The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1619 You are old

"Oh, they are really two extremely stupid and disgusting guys." She muttered inwardly, with a trace of sarcasm deep in her eyes.

Fujii's eyes were full of disdain and looked at the guy lying on the ground. He hated the guy who couldn't afford to lose the most in his life. Then he looked at Li Zedao and said coldly: "Although he doesn't seem to need you to save him, the bet has already begun. If you want to quit, it means you have lost the bet."

Hearing this, Minghao and Qi Xiaojuan's strength seemed to be drained in an instant, so this matter is irreversible, so they are really dead this time! So both of them were like ghosts, staring at Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er with vicious eyes.

"I know, and I didn't say I would quit the game." Li Zedao looked at the five dice on the table and said, "Maybe I'm lucky and roll out a leopard."

After taking a puff of his cigar, Fujii smiled coldly: "Then you just pray that the goddess of luck is just by your side." Of course he didn't believe that the boy in front of him who was so calm that he felt a little flustered could really shake a leopard, Look at the way he holds the dice cup, no matter how you look at it, he is a rookie.

Under the gaze of many pairs of eyes, Li Zedao took the dice cup and started shaking it.

In the next second, Fujii's eyeballs suddenly widened, and he looked at the scene in front of him with disbelief, and a chill came out of his mind, and he felt a bad feeling .

Because, the boy who was so unfamiliar when he was holding the dice cup was so experienced when he shook the dice cup, giving people the feeling of a master in this way, at least the movement when he shook it was not at all. This kid is smooth and beautiful.

The others were also dumbfounded. They never expected that this kid could shake the dice in a decent way. They thought the kid would be clumsy, and even shake the dice inside. It's over.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao slammed his hand heavily on the table, then looked up at Fujii and said with a smile: "Mr. Fujii, come on, lest you say I did something wrong after losing. "

"..." No matter how he heard these words, Fujii felt familiar.

For a moment, all eyes fell on the dice cup, some were nervous, some were praying, some were disdainful, and even had hatred.

Ming Hao, whose face was pale and trembling, growled mentally, you bastard, you better pray that you can win, otherwise I will never let you go even if I am a ghost!

Fujii looked up at Li Zedao's face with a faint smile, the feeling of badness in his heart became worse, and he couldn't help swallowing. Could it be that this kid said that he is good at dice, not just talking casually, but really good at it?

So Fujii suddenly regretted it, why didn't he shake it well just now? If a leopard was shaken out just now, even if the damned China pig also shook out a leopard, it would be a tie and not lose.

Gritting his teeth secretly, he stretched out his hand, trying to calm his inexplicably nervous heart, then slowly removed the dice cup that was buckled on it, took a closer look, and then his eyeballs clicked It got bigger and bigger, and at the end, the two eyeballs seemed to be about to roll off and fall into the dice cup.

Five "six" o'clock lying side by side are making faces at him naked.


Fujii's mind set off a thunderous wave ten thousand times stronger than before, his breathing was short of breath, his face was flushed, and he looked like he was suffering from high blood pressure.

This damned China pig actually shook the leopard out! This is the maximum number of points that a Sic Bo game can roll out! So, he lost a little bit! Therefore, he was not interested in this game at all. He thought it was a betting battle of crushing strength, and he lost!

The other people also had a hellish expression, their eyes kept alternating between Li Zedao and the dice, their expressions were so wonderful, they never thought that Mr. Such a kid, this is really ridiculous and unimaginable.

So, Mr. Fujii released the water... Such a solid guess made them really guilty, because they knew very well that Mr. Fujii was a strong person.

For a moment, the entire office fell into an extremely strange dead silence.

" won, you really won..." Zheng Wan'er's voice of surprise sounded, breaking the silence of the room, she looked at the back of the person who was so close and said excitedly, even like He was so excited that he was going to hug the back, but when he thought of something, the outstretched hand quickly retracted, and his little face was already blush seductively.

"Of course, how could I lose against this little shrimp?" Li Zedao turned his head and winked at Zheng Wan'er.

Zheng Wan'er smiled sweetly, very happy: "I knew you would win."

"Really?" Li Zedao's expression was a little playful, "Then why did you have such a worried face just now?"

"Ah... You are really annoying." Zheng Wan'er blushed pretty, and gave Li Zedao a hard look, but there was a lot of joy in her eyes.

