The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1618 The Darkness of Human Nature

"Slap!" Minghao's face was slapped again.

"Baga, shut up for me, I'll cut your tongue before the jabbering old man!" After a man with a ferocious expression slapped Minghao, he waved a bright knife in front of him. .

Ming Hao shut up resentfully, and stared at Li Zedao with fixed eyes. He really hated this bastard, and prayed that the fat pig would not agree, otherwise his end would be miserable.

Fujii's originally small eyes were completely narrowed into a line, and he stared at the black card in Li Zedao's hand with a glint of light. Of course he didn't know how much money was in this card, but at least How much money he has, he still knows how much.

"You seem to be very confident?" Fujii asked, with a greedy glint in his eyes. This card is still very attractive to him.

What's more, he didn't think he would lose. After all, he was a master gambler with a four-of-heart poker card in his hand. He was recognized as a master of gamblers in the world! And he is very familiar with those gambling masters, and there is no such person among them, so even if this kid has a hand, it is impossible to compare with him, so Fujii is very confident that he can completely suppress him.

As for whether he will cheat, how could it be impossible to see with Fujii's eyesight? Then I'm really sorry, it's one thing to keep the card, and you have to keep your arm.

"Confidence is not something to talk about, but I am a perfectionist, so I want to take the person out of this place intact, instead of waiting for him to lose an arm before taking him away, which is not perfect for me " Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Besides, I don't really know him well, so it hurts me to spend 200 million island national currency for him, even if I lend him temporarily, who knows Could he be an old Lai and just refuse to pay back the money? That's why I wanted to see if I could get away with it, so that I can take them away without spending money, wouldn't it be perfect?"

Hearing what Li Zedao said, Ming Hao was so angry that the muscles all over his body were twitching. If he was not afraid of being slapped in the face, or even cut off his tongue, he would have wanted to yell.

"Okay, I'll make a bet with you, you can bet whatever you want." Fujii nodded and said.

Minghao's face was completely gray, and the eyes looking at Li Zedao were full of hatred. At this moment, he really hated this bastard. He could obviously save his life, why did he do this? He couldn't imagine what would happen if he lost.

"Then let's roll the dice. I'm pretty good at it, and it's easy." Li Zedao thought for a while and said.

Fujii looked at this confident kid, and sneered psychologically. Coincidentally, I am also quite good at it. When I stood up, my fat body was trembling, and there was even a layer of horrible oily light floating on the surface. Waving, shouted: "Bring the dice."

As soon as the voice fell, two men immediately moved a table and put it in front of Fujii, and put a chair on the other side, and put two dice cups on the table, each with Each has five identical dice.

"Please!" One of the younger brothers made an invitation gesture to Li Zedao. This kid foolishly sent money, so for the sake of money, this younger brother's attitude is quite good... For the bet on sending money to the door Customers, their service attitude is very good.

Li Zedao smiled, just as he was about to walk over, the clothes behind him were pulled down, and when he turned around, he saw Zheng Wan'er looking at him worriedly.

"Don't believe me?" Li Zedao said with a smile, "Don't worry, it will be resolved soon.

Then go to Disney, oh, you have to treat me to dinner tonight. "

"Ah? Well, I believe you." Zheng Wan'er nodded heavily and said, a smile appeared in the corner of her eyes.

At the same time, seeing that things were really going nowhere, both Minghao and Zheng Xiaojuan were heartbroken, especially Minghao, who really wanted to strangle this kid to death. All he could do now was pray, and the other thing was to silently Greetings to all the women of the bastard's family!

Li Zedao sat down on the chair, glanced at the five dice lying in the dice cup, then looked at Fujii and said: "Mr. Fujii, let's shake each one once and compare the size directly. The side with more points wins." , if it’s a tie, continue, no problem?”

"No problem." Fujii waved his hand indifferently, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, tie? This possibility does not exist.

"You come first." Li Zedao nodded and said again.

Fujii glanced at Li Zedao, said nothing, and casually threw five dice on the table, and then the dice cup shook, and the dice automatically entered the dice cup.

It's a perfect fairy dance! There is no way to do it without super high technology! So the eyes of those younger brothers around were full of blazing admiration, and at the same time looked at Li Zedao with a sneer with disdain, and felt that this kid even offered to compete dice with their Master Fujii. It's really ridiculous to challenge the lion.

China pigs are China pigs, and they always like to do such ridiculous things.

