The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1622 Wronged Woman

Li Zedao looked at Zheng Wan'er and smiled, "Fortunately, we didn't waste too much time, let's go to Disney."

"Yeah." Zheng Wan'er smiled and nodded, looking at Li Zedao with a strange feeling in her eyes. Then she looked back at Qi Xiaojuan and said, "Xiaojuan, I'm fine now, you should hurry back and clean up, and then have a good rest."

"Wan'er, thank you, I'm sorry..." Qi Xiaojuan cried again, wanting to hug Zheng Wan'er like before, but after stretching out her hand, she didn't move forward.

"It's okay." Zheng Wan'er nodded her head and said a few words of comfort as if she didn't see her hesitant hands. As for Ming Hao who curled up there and didn't dare to raise his head to look so embarrassed, she just ignored it.

If there is no comparison, there is no harm. Compared with Li Zedao, this man is like a small sand compared with a dazzling pearl, there is no comparison at all.

Seeing Zheng Wan'er's reaction, Qi Xiaojuan felt even more dejected. The cracks had already appeared, and it would be too difficult to mend it exactly as it was before.

After getting into Li Zedao's car parked there, Zheng Wan'er looked at Li Zedao, smiled wryly apologetically and said, "I'm sorry for making you wronged, I didn't expect their reaction to be so big."

"It's okay, besides, it has nothing to do with you." Li Zedao said with a smile, and started the car.

"How could it be okay? If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have come to this casino." Zheng Wan'er blamed herself a little.

Li Zedao smiled: "Don't be so polite, we are good friends, aren't we?"

Zheng Wan'er nodded lightly, with a smile all over her face, and said with great difficulty: "However, you are so... unbelievable, you are so good at rolling dice. You must be the king of kings. Also, you really dare to shoot? It scares me. Seeing you like that, you used to shoot often, right? And you disappeared all of a sudden. Those people fell to the ground when they saw you, how did you do it? It’s like magic. It’s hard to imagine that this is something a sophomore can do, you..."

Zheng Wan'er wanted to ask who you are, but they didn't seem to be familiar with each other to that extent, so she quickly cut off her own question.

"What? Conquered by my handsomeness?" Li Zedao teased Mimi with a smile.

"Ah..." Zheng Wan'er panicked, her cheeks flushed a little, then she bit her lips lightly and said, "Yes, I was conquered by you, can't I? Hee hee, I'm not afraid of you knowing, I still pray , I pray that you and your girlfriend will break up quickly so that I will have a chance to chase you, but I don't know if you will give me a chance when I chase you?"

Such words seem to be true and false, you can take them as a joke, or as an expression of true feelings. Women always have the advantage of being able to change their roles freely. You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. Definitely not at a disadvantage.

Of course, Li Zedao can be almost 100% sure that this is definitely a fake! It's just that the little girl's adoring and shy emotions were perfectly performed by Zheng Wan'er, a terrifying woman, as if everything was real.

But the opportunity for a further relationship has undoubtedly appeared, so Li Zedao simply grasped it and said with a smile: "Of course I will, and you have such an opportunity."

"Huh? What chance?"

"Pursue my chance." Li Zedao looked at the woman who froze and smiled.

"Ah? Really?" Zheng Wan'er's heartbeat began to speed up, and then she felt that her reaction was too big, her pretty face flushed, she turned her face away guiltily, and looked outside, "You broke up with your girlfriend? I don't believe it, how could you break up with such a beautiful girl?"

"Really!" Li Zedao said with certainty.


In Qingyun Building, He Xiaoyue's room.

At this time, He Xiaoyue was standing in front of the dressing mirror, looking at the soft and attractive body in the mirror, looking at her still young face, and also focused on the faint but concealed smile in the corner of her eyes. Unceasing crow's feet, with a heavy sigh.

"Only if the vegetation is scattered, I am afraid that the beauty will be late." These two famous sentences from the ages appeared in He Xiaoyue's mind, and her expression became even more gloomy.

Soon, the sadness in the pair of beautiful big eyes in the mirror turned into worry little by little, and the heart was more like being pierced by a thorn, and it hurt faintly.

Counting from the moment He Xiaoyang was taken away to now, it has been ten days, and there is still no news, and his life and death are unknown. And it has been six days since she, Li Zedao and Beilai Island dj.

During these six days, the forces that kidnapped He Xiaoyang and left those words behind did not take the initiative to contact Li Zedao who had been in the island country for six full days, as if they had already forgotten about it.