"Uh...won? Did he really shake out the leopard?" Ming Hao and Qi Xiaojuan, who were lying there, were also dumbfounded, and soon they both had excited expressions on their faces. In this way, they can leave this ghostly place up.

"Baga, do you dare to play tricks?" Fujii looked at Li Zedao's eyes suddenly turned from astonishment to ice-cold, he didn't want to believe that this kid could shake a leopard, even if he was lucky. Maybe it came out with a shake, so there is only one explanation, that is, he cheated... although he didn't see that he cheated at all.

Then, the stunned men around also reacted and immediately surrounded Li Zedao and Zheng Wan'er. The man who pulled out the gun pointed his gun at Li Zedao again, waiting for Fujii's At one command, he pulled the trigger and smashed the kid's head off.

At the same time, Ming Hao and Qi Xiaojuan's surprised faces immediately froze, and their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley again. Yes, even if the other party really lost, how could they let them leave easily?

The development of the matter is like a roller coaster, so Minghao is almost tortured crazy, and his spirit is already on the verge of collapse, but all he can do is to curse this bastard again in his heart. And you can go with just one arm, so why pretend to be a calf? Why?

"Cheating? Are you sure?" Li Zedao looked at Fujii and smiled.

I don't know why, when Fujii faced such a smile, he felt inexplicably nervous, and then he became even more angry mentally, to be frightened by this damned China pig, which is extremely embarrassing. But how could he lose to this kind of kid? If it gets out, what will he do in the future? In addition, how could he watch the money that was about to be in his pocket fly away? So, he must have cheated! He must cheat!

"Boy, I think you should know what will happen if you cheat in my casino, so..." The cold voice stopped abruptly, and even cold sweat broke out on Fujii's forehead, because his The forehead was actually blocked by the cold muzzle of the gun.

At the same time, the boy holding the gun against Li Zedao's head only felt that his hands were empty, and the pistol in his hand seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. His eyes widened and his eyes were so confused. What about your pistol? Where is my pistol? My pistol...Huh? The pistol with the muzzle on Mr. Fujii's forehead looks so familiar.

Then, his eyeballs widened. Isn't that his gun?

The reactions of the other men were similar to his. Their faces were filled with astonishment, and their minds were aroused by a wave of 10,000 times stronger than when they saw the boy shake out the leopard just now. They never thought that the boy's hand There was an extra pistol in the house, and what was even more unacceptable was that the muzzle of the pistol was still on Mr. Fujii's forehead!

Mr. Fujii was actually held to the forehead with a gun on his own territory!

"Ba... Baga... Do you know what you are doing? I advise you to put down your gun immediately, otherwise you will never leave here!" After Fujii reacted, he was furious, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

What a shame, he felt that the sum of all the insults he had received in his life was not as much as he has received in just a few minutes now! First he lost to this kid inexplicably, and now he is still held to his head with a gun. If it gets out, he, Fujii, no matter whether he is in the gambling world or in the underground world of the island country, will not be confused. He is not worthy of having that special poker Even the entire Sumiyoshi Club will be reduced to a laughing stock.

Therefore, no matter what background this kid is, how big his background is, and the price he paid too badly, Fujii has no intention of letting him go, he must be kept! He wanted him to pay a painful price, and he wanted to use the other party's blood to wash away the humiliation he had suffered.

At the same time, those gang members also reacted. Those who drew their guns drew out their guns, and those with sharp knives all stared at Li Zedao with extremely cruel eyes, as if they would chop him into pieces if they disagreed. .

"Baga, you damn pig, put down your pistol..."

"Yaga, you are provoking our powerful Sumiyoshi Association..."

The plot once again had a big reversal, so Minghao and Qi Xiaojuan were dumbfounded again. Li Zedao shook out the leopard, which was beyond their expectations, and now Li Zedao still pointed a gun at the big leopard in a decent manner. The bastard's head... They only felt the roar in their minds, and they were extremely shocked.

"Mr. Fujii, isn't it good to follow the rules? Why do you have to be angry and say I'm cheating after losing?" Li Zedao ignored the men with fierce expressions around him, looked at Fujii with a smile and said, for this dead He was really dissatisfied with Fat Pig's actions.

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