The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1611 Traveling across the ocean to see you

Li Zedao only needs to do a little research on the information about Zheng Wan'er to know whether it's true or not, so he doesn't think the fake Zheng Wan'er is lying.

In other words, the other party's familiarity with Zheng Wan'er has reached such a terrifying level in a short period of time? Li Zedao couldn't help but be alarmed, it was too scary.

So at this moment, Li Zedao's mentality was right and he had such an idea. Could it be that his idea was wrong? There is no fake Zheng Wan'er at all, there is only one Zheng Wan'er, but there is a demon hidden in her body.

At the same time as his thoughts were surging, Li Zedao took out his mobile phone and made a call, and the call was picked up instantly. It is conceivable that Zheng Wan'er on the other end of the phone was waiting for a call from Li Zedao, so Li Zedao was inevitably puzzled Come to think of it, is it possible that there really is no so-called fake Zheng Wan'er? Could it be that he conquered her in front of her?

If all of this is an illusion, Li Zedao really has to admire the other party, his acting skills are truly terrifying, and he does not miss any details.

Just like now, she answered the phone right away, which proves that she is so excited and can't wait to have dinner together this time, which is very in line with the kind of mentality that can't wait to see the boy who is so excited.

"Are you here?" Zheng Wan'er's joyful voice came over.

"Here at the gate of the apartment, a black Lexus lx." Li Zedao responded with a smile, thinking you thought you were the only one who could hide and act? I have never been afraid of anyone in my acting skills!

"Then wait for me to get off, and I'll get off right away." Zheng Wan'er said.

In less than two minutes, Li Zedao saw Zheng Wan'er walking out of the apartment, and with her was her gossiping colleague Qi Xiaojuan.

Li Zedao looked at Zheng Wan'er, his eyes lit up...Of course, at least 80% of it was acting, and 20% of it was because he really thought this girl was pretty.

Compared with Sister Bei, Zheng Waner's appearance is naturally different, but there is no doubt that her clothes are very tasteful, a pair of casual white shoes, a pair of bleached distressed jeans, a vest top, and a pair of clothes on the outside. White shirt with rolled sleeves. There are no buttons on the top of the shirt, but the hem is elongated, and a bow is casually tied at the navel.

Long hair shawl, wearing a black baseball cap, black and white eyes, without impurities, looks like a little girl next door who is going to go out for an outing in casual dress.

As for Qi Xiaojuan next to her, she obviously wanted to go out too, so she also dressed carefully. She wore a fitted dress with a seductive gully faintly showing on her chest. In comparison, there is a lot less pure breath and more rouge smell.

At this time, Qi Xiaojuan put her arms around Zheng Waner's arm, and said something while looking at Li Zedao who was standing there waiting. He hugged her arm tightly.

When the two came to the front, Qi Xiaojuan looked at Li Zedao with a smile and waved: "Hello, handsome guy, we meet again."

"Hello." Li Zedao nodded with a smile, and then looked at Zheng Wan'er. The latter had a faint smile on his face, and there was a touch of shyness between his brows. After seeing Li Zedao looking at her, he nodded slightly, and then quickly put His eyes turned aside, not daring to face Li Zedao.

At the same time, a faint light flashed in the depths of Li Zedao's eyes, and he was already full of doubts.

Because, he actually smelled a faint scent of jasmine from this Zheng Wan'er!

Yes, that jasmine smell that was replaced by another strange smell last night is back!

"Then, handsome guy, now I'm handing over our Wan'er to you flawlessly. You have to protect her well and don't hit her with any crooked ideas, or I won't spare you!" Qi Xiaojuan waved at Li Zedao Fist threatened.

Li Zedao nodded with a smile and said nothing.

"Okay, don't you have something to do? Hurry up and go." Zheng Waner pushed Qi Xiaojuan lightly and smiled.

"Okay, you can't wait, you lousy girl who forgets her friends because of sex? Miss Zheng Wan'er, let me warn you. If you dare to stay out of the night like last night, I will call the police."

"Go to hell, don't talk nonsense, what do you mean by staying out at night? Didn't I call you last night? I met a good sister from my university. She went to DJ for a trip, so I stayed with her for one night. Zheng Wan'er said dumbfoundedly, "If you don't believe me, I'll give you her phone number, and you can ask her to see if I was with her last night."

As he spoke, he looked at Li Zedao. Obviously, these words were explained to Li Zedao, as if he was worried that Li Zedao might misunderstand something.

Li Zedao still had a faint smile on his face, but at the same time, his thoughts were surging, didn't he come back last night? Sure enough, there is a problem.