During these six days, Li Zedao did not say that he would find a way to find relevant clues, and then quickly rescue He Xiaoyang... At least He Xiaoyue didn't see him making any preparations to rescue He Xiaoyang.

During these six days, He Xiaoyue was worried every day, but she had to cheer up and smile, she couldn't be weak, she couldn't be chaotic, because she was Qingyun's sister He, she was chaotic, she was weak, Then Qingyun will be chaotic and weak.

During these six days, Li Zedao was very "busy". Yes, he was very busy. He would drive out after breakfast every day, and sometimes he would come back very late at night...

He Xiaoyue knew that for the past six days, he had been with the stewardess named Zheng Wan'er for the whole day and even most of the night. He accompanied her to eat, went shopping with her, and went to almost the entire DJ with her, so , He Xiaoyue's heart became even more confused.

When Li Zedao came back at night or had breakfast together in the morning, she was still as gentle as water, but that kind of gentleness became more and more perfunctory. Yes, it's a perfunctory taste, He Xiaoyue herself felt it very clearly, she even made excuses that her body was falling apart and she couldn't eat anymore, and her period was coming soon, so she asked Li Zedao to go to Bei's room, You don't have to accompany yourself.

She also believes that Li Zedao, who has such a strong perception ability, must also feel that she is perfunctory, but He Xiaoyue believes that Li Zedao will not think too much, he only thinks that she is too worried about He Xiaoyang's safety, and he has to He was exhausted from dealing with Qingyun's affairs, so he just told her to rest well, don't get too tired, and he also said that he would try his best to rescue He Xiaoyang...

When He Xiaoyue heard this, she didn't know why she wanted to ridicule this little man who stunned her, how could you have time to think of a way when you were with that stewardess every day?

He Xiaoyue felt heartbroken, disappointed, and helpless. She was not jealous of Zheng Wan'er, because this kind of thing happened often, and she really didn't have any capital to be jealous. She just felt that Xiaoyang's whereabouts were unknown. It is uncertain, and he was taken away because of you, but you are like this... Could He Xiaoyang be too wronged and wronged?

"Ai!" With a heavy sigh, as if her heart had been stabbed severely by a knife, He Xiaoyue muttered to herself, "When this matter is over, will... never see you again?"

The surface of those beautiful eyes in the mirror was already covered with a thin layer of mist, full of pain, reluctance, and determination.

Then, she got up and went back to the bed, turned off the light, and the room suddenly fell into darkness. Of course, her heart was also dark at this time, without any light.

Then, she wrapped her head tightly in a quilt and cried silently.

At this moment, she is not Sister Qingyunhe whose reputation resounds throughout the underground world of the island country, nor Sister Xiaoyue who has the demeanor of a confidant sister in front of Li Zedao and other girls, she is just a lonely and wronged woman.

The other room was also gloomy. In the darkness, Bei's head was pressed against Li Zedao's chest, listening to his powerful heartbeat. This was a move she liked very much, especially after she had devoted herself to it. Lie quietly and listen for a while.

This kind of heartbeat sounds like the most melodious movement in the world, making her extremely obsessed.

Li Zedao's big hands slid on her smooth back, quietly enjoying the warmth.

"It's been six days." Bei raised his head slightly, and in the darkness, those eyes shone with a charming light like the two most precious gems.

"Yeah, it's been six days." Li Zedao smiled wryly.

Counting from the day when he left Fengchen Casino on his way to Disneyland, he had already been in "love" with that Zheng Wan'er for six days.

That day Li Zedao told Zheng Wan'er with a smile that you had a chance to pursue me, and he also told Zheng Wan'er about himself, telling her that he was surrounded by more than 20 women and some simple things.

Zheng Wan'er was dumbfounded for quite a while, after confirming that Li Zedao was not joking with her, she looked outside and remained silent for a long while, as if she was struggling with something in her heart, and finally came back to her senses, her eyes were not too daring Facing Li Zedao, her cheeks were slightly hot and she whispered that she wanted that chance, would she give it?

Li Zedao said with certainty, of course!

So, in the next few days, they seemed like a couple in love, holding hands and strolling through the streets one after another. Li Zedao helped Zheng Waner buy a lot of things. Zheng Waner felt sorry for the money, and Li Zedao laughed. Said that this is the compensation given by the dead fat pig, and it is not in vain.

Zheng Wan'er also carefully prepared a gift for Li Zedao. It was a wrist watch. Zheng Wan'er was very embarrassed and said that the price of this watch was naturally not as good as the one Li Zedao was wearing now, but she also put her little Almost all the money in the treasury was spent.

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