The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1617 leave the arm

After venting, Fujii directly kicked over and kicked the woman aside roughly. The woman licked her lips with a look of unfinished expression, twisted her waist and got up and went into the back room. At the same time, a The younger brother hurried forward and gently covered Fujii's crotch with the bath towel in his hand.

Fujii stuffed the cigar in his hand into his mouth and took a deep puff, leaned forward slightly, looked at Li Zedao with squinted eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "I don't care who you are, I will keep 400 million, and then I will allow you Take people away."

As soon as these words came out, Ming Hao, Qi Xiaojuan, who was kneeling on the ground, and Zheng Wan'er, who was standing behind Li Zedao, all changed their colors.

"'s obviously 200 million..." Before Ming Hao could finish his sentence, he was slapped heavily on the face, and his face was even more swollen now, and the slit at the corner of his mouth was even bigger, and the blood couldn't stop. Stop popping up.

"Baga, did I ask you to speak?" The man who slapped him cursed with a full face, "Do you believe that I cut off your tongue?"

"Minghao..." Qi Xiaojuan saw her boyfriend being beaten, her face was full of panic, her heart was pierced like a knife, but she bit her lip tightly, not daring to make a sound.

"400 million?" The expression on Li Zedao's face remained unchanged.

"400 million! However, the right hand of that pig must be kept. This is the rule of our casino. If he dares to cheat in our casino, he should have the consciousness of having his hand cut off." Fujii glanced at the kneeling place Ming Hao looked back at Li Zedao again and said coldly.

The reason why 200 million became 400 million is mainly because the boy who came to lead the people was too calm. Isn't this not giving him Fujii face? Did you see me, Fujii, trembling all over? You are so calm, doesn't it seem that I, Fujii, are not scary at all? So Fujii was very upset, and if he was unhappy, he would directly increase the price.

Hearing that even if they gave 400 million, their hands would still be cut off, Ming Hao, Qi Xiaojuan and Zheng Wan'er turned pale again, even Ming Hao was so frightened that his body was trembling slightly, he could not even kneel steadily.

Li Zedao's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't feel that Fujii was lying. It seemed that Qi Xiaojuan's boyfriend had indeed cheated, so he was brought under control.

Li Zedao looked at Ming Hao who was about to piss in fear, and sighed slightly, it wasn't your fault for cheating, the fault was that you caught him on the spot, if the other party didn't cut off your hands and feet, whose hands and feet would they cut off?

Li Zedao's indifferent expression fell into Fujii's eyes, and it made him even more angry. The kid's calmness really made him very upset and wanted to go crazy.

"400 million island national not a lot, so money is not the problem, the problem is... I have no money." Li Zedao looked at Fujii, waved his hand, and said in the island language.

"..." Ming Hao's body fell limply to the ground, and if he could, he wanted to jump up and bite the rescuer Qi Xiaojuan brought to death.

Qi Xiaojuan stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes. If she didn't know her situation at this time, she would have been yelling at her by now. If you don't have money, you should have said it earlier. Isn't this making us happy?

Zheng Wan'er, who was standing behind Li Zedao, also had a strange expression, and the corners of her mouth twitched a few times. The point is, he first said that the 400 million island national currency is not much, but then he said that I have no money... This really makes people want to go crazy, how can he be so... so cheap?

Looking at the back, Zheng Wan'er's eyes already had a strange glint flickering in the depths.


What a fun little man. " she murmured mentally.

Sure enough, Fujii went crazy, the fat on his face twitched wildly, the feeling of being played like a fool was too bad. The men with fierce expressions in the room also went crazy, and surrounded them all at once. Even, one of them even showed a pistol, and the muzzle of the gun was directly pressed against Li Zedao's head, and he said viciously: " Baga, you damn pig, do you want to die?"

Seeing that the other party even took out a pistol, Zheng Wan'er's face turned even paler, her eyes showed a look of horror, and her little hands tightly grasped the clothes on Li Zedao's back. up.

Li Zedao once again marveled at this woman's complete participation in the play, and looked at Fujii whose eyes had completely cooled down with a faint smile while acting with her soul, and said: "Mr. Fujii, just kidding, I am rich, 400 million The island currency is really nothing to me, if you don’t believe me, take a look.”

As he said that, Li Zedao reached into his pocket and fumbled, and found out a black bank card. He waved it in front of Fujii: "All my money is in this bank card."

