The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1616 Gambling Master

Zheng Wan'er smiled, her eyes almost turned into crescent moons, and the dark fear on her face had dissipated a lot.

"Call Qi Xiaojuan first, and tell her that the person who gave the money has arrived." Li Zedao said.

Zheng Wan'er quickly took out her mobile phone from her bag, found Qi Xiaojuan's phone number and dialed it, the phone was picked up quickly, and Qi Xiaojuan's voice that was so surprised that she was about to cry came over: "Wan'er, are you here? "

"It's at the door, don't worry, I will rescue you soon." Zheng Wan'er comforted softly.

"Oh, thank you, Wan'er." Qi Xiaojuan cried.

After a burst of noise, a man's gloomy voice came over: "Did you bring 200 million yen?" He seemed to think that the other party didn't understand the island language, so he spoke very blunt Chinese.

Zheng Wan'er looked at Li Zedao, who nodded, Zheng Wan'er took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down and said, "Bring it."

"Wait at the door, I'll send someone down to pick you up!" After the other party finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

In less than five minutes, a man with a fierce face came out, glanced at Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er with indifferent eyes, and then said in blunt Chinese, "Come with me."

"Let's speak the island language, we can understand it." Li Zedao responded in the island language with a smile. This guy speaks Huaxia with so much effort, Li Zedao was worried that he might bite his tongue.

The man frowned and glanced at Li Zedao a few times. He obviously didn't expect that the boy didn't mean to be afraid at all. This was beyond his expectation. He snorted coldly and said nothing, and led the way ahead.

Li Zedao smiled, followed behind them, and entered the casino under the watchful eyes of all around.

As for Zheng Wan'er, she followed closely behind Li Zedao, not daring to cast her eyes casually, even her chest was almost pressed against Li Zedao's back.

At this moment, a strong hand suddenly grasped her little hand that was already covered with cold sweat, and then a soft voice sounded: "Don't be afraid, I'll be fine."

Zheng Wan'er's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably, and her face was already blushing.

"Hmm." She looked at the generous back close at hand, felt the temperature and strength of those big hands, and hummed softly.

In Li Zedao's heart, he couldn't help but feel emotional again. He is really a monstrous character, but he can act so nuancedly. The quickened heartbeat, the slightly trembling hands and the sweat on the palms are not easy to do. If she is allowed to enter the show business circle, her acting skills will probably make those little fresh meat who rely on their faces for food and exaggerated acting skills die of shame, right?

At the same time, a thought suddenly popped up in his heart, why don't we just hit hard? But what if he fails to completely piss off this woman who still doesn't know whether she is an enemy or a friend? At that time, if she directly broke into the Qingyun headquarters in anger, I am afraid that even if she blocked it, she would be killed or injured, right?

Thinking that the consequences would be very serious, Li Zedao had to quickly suppress that thought completely.

The casino is full of people and lively, and there are all kinds of common games. It is not much different from the scenes in the casinos that Li Zedao has seen in the past. Of course, its luxury is comparable to those super casinos in Las Vegas. Speaking of it, there is naturally no comparison, but in the place of dj, the scale is relatively large.

Of course, as long as you have money, you can visit the first floor and the second floor here to play! As for the third and fourth floors, even if you have money, you can't go in without permission. Life is gone.

Because it was the playground for the important guests of the Sumiyoshi Association, and the offices of the big and small bosses were also here, including the Fujii who He Xiaoyue mentioned had the four-of-hearts playing card.

Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er were taken straight to the fourth floor by the man, and finally came to a room.

At the door of the house, there were four or five men in black with the same fierce face standing there, either smoking a cigarette, or playing with the knife in their hands. After seeing Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er, all of them had sneers on their faces. One watched Zheng Wan'er whistle with a wretched smile, and muttered a few words.

Then Li Zedao felt the little hand that he held in his palm tremble slightly, looked back at Zheng Waner's pale smiling face, and comforted him in a low voice: "Don't worry, it's fine."

Li Zedao felt that if he entered the showbiz with his acting skills, those little fresh meats would feel ashamed and want to die.

After the man who brought Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er up knocked on the door, he gently pushed the door open respectfully, looked back at Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er, immediately changed his bloody face, and said coldly: "Go in. , Mr. Fujii is waiting for you inside."

