The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1613 The Violent Passenger II

It is even more difficult to believe that what is happening now is Hong Hao who was thrown into the garbage dump. He is still suspecting that all this is just a dream. After all, he has had similar dreams of being bullied before.

But the hotness on his face, the pain like a broken bone all over his body, and the pungent smell around him told him ruthlessly, this is real, this is not a dream!

He was beaten up severely, and what's even more insulting is that he was thrown in this stinking garbage dump as garbage!

However, Hong Hao didn't dare to move. He pretended that he had passed out. He had no choice. He fell down without any room for resistance.

If he moved, would he continue to beat him? But the stench made his stomach twist for a while, as if something was about to come out, so he could only tightly shut his mouth, and then his cheeks became more and more bulging, He couldn't close his mouth anymore, he opened his mouth, and a lot of vomit came out of his mouth.

Seeing the two girls staring at him in astonishment, Li Zedao smiled and said, "Wait for me to get off, I'll make a phone call and ask someone to dispose of that trash."

In Li Zedao's opinion, that guy was no different from trash, so he threw him into the trash.

Qi Xiaojuan looked away from him with great difficulty, then glanced at Hong Hao who was in the garbage dump not far away, rubbed her astonished face fiercely, and said in a low voice with great difficulty: "Wan'er , am I not dreaming?"

"No." Zheng Wan'er looked at Li Zedao's back, and said softly, "Don't worry, he will take care of it, and you won't be fired."

Zheng Wan'er was so sure that Qi Xiaojuan was stunned again, and her gaze once again fell on Li Zedao, who was on the phone not far away: "His background is very big?"

"Although I don't know his specific origin, do you know what I saw yesterday?" Zheng Wan'er whispered, "A convoy of six Lexus lx and one Lexus luxury car arrived at the airport. Come to pick him up, do you think his background will be small?"

"Ah?" Qi Xiaojuan looked at Li Zedao's back, her face full of disbelief, and she whispered, "Oh my god, could he be some kind of domineering president in legend? Wan'er, you have to hurry up for such a boy. It would be a big loss if it was robbed."

"What are you talking about? He and I are at most...friends. It's not as complicated as you think. I invite him to dinner to thank him for his help." Zheng Wan'er whispered a little guilty, and then her tone inevitably became sad, "Furthermore, He already has a girlfriend, who is beautiful."

"Ah? I have a girlfriend, and she's very pretty? Is it real or not? Have you seen it?" Qi Xiaojuan was stunned for a moment. Doesn't this mean that she finally found a treasure but was told that the treasure belongs to the state?

Zheng Wan'er nodded: "You've seen it before, it's the female passenger sitting in front of him on the plane, that's his girlfriend."

"It's her?" The enviable face appeared in Qi Xiaojuan's mind, and Qi Xiaojuan's mind was already full of powerlessness.

"Wan'er, you should change your target." Qi Xiaojuan sighed slightly, patted Zheng Wan'er on the shoulder and said, "The opponent is too tough, although you are my good sister, I really don't think you have any chance of winning, really I don't think you have the ability to lure that man away from her. Her beauty... really makes people jealous.


Anyway, if Zheng Wan'er can snatch Li Zedao from such a woman in the end, Qi Xiaojuan will not believe anything, unless there is a miracle, such as Li Zedao's eyes are really blind, then there is nothing to say, but how is this possible?

"Go to hell, I've said it all, we're just ordinary friends." Zheng Wan'er said dumbfoundedly, but there was a trace of strange emotion in her eyes.

After making the phone call, Li Zedao turned around and walked back, looked at the two girls and said, "I happen to have an elder who is one of the shareholders of the airline you work for, and I just called him and briefly explained what happened. Don't worry, he will come forward to deal with it, and you will definitely not be expelled."

"Really?" Qi Xiaojuan's eyes lit up suddenly, and then she felt that her tone was obviously questioning the overbearing president's words, so she quickly explained, "It's not that I don't believe it, I just want to ask, you That elder is... oh, I just want to find a time to thank him properly."

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, what did you say if you didn't believe it?

"Oh, my elder is called Baili Changhe." Li Zedao didn't hide it either.

"Hundred Li Changhe?" The two girls had expressions of astonishment on their faces, obviously they knew exactly what the name meant.

After getting into the car, Zheng Wan'er obviously hadn't recovered from the shock, and after a while she glanced at Li Zedao's side face, and said with great difficulty, "I didn't expect Mr. Baili to be your elder..."

