The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1624 Women Are Liars

This is a woman, a very beautiful but very weird woman.

The strange thing is that her opened eyes are strangely red, like the eyes of a rabbit. Her small mouth is slightly grinning, and there are two terrifying sharp fangs growing on the row of teeth on it. At the same time, her fingers with weirdly long nails tapped the coffin lightly following the rhythm of the music.

At this moment, her brows frowned slightly, and the murderous look in her scarlet eyes flashed past.

Soon, the redness in her eyes disappeared, the fangs in her mouth disappeared, and the weirdly long nails also disappeared. Then, she sat up first, then stood up quietly, Stepped out of the coffin, walked to the record player in the corner with elegant and noble steps, and reached out to close it.

The cold music disappeared instantly, and the whole room fell into an inexplicable dead silence.

The disappearance of the music seemed to be sending some kind of signal, and then the knock on the door sounded "Bump!"

The woman looked back at the wooden door, her eyes flickered with a palpitating murderous look again, then she walked slowly to the coffin, reached into the coffin, took out a black bath towel from inside and covered herself, Barely covering himself with the big spring, he said lightly, "Come in."

The wooden door was moved, and a tall figure walked in slowly.

"Good evening, Miss Elena." Wade said with a slight smile. His smiling eyes calmly fell on the sexy back of the woman standing in front of the coffin, without the slightest hint of obscenity and greed in his eyes.

He is very clear about the origin of this woman, so he knows how stupid it is to have superfluous thoughts about this woman.

"Good evening, Mr. Wade." Elena responded lightly, and she didn't turn her head to look at the man who walked in, obviously she didn't welcome this man at all.

Just now, she just got up from the coffin and turned off the music because she felt this damned guy appearing at the door.

Wade didn't care if the other party was so cold. After all, this woman did have the capital of being cold. Of course, he was used to it. He smiled and said, "I'm so sorry that I came to disturb you so late..."

"Since you know it's late and you're bothering me, why do you still come?" Elena asked bluntly.

Wade smiled, without any embarrassment on his face, and said: "Well, General Skull asked me to come here to remind Miss Elena that it has been six days, and tomorrow is the last day of the week .”

Before they planned to give Elena two weeks, but the woman said it was insulting her, one week is enough, and tomorrow is the last day.

"Please tell General Skull that my memory has always been good." Elena said coldly, "Before this time tomorrow, I will give you the person you want."

"Oh, that's really great Miss Elena, I'll pass on your words to General Skull, I think he will be very happy when he hears it." Wade said with a smile.

"I also want to remind you, don't forget what you promised me, otherwise... Dear Mr. Wade, even if you have something in your hands that I am extremely afraid of, please believe me, before I go to hell It will definitely send you to hell first.

"Elena's scarlet eyes glanced back slightly, and her tongue stuck out, licking her lips.

The corners of Wade's mouth twitched slightly, he nodded and said: "Miss Elena, please rest assured, our Skull's reputation has always been good, and besides, we don't want to talk to Miss Elena at all. Enemy, we just want to be best friends with you."

Elena snorted coldly: "It's better that way."

"Please have a good rest, good night." Wade smiled, nodded slightly in a gentlemanly manner, turned around and left the room, and then gently closed the door from the outside, so the room fell into darkness again.

In the darkness, Elena's eyes gradually became more scarlet, and there was a palpitating light in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.


When I woke up, it was already bright.

Today's weather is good, the bright light sneaks into the room through the gaps in the curtains and smears strips of gold on the table and the big bed.

Bei didn't open his eyes early like before, but Lai slept soundly in Li Zedao's arms.

She was very tired last night.

For the sake of Li Zedao's "safety", she tossed Li Zedao until midnight, trying to drain Li Zedao's energy completely, but the ending was the same as before, she had no strength and had to surrender.

Looking at the bare shoulders and the contented smile on the face of the beautiful woman in his arms, one hand holding the softness of her chest, and the other hand on her smooth and flat pussy... Li Zedao felt a little emotional again.

The ever-increasing strength of his hands stimulated Bei from his beautiful dream, his beautiful eyes opened slightly, he glanced at Li Zedao dissatisfied, and said coldly: "If you don't sleep, go away!"