Kneeling there, Ming Hao's eyelids twitched wildly when he saw this scene, and his heart sank instantly.

He won a lot of money by playing tricksters before, but in the end he was seen through by this dead fat pig, so he certainly knew that this dead fat pig's gambling skills were not bad, but he didn't expect it to be so terrifying. He knows how to use such a clever technique, so it is impossible for him to lose, so...Ming Hao couldn't help but greeted this bastard's whole family women fiercely in his heart, and even hated Qi Xiaojuan who was beside him , if this idiot hadn't found this bastard, would his situation be so dire?


Fujii saved his energy, or he was too confident in his gambling skills, or he couldn't get excited because the opponent was too weak. If it weren't for the temptation of the money in the black card, he would have I'm too lazy to make a move, after all, it's a matter of course to win, but to lose... how is that possible?

So, after shaking it casually a few times, and with a muffled "bang!", the dice cup was placed on the table, and the fat fingers hooked it backwards.

Immediately, a younger brother who was full of admiration rushed forward, presented a high-quality cigar, and then helped to light it.

Fujii took a puff of his cigar, looked at Li Zedao coldly and said, "Come on, lest you say I did something wrong after losing."

Li Zedao was not polite either, he stretched out his hand with a smile, and lifted the dice cup. For a while, all eyes fell on it, wanting to see the points thrown by Fujii for the first time.

Then four "six" points and one "five" point appeared in front of everyone.

Fujii looked at it, narrowing his eyes slightly. Although the points were only a little less than the leopard, he was still dissatisfied, because according to his level, he could easily shake out the leopard, but he couldn't raise too much just now. The interest shook casually a few times, but he didn't use his full strength.

Of course, being dissatisfied doesn't mean you can't accept it, anyway, you're sure to win, unless that kid can shake out the is that possible? Even if he was allowed to shake the dice for a whole day and even smashed the dice at the end, it was impossible for him to shake the leopard out.

Li Zedao looked at the points, and his mind was slightly shaken. He really deserves to be a gambler holding a four-of-hearts poker card, and he still has some skills. He can shake out such points with a random shake, which is already very strong. up.

Zheng Wan'er looked at it, but her face turned pale. Looking at Li Zedao's back, her small face was already worried, and her little hands were clenched into fists, silently cheering Li Zedao up, and at the same time, praying silently.

As for Qi Xiaojuan and Minghao, their eyes were rounded, especially Minghao, whose expression was gloomy, and his whole body went limp, as if he had lost half his life.

"No... I beg you, this bastard has nothing to do with me betting with you, I am willing to pay 200 million and you cut off one of my hands, please, I won't bet anymore, no I bet..." The extreme psychological panic and the depression of no hope made Minghao go crazy all of a sudden, struggling desperately at the moment, begging for mercy with snot and tears, while begging with vicious Staring at Li Zedao with hostile eyes, if possible, he would like to die with him.

"No...don't gamble... Wan'er, tell him not to gamble, woo..." Qi Xiaojuan was equally terrified, watching Zheng Wan'er begging, if she didn't gamble, Minghao would break an arm at most, and she would be safe and sound , but if you continue to gamble, God knows what will happen? Will she really be caught and filmed in AV?

"You bastard, why should you bet on my life, your mother... Zheng Wan'er, you bitch, stop him quickly..." Ming Hao's emotions were completely out of control, his expression was ferocious and terrifying, and he It's no different from a mad dog, "Qi Xiaojuan, you bitch, I asked you to send rescuers, what do you think you found?"

"Wan'er, hurry up and stop him, hurry up, you want to kill me? I'm so kind to you... Hurry up..." Qi Xiaojuan screamed as she looked at Zheng Wan'er, who had a pale expression but remained motionless.

"Baga! Shut up!" Seeing that the man and woman lost control of their emotions and yelled, the men hurriedly held down their bodies and covered their mouths, and even one of the men He also simply kicked Ming Hao's stomach, making his face twisted into a terrible ball.

Zheng Wan'er's expression was extremely embarrassing, and she was really disappointed with Qi Xiaojuan and Ming Hao's reaction. Is this the so-called darkness of human nature?

She naturally understood why Li Zedao wanted to gamble. He was not at all reluctant to lend the 200 million island national currency to Minghao, nor was he worried that he would renege on the debt in the future. He just didn't want Minghao to lose an arm, but these two people obviously I can't even think of it, and I will only blame it there.

Will he lose? Will not!

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