The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1614 Call for help

It's just that because it is daytime, there are not too many customers in the sushi restaurant, which seems a bit deserted. Only at night, there will be more people here.

Zheng Wan'er is proficient in Island Mandarin, and after communicating with the waiter, the waiter quickly led them to a seat.

This made Li Zedao think it was a coincidence, because when he came with Yingying and Antarctica that day, he sat in this seat. Sitting in this seat, he could see the scenery of this small shop and the small courtyard, or the cherry blossoms in full bloom, or It's snowflakes flying, that kind of scenery is very beautiful.

Of course, Zheng Wan'er obviously didn't know that this seat was good, she had chosen it arbitrarily when she booked the seat online.

Li Zedao is not picky about food, so the ordering is naturally left to Zheng Wan'er. She can just order an extra serving of the kind of food she likes. Li Zedao shook his head resolutely for Daoguo sake. He has never caught a cold for drinks that contain alcohol.

It may be because of her occupation, so Zheng Wan'er can be said to be a very good chat partner, whether it is literature, history, art, clothing, cosmetics, politics, economy, military, high-tech products, or cold jokes, she will Dabble, and she can take good care of your emotions.

Li Zedao couldn't help but sigh, this woman's knowledge is really terribly rich, and she has no problem at all with beating herself up.

"The main reason is that I usually like to read books, and I read a lot of them. In addition, the ones who fly here and there are not all djs from island countries. They also flew to those countries in Europe before, so I know a little about these things. Of course, they are just superficial. If I go down, I won't be able to." Zheng Wan'er stuck out her tongue, fully showing her distinctive cuteness.

Looking at the lilac tongue, Li Zedao smiled and said, "It's already very powerful."

Zheng Wan'er smiled shyly, and was about to say something when the cell phone in her pocket rang.

"Sorry, I'll answer the call." Zheng Wan'er looked at Li Ze and smiled apologetically, then opened her bag and took out her cell phone. It was an unfamiliar phone number, but it was a call from China.

"Hi, hello." She said after picking it up.

"Hello, is this Zheng Wan'er, Miss Zheng?" A gentle voice came over.

"I'm Zheng Wan'er, who are you?" Zheng Wan'er asked, the other party's voice was a little strange to her.

"Oh, I'm Hong Xiutian."

"Ah...Hello, Director Hong." Zheng Wan'er came to her senses and hurriedly greeted her, then her slightly wide eyes fell on Li Zedao, presumably that Hong Xiutian had already got the news, so why did she call to apologize for his son?

"I have already understood what happened. I am very angry and sorry that my son did such a bastard thing. Before I called you, I had already called the kid and reprimanded him severely. Guaranteed He won't appear in front of you in the future." Hong Xiutian said, "Also, I have informed your manager to give you and Ms. Qi a two-week paid vacation, so you can adjust your mood in these few days. Don't lose your good mood just because of that bastard."

"Okay, I will, thank you Director Hong." Zheng Wan'er said quickly.

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Wan'er looked at Li Zedao with a smile and said, "Hong Hao's father called."

Li Zedao nodded with a smile. This kind of thing was expected. After all, Baili Changhe came forward in person, so it would be too bad for him not to show face.

"He said that he had already scolded his son severely, and promised that his son would not appear in front of me in the future, and also helped Xiaojuan and I take a two-week vacation, so that we could adjust our mood. Zheng Wan'er looked at it and said with a smile, "This way I can stay in the island country for a few more days... that's great."

"It's so good because I ate more sushi?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"Ah, that's not it?" Zheng Wan'er rolled her eyes at Li Zedao with a smile, and then said pitifully, "Besides, how can I have so much money to eat more sushi? I'm not like Qi Xiaojuan, who has a Qian's boyfriend can take her to eat all kinds of delicious food at any time. Maybe she can't even afford instant noodles later. Even instant noodles are very expensive in this island country. How much money."

Li Zedao clicked his tongue. A bowl of instant noodles costs more than 20 yuan, which is indeed expensive enough.

After finishing the meal, Li Zedao took the initiative to pay the money like a gentleman, Zheng Wan'er didn't insist, but said with a smile: "Then it's settled, I will treat you next time."

"Next time please." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

Li Zedao is also confused now, he can't tell if this woman is acting, is he really conquered by his handsomeness? If that's the case, Li Zedao really doesn't mind taking him in. With such a woman who is not weaker than him by his side, if the two of them work together, they will have to lie down regardless of the skull or fc.

But what if she was acting? In fact, she was not sure about taking herself down, so she was silently looking for a fatal blow to herself?

Or, give it a try?

Li Zedao quickly denied his own thoughts. After all, he was not sure of absolute suppression, so let's continue to talk for a while, at least staring at this seemingly harmless but terrifying woman, Li Zedao's psychology can also Have a bottom.

