additional master of returning to basics by her side. Even if she faces the skull and fc This kind of organization, they also have to be full of jealousy, dare not provoke it at will.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "Do you think it's possible?"

"Impossible, but dreams are still necessary, right?" Rao Shibei felt that Li Zedao was too attractive, but he didn't think he had the means to conquer such a terrible woman, let alone that woman was very likely. He is still a member of the Skull Organization, so this kind of thing is impossible.

Therefore, the result that Bei could predict was that the two of them would have an extremely powerful collision in the end!

"..." Li Zedao had the urge to fuck Bei's ass, so can't you give me some face?

"Are you sure?" Bei looked at Li Zedao and asked again, with unresolved worries in his eyes.

Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "There is still a certainty of escaping."

Bei breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

He Xiaoyue who was on the side listened to the conversation between the two, naturally she didn't quite understand it, and she was also a little baffled. ...The reluctant decision should be made.

Thinking about it, He Xiaoyue clenched her fists under the table slightly, and looked at Li Zedao with a trace of reluctance deep in her eyes.

After breakfast, Li Zedao left Qingyun Building in a Lexus lx arranged by He Xiaoyue's gang. Half an hour later, he arrived at the meeting place that Zheng Wan'er mentioned on the phone.

It was a single apartment not far from the airport. According to Zheng Wan'er, it was rented by the company so that they, the flight attendants, could have a good place to rest when they were DJing in the island country.

After getting out of the car, Li Zedao looked at the apartment and narrowed his eyes slightly. Could it be that his guess was wrong? The Zheng Wan'er I saw before and after is actually the same person? In the previous call, Li Zedao was chattering on purpose, Zheng Wan'er replied without thinking, and said that the prank colleague was called Qi Xiaojuan, and she was going to make her bleed again later, who asked her to intentionally trick someone?

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