"Who knows which handsome guy I'm with? Talk about life, talk about ideals, and study the structure of the human body by the way." Qi Xiaojuan said very toughly, but her eyes were full of ambiguity and looked at Li Zedao, she was unwavering I think that Zheng Wan'er must have been with this handsome guy last night.

"Go to hell!" Zheng Wan'er stretched out her blushing hand to Qi Xiaojuan's armpit, trying to tickle it.

"Ah, you bastard, you're doing this trick again..." Qi Xiaojuan smiled exaggeratedly, slapped Zheng Wan'er's hands off, and ran away.

Li Zedao looked at this scene with a faint smile on his face, and his mind became even more uneasy. Is this Zheng Wan'er real or fake?

Or, this Zheng Wan'er is real, but the one I met last night is fake? Li Zedao couldn't help scolding himself for being an idiot in his mind. If the one he met last night was a fake, how could there be such a thing as thanking him for dinner now?

"Gah!" A luxury car suddenly stopped in front of Zheng Wan'er and Qi Xiaojuan who were playing around, and then the door was pushed open, and a thin man in a white suit jacket and Armani toad glasses opened the door and got out of the car.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, so even if this man is not good-looking and his figure makes people feel insecure, Qi Xiaojuan can't help but be accompanied by a sports car, a famous brand and an upstart temperament. Live in a psychological amazement.

There is a saying that goes like this, if you are not handsome, then please be sure to have a good father. This is the mate selection criteria of many women, including Qi Xiaojuan, and it just so happens that men meet the second criterion.

It's just that when Qi Xiaojuan saw the man's face clearly, the expression on her face froze slightly, and she turned her head to look at Zheng Wan'er. Zheng Wan'er also looked a little puzzled, wondering why this young man who was flaunting his might in the company will appear here.

The man's name is Hong Hao, and he is the son of Hong Xiutian, the deputy director of the airline where Zheng Wan'er and the others work. Or simply follow on the plane and fly around the world.

Because of his status, basically no one dared to provoke him in the group company, and he didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so the upper management just turned a blind eye and let him do what he wanted. Of course, he is also loved by many female employees and stewardesses. Some time ago, he had a hot fight with a stewardess, and he followed the stewardess when she was flying.

Such a playboy who they had met several times before but had never been in contact with suddenly appeared in front of them, and they couldn't help but wonder.

"Isn't this Young Master Hong?" Qi Xiaojuan greeted with a smile. Although the appearance has not fully evolved into a human being, but after all, his identity and wealth are there, so Miss Qi still finds him very pleasing to the eye, at least not to offend. I just don't know why I came here, could it be that this Huahua young man fell in love with someone again so he chased after him?

Qi Xiaojuan's thought skipped a little bit, wouldn't this ugly monster fall in love with my old lady?

Hong Hao took off his sunglasses smartly, smiled at Qi Xiaojuan, and then looked at Zheng Wan'er who was standing there, his eyes became hot all of a sudden, and he said affectionately: "Wan'er, I miss you, so I crossed the ocean Come to see you."

"..." The corners of Zheng Wan'er's mouth twitched, goosebumps all over her body.

Qi Xiaojuan's eyes widened, so, why did this Huahua young man suddenly have such a thought for falling in love with Wan'er, so he chased after the island country dj? While he was slightly relieved, he looked at Zheng Wan'er with pity already.

As for Li Zedao, although he was wondering and vigilant at this moment, he couldn't help laughing after hearing this. It turns out that love words can be said so clearly and refined.

Then, Hong Hao opened the door of the luxury car very gentlemanly, looked back at Zheng Wan'er and made an invitation gesture and said domineeringly: "Wan'er, get in the car, I will take you to a very beautiful place .”

The muscles on Zheng Wan'er's face twitched even more, she waved her hand and said, "I'm sorry, we're actually not familiar with each other, and we haven't even spoken to each other before, have we?"

Of course, if it were those money-worshiping girls, after being invited by this man to get into that luxury car, they probably couldn't wait to get in the car.

"Wan'er, I know, it was my fault before, I ignored your beauty, so I didn't go to look for you, so it's understandable that you have complaints, so I'm very sincere to tell you now, I'm sorry!" Hong Hao blamed himself, followed by a look of affection, "But I would swear to God, from now on, you are the only one in my eyes, you are the only one in my world, where are you? It’s right there, I’ll accompany you wherever you want, and I’ll help you buy whatever you want!”

"I don't know what you're talking about." Zheng Wan'er said with great difficulty, mainly because she was so disgusted with nausea that she felt like throwing up, and the goosebumps fell all over the ground decisively. She turned her head and looked at Li Zedao, with a hint of asking for help in her eyes ,"Let's go."

"Okay, let's get in the car." Li Zedao smiled and opened the co-pilot's door for him.

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