After making up his mind, Li Zedao took the initiative to say: "It's still early, where are we going next... Oh, anyway, I don't have anything to do, I just want to get acquainted with the DJ, although I've been here before, but I haven't had a good time yet. Of course, if you have something to do, I will send you back first."

"Ah... I'm fine, I just want to go shopping." Zheng Wan'er's eyes flashed a gleam of joy, and her small face was filled with a little excitement that couldn't be concealed. Obviously, she didn't expect Li Zedao to propose it on her own initiative. The little hands clenched into fists.

"Then go to Disney? I've always wanted to go, but I haven't had the chance." Zheng Wan'er looked at Li Zedao expectantly and asked, obviously she was very interested in that place.

Li Zedao nodded and smiled, "Then go to Disney."

After confirming the next destination, Li Zedao and Zheng Waner returned to the car parked in front of the store. Just as Li Zedao started the car, Zheng Waner's phone rang in her bag.

After expressing her apologies, Zheng Wan'er took out her cell phone, saw that it was Qi Xiaojuan's call, and immediately picked it up, Xiaoxiao was just about to say something, when she heard Qi Xiaojuan's extremely anxious and even crying voice: "Wan'er, Are you with that domineering president now..."

Zheng Wan'er's heart tightened slightly, you know, Qi Xiaojuan has always been aggressive, and she has never been so helpless as she is now, so maybe something happened, she glanced at Li Zedao and said, "Xiaojuan, I'm with him Well... what happened? Don't worry, speak slowly..."

"I... Minghao and I were trapped in a casino, and the other party said that if the money is not paid within an hour, they will chop off all of Minghao's hands and feet, and let me film AV until the money is returned. Until the money is gone..."

Zheng Wan'er frowned instantly. Ming Hao was Qi Xiaojuan's rich boyfriend. Zheng Wan'er had met him once before. According to Qi Xiaojuan, his family was in the clothing business, and he was quite rich. Today Qi Xiaojuan dressed up beautifully. It was just to pick up Minghao who came to find her from the island country dj, why did the two of them go to some casino?

"How much is owed to the casino?" Zheng Wan'er asked.

"Two hundred million island national currency..." Qi Xiaojuan's voice was full of tears and a hint of despair.

"Two hundred million..." Zheng Wan'er's complexion changed, and her expression was a little dazed. The island country currency is not that valuable, but the 200 million island country currency is worth more than eleven million when converted into Huaxia currency. These two guys, What the hell are you playing? How did you lose so much money all of a sudden?

"Woo... Wan'er, Minghao dare not tell his family that his parents are not in good health. Telling them is afraid of scaring them away. Besides, he is far away in China, so he can't raise that much money in a short time. I thought about it." Think, only the domineering president can help me and Minghao now, Waner, I beg you, please tell him quickly, ask him for help, return the money to the casino first, after the money, Minghao and I will definitely return it to him " Qi Xiaojuan begged.

"But..." Zheng Wan'er's expression was extremely troubled, didn't Qi Xiaojuan go to the doctor in a hurry? Not to mention that she and Li Zedao are not familiar to that extent at all, even if they are familiar, it would be extremely embarrassing to borrow 10 million as soon as they ask, right?

"Wan'er, I know this will embarrass you, but I really can't help it, I beg you, now only the domineering president can save me and Minghao, if he doesn't do anything, we are really doomed, we will Here at Fengchen Casino, you quickly bring him here..." Qi Xiaojuan continued to plead, "That's it, I'll wait for you..."

"Hello..." Hearing the beeping busy tone from the phone, Zheng Wan'er's face was very ugly and tangled, she bit her lip lightly, looked up at Li Zedao, opened her mouth, and finally didn't say a word speak out.

"Qi Xiaojuan has an accident? Tell me, I will help if I can." Li Zedao looked at this woman with a slightly painful expression, who was hesitant to speak, and said softly.

Zheng Wan'er nodded slightly, took a deep breath and said, "Qi Xiaojuan said that she and her boyfriend are currently trapped in a casino named Fengchen. The people in the casino said that they should prepare 200 million island national currency in an hour. Otherwise, her boyfriend's hands and feet will be cut off, and Xiaojuan will even be asked to shoot the AV to pay back the money..."

Li Zedao frowned slightly, nodded and asked, "So Qi Xiaojuan wants to borrow money from me through you to return it to the casino?"

It seemed that Qi Xiaojuan had a bit of a brain, and was very good at making use of the only connections she had, so she suddenly thought that she might be able to save them.

Zheng Wan'er bit her lip lightly, and nodded with a bitter expression: "This is not a small sum, so... I will get off the car ahead and treat you to dinner another day."

She really had no choice but no reason to say this to Li Zedao. After all, the two of them are just ordinary friends who can talk at most.

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