Li Zedao smiled and said nothing more.

"You have helped me and Xiaojuan a lot this time, it seems that treating you to a meal is not enough." Zheng Wan'er said jokingly.

"Then why don't you just ask for a few more meals?" Li Zedao responded with a smile, his tone was also joking, "I'm afraid I'll leave you poor, I have a lot of food."

"Haha, you can eat as much as you can. At worst, you can ask someone to borrow money." Zheng Wan'er said with a smile, "I'm afraid I'll ask you out when the time comes, and you won't have time."

Li Zedao smiled, but did not respond.

"By the way, it's okay for us to leave him there, right?" Zheng Wan'er asked worriedly. She got into Li Zedao's car, Zheng Wan'er hailed a taxi and left. As for that Hong Hao, he was still lying pitifully in the garbage dump.

"Don't worry, I'm going to be careful, I won't die, and besides, I think his old man will contact him soon and tell him to go back?" Li Zedao said indifferently.

Zheng Wan'er nodded in agreement, after all, Baili Changhe came forward, even Hong Xiutian, who is the vice chairman of the group, would have to break out in a cold sweat.

"Where are you going?" Li Zedao asked while the car was driving aimlessly. Of course, Li Zedao's heart has always been extremely vigilant. After all, this woman's skills may not be inferior to his own, and if she is too careless, she may suffer a big loss.

"Turn right at the intersection ahead, and I'll take you to a sushi restaurant to eat sushi...Of course, if you don't like sushi, we can change to another place, depending on what you want to eat." Zheng Wan'er said with a slight smile.

"I'm not picky about food, do you like sushi?" Li Ze said.

"I like it very much." Zheng Wan'er said, and licked her lips cutely, "Every time I fly to the island country, I will eat it to my heart's content. It's a pity that I only have one day off today, and I will have it tomorrow." flew back."

"Tomorrow." Li Zedao nodded, thinking that if she really had a problem, would she do it today? Or do you want to find some reason to ask for leave and continue to stay in the island country to dj?

Thinking about the possibility that the opponent might make a move, Li Zedao became even more vigilant.

"So, I will eat a lot in a while, and you will laugh at me then." Zheng Wan'er said.

Li Zedao laughed: "I'm ugly, I'm afraid you'll laugh at me."

"That..." After Zheng Wan'er smiled, she hesitated for a while, and still asked in a joking tone, "You come out to eat with girls, your girlfriend won't misunderstand why she is jealous, right?"

Li Zedao glanced at her and smiled, and said with certainty, "No, she's used to it."

"Are you used to it?" Zheng Wan'er was taken aback, "That is to say, you often eat with girls?"

Li Zedao touched his smooth chin, and said in a very stinky way: "Of course, I will tell you that I am very popular with girls, and many girls are waiting in line to invite me to dinner."

Zheng Wan'er was overjoyed, and laughed like a silver bell and said, "Well, I just barely believe what you said is true."

"It's true." Li Zedao said helplessly.

In the following journey, as the two gradually became acquainted, the topics became more casual and natural. Li Zedao intentionally asked a lot about Zheng Waner's work and life. Some wonderful people and interesting things I met at work.

As for Li Zedao, he also briefly explained his own situation. A sophomore student majoring in archeology at Phoenix University, his family is in business. As for coming to the island country, it was because a friend had something happened in the island country, so he came to help solve it.

Finally, the car slowly stopped at the entrance of the sushi restaurant that Zheng Waner wanted to go to. Li Zedao looked at the restaurant and was slightly taken aback.

He is quite familiar with this restaurant. Gao and Yingying visited it when he first came to the island country. This sushi restaurant has many good and bad memories for Yingying.

Noticing Li Zedao's gaze, Zheng Wan'er asked, "Come here?"

Li Zedao smiled and nodded: "I've been here once before, and the sushi tastes really good."

Zheng Wan'er nodded and said with a smile: "I've been here once before, and I think it's good, but... the price is much more expensive than other places, and I don't have the money to come here often to eat sushi."

Zheng Wan'er looked at Li Zedao and stuck out her tongue cutely.

Li Zedao laughed: "Why do I think that you are implying that I remember to pay after eating?"

"How can you say it so bluntly? Besides, I'll give you a chance to be a gentleman, isn't it good?" Zheng Wan'er giggled, then walked into the sushi restaurant.

The situation in the sushi restaurant is no different from when Li Zedao came here before, the environment is quiet and elegant, full of atmosphere.

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