When Fujii saw the black card, his eyes narrowed slightly. He had seen this kind of black card of the highest level in Swiss banks before, and his cousin, the president of the Sumiyoshi Association, had one in his hand. So he was clear about how much money he had to have to have such a black card that represented his identity. Therefore, this kid was really joking when he said that he had no money. Not only was he rich, but he was also very rich!

In addition, he is not just a simple upstart, his background is probably not small, otherwise it would be impossible to face them and even be held in the head with a gun, and he can be so indifferent. Seems to be very familiar with Sumiyoshi...

As for his nonsense that he is a chef, Kita Fujii simply forgot, whoever believes it is a big idiot.

While his thoughts were surging, Fujii waved his hands, and the surrounding men immediately dispersed, then he looked at Li Zedao, and said lightly: "I was just joking, saying that 200 million is 200 million, so leave 200 million , leave the kid's hand, and then you can go."

Although the tone was flat, there was no doubt about it, that is to say, even if the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu came to this matter, it would still be so settled.

Now that he realized that the other party's background might not be small, although Sumiyoshi would not be afraid of trouble, he was unwilling to take the initiative to provoke those troublesome forces, so Fujii decided to follow the rules.

In the casino of Sumiyoshikai, according to the rules of the casino, one hand is left plus 200 million island national currency. The damned Huaxia gang has something to do with Qingyun, and they can't find any reason to deal with it like this.

Then he waved his hand: "Drag it out and chop off his right hand."

As soon as Fujii's words fell, two younger brothers went over, one left and one right, and held Minghao's two arms firmly, intending to drag him out and chop off one hand.

"No... no, please... I can give you more money..." Ming Hao's face turned pale with fright, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he begged in a trembling voice, "Qi Xiaojuan, hurry up and beg him , let him save me quickly, don't let them chop off my hand..."

Ms. Qi looked at Zheng Wan'er and Li Zedao with panic eyes, "Wan'er, Li tell them quickly, we are willing to give more money, as long as they don't chop off Minghao's hand..."

Neither Qi Xiaojuan nor Minghao are fools. Seeing this group of vicious men say that they were joking, it means that they know Li Zedao's strength, so they have to compromise to save face. You don't have to be chopped off.

"Zedao..." Zheng Wan'er's small face also turned pale, and she lightly grabbed Li Zedao's clothes on the back, really uneasy.

After Li Zedao turned his head and gave her a reassuring look, he looked at Fujii and said, "Mr. Fujii, please wait a moment..."

"Young man, don't go too far. This is the rule of the casino and must be enforced! Even if you leave more money, even if you ask someone to come forward, his hand will be broken!" Fujii's voice was dark and ruthless Came down, "We Sumiyoshi would not want to take the initiative to cause trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble! If someone breaks our rules, then I'm sorry, and we must pay a heavy price!"

Fujii guessed that Li Zedao had a lot of background, and might even be related to that damn Huaxia Gang Qingyun, so he intentionally put down these harsh words. Sumiyoshikai can give you some face, stop blackmailing you, and follow the rules, but if you want to break our rules, then I'm sorry.

Li Zedao smiled, shook the card in his hand and said: "Mr. Fujii, you misunderstood, I didn't want to break your rules, I just wanted to discuss with you, see if I can bet with you, lose, this I'll keep the card. As for the two of them, you can deal with it as you please, or ask them to find someone to bring the money, or cut off limbs or something, it doesn't matter to me. Let’s forget about his cheating, how about I take both of them, including his arm?”

When Ming Hao and Qi Xiaojuan heard it, they both looked anxious, and even Ming Hao wanted to yell at Li Zedao, and couldn't help but stared at Li Zedao with scarlet eyes and said, "Hey, don't take my life to gamble, okay? What if you lose? What should I do? And why do I feel that you don’t want to spend money to take us out of here, so you want to lose on purpose... Tell you boy, I borrowed it, not to waste your money, and I will return it to you later .”

Li Zedao didn't even bother to look at this guy, he acted like an idiot, what do you mean by wanting to lose on purpose? Do you know how much money I have to lose after losing? Besides, I came to this kind of place because of him anyway, even if I didn't even say thank you, how could I be so arrogant?

If he knows how to cheat, it proves that this guy still has some IQ. A fool doesn't know how to cheat. As for EQ... let's not talk about it.

Qi Xiaojuan was also anxious, thinking that Li Zedao's actions were too much, how could they bet on them? Instead of that, it's better to give 200 million and an arm quickly and leave this ghost place quickly.

Zheng Wan'er frowned, she was really disappointed and even chilled by their reaction, and she looked at Li Zedao with a lot of apologies.

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