Li Zedao chuckled, and the one who turned over put her under him: "Sister Bei, you haven't finished tossing my strength yet."


Bei simply kicked Li Zedao out of bed, and said coldly, "Fix it yourself." Then she closed her beautiful eyes, yawned, and continued to sleep.

Li Zedao climbed up from the bottom of the bed with difficulty, looked at Sister Bei who had fallen asleep in seconds, with tears in her eyes, full of grievances, and muttered: "Liars, women are liars, what you agreed to take is my You've drained your strength, liar!"


The breakfast is still soy milk, fried dough sticks, small porridge and pickles. Although simple, it is fragrant and delicious.

Although Bei's skills are there, yesterday's physical and mental exhaustion was too serious. Such a loss is no less than three days and three nights of fighting with a master, so he yawned a few times during breakfast. After yawning, he glared at Li Zedao, who looked very proud, with extremely unfriendly eyes.

How dare you laugh so obscenely? So gloating? Bei kicked over and kicked Li Zedao's calf hard.

"Pfft!" Li Zedao was so unprepared that he spat out the soy milk in his mouth in pain.

He Xiaoyue, who was sitting on the other side of Li Zedao, saw Li Zedao and Bei arguing over there, full of youthful breath and vitality, and the soft smile on her face remained undiminished, but there was an inexplicable feeling in her heart. This kind of emotion suddenly made her feel a little bad.

"Sister Xiaoyue, are you crying?" Li Zedao's caring and distressed voice sounded beside his ears, "Your eyes are red."

"Oh, it's okay, just... worried about Xiaoyang." He Xiaoyue met Li Zedao's caring eyes, shook her head and said softly.

Inexplicably, she wanted to block the little guy's words back, she wanted to question him, why didn't I hurry up and get Xiao Yang back when I was already so worried? Why don't you stay and talk to me more?

"Don't worry, it will be fine." Li Zedao gently held her hand. Li Zedao couldn't do anything except comfort, reassurance time and time again, other than waiting for the other party to take the initiative to contact and trying to find a way to quickly deal with the terrifying woman who might be sent by the skull.

It is this comfort without any nutrition! He Xiaoyue felt as if her heart had been pricked by a needle, and she began to ache faintly, her expression remained unchanged and she asked softly, "Will you go out after dinner?"

Li Zedao nodded and said, "I made an appointment with Wan'er to go diving on Tokashiki Island together."

That place is not too far from the DJ, and the average depth is 5-30 meters. There are many spectacular canyons and caves waiting for diving enthusiasts to explore, and because this place is a slope-shaped terrain, there are many types of hard corals and sea fans. All kinds of fish gather here, so that place is a famous diving spot.

Li Zedao also went there once when he came back. Of course, that trip was not for diving, but to sneak into the Nisso docked there.

The one who went with Li Zedao that time was to Antarctica, the woman who was destined to make Li Zedao unable to let go of it for the rest of his life.

This time, it was Zheng Wan'er who went with Li Zedao. She was a terrifying woman who had spent a lot of time with Li Zedao to accompany her for several days...Of course, no matter what the final result was, this woman of unknown origin was terrifying and abnormal. It is also destined to be remembered by Li Zedao for a lifetime.

Sure enough, he went to accompany her again. He Xiaoyue's heart was pricked by a needle again, and it hurt so badly, why can't she...stay with me in Qingyun Building for a day?

Of course, He Xiaoyue couldn't say something like that, it wasn't her style, and she also felt that she didn't have the right to say that. One of his many women, even because of her age and experience, she is not even qualified to be jealous!

So she said with a gentle smile: "Well, that's a good girl, find a time to bring her back and get to know her well."

"Bring it back and get to know him well?" Li Zedao smiled wryly, nodded slightly, and didn't say much.

After breakfast, Li Zedao got into the Lexus lx that seemed to be his car, and slowly left Qingyun Building.

In front of a window of the building, He Xiaoyue stood there quietly, looking at the car from top to bottom, until she lost sight of the car before her eyes, then sighed heavily, her eyes full of tears. All bitter and lost, he muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Why can't you... stay with me?"

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