Li Zedao smiled faintly, and walked into the room holding Zheng Wan'er's hand. After the two entered, the man closed the door from the outside.

As soon as the two entered, a dozen or so eyes swished and fell on them all at once.

This is an office that is about a hundred square meters. In front of the desk in the middle, a middle-aged man who is as fat as a hill is sitting on that wide chair. The only clothes on his body are that big vest. The fat that was exposed to the air was filled with all kinds of tattoos, and there was even a layer of disgusting oil on it.

A pair of wooden clogs were worn on those fat feet, a gold chain as thick as a thumb was on his chest, and a lighted cigar was held in his right hand. He squinted slightly at Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er who came in, like a hunter staring at him. Looks like its own prey.

What's even more exaggerated is that at this moment, a woman with a big spring on her chest was kneeling under his crotch, as if there was no one else around, her expression was lascivious but she was doing huffing and puffing hard, which made Zheng Wan'er's mouth drop when she saw it. Immediately, his eyeballs dilated, his heart was beating wildly, and then he quickly looked away, and a blush appeared on his little face.

Li Zedao looked at the fat pig in front of him, thinking that he must be the Fujii holding the four-of-hearts playing card, right? Sure enough, people really can't look good. Who would have thought that this dead fat pig is actually a master of gambling. You must know that anyone with special poker cards thrown into any casino in Las Vegas will be killed. treated very highly.

There are more than a dozen men scattered around, some are sitting, some are standing, some are smoking, some are holding a pack of poker cards, some are playing with knives, and even wiping them with a cloth. There are also those with shining pistols, but without exception, their eyes are all on Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er, full of sinister and playful eyes.

At the same time, there were two people kneeling on the ground with their heads in their arms. One of them was a young man in his twenties. His right cheek was red and swollen, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. It was conceivable that he had been repaired. The expressions of the two of them were instantly ecstatic, and their throats wriggled as they wanted to say something, like a drowning man grabbing a straw.

The other one is Qi Xiaojuan. There is no trace of beating on this woman's face, but the face is already crying, and because of fear, it looks funny and weird. After seeing Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er, this woman , because of the excitement, because of the grievance, because of the rest of the life after the catastrophe, so I cried again: "Woooo... Wan'er, you are finally here..."

"Baga, shut up!" A man standing next to her scolded with a bad expression, and even slapped Zheng Xiaojuan directly on the head. Damn Chinese woman, did I let you speak?

Zheng Xiaojuan trembled, and quickly bit her lips, not daring to say anything more, looking at Zheng Wan'er and Li Zedao, her eyes were full of joy, obviously she believed that this dared to beat Hong Hao into a strip Dead Dog's domineering president can definitely take them away from here.

Seeing this, Zheng Wan'er's face turned ugly, and the little hand held by Li Zedao tightened slightly.

Li Zedao gently patted her little hand with the other hand, signaling her not to worry, he will take care of it, then his eyes fell on the man who was really staring at him and his body was like a hill, and said lightly: "You Alright, Mr. Fujii."

"You know me?" Fujii squinted his eyes and looked at this man who came to this kind of place with such a relaxed expression on his face that he didn't panic at all. He was a little surprised in his heart. This damn Chinese pig's psychological quality is still good. Yes, of course the other party's calmness made him really unhappy.

And he also knows himself, so which gang? The damn Huaxia Gang Qingyun people?

"Who doesn't know Mr. Fujii who holds a special four-of-hearts poker card from the famous Sumiyoshi Association?" Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Are you a gambler too?" Fujii asked.

"Oh, no, I'm a chef." Li Zedao denied.

"..." Fujii looked at Li Zedao even more strangely. As for Zheng Wan'er and Qi Xiaojuan, their eyes widened slightly. They never thought that Li Zedao would introduce himself as a chef.

But Fujii didn't say anything, and even closed his eyes. The next second, he pressed down hard on the head of the woman kneeling under his crotch, and his breath became thicker. In a second, the fat all over his body trembled even more violently, and let out a low growl, like a pig in heat screaming over there. A strange smell.

Zheng Wan'er naturally understood what happened, she had a weird expression on her face, she even covered her mouth and nose with her little hand and retched a few times.

Li Zedao always had a faint smile on his face, as if nothing happened.

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