The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1623 The problem of not kissing

Li Zedao was so moved that he took off the watch on his wrist, asked Zheng Waner to put on the watch she had prepared, and said that he liked it very much.

Afterwards, they visited almost all the famous attractions in Tokyo together, ate all kinds of food in Tokyo, and even went to the so-called Anime Music Festival because Zheng Waner likes animation. Cheng became a female character in a famous anime, and even brought Li Zedao along.

They also beat up a few gangsters who tried to moles the girls. Of course, Li Zedao was responsible for the beatings, and Zheng Wan'er was on the sidelines to help. They also beat up a thief who was going to steal Zheng Wan'er's wallet. There was also a small car accident. The car was rear-ended.

In short, the two of them have had rich, interesting and warm and romantic experiences in the past few days, not much different from those couples who went on a trip.

"The car shook?" Shadow said suddenly.

"Ahem..." Li Zedao almost choked to death at Sister Bei's words. This woman must have been taught badly by the shadow. Otherwise, why are those *things on her mind all day long?

"Sister Bei, how can you think so..."

A murderous aura struck, Li Zedao smiled resentfully and quickly changed his words: "I didn't do anything, not even a kiss, the most I could do was hold hands."

"It seems that she really doesn't want to fall in love with you. Everything she's showing now is an illusion." Bei frowned. It's been six days since she fell in love, and she hasn't even kissed her. This has to be said to be very abnormal ... At least for a big pervert like Li Zedao, it is really abnormal. How could such a thick-skinned guy let the other party's small mouth go?

The reasonable explanation is that that woman is very guarded, making it impossible for Li Zedao to speak!

Li Zedao's psychology is full of helplessness, and he feels that sister Bei's words are nonsense. The two of them are not really in a relationship, but they are both showing off their acting skills and performing with their souls. During these six days, Li Zedao's heart Always hanging on, he believed that Zheng Wan'er was the same.

So because he was acting and not really tempted, Li Zedao really didn't want to say that he would take the initiative to kiss Zheng Wan'er's little mouth... Li Zedao knew very well that if he said that, Sister Bei would not believe it.

Anyway, Sister Bei doesn't believe that she is that kind of pure person, so Li Zedao is really wronged. Why does Sister Bei always think of herself so...wretched? Can't it be because of childhood sweethearts if they don't kiss? It can't be because the two of them are very shy and shy people, even holding hands and faces are hot, let alone kissing... Well, Li Zedao really can't make it up.

He didn't seem to be that kind of person, and Zheng Wan'er didn't look like that either. Besides, when he was on the plane, Li Zedao had already noticed that this Zheng Waner was no longer a virgin, so she must have been in a relationship before, and even had a lot of love experience, who knows?

"All of her performance, no matter her words, deeds, manners, or the control of her emotions, the expression of her eyes, were flawless, so if I hadn't seen such a horrifying scene that night, I would definitely think that she is A little girl who is attracted to me, just like you." Li Zedao felt powerless in his heart, and competing with that woman's acting skills is really exhausting.

"Get out!" Bei said angrily, what does it mean to be like you?

Li Zedao smiled, and continued: "And she is too familiar with everything about Zheng Wan'er, so familiar that she even knows about sesame and garlic.

There are no omissions and flaws at all, so I have to think, could our previous guess be wrong? There is no so-called fake Zheng Wan'er at all, only one Zheng Wan'er? She is not a skull-headed person either. As for her terrifying skills... who doesn't have any secrets? "

"Impossible, she must be a fake, otherwise how can I explain the scene of being molested by gangsters on the street that night? With her skill, as for the panic in her eyes? Besides, she didn't hide her strength afterwards. That bastard was disabled, so the pitiful scene of being stopped and molested by the gangster was just for us to see and attract our attention." Bei frowned and expressed his opinion, "There was such a time The hero saves the beauty, and then she will have an excuse to approach you."

This is undoubtedly a very old-fashioned but very effective method.

"Don't tell me she's really interested in you, so she approached you in such a low-class way." Bei glanced at Li Zedao.

"..." Li Zedao was really dissatisfied with what Sister Bei said, why couldn't he really like it? I'm very attractive, don't you know?

Having said that, Bei once again felt that the woman was scary, because the premise of acting in that play was that she had to know in advance that she and Li Zedao appeared on that street. In other words, the woman had to secretly monitor their every move. One move, and under surveillance, Li Zedao was not even the slightest bit vigilant!

What's even more frightening is that such monitoring must have started on the plane.

The only good thing is that she didn't notice when Li Zedao was spying on her, so the two were evenly matched.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, and had to say that Bei's idea was correct.

"Besides, if she's really okay and really likes you, why doesn't she kiss you?" Bei was still struggling with this question that made Li Zedao somewhat crazy, "Don't tell me it's because of her bad breath!"

"..." Li Zedao confirmed once again that Sister Bei is definitely a master at telling cold jokes.

"So, if I don't kiss you, on the one hand, she doesn't really like you at all. On the other hand, I doubt whether there is any flaw in her mouth, and this flaw will be exposed as long as you kiss her mouth Come out, and then her true identity will be exposed? So you can find a chance to try it when you see her tomorrow." Bei Xiao's face was full of dignity, and he felt more and more that his thoughts were right.

"..." Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, and wanted to worship this female Mori Kogoro a little bit, why did this get more and more outrageous, but... Could it be that she was right when a blind cat met a dead mouse? Li Zedao couldn't help muttering in his mind.

"However, it's not good for me to take the initiative to kiss a girl's mouth like this..." Li Zedao thought about it and said a little embarrassed.

"Not good? Are you at a disadvantage?" Bei snorted contemptuously.

"Uh, I didn't suffer, it's just... I'm sorry..."

"What kind of person are you?" Bei was even more contemptuous.

Li Zedao wanted to argue with this woman who always likes to think of people so badly, why am I not that kind of person? I'm not a random person, okay? This is acting, she is not my woman, I am a person with ideals, pursuits, ambitions and cleanliness, not my woman, I never kiss casually, okay?

So Li Zedao was very unhappy and raised his big hand, directly on Sister Bei's buttocks, and said viciously, "How dare you say that about me?"

"Get out!" Bei said angrily, but there was a lot of tenderness in his eyes.

"Of course, it would be even better if she is really okay, not a skull-headed person, but really likes you, and just wants to have a simple and ordinary relationship with you...Of course, in this case Basically nonexistent." Bei frowned again.

Let’s not talk about the scene where the woman deliberately pretended to be pitiful in front of them. More importantly, Li Zedao has been in the island country for several days, but there is no news about the skull. It seems that Li Zedao has been forgotten. It seems like, but at this time, there is a girl like Zheng Wan'er with terrifying skills. This girl is still fighting fiercely with Li Zedao at this time... So, not only did the skull not forget Li Zedao, on the contrary, it also made such a A terrible woman placed beside Li Zedao?

If this is the case, that woman's delay in attacking is probably because she is not absolutely sure about meeting Li Zedao, so she is still looking for a fatal blow, right?

"No matter what, don't be obsessed with sex." Bei looked up at Li Zedao, and reminded with a solemn expression, she was worried that this guy would fall ill again and then tell that Zheng Wan'er that you want to kill me like a fool? Really want to kill me? You actually want to kill me? Then you kill...

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, how could he be obsessed with sex? If you are careless in the face of such a terrifying woman, it is tantamount to making fun of your own life. Li Zedao will not do this kind of thing.

Li Zedao is really dissatisfied with Sister Bei's reminder, does he seem to be the kind of person who is obsessed with sex? Besides, Zheng Wan'er didn't care to see that level at all, okay?

"Sister Bei, you've exhausted my strength, so I won't be obsessed with sex anymore?" Li Zedao whispered embarrassingly as he slowly slid his big hand down the smooth back.

"Get out!" In the darkness, Bei's small face was a little hot, and he felt that a big hand that seemed to be full of magic power was starting to mess up again, his body tensed up suddenly, and the next second, he sat up. , with soft eyes, looking down at Li Zedao, his voice is no longer the coldness of the past, it is more like the voice of a lazy kitten: "Then... absorb all the strength in your body... ..."


In the middle of the night, in a room of a traditional B\u0026B in an island country, the big golden horn on an old vinyl phonograph in the corner played a certain piano piece that seemed agitated and somewhat gloomy, late at night The room looked so abrupt and frightening, making this ordinary room permeated with a cold and desolate smell.

The wooden doors and windows of the room were tightly closed, and there was no light in the room. Only the light from the corridor outside projected from the gaps in the wooden window lattice kept the room from being too dark.

In the middle of the room, a hexagonal coffin was quietly placed there. The coffin was not covered, so you could vaguely see a wonderful naked body lying quietly on the coffin